Member Reviews

This was just an Okay book. It was very much a feather light read with very little substance or character development. It was at times shallow and honestly the most basic "chick lit" there is.

What I Thought:
To begin with I was a little unsure about Blogger Girl, I wasn’t really sure what to think of the concept. I mean Blogger Girl revolves around Kim Long, a 20 something living in New York City spending her free time reading and reviewing books, it’s basically a book about someone like me. Okay, so Kim has been blogging for longer than I, and her blog Pastel is the New Black is the Chick Lit blog to read, but it took me a while to really connect to her.
I felt like I started the book just going through the motions, it was some of the supporting characters that first drew me in and kept me reading. Bridget and Caroline are Kim’s best friends and I found her interaction with them made her a more likable character. Kim’s crush on her office co-working irritated me to begin with, it all felt a bit high school for me. However once they actually started speaking to each other their relationship started to grow on me.
One of the things I liked the most about Nicholas was he came across as a real person, yes he’s a successful associate at a city law firm, but he’s 5′ 7″ and lean, not some 6′ 3″ slice of chiselled perfection, just a nice guy that you might actually bump into going for coffee one day. Jonathan and Rob are both nice additions to the novel but are definitely secondary characters.
The two characters I struggled with the most were Hannah and Daneen. Hannah is the high school nemesis who as stepped back into Kim’s world by writing her own chick lit book. To me Hannah is a little clichéd and a little bit Mean Girls – Although she has a moment towards the end. Daneen is the other woman who treats Kim horribly – I would go as far to say she bullies her at work. Daneen did her job, she made me feel far more empathy towards Kim, after all who hasn’t had at least a moment in their life where they’ve felt insecure compared to those around them. That said I feel she was a little over done, she was very clearly meant to be the bad guy in this, and perhaps it could have been a little more subtle, at points she felt like a bit of a caricatured.
Would I recommend it?
I started out this book thinking it was going to be a no, but Meredith won me over, Blogger Girl turned into something that celebrated close friendships – those people in your life who can tell you you’ve mucked it up and you need to fix it, those that will be there to support you. It told the story of a girl who let go of her insecurity and took a chance with her hobby and with love and actually became something I enjoyed and would recommend. I’ll be keeping my eye out for the sequel.
3-stars I’d probably even say 3.5
This will be posted to the below blog 11th February. The review will also be copied to Goodreads

Okay, so I was super excited about Blogger Girl from the moment I heard about it. It's a novel essentially about a chick-lit blogger. Being one of those myself, and also one with a full-time day job, I figured that heroine Kim and I would get along swimmingly.
Kim Long is a busy lady. By day she's a secretary in a law firm. By night she runs very popular chick-lit blog Pastel is the New Black. Juggling her paid job with her many book reviews, blog posts and emails can be difficult at times, but Kim loves it. Even if she seems to have left behind a big dream somewhere along the way...
But things are about to get even trickier for Kim when the news surfaces that her high school nemesis, Hannah Marshak, has just had a book published. A chick-lit book. With Hannah having made Kim's life miserable back in high school, the last thing she wants to do is give Hannah's new novel a glowing review. But how is she going to get out of it?
Meanwhile, Kim's office relationship with hot colleague Nicholas is starting to progress. After having had a crush on him for quite some time, the pair are getting closer. That is, until bitchy new lawyer Daneen steps in to try and do everything in her power to undermine Kim.
With problems in both of her lives - as a secretary and successful blogger - Kim realises that she has to do something about her predicament. And with the help of her friends, she's about to do what all her favourite chick-lit heroines do - find her own happy ending. But will it be that easy?
I enjoyed this novel; it's sweet, with some fun characters and a bit of revenge thrown in. It's typical chick-lit, complete with the bitchy colleague, office hottie, the big rival, friends to help along the way. That aspect of it made me smile, the way that all of these elements in the formula tie in to Kim's own chick-lit story, with her being such a lover of the genre. It's also quite a short novel, and I finished it within a day. It's very well written and perfectly paced.
Admittedly, despite Kim being a character I figured I'd have a lot in common with, I didn't really relate to her. I found her a bit self-absorbed in places, and at certain points I wanted to yell at her for not standing up for herself. What she does to Daneen is amusing, but I feel she could have rectified the situation a lot earlier by being less weak. I also wanted to punch Hannah for being so smug, and in Kim's defense I could only imagine how horrifying it would be for the high school mean girl to come along and swipe your dreams.
Blogger Girl is a great read if you're looking for a sweet, romantic tale with a good dose of humour and revenge! The sequel, Novelista Girl, is also available. I've heard great things about it so I'll definitely be checking it out.
Rating: 4/5

I was pretty jazzed to read and review this title. It's been a cold & dark winter so I thought a little chick lit would be just the ticket to perk things up. Sadly this book was not the one to do it. The whole time I was reading it, it felt like something was missing-- some crucial plot point that would turn the book around instead of these simple little vignettes of problems that were fixed in the next chapter:
Hate your high school enemy? Bond for 2 seconds over a martini and a (super coincidental) mutual acquaintance.
Want to write a book? Dust one off the closet shelf and write in it a week.
Get your boyfriend back? Sing a (super lame) song at karaoke.
Everything was just a little too easy to believe for the main character. Who frankly wasn't too terribly likeable? I felt like she'd have made a great villain in a different chick lit book and Daneen-- the workplace nemesis would have been the heroine. Kim was super mean to her & brought up her super embarrassing college story just because Daneen wanted her to do her job and called her by her first name.
While Kim's friends were fun and I appreciated her relationship with Bridget, the scene in the bathhouse was rather jarring and really emphasized the ~Kim as the actual villain~ concept. Having never been to a bathhouse myself, I still have watched enough tv and movies to know that you don't wear a bathing suit, so her giving a ton of attitude to the attendant was weird. And then flipping off & laughing at the woman with the "saggy breasts" was just plain cruel.
The boyfriend was ok, except I can’t even remember his name so he wasn’t all that memorable.
I can definitely say that Meredith Schorr can definitely write and while I wasn’t keen on Blogger Girl, I’d consider reading her other works. I probably wouldn't go out of my way to recommend my library purchase this title or recommend it for readers advisory.

DNF at 23%
I am in shock that this book has such high ratings on GR! When a book contains a joke alluding to the KKK, that is when I just cannot go on reading it. While the concept and the story itself has been enjoyable up until this point, my moral compass has stopped me from going any further. Such a disappointment.

Blogger Girl is the story of a chick-lit blogger as she works on finding herself (and, of course, love). Throughout the book, many different chick-lit books are critiqued, which is perfect as this is absolutely wonderful chick-lit! All of the characters are likable and engaging. While the plot is fairly predictable, there are enough twists and turns to keep you engaged to the last page. I can't wait to read the next book in this series!

Note: I received this book for free from Publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. I was not paid to write this. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I FINALLY FINISHED A BOOK, AND IT FEELS SO GOOD! :) Blogger Girl by Meredith Schorr was a quick, light-hearted read, which was apparently just what I needed to get out of my terrible reading funk. Blogger Girl was a joy to read and absolutely reminded me why I love to read, blog, and be a part of this community of book lovers.
Blogger Girl by Meredith Schorr is about Kim, a communications degree holder, legal secretary, and successful chick lit blogger nearing her 10-year high school reunion. In preparing for her reunion, she tries to catch the eye of one of the attorneys and chews on the fact that her high school arch nemesis is about to publish a new chick lit novel that was just pitched to her for review.
From the first page of Blogger Girl, I felt a connection with the main character. Perhaps it was the synopsis, Kim’s love for books, or the fact that we’re both vertically challenged that drew me in. Regardless of what it was, I just knew I’d enjoy this read, and I pretty much started reading it the moment the eARC hit my Kindle.
Overall, I think all of the characters were fairly well developed, including the secondary characters. You have Kim, the main character; Bridget, the best friend; Nicholas, the love interest; Rob, Kim’s boss; and Heather, Kim’s high school arch nemesis. Each and every one of them had their chance to show, at one point or another, some of their quirks and personality, which I thought was fantastic! The plot didn’t only feature a single storyline either, but multiple crafted together.
I must admit, however, that Kim did seem very immature at times, especially considering that she works at a law firm for the main attorney. I can’t think of any real life scenarios that would allow a legal secretary as much freedom that Kim had, which included being able to blog on the job. Her situation with Heather also could have originally had a bit more finesse to it. (Granted, I have yet to deal with my 10-year reunion. So who knows what will happen…) Despite her occasional immature attitude, she did pull through in the end.
Also, this is chick lit. So I’m not all that surprised by the cliché way one of the conflicts was resolved. Personally, I don’t mind well crafted clichés that flow well. This one, however, I thought was quite cheesy. So cheesy, I just couldn’t look! (Not really, but hopefully you get what I mean.)
All-in-all, Blogger Girl by Meredith Schor was a fun read with fairly well-developed characters considering that it is a quick read. I’d recommend it for readers of chick lit and readers that want to spend a few hours with a main character that’s a fellow book lover.

This was a unique book in that it was Chick Lit within chick lit, and a genre I have not been exposed to in great depth. I became absorbed with the characters, and want to know what happens with them, all the while being slightly uncomfortable with the coarseness of their language and actions. I look forward to reading the next in the series to see what happens with the characters, but I learned that I'm not a Bridget Jones or Sex in the City kind of consumer.