Member Reviews

Make Them Pay is the 12th of Allison Brennan’s Lucy Kincaid series. It opens 17 years ago with an invitation to a quest, a search for an elusive treasure. Liam and Eden Rogan are 19-year-old twins. Their siblings are talented and successful; Liam, in particular, feels at odds with his family. His father, Paul Rogan, sets him straight.

“Liam—you have the best of Sheila and me.”

Liam shrugged. He didn’t want to be placated.

“Kane is all military, strategy, tactician. Duke is the organizer, a leader. Sean is just fucking brilliant, sometimes he scares me. There’s nothing he can’t fix, and he’s what? Fifteen?”

“Fourteen,” Liam corrected.

Paul looked confused for a minute, then nodded. “Right. But you and Eden are the visionaries. Your mom and I see what can be, and we invent gadgets, as you say, to fill a need. We love it. But if we had a solid lead on the Alamo Treasure, we’d drop everything to find it. The history alone ... No one believes it exists, thinking that it’s just a myth. But we know it’s there.”

Liam had of course heard about the treasure from his dad and Uncle Carlo. What would now be tens of millions of dollars of gold and silver, lost in Mexico en route to Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett at the Alamo while the fort was under siege by General Santa Anna.

Liam’s father empowers him and his sister to take over the search, saying, “I have the utmost confidence that you’ll find it. You have the heart, you have the knowledge, and most important, you have the spirit.” Unfortunately, within a year their parents die in a plane crash, but “Paul’s dream became Liam’s obsession.”

Fast-forward 17 years. There’s a complicated cast of characters—particularly if you’re a reader new to Allison Brennan’s Lucy Kincaid series—but Brennan is so skillful at subtly filling in the details from past books, there’s no problem keeping up. Who are the Rogans? Lucy Kincaid? What everyone has in common: they are highly skilled warriors, operating (sometimes) on different sides of the law. Worth noting, the Rogan family is estranged and mistrustful, with tension deepest between the oldest, Kane, and his brother, Liam, who despises him.

But there’s a long-anticipated wedding to celebrate: the union of Lucy Kincaid and Sean Rogan. And a surprise guest—Eden Rogan, Sean’s estranged sister, who’s come all the way from Europe to mend fences and attend the nuptials.

Lucy invites Eden to stay with them—after all, family is family—but her boss, SSA Noah Armstrong, knows far more about Eden’s sketchy past than he’s let on.

While Lucy is focused on her investigation tracking down dozens of children sold through illegal adoptions, Noah begins a quiet investigation of Eden and her elusive twin, Liam. He’s certain that, since they’re both thieves, they're here for a job or a heist. But they are up to something far more sinister than even Noah can imagine.

What’s that saying: “Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?” What if it’s not friends but family who prove to be your enemies? Eden is up to no good, which isn't surprising since she’s a known international thief. She wants the six million dollars in bearer bonds in Sean’s safe because there’s a treasure map imprinted on them. Frighteningly, before Sean can talk to his sister face to face, all hell breaks loose. Sean and Noah rush to Sean’s house, but it’s too late. Eden is gone. Lucy is gone, too, kidnapped by Liam. Sean and Noah to the rescue, but it won’t be easy.

Lucy is in Mexico, alone in Liam’s remote house, temporarily blinded but not without internal resources. Eden and Liam—along with their friend/colleague Dante, treasure map in hand—are looking for gold in the verdant mountains of Mexico. Liam had left a note for his brother Sean, promising that he would call him and share Lucy’s location. But he hasn’t, and Eden calls him on it.

“You promised Sean. Or did you forget leaving that note and phone in his safe? He’s probably sitting there waiting for your call. It’s nearly noon. Don’t do this to him—he’s still our brother.”

It was clear that Liam didn’t want to call him. “Fine,” he finally said, “but if they fuck with us, my moratorium on violence is over. This is our heritage, Eden, it’s everything we have wanted since Mom and Dad died, and I’m not going to let Kane screw it up again.”

Eden watched as Liam took his phone out. She had to make sure he called Sean—what if he tried to trick her?

Liam was acting more obsessed than usual. She didn’t lie to herself—Liam was no saint. Neither was she. They were exactly what Noah Armstrong had called her six and a half years ago: thieves.

But Liam was her brother, and she would stand by him. He showed her the phone, then walked to the edge of the path for better reception.

“Everyone who has searched for this treasure has died or lost something valuable,” Dante said quietly. “I don’t want to lose you, Liam, or my sister.” “You can turn around now,” Eden said. “I have never seen Liam happier or more excited. He’s been on this journey since our parents died. This is important to him—to all of us.”

Make Them Pay is a rollercoaster of a story. Tensions run high, alliances and allegiances shift constantly, and underscoring it all is a love story long in the making—will Lucy Kincaid and Sean Rogan finally tie the knot?

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A new Lucy Kincaid novel. Will Lucy live to make it to her wedding day...great book.

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Waiting for the newest book in Allison Brennan's Lucy Kincaid series requires patience but Make Them Pay rewards that patience and then some. As Lucy and Sean's wedding day nears it's nail biting chaos leaving you to wonder if the wedding will ever happen. Topping off the excitement is the addition of Sean's twin siblings who should be named Chaos I and II. Family is up front and important throughout this story - LOVED IT!

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I greatly enjoy the Lucy Kincaid series from Allison Brennan and she has another hit on her hands with this book. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I missed reading the last book in the series and this hampered my understanding of this plot which picks up immediately following the last novel. Having said that, this novel brings the entire Kincaid and Rogan clans together, for better or for worse. Romance, suspense, adventure and violence abound in this book, so get ready for the rollercoaster ride. Main characters disappear, new family members arrive, international boundaries are crossed, lives are saved and lost, all the while leaving us wondering if Lucy and Sean will ever make it down the aisle. Just be forewarned, that you might find yourself up late, not wanting to put this thriller down.

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I have somewhat-mixed feelings about MAKE THEM PAY, the 12th book in Allison Brennan’s Lucy Kincaid romantic thriller series. On the one hand, MAKE THEM PAY is perhaps one of the most emotionally intense, nuanced page-turners in the series. On the other hand, the family betrayal plot feels a bit over-the-top and unrealistic, and makes it seem like Ms. Brennan is running out of ideas and reaching to keep a series that may have run its course going. Don’t get me wrong: Sean Rogan and Lucy Kincaid are a power couple somewhat reminiscent of J.D. Robb’s Eve and Roarke, and I’ve enjoyed seeing them grow and develop as both individuals and a couple throughout Ms. Brennan’s extensive body of work. But keeping a multi-book series featuring the same couple feeling fresh and engaging is no easy feat and Ms. Brennan doesn’t quite pull it off as well as Ms. Robb does-- despite her immense storytelling talent and knack for the (dark) romantic thriller voice. I’m glad we finally got to learn the backstory for the mysterious Eden and Liam Rogan and the reasons for their exile from the Rogan fold, and I thoroughly enjoyed Ms. Brennan’s masterful telling of it… I just don’t really buy it or their motivations.

**ARC provided from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Brennan has the ability to create characters that readers will hook on to almost feeling as if they in the story and not just reading. The Allison Brennan creates a story that will have readers looking past the face of the people in the story and what they want to show the world. Everyone has a world face so they can hide what is in their heart and soul. We discover that Eden isn't cold and evil but it is what she has shown the world. Instead she has heart and soul which is brought out many times.
Make Them Pay shows how families can be torn part simply because of a miss understanding or the inability to let go of something they feel they deserved.
Allison Brennan has the ability to write dark stories that interweaving will moments of light. This time the author was able to take love, life and twisted it with the darkness which didn't consume the book.
This book has a wonderful balance which will get this reader to start at the beginning of the series

The only reason this book isn't a 5 is all the difference characters that readers will bounce back and forth between leaving this reader a little lost and confused. I will also admit this is the first in this series that I have read.
Thank you Netgalley, publisher and author for the advance copy.

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Entertaining fast moving adventure story with interesting and familiar Kincaid/Rogan families. Allison Brennan does a wonderful job of involving the reader. I started reading in the morning and couldn't put the book down. I can't wait to read the next story about the Kincade and Rohan's

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Can I give this more than five stars please? All the action and hold-your-breath moments you expect when reading any book in the Lucy Kincaid series. This time, though, we have a book that is not as dark as so many of the others. The darkness is on the periphery, there but not the main focus.
Love how all the family and friends are wound so seamlessly into these stories. Definitely recommend this book. And the excerpt from the next Maxine Revere doesn't hurt, either.

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Sean and Lucy are getting married in days. Sean has been out of contact with Eden, his estranged sister, but she suddenly shows up on his doorstep. She finagles her way into the house with Lucy. Edens twin Liam isn't far behind her. Eden and her twin Liam have come to town with an agenda, and they don't care who they hurt to achieve their goal. They commit a crime that is unforgivable in the eyes of the rest of their family and RCK.

This is the 12th book in a series. I wouldn't recommend reading it without reading the previous books. There are too many characters and too much back story for a new reader to follow. The plot in this book is complicated. There are multiple things going on with a lot of characters to keep track of. I enjoyed the book, but I did find myself having to stop and remember how the characters connected to each other, and I have read the previous books. That is the reason I would give this book 3 1/2 stars. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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I love this series. I got a little confused on the characters as there were so many different ones in this story. But could not put it down. I loved how she ended the story line of the missing children but was not happy with how the ending dealt with the family relations and the twins

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Amazing! This intricate tale of love, loyalty, and deception will take you through many feelings and will keep you glued to this book from start to finish. No lulls. Action and obsession!

Sean and Lucy are to be married in twelve days. After two insane months and some turbulence the day is finally drawing closer. First though Sean has to go meet with the son he never new he had until recently after he broke the rules of witness protection. Lucy is working hard trying to close the baby case and get ready for their honeymoon and trying not to worry about Sean and Jesse.

When Sean leaves though Eden, his sister that Lucy has never met before shows up literally on their doorstep with her suitcase in hand claiming to have come for the wedding. Lucy has a niggling of doubt but since Sean is flying and handling Jesse she doesn't want to bother him and invites her in. She sends Sean an email to let him know.

For years there has been tension between the Rogan family and Kane chose to cut Liam and Eden out of the company but he went one further, he stole something that belonged to them that then because they didn't have access to put them in trouble with a Russian crime family and this is the opportunity they have been waiting for. The problem is, Eden didn't expect her former mark and former lover Noah assistant section chief of the FBI to be in TX, she thought he was in DC and when he then shows up at Sean's house, after Lucy told him she was late because Eden showed up unannounced, to find out what she is up to. After all six years ago he was an officer in the Air Force and she had used him to pull a con and then he resigned his commission.

Kane is in the middle of his own very important mission when he gets word and has to try to find someone to sit on Eden until he can find out what she's planning because it surely cannot be good.

From his things bust wide open and it doesn't slow down. Lucy is taken, again. Will they get her back before she is killed? Will Kane be able to stop Liam and Eden in whatever they are up to? Will Sean be able to talk Jesse into following the rules for witness protection and staying until he is eighteen to keep him safe? So much up in the air. There is a mole in RCK and they have to find out who it is. This book is right up my alley and I loved every second of it!

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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