Member Reviews

the belmont beach brides series ends with crossing the friend zone, with wedding planner ainsley sloan taking a bet from her playboy friend, ryan lawhill. ryan thinks ainsley is too serious and studied when it comes to relationships, and this is why she's had no luck. ainsley thinks ryan is full of it, but since breaking up with her long-term boyfriend instead of getting the proposal she expected, she figures why not?

and so for three weeks she agrees to approach relationships the ryan way. except since ainsley is the first woman in a long time that ryan hasn't just picked up in a bar, it's hard to stay casual. and before he realizes it they are doing serious couple-type things. when he tries to pull back on a camping trip because he knows he's getting too deep, things backfire. he's so terrified of being in a committed relationship because he's so afraid of being a deadbeat like his dad. and while ainsley didn't expect to enjoy spending this much time with ryan, but she's gotten to see another side of him. one she believes is worth knowing. maybe being serious isn't necessary all the time, but being casual all the time isn't the answer either.

ainsley gives up on her long-held beliefs more quickly than ryan does. though finally having an honest conversation with his mom gets his head on straight. she reminds him that while he is his father's son, he's also her son. and the fact that he loves and adores the people closest to him already makes him a different person. he's not the type to abandon his friends or his family. so he should have a little more faith in himself. and he should let ainsley have some faith in him. because from the moment he came to her rescue at their friends' engagement party, he's had her back.

most of the time actions speak louder than words. ainsley and ryan just need to learn to listen to the things that remain unsaid. mainly, that they are perfect for each other even if they appear to be opposites in every way.

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Another hit by Kelly Eadon!

I adored this one from start to finish. It was cute, fluffy, and full of sass. The chemistry is sizzling, and scorching the pages! Crossing the Friend Zone was a lovely, quick read. Any readers of romance would be happy to read this one!

Ainsley is the only one who could tame Ryan, and personally, I wouldn't want it any other way. They were super cute together and fit even more perfectly than I imagined. An exquisite tale of friends to lovers.

Eadon ties up the final couple in the series with a bang. There were characters from the previous books in the series, which I think made this one all the more special. I loved the cameos and felt more involved with the story.

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a pretty good read.

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Pretty cute, pretty real, pretty enjoyable. Did this book stick with me? No, once it was over, it was over but that's not to say it wasn't worth the few hours it took to read it. It was a cute story and I really like Ryan.

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I was completely enchanted by this story! All the characters and storyline... It was just fantastic. Even with his manslut ways, I liked Ryan from the beginning. And Ainsley.. you can't help but feel bad for her. I had to know what was going to happen for these two, so I tried my hardest to read in one sitting. Well worth it.

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I just ADORE Kelly Eadon's books and this one is just as perfect as the other ones in the series! Bringing together two characters that I wasn't so sure about did have me a little weary in the beginning, but everything came together PERFECTLY making this book the ultimate contemporary romance.

Fans of the author should check out Eadon's upcoming novel. I would also recommend this story to those who love a lighthearted romance that is low on drama and high in relate-able and connectable characters. I myself and a huge fan of the authors work and every time I read one of her stories I have a huge smile on my face. This is especially true for this one and just may be my favorite in the entire series.

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