Member Reviews

Tight Ropes and Teeter-Totters by Lisa Pennington is a funny, down-to-earth book about marriage, motherhood, and everything in between! The book has pages filled with fresh ideas; such as, the idea of "BALANCE" (Begin, Assess, Learn, Account, Notify, Change, Endure) acronym that Lisa applies to each area of life, helping the reader find and apply balance to every corner of life. Pennington covers a variety of aspects of life that require balance.
One of my favorite parts was how Pennington uses humor to communicate wisdom. I loved reading stories about her mishaps, weaknesses, and embarrassing moments because while it showed her flaws it showed that she is human and made the author that much more relatable. I appreciated that the author was honest. She presented the truth without sugar-coating it.
She uses balance as an acronym: B-begin, A-assess, L-learn, A-account, N-notify, C-change, and E-endure. In each chapter she shows how we can use this balance in the areas of life that are very important to a woman: first the woman, marriage, motherhood, home, outside of home, friendship, money, our tongue, and our moods. She even gives us bonus chapter titled “Miscellaneous” just because, in her words, women are complicated.
I really enjoyed this book and it has given me much food for thought. Her advice was sound and she wholly relies on the Word of God, as we as Christian women should. This is a book I highly recommend to women and one that I will pick up and reread time and time again. I like the message of bringing balance to our lives in this crazy world we live in.
I received a ARC of this book for free from David C. Cook via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

This was a wonderful book that teaches how to keep your balance in life. It used the word BALANCE to list the steps. I really enjoyed the setup and the examples she gave. I would definitely reference this book in the future if I needed a reminder of finding balance. I can see myself pulling it out at different times when facing difficulties. I would be interested in reading more by Lisa Pennington soon!
* I received this book from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review *

We don't live in a one size fits all world and this isn't a one size fits all answer to find balance. Instead there are different tips and tools to try to accommodate unique individuals and situations. Knowing that achieving perfect balance isn't possible and the scales will always be tilting from day to day, hour to hour...

Lisa Pennington was truly inspired when she wrote her book Tightropes and Teeter-Totters: Finding Balance in the Ups and Downs of Life. As the title indicates, this book discusses how to find balance in life. Whether it is during the good times or the bad times. Pennington discusses different ways to find Balance by using acronyms—Begin; Assess; Learn; Account; Notify; Change; and Endure. These can be used in all aspects of life, including finding time for oneself, finding time as a couple, finding time as a mother, etc. Life can be rough, finding balance can be a key to unlocking true happiness. Readers will love Pennington’s down to earth writing, as well as feel a kinship with her as she shares personal examples to help inspire readers. I would recommend this book to mothers that are striving to find ways to better balance the many challenges in life.

The author’s conversational tone and examples really make the book.The author is the mother of 9 children so you definitely feel she has the experience to help you try to find your personal balance. She is encouraging and offers realistic expectations of what those changes can mean to your life.

Do you wish you could keep all the different elements of life in balance? Perhaps a book with some humorous stories, a Godly perspective, and joyful triumphs? This is the one for you. As Lisa points out in the beginning of her book, she wants to show you that life is like "a love story between me and God. Or you and God". And it's gooood.
I've read Lisa's blog, some of her children's blogs, and feel like I kind of "know" the family. So it was an "of course, I'm going to read the new Pennington book!" moment as soon as I saw that it had been released.
Each chapter focuses on one of many topics in our lives today, and repeatedly takes you through the B.A.L.A.N.C.E. process each time. Lisa has concocted her own way of navigating most of life's craziest areas -- and navigating well. I found a lot of helpful guidelines and sound wisdom in her words.
One of my favorite quotes from Lisa's book is this:
"Balance is quickly figuring out how hard to lean into the unexpected gust of wind so you don't blow away."
How true!!!! I applaud that sentiment. I hope to retain it and mentally use it -- a lot.
Some of the topics she covers include: Social Life, Friends, Marriage, Motherhood, Finances, and an assortment of other things too... like keeping yourself in line! With each topic, she shows you the B.A.L.A.N.C.E. checklist (yes, it's an acronym, and yes, it works every time once you learn it!), and she shows you how to come out victorious in each kind of situation. You learn that instead of rushing into an argument with a trusted friend, you should take a step back and think about it first. When your kids are really getting on your nerves, you can overcome the turbulence with grace.
"You are worth complete joy. You are worth peace in hard times."
Preach it!
The type of reader that would best benefit from or enjoy this book is the moms out there, but women of all ages (including single young ladies such as myself) can appreciate most of the scenarios that Lisa covers. I spiritually enjoyed reading the book, and it was a mind reset for me. I believe Lisa's new book Tightropes and Teeter-Totters to be an encouragement to all women. It doesn't matter your situation, you can improve areas in your life if you work on them. And this book is an excellent source of advice on how to find the peace and joy in life that we all need.
"Instead of dulling our senses by blaming our problems on others, let's reach for the stars and see God's glory in every trial."

Tightropes and Teeter-Totters
Finding Balance in the Ups and Downs of Life
by Lisa Pennington
David C Cook
You Are Auto-Approved
David C. Cook
Self-Help, Christian
Pub Date 01 Feb 2017
I am voluntarily reviewing a copy of Tightropes and Teeter-Totters through the publisher and Netgalley:
This book reminds us that in life we will face falls, that sometimes we will feel like we ere on a teeter-totter, but we are reminded that Grace comes in when we are finding ways to recover. We are reminded too that that it is not about finding a formula that works for everyone.
Women are reminded of the importance of not only taking the time to care for our families, but also making sure we take the time to care for ourselves as well.
We are reminded too of the importance of keeping marriages alive. We are reminded too that we all have our gifts.
I give Tightrope and Teeter-Totters five out of five stars.
Happy Reading.