Member Reviews

This book was awesome. I love going to back to Shanandoah Falls with every new book. This book was a quick read that had me enthralled from page one. Amy & Dusty's story was a great read. I enjoy the cast of the recurring characters that you see in the books. It's almost like going back to spend time with old friends. Hope Ramsey does a fantastic job of keeping the characters fresh and exciting. I'm really looking forward to the next books in the series.

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Dusty is living with a stigma of his family and the town does not like him. He loves the town he lives in but he's starting to wonder if he needs to find a place to start over, however for now he is set up to fix the in he works out up and now he has a spoiled rich brat he has to train. What more could go wrong in his life right now? Amy is forced to get a job and she is locked out of her house her dad seems to want to teach her left and she wants to turn the tables and teach her family a lesson. But can she convince them that the job she is doing and the way she is living is just a fine way to make her self independent?
I really enjoyed this book I was seriously surprised this book had over 300 pages it seemed like a short quick read, in a good way. I really enjoyed the storyline and how it truly draws you in and keeps you turning the pages just to see whats going to happen next. I loved the characters and how they are fun, crazy and you feel like you catching up with friends. There is some strong language and adult scenes in the book so it may not be for everyone. Grab this book and your favorite drink such a fun read.

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A women looking to find herself learns about the world and the heart on her trek of self - discovery. Amy has the perfect life. Her family is rich. Her needs are all taken care of, but she isn't happy. Her wake - up call comes in the form of a marriage of convenience proposition and an ultimatum, which sends her on a journey that changes her life and opens her heart. With Hope Ramsay and her Chapel of Love Series, there is never a lack for sentiment. Ms. Ramsay gives her readers stories of wisdom, courage and sweetness that deliver stories of hope. Small - Town Bride's message is: "Only you can find what makes you happy."

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DNF at 19%

Perhaps it's because this book came on the heels of another, much better wedding-related book, but unfortunately, A Small Town Bride failed to grab my attention.

For me, the main characters—Amy and Dusty—were too unlikable in the early stages to be able to invest in, and with chapter four focused on characters not essential to their storyline, I just didn't feel I could commit the time to this book. I was both a little lost (was Daniel and Mia perhaps a continuation of a plot line in book one?) and a little frustrated that the central characters were not the sole focus, at least until we had the chance to witness some character growth.

I suspect timing had a lot to do with my opinion of this book, so I'll be filing it away as one to perhaps give another chance to down the road, because the premise—rich girl taken down a peg, making good in a 'lowly' role—is certainly one that sounds right up my alley.

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This was a beautiful, romance staring the broody Dusty and not so rich anymore Amy. I do not know where to start with praising this book, so I will start with my inner feelings. This book made me feel good and it exemplified love, patience, and determination. Hands down, this is one the best books that I have ever read in 2017. I have never read a book by this author before and the book perfectly demonstrates why you should read books by indie authors. I enjoyed myself while reading this book and it is a real page turner and with each page, the story gets better and better. It did not have to have the racy, hot bedrooms scenes, which I love, to stand on its own. It had just enough heat to make its point and it did not rely heavily on sex. Most romance books rely on sex scenes to allure readers and when a romance book comes along like this one, I absolutely love it.

Amy, a heiress, is suddenly kicked out of the house by her father who wants to marry her off to some rich guy. Looking for a way to make it with fifteen cents in her account, she stumbles on a job opportunity that will pay her minimum wage. At this "gardening" job, she meets Dusty and the sparks fly. I loved Amy because she was strong and I really enjoyed seeing her character develop. Dusty is a man with a hard shell, but underneath it all is a man who is looking to be loved. Amy has to deal with a family that thinks she is about as smart as a bag of peanuts and with a community who just cannot seem to take her seriously. Dusty is painted as villain in the community because of his drunken ancestors and the determination to preserve his ancestors' land by not selling it the city to be demolished.

I was entertained, I cried, and I laughed with these characters. Amy starts off as a prissy, little princess and by the end of the story she a strong, feisty woman. The author wrote this book so well and I was so proud of Amy that I had to clap when I was done with this book. The fact that I, as reader, got to witness Amy's development from a spoiled brat who spent 12,000 dollars on a jacket to an almost expert assistant wedding planner, makes this book humble and a great read. A female character that stands up for herself with a heart of gold plus a hot, broody hero equals a "must read".

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in a small town bride, there is no reason that we should like amy lyndon. it's not a crime to be rich, but the level of entitled is appalling. and when a fight with her dad ends with him cutting her off because he's tired of supporting her it's hard to be upset on her behalf. until you realize, that he's only cutting her off because she isn't marrying the guy he's picked for her. and that's kind of gross.

but amy lyndon is plucky and stubborn and smarter than she realizes. because soon enough she's got a job working the grounds at the local resort. even though her boss, dusty mcneil, thinks she's just another rich bimbo. but when he realizes that she's actually in a desperate situation and he sees how she works hard and finds ways to succeed at building a new life for herself outside of her family's sphere of influence, he can't help but change his mind about her.

this is one of those small town romances where everyone knows everyone, and they all have an opinion about it. i'm a city girl at heart, and these kind of romances can feel so stifling to me. in real life i hate when everyone knows my business. so i often feel a lot of resentment on the characters' behalfs when there is a lot of small town busybody meddling.

on the one hand, i can see how it can be charming. on the other hand, i'm totally horrified by how all these people feel like it's okay to stick their noses where they don't belong. but amy and dusty are used to it. and even as everyone in town warns them to stay away from each other, they can't. because he respects that she's trying to build a new life for herself. because that is what he has been trying to do for himself for years. and the fact that they have each other's backs, that they believe in one another when no one else gives them the benefit of the doubt is pretty special.

watching these two figure it out in spite of the whole town's interference is uplifting. this is a sweet, feel good romance.

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A Small Town Bride was just an average story. A rich girl who needs to grow up, a bad boy who is trying to live a different life and they fall in love. The characters did not catch my attention and at times I was extremely confused with all of the other characters. This was just not a book for me.

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I am reviewing this book for RT Book Reviews Magazine

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I Beyond LOVED this book. If I could give it 20 stars I totally would. I have never read this author before but that is going to change. And while this seems to be part of a series, I have never read the other book/s in the series, so all the characters were brand new to me. That said, it easily stands alone and I never felt lost and like I missed anything.

This book stars Amy, a rich socialite who spends her daddies money and is unemployed. Shopping is her job and her father cuts her off after she says no to the guy her family wants her to date and marry, no to his proposal. He takes everything away from her in 5 minutes. She is left with the cash in her wallet, clothes on her back and her car.

Amy lives in a small town so the next day after sleeping in her car and clothes, the lady at the diner feels sorry for her and gives her food. Thats when she sees Dusty, who is this big playboy, country boy type. He works for her new cousin Willow who is married to her cousin David. They have a ranch where they hold weddings and she learns they have a job open for a wedding coordinator. Thats when she rushes over to Willow to get hired.

Willow has hired someone but she says that she has an assitant job open working for Dusty as grounds keeper. And so that is when the fun begins. Dusty and Amy are magic together. They are fun and sweet and romantic and I LOVED both characters.

Amy is a hard worker and nothing will stop her once she wants to learn something. She has always been made to feel stupid and not as good as her other family members and Dusty is the same way. The biggest issue they have is he does not feel worthy of Amy romanticly and he fears her father if he gets involved.But when he finally decides he wants Amy, OMG thats when I fell really hard for him.

This book was wonderful. The characters are deep. The story is wonderful and I totally LOVED Amy.

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Readers will enjoy A SMALL TOWN BRIDE by Hope Ramsey. The second book in the "Chapel of Love" series can be read as a standalone but readers will want to go back and read the first book because they will fall in love with the characters. The romance between rich girl turned poor girl, Amy, and hunky town pariah/gardener/fishing guide, Dusty, will have readers fanning themselves. Perfect blend of friendship, romance, laughter, tears, and finding your true potential despite the roadblocks put in your way. Definitely recommend!

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3.5 Hearts So this is a bit of a typical story. Spoiled little rich girl needs to grow up, daddy kicks her out, she hooks up with the bad boy playboy and they fall in love because they both see that the other is not what the expected. We all know this storyline and yet we still come back to it time after time.

The problem was I didn’t find either character had pulled me in. Amy is written very naive and young. When I started the story I wondered if I had picked up a YA by accident but nope Amy is in her 20’s. She is written as a stereotypical rich girl but even if she is spoiled it doesn't mean stupid but in this book it goes hand and hand.

Dusty seems a bit mean or maybe uncompassionate at first. I mean Amy is homeless, sleeping in her car, has no money and all he does is tell her the best place to park so she can sleep in her car safely? He also sends mixed messages. But the part that drove me a bit crazy was he kept calling his father “Daddy” but doesn't even like him. I mean he is a man in his 30’s calling his father “Daddy”. It just seemed weird.

Now all that being said the story is good. It is a cute story and even though neither of the characters really caught on for me they are sweet and I look forward to the next in the series.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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