Member Reviews

Jason had a sex addiction but denies it. He is the youngest son of the royal family of the Firstborn pack. The addiction has started to take control of Jason’s life. Jason was almost brought to death by Nichelova who was a fae princess.This addiction could ruin the entire world not just his pack. Jason wants a one night stand every day sometimes several a day. Jason’s brother is Silas and alpha of his pack and puts Jason in Selene’s care. Selene is an an Acolyte to a Goddess and she wants to become a High Priestess. Selene is to break the curse and heal Jason’s addiction. Selene is innocent and pure and has to stay that way and is off limits sexually. But feelings start to develop between Selene and Jason.
I didn’t really like this story. At first I didn’t care for Jason for how he treated his family when all the wanted to do was help then i realized that was the addict and started to change my opinion as the story went along. I guess I should have read more on this story before reading it all. I really don’t like to read about sexual addiction. I don’t really understand it and this book really didn’t help with that. Just my personal taste I did finish the story but found the ending predictable. I did like Selene and was happy she was helping Jason. I have to say this just wasn’t for me. I am sure there are others who will love it.

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I found the book to be well-written and interesting. Good solid romance.

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This book wasn't exactly what I expected and if I'm being honest I struggled a little early on. Just the fact that Jason was a sex addict and it was obvious to everyone that he was out of control to the extend where family gatherings were planned around it but yet he was in denial which yes I know fits in with the addict part but it made for difficult reading at times especially when he was taking it out on those that loved him.
Selene is an acolyte to the pack and she's not at all what Jason was expecting and once it became obvious how capable she was the book became more enjoyable, although it still had a couple of difficult moments.
I really liked Selene and through her I came to like Jason more and the rest of the book was okay but my problem and yes I know I'm picky but....
#### HUGE SPOILER ####
I've put this under a spoiler but it's not really and that's my problem because it was obvious from the beginning, actually from the previous book that the villains would escape at the last minute and I hate this it's a pet hate of mine that the end is so easy to predict and that I know although there'll be a chance to finish them off it won't be taken and they'll be back for the next book and so I won't be continuing on with this series.

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I have to admit, I mistook the book blurb when I decided I wanted to read this. I'm a fan of shifter books and while I don't love reading about playboy hero's, I have found many books I've loved despite it. I should have paid attention to the word "vice" in the description. Jason wasn't a playboy, he has an actual sex addiction.

I came close to stopping with this book because as any addict would do, he became a nasty person when his loved ones tried to help him. The main characters have to be likable for me to enjoy a book and I was already having a hard time with his "vice". However, I kept reading and once Selene started healing Jason, I could actual start enjoying the book. Jason turned into a hero that I could like and I started to root for Jason and Selene.

This particular storyline wasn't for me but I could appreciate the authors writing and the overall story of the series. This is the 2nd book in the series and I do think it can be read as a standalone, there was history that carried over from book one and more to come in book three. Despite such a subject as sex addiction, there was no cheating but there was talk of past sexual abuse. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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