Member Reviews

This is an emotional love story by Stacey Lynn; she’s a new author to me and I must say that I’m hooked. She delivered a story that kept me interested beginning to end and everything in between. The writing was great. It’s a fun, light yet tragic, heavy read that is also sexy and hot too.

Camden's been through something tragic that's left her scarred inside and out, she's working through issues of trust and love. I found her character to be strong; she’s a fighter and a survivor, she just needs to believe it. There were moments where you could feel her stiffen and close up when David pushed her to talk. She likes to be in control of her plans, keep her distance and her secret but, David has the ability to make her feel, talk and take chances that are both scary yet exciting.

David isn’t without his own issues. He’s struggling because of some experiences in his past, which has left him with the unanswered question of who he is and who he wants to be. David's so sweet, so understanding and very patient with Camden.

I absolutely love them together and I had my fingers crossed that would happen for them. I was emotional and had tears off and on. It was both frustrating and hopeful throughout their independent journey and their struggle to be a couple. It took me some time to read this book because it’s such a back and forth romance. I felt I needed a break from the angst here and there so I had to put it down and walk away.

I’m definitely interested in more of the Fireside Novels. I think it can be read as a stand-alone although I did meet some characters from the previous books, I didn’t feel like I was missing anything. I’m curious in reading more about their group of friends

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I really enjoyed this book. I love when a man never gives up on getting the woman he wants and David was fantastic! Perfect book boyfriend! Super steamy with great characters and a sweet romance!

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Fun to read, and watching David and Camden dance around each other was great. Fireside Grill is the perfect background for this series.

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His to Seduce by Stacey Lynn was amazing!!
It was everything I hoped it would be, as well as expect it to be with an amazing author like Stacey!
Initially, the cover is what drew me in! It is absolutely stunning, and makes you want to pick up the novel!
Beyond the cover, the flawless writing and individualistic plot line made the novel and unputdownable read!
I urge you to go read the novel today! It should be a must read for everyone!
5/5 Stars!

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Unfortunately, it seems that we have come to an end with this remarkable series. The Fireside Grill has seen many broken hearts mended and many broken souls finding their soulmates. This last installment brings David and Camden together. An attraction that has been a long time coming has finally found its way ;)

Davld McGregor has come to Latham Hills Michigan to help one of his best friends, Aiden, to get over the loss of his teenage son. Derrick was not only Aiden's son, but was all of theirs. Having raised him all together in collage, his loss is almost as painful for them as it is for Aiden. Being an ER doctor and not being able to save everyone he tries to help him has always hurt, but after losing Derrick, David realizes that he can no longer continue to be a doctor. So he decides to pack up his life in Chicago and come to Latham Hills and be a bartender at the Fireside Grill. Only his best friends know who he truly is. To the rest of the world, he is just a carefree bartender.

Camden Reed is a survivor. She had to start her life all over again after surviving a rape attempt. She finds it very hard to trust men. All she wants is a safe relationship with a stable and trustworthy man. And even though she can't help but be attracted to the hot bartender she can't help but feel that he is just another irresponsible guy who is just after a fun time. But when they are all in Jamaica for their best friends' wedding Camden finally decides to give David a chance and to let loose. Before long she finds out that looks can truly be deceiving and that there is more than meets the eye!

Another emotional and sensual read by Stacey Lynn. Can't wait to see what her next series will be about!

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So this is book number four in this series, I only read book two somehow I totally missed book three, and ended up reading book four. Was I a bit lost, yes I will admit I think the experience would have been better if I had read the prior books. So just a lil PSA, read the previous books, it will flow and make more sense.

Camden is the friend that sticks to herself, she likes hanging with the girls but keeps the guys at bay. David moved back to town after leaving his job as an ER doctor, and is now helping his friend tend bar. He has had his eye on Camden since he first met her, and now that he has her on an island for Blue and Tyson's wedding, he is going to use it to his advantage.

Camden has no clue why David has such a strong hold over her, she is just not herself around him, he brings out her daring side something that she is definitely not. Just when Camden thinks that things are changing for her, she finds out the secret that David hasn't shared with her, and feeling betrayed she runs. Will David get Camden to listen to his reasons? Does it make her a hypocrite to be mad at David for having a secret when she has something of her own?

This was a good read, with drama, some very nice sexy times, and a group of friends that prove what having each other's back means. I give this 4 stars

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C'est le deuxième tome de la saga que je lis et je suis toujours autant transportée par cette histoire. La saga Fireside compte donc 4 tomes : His to love, His to protect , His to cherish et His to seduce. J'ai donc lu le troisième tome que j'ai dévoré et qui était un coup de coeur ( Vous pouvez retrouver mon avis en cliquant ICI) et j'espère vraiment que la saga sera publiée en France car elle est vraiment top. Les personnages sont tous attachants les uns que les autres et même si je n'ai pas lu les deux premiers tomes, je sais que je le ferai un jour.

Mais revenons à ce nouveau tome qui se focalise sur Candem Reed et David Mc Gregor. Nous les avions découvert dans le précédent tome et j'avais hâte de découvrir leur histoire . Tous les deux cachent des secrets importants et ils devront apprendre à se faire confiance pour les partager et tenter d'avancer main dans la main ensemble.

On découvre donc Candem Reed une jeune comptable qui met de la distance entre elle et les hommes. Depuis 5 mois, elle résiste fermement aux avances de David, le barman . On apprend donc à la découvrir lors de ce week end à Hawai. Toute sa bande d'amies y passent le week end pour célébrer le mariage de Blue et Tyson. Ce que j'adore dans cette série est le fait qu'ils sont tous liés d'amitié et qu'on sent que cette amitié est sincère et profonde. Pourtant malgré cela, les secrets sont bien gardés et elle ne dira pas ce qui la taraude autant. Elle a enfui sa souffrance depuis tant d'année qu'une armure lui sert de rempart. Candem est une jeune femme qui a besoin de contrôler sa vie en faisant des listes et en s'y tenant. Tout doit être carré, prévu et elle ne laisse donc pas place à l'inconnu. C'est surtout une femme meurtrie qui redoute par dessus tout d'affronter ses peurs. On sent qu'elles sont profondément ancrées en elle et qu'elle préfère faire comme si elles n'existaient pas pour ne pas devoir les surpasser. Pourtant , elles sont bien présentes et lui pourrissent la vie.

Ainsi lors de ce week end , David a décidé de donner un coup de pied dans la fourmilière et de faire en sorte qu'elle se dépasse et qu'elle s'ouvre. Ce week end sous le soleil est donc le moyen pour Candem de lâcher en quelque sorte prise. Même si le traumatisme reste bien présent , elle va oser aller de l'avant, oser ressentir les choses. L'auteur Stacey Lynn nous offre à cette occasion des scènes d'une sensualité parfaite. Nous sommes entraînés dans cette spirale sensuelle et nous n'avons pas envie qu'elle cesse. Tout l'enjeu de l'intrigue résidera donc dans le fait de découvrir les indices que l'auteur sème au fil de ses pages pour reconstituer le puzzle complet. Si certains éléments sont bien entendu évidents, il n'en sera pas de même pour tous les détails. Je ne vous dévoilerai rien mais je me posais des questions sur certains a priori mais une fois le roman refermé , j'ai compris. Candem parviendra t-elle à faire confiance à David? Saura t-elle dépasser son passé pour regarder vers l'avenir? Pourra t-elle dire la vérité à tous les personnes qui l'aiment comme elle est?

David Mc Gregor est un personnage qu'on adore du début à la fin car il nous semble être un homme parfait. Je suis sûre qu'il a des défauts mais on le voit d'une patience infinie dans ce tome. Est ce lié à son ancien métier? Je pense qu'en partie oui mais lorsque l'on découvre sa famille, on comprend aisément son sens de l'empathie, sa gentillesse et ce relationnel qu'il peut avoir avec les autres . Même s'il cache lui aussi un secret qui est assez pesant dans sa vie, on a envie de savoir où va nous mener l'intrigue. David aide donc son ami Declan et son amie Trina dans leur bar depuis quelques mois. Est ce son métier de base? Non . David se cherche et remet en cause les raisons qui l'ont poussé autrefois à faire le métier qu'il faisait. Un événement déclencheur et dévastateur va faire basculer le château de cartes et voler en éclat une vie qu'il pensait toute tracée. Ainsi , on ne peut être que sous le charme de cet homme de 32 ans car il n'est pas arrogant( or il pourrait l'être) , il n'est pas égoïste, il est généreux et attentionné. Tout comme Candem , j'ai adoré le voir évoluer avec ses amis. Ils partagent cette amitié même si lui aussi n'ose pas avouer toute la vérité.

La tension narrative réside donc dans le fait que cette vérité pourrait faire voler en éclat une situation assez fragile et le refaire revenir en arrière. Stacey Lynn par le biais de ses personnages nous parlent de thématique forte telles que la culpabilité, la cellule familiale sous toutes ses formes, l'empathie, l'amour, l'amitié et d'autres thèmes que je ne peux évoquer sans vous dévoiler les secrets des personnages principaux. La tension est alors maintenue tout au long du roman car David et Candem devront apprendre à se faire confiance, à se livrer intégralement et à savoir se pardonner. Le passé sera comme un fil qui les empêchera d'aller de l'avant et il faudra donc qu'ils fassent table rase de leur souffrance , de leur remords pour espérer aller de l'avant. David saura t-il trouver les bons mots pour convaincre Candem de sa bonne foi? Pourra t-il trouver son chemin et sa voie professionnelle? L'amour sera t-il au rendez vous?

Bref, une fois de plus je me suis régalée avec cette sublime saga. J'adore lorsque nous pouvons retrouver des personnages des précédents tomes pour se focaliser sur ceux qui étaient alors des personnages secondaires. Stacey Lynn nous offre ici une romance parfaite où les émotions seront au rendez et vibreront au diapason dans des scènes d'une sensualité parfaite. La saga Fireside est un vrai bijou à dévorer au plus vite.

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I'm a big fan of this series and have been waiting for Camden's story for some time. This book can be read as a standalone but I do recommend the series overall as well. This story tugged at my heartstrings much more than I expected-and that's saying a lot since I consider the other books in this series to tackle some emotional issues as well.

I liked Camden, I really did. I liked getting to peek inside her walls, finding out what made her tick even as it broke my heart. She closed herself off to so much so it was wonderful to watch David coax her back into the land of the living in a way nobody else had been able to. I did want to shake her at one point, but even then I understood where she was coming from.

I loved, loved, loved David. I loved how he pushed Camden out of her comfort zone all while still keeping his promise to her to keep her safe. I loved that it wasn't instant love between them, that we got to watch it grow and develop. And I loved that he was so supportive and caring-he was a pretty great book boyfriend.

I was invested in the happiness of these characters. I wanted them to be together. I wanted them to be happy. Based on their chemistry I thought they would suit and I loved watching them figure out just how well suited they were.

I enjoyed getting to revisit characters from the past-that's always a fun perk to me of reading a series. I feel like I could be in this group of friends. I truly enjoyed this book and would recommend it.

**This and other reviews featured on our blog, Booked All Night,**

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Review by Rose for Love Romance Books Blog

I give this book 5 Stars
I was given this book for an honest review...
Wow!! Wow!! Wow!! Fan-freaking-tastic!!!!
What a beautiful story! This book was great from the start! I loved that David was the chaser in the story. I fell that this is not enough books where the man is chasing a head strong woman! David and Camden both have a past that they are running from. However, the find solace in each other. In the beginning it is fine and nothing is tearing it ugly head until Camden finds out that David is lying to her. The lie would not be huge to some people but, to someone that already has emotional baggage it is heart breaking. Camden did not want to put her heart on the line to a bartender. She did not think he would stay around for the long haul and that he would not be dependable. So, she figured she would give him a weekend while in Jamaica for their mutual friends wedding. Once they got back she would go back to her daily life of charts and list. While in Jamaica a vacationer has a seizure and David springs into action and that is when his secret is revealed. He was a Doctor. In her mind he could not be, because he was a bartender. As she watched she saw that he was in fact a doctor! She could not believe that he betrayed her like that. That he lied! Not only that, but some of her friends had known too! She left the island in a fury. She got home.only to be greeted by David ( who chatted a flight all the way home) and all he wanted to do was explain. She would not let him.
Over the next few days she realized she had to talk to him. After all, he was the one guy that made her feel safe. Even after everything she had been thru in life, he made her feel safe. She really could not be too made either because as her mother pointed out, she had secrets too. Only thing was , she was not ready to share her secrets. He explained why he had lied and that he did not know which direction he saw himself going in.
They had been together non-stop for several weeks and he final.gathered the courage to ask her about her past. She immediately pull away and he knew her secret was big but he had know idea of how big it was. Once she blurted it out he felt like a complete idiot for making her go thru that again. He took her home and told her when she was ready to talk about all.of it she knew where to find him. You will.have to read the story to find out if she went after him.or if where wallowed. It is well worth the read!!

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His to Seduce is the fourth and final book in the Fireside Grill series by Stacey Lynn. Camden doesn't do relationships, especially after she's fought her way to where she is. Dave was once an ER doc, but now he's slinging drinks for a living, so she doesn't pay him any attention.

But Dave wears her down, and she agrees to a one-night stand. Dave talks her into more, but lies threaten to tear them apart. Can they overcome their obstacles?

This was a good one by Stacey to end the series. A great wrap up with a heartfelt ending. I wish there were more.

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I have loved this series and I am sad to see it come to an end. I've always wondered about Camden, she seemed to be a rock for her friends but very standoffish when it came to men, well now I know why. Camden hasn't had an easy life and because of that she is a hardened woman that keeps men at a distance, but she is a friend that most people would want, she would do what ever is needed to keep her friends happy and safe.

In this final book of the series the gang is in Jamaica to witness the wedding of Blue and Tyson (His To Love, Fireside #1), Camden has been fighting her attraction for David but David has the weekend to change her mind about being with him. You would think that this would be an easy feat since she is so attracted to him but I assure you that it was anything but easy.

I loved the chemistry between Camden and David but both of them are hiding secrets, secrets that have the ability to change everything. Can there lust for one another survive more than just one night? Will their secrets surface and end things? Will all of the women that have ladies night at Fireside Grill get their HEA? All of these questions and many more are answered in this wonderful read. I really hope that somewhere down the line that Stacey Lynn will give us an update about all of the couples and how their lives are going, either with a little novella or even an extended epilogue on her website.

I highly recommend this entire four book series, each of the books can be read as standalone's but I believe you will want to know about each of the couples so I would start with book #1 His To Love.

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His to Seduce is the fourth book in Stacey Lynn's Fireside series. This book is bartender David & overachiever Camden’s book. These two have been going around each other for months, giving off vibes that they want each other but haven’t acted on it. I get the impression it is more Camden not allowing David in and walling herself off yet the vibes are there, and David picks up on it and knows they would be explosive together. David doesn't give up, especially not when he wants something as much as he wants beautiful Camden.

The tropical location that they went to for the wedding that took place for one of their friends allowed these two to explore their relationship. When there, She finally gives into David McGregor’s advances. She thinks this is just a fling and it will get him out of systems BUT that is not what happened. David is prepared to win Camden’s heart. He does everything to show her that he is in it for the long haul. David sees that the walls she has built around not only her heart but her emotions and herself are super tight but he knows he just has to find a crack or some hole and he can worm his way into her heart. I loved how David kept at it, kept battering those defenses of Camden’s and showing her she was worthy of being loved. Trauma can change a person and can make them withdraw from life and that is what happened with Camden.
Will David get thru to Camden, or will this all be for naught? I loved every twist and turn in the story. I found the sex hot and emotional, the story complex and the characters great. I cannot believe this is the last book in the Fireside series. David and Camden’s story went out with a bang. I cannot wait to see what this author has next.

My rating: 4.8 stars ****
"I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***

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Awesome contemporary Fireside series romance. David is a surgeon who left his position due to the overwhelming loss. As he works at a friend's bar he spots Camden. She's not looking for a boyfriend and if she was She wants and needs security. Over several months she warms up to David but they both have issues to deal with especially Camden. The author did a wonderful job writing this series and book. I look forward to reading future books by her. I received a complementary copy of this book and chose to write a review.

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***ARC Provided via NetGalley and Social Butterfly PR***

3.5 Stars

David and Camden have been dancing around one another for a couple books now, and they finally get their story. And, at first I wasn't sure what I thought about the way it plays out, the idea that they are a vacation fling.

This ended up working for me, because while this was how Camden was able to allow herself to become involved with David, it wasn't where David was in their relationship.

The books with a secret one of them is keeping from the other can be a tough sell, as it feels their is a "lie" between them. In this one, the lie didn't bother me as much as the resolution did. I am not really able to get into it, as that would be a spoiler for the resolution of the story...but I was not really able to buy into the decisions David made with the path of his life. I just didn't think this would happen...or if it would, as there is likely someone out there who has done similar, it was too easy in the story.

This is the last of the books, so there was some narrative that was focused with the other characters, which was balanced nicely without taking away from David and Camden.

I do recommend this book, but with the minor reservation that I was not fully able to engage with the entire story ARC.

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4 1/2 STARS!

An emotionally raw novel filled with a couple of wounded souls finding healing in each other's arms! It was bittersweet to read this book because even though it's one of my favorites in the series, it's also the last. Sad to let this great group of friends go!

David McGregor abandoned his life in Chicago to come to his friend's aid in Latham Hills, Michigan, but the fact that Aidan needed him was just happenstance to the fact that he needed to leave the turmoil of his life behind. He may have been a doctor once upon a time, but the trauma that happened one night led him to this place ... to the heartache that he feels ... and to just needing the easy life of bartending at his buddy's bar for a little while.

Camden Reed carries her own secrets from past heartache, and she doesn't do relationships ... but she can't deny she's drawn to the ever-flirting David even if he isn't the type of man she would ever go for. She needs stability, not a flitting through life bartender!

When passion ignites and secrets are revealed, will the fallout lead to forgiveness and a future no one expected?

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3.5 stars

His to Seduce by Stacey Lynn was an enjoyable read and a good addition to the Fireside series.
I enjoyed watching David and Camden's relationship develop. Camden was a little frustrating at times but I did feel for her after hearing what she'd been through in the past.
For me David made this story, I loved how caring, loving and honest he was with Camden, he truly loved her and knew she was his forever.

I've really enjoyed the Fireside series, each book has been well written, with heartwarming storylines and likable characters that will touch your heart while they find their happily ever after.

Each book can be read as a standalone and I highly recommend them all.

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*Thank you to Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept via NetGalley for the advance copy.*

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I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.

His to Seduce is the fourth book in the Fireside series but it can be read as a stand alone. In this edition we have Camden, who is skittish around men and has quite a bit of hangups, and David a bartender.

Of course not everything is as it seems. Both characters have their fair share of secrets. Neither are willing to share. A weekend of fun and bliss on a remote island away from their responsibilities and issues is just what brought these two together.

I think you know when there are secrets that cloud a relationship they're going to eventually come back to bite you on the butt. Such as it does in this particular novel.

Camden, as I mentioned, has a lot of hangups. I just kept shaking my head over here the entire story. You know those characters you just want to shake to get them to get a clue...she's one of them for me.

David is sweet and endearing. He's definitely the hero you're rooting for.

I would recommend you check out this novel by Stacey Lynn and see if you agree. I hope you like it, as I did.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆
3.5 stars
M/F Romance
Triggers: Click HERE to see Avid Reader’s review on Goodreads for trigger warnings.

David is struggling with his career choice. He went into his career because of a past trauma – he never wanted to feel helpless again. Despite all of the training, the school, the long hours, he finds himself floundering. When he goes back to his friends, he isn't ready to talk about it. Rather, he finds himself helping out behind his friend's bar. That's when he meets Camden.

Camden's outward appearance is uptight, rigid, and a little OCD. Despite those attributes, she has found a group of people that she can hang out with, people who accept her idiosyncrasies. She is attracted to David, but needs more stability than a bartender's life might allow her and because of that, she is judged. However, nobody really knows her reasoning behind her issues.

While in Jamaica celebrating their friends' nuptials, Camden and David finally allow themselves to give into their attraction. David allows Camden to feel a sense of safety that has been lacking and David sees a side of Cam that he loves and wants to know more about her. Throughout their adventures, you see that Cam still can't quite let go of her history and David is still struggling to find the right time to show Cam where he comes from.

After a major miscommunication, Cam doesn't know if she can ever trust David again. While David is upset, he's not going to give up so easily. You learn about their past traumas, you get to see them grow as people and overcome their history.

While this was a feel-good story, I think that it was my least favorite of the series. I can't quite put my finger on it, but both characters were so scared and then, once everything was cleared up, it was just great – there was really no in between.

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I'm sad to see this series end and am disappointed in the last book. Chelsea and Aiden's book was the pinnacle for me and this story just didn't have that same magic. I thought it was odd to just pick up with them having sex. Also the fact that he poured his heart out to her and she still stayed closed off. Plus going from doctor to bartender to CEO was kind of a nonsensical career track, especially for so done so young. I thought the hair tie thing was adorable though. Overall this just didn't capture my heart as previous ones didn't

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