Member Reviews

Reunion for the First Time, K. M. Daughters
Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews
Genre: Romance
My first read from the sister duo authors. It wasn’t a bad read, just didn’t really fire me up, give me that mustkeepreading feeling.
They’ve a whole slew of books though, and I’d happily try another as it could be just that this book wasn’t the greatest for me but I’d love a different one.
I liked the characters, and thought the story idea sounded good, but as it played out somehow it just felt a bit muted for me.
Lizzie/Elizabeth/Beth was a prizewinning photographer, acclaimed nationally and yet somehow her character felt like an average phone snapper. She was always off travelling on long trips to war torn countries, but it was just the packing and unpacking we saw and somehow the magic of what she did, her success, her acclaimed photos just kind of passed me by.
Jack too was well known, had won awards, and his architect/construction rivalry with Wallace could have been so much stronger, provided so much more drama IMO, but it didn’t :-( How on earth Beth didn’t know who Jack was when she knows the city well, and it seems everyone else knows who he is amazed me.
Jack – I loved him, but the face offs with Wallace seemed pretty muted, when they were supposed to be vicious rivals. Apart from some gentle sniping and a little male posturing when Beth was around that was it.
I felt he and Beth danced around their attraction just that bit too much somehow, I’d have imagined them going on a few dates before getting hooked on the does (s)he/ doesn’t (s)he want more conundrum. A few casual chats and off the cuff dates don’t usually lead to will we get married/have kids etc does it?
Wallace – well, I have no words. What Beth ever saw in him I've no idea. Had he really changed that much or doid she really spend four years dating a prick.
I loved Kay, Beth’s friend, a terrific lady, born organiser.
So the story is there, but I felt Charlie wouldn’t have just slide out of his depression quite as easily, that Jack and Beth would have needed to give more on-going support, and the Wallace/Jack feud need a little more filling and drama. Its a good read, one I enjoyed but wouldn’t reread.
Stars: Three, a well written read but I felt it was a bit non event as to drama, and you know how I crave that!
ARC supplied for review purposes by Netgalley and Publishers