Member Reviews

I really could not get into this story, I didn't connect with any of the characters or the plot so felt I couldn't leave a constructive review at this time.

Omg omg omg .......... this book was amazing I could not put it down I read every word on the edge of my seat I loved the story line, i loved the way the story just kept us guessing all the way threw I loved all the twists and turns and would defiantly recommend this book it was so believable and kept the reader engaged I love it

I truly enjoyed the pacing of the story and the well-written characters. This book took me by surprise. It kept me interested throughout the story and I needed to see what was going to happen. I would recommend this story to all thriller and who-done-it lovers.

Four couples and many secrets. This is less a psychological thriller than a domestic drama. You might recognize some of the characters, feel for some of them and dislike others. It's a good read.

*thank you to Netgalley, Caroline England and Avon Books UK for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
3 stars.
This is a bit hard to rate. Because on one hand, it was well written, I enjoyed the style and as a first novel this was impressive. On the other hand. I had been expecting more of a fast paced mystery thriller and this wasn't quite that. It focused more on telling the story of the characters and I felt the ending was a bit flat. If you don't mind something more along the lines of just a drama based story with some mystery more so than a psychological thriller then this is sure to be one to pick. Maybe if I had gone into this with no expectations I would have liked it more. Just goes to show that how you advertise a novel to be of a particular genre, means quite a lot.

This book was listed as a dark psychological thriller but to me it was more of a drama than an actual thriller. At times I struggled with all the different characters but saying that I did enjoy this book but not as exciting as I thought it would be.

There were many characters in this novel and we came to know them all well. Some I liked, some I didn't, yet they all had secrets and I wondered which secrets would be divulged, and to what cost?
Due to the tangled relationships of the four couples, their story was unpredictable, with the reader wondering in which direction the author was taking us. Along the way several interesting themes were touched upon. Parenthood, the adult child/parent relationship, self-harm, friendship, loneliness, guilt, and alcoholism to name but a few.
It was interesting to discover how much information they shared with each other, and what secrets they held back - despite their close relationships.
Also, I loved how the author explored the emotional fragility of the characters. How, even though they were successful adults, they still all carried around with them the insecurities of their own childhoods. It made we wonder... do we all do that?
This was NOT a thriller as advertised, but has been labeled as a 'domestic noir' by other readers. I fully agree with this terminology. Not 'thrilling' as such, but a deep character study of eight very different, flawed, married adults who are members of a complicated and interlaced friendship with one another.
"Some things, she knows, are best hidden beneath the skin."
To be honest, after reading this novel, I much prefer the original title, "Beneath the Skin" and wonder why it was changed...
A surprising read on many levels. I liked this one far more than I expected to and would eagerly read more by this talented author.

Really enjoyable read. Good characters and a Good story. Well worth a read. Think others will enjoy.

When I bought this book, I thought that it would be a psychological thriller, the title and the blurb suggested that but it is not, and at the end of part one I was somehow disappointed to find out it wasn’t what I was expecting it would be, but I continued to read it and eventually I ended up liking it. As I said, it is not a thriller but somehow it is a psychology novel. It is about the people’s characters, their bad sides, they look perfect, happy and confident but deep down are depressed, have self-esteem issues and are far from being perfect.
It is the story of a group of friends that act like they are best friends but they don’t think twice to betray the so-called friends. I hated almost all the characters, the only ones that I really felt for are Antonia and her mother, Rupert, Mike and his daughter Rachel. Throughout the novel I wanted to hug them and tell them to stay strong.
If you are looking for a drama type novel this is for you.

A psychological drama with enough twists to keep you reading more with complex characters, lots of drama and intrigue and an unpredictable ending!

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Beneath the Skin by Caroline England, is a dark, complex domestic drama, which takes a peek into the lives of four couples whose lives are shrouded with mystery and drama just waiting to be revealed.
In this character driven story, we're privy to what is going on surrounding four women Anotonia, Sophie, Helen, and Olivia and the secrets they keep. There is a lot going on, and although the biggest twist is at the ending, which wasn't really a shock after all, I found myself enveloped in the journey towards it, and enjoyed seeing how their lives melded together. Especially when tragedy struck.
Originally, I found the story went at a much slower pace than I expected, and there are at first a lot of characters to get your head around. However, Caroline England has supplied a huge amount of detail to soak up, which made for a compelling read. I love it when I read a book and hear all these questions building up in my head. Why are these things were happening? What's the real truth behind their spiteful deeds and their strange relationships? Is there something which binds them? A common interest perhaps?
None of these characters where what I'd call true friends, they were constantly throwing each other under the bus, and more like 'friend-enemies', which made some characters not very likeable, yet very entertaining to read about!
In addition, the book deals with a lot of sensitive issues and as the title, 'Beneath the Skin', would suggest, self harming is one of them. It's woven very cleverly into the plot alongside other issues like alcoholism and abuse.
This is a perceptive book showing how manipulative and deceitful some people can be, and how actions have consequences but not necessarily for the same person. I'm looking forward to seeing what the author comes up with next book.

I found this book being marketed as different genre for what it was. I don't think it should have been in the genre thriller and I just didn't find anything in this book that would make me feel I was reading thriller. The book had a lot of characters to follow, although I enjoyed their secret and their personalities, I just found them very confusing and sometimes wasn't sure I was following the right person at the right time. Probably needed a little chart for half of this book. The second part of the book picked up pace a bit and it was more enjoyable as it felt a bit more straightforward.

Avon Books and NetGalley provided me with an electronic copy of Beneath the Skin. I was under no obligation to review this book and my opinion is freely given.
Secrets have a way of ruining lives, whether it be friendships or marriages. Lifelong friends Antonia and Sophie have been hiding crucial parts of themselves from each other and their husbands. Olivia, the wife of Antonia's husband's friend, outwardly seems put together, but has a secret within that could destroy her marriage. When a tragedy strikes one of them, will the fallout destroy them all?
Beneath the Skin never came together in any meaningful way, in regards to the plot or the characters. The constant shifts in perspective tugs the reader from one character to the next, not giving a chance to form a connection with any of them. There were too many side plots as well, as none of the characters seemed to be immune to having issues. In the end, Beneath the Skin is one book that has not made a permanent impression on me and, therefore, I would not recommend it to other readers.

With thanks to the publisher for the copy received.
I had Beneath The Skin on my kindle for a while and when I saw that there was a new book out I decided it would be the right time to read it.
There couldn’t be a more apt title for this book because nearly every character in it didn’t show the true side to their personalities. There are four couples, all different in most cases, apart from that they all have secrets. Most of the people in the novel are unpleasant a lot of the time, although you did see a better side to them occasionally. That is with the exception of Sami and Sophie, two characters who I just hated with a passion. There is a saying, that them being together wouldn’t ruin another couple and it is accurate for these two people. Sophie is a nightmare, spoilt, arrogant, lazy and bullying pretty much sums her up. Antonia is her victim much of the time, and apart from Rupert, she was the only one who I had any sympathy and liking for.
I didn’t really regard it is a psychological thriller, the secret isn’t revealed until the end of the novel. And by that time, for me, it was of no consequence. What was happening in present time was more fascinating. I had a feeling that the ending was left slightly open. There is definitely potential for another book featuring many of the same characters. Or it could have been left for the reader to make up their own mind. each way works perfectly.

I think occasionally a book comes along and no matter what, you struggle to get into it. This was one of those books for me.
I don't know if it just wasn't my time to read it yet, but I really couldn't relate to anything in the book.
I've put it to one side, and will try again.

Four couples with secrets and lies. Found this book hard to get into, confusing, like going to a party where you don’t know anyone but you have to try and make sense of the snippets of information. Despite the “thriller” label, it wasn’t really, more of a dark, moody kitchen sink drama, which sadly didn’t tick my boxes this time.

A group of married couples Antonia and David and Charlie and Helen, Mike and Olivia along with Sami and Sophie. While the husbands are all friends the wives have varying degrees of friendship. Some strong and some barely there. It's the secrets that keep you reading though.

had to give up early on this book. I had not realized it dealt with "cutting" and that is something that I really can't get into. I read "Sharp Objects" and that was all that I wanted to read about this type of thing.
I think I may have lasted a little longer that 10% through if the characters just weren't so petty. They got on my nerves at the very beginning.
Because my inability to read about "cutting" should have no reflection on the author's work, I have given the book 3 stars. It's not the author's fault, this just wasn't a book for me.
Thanks to Avon Books and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

A beautifully written debut novel and I look forward to reading more by this author.