Member Reviews

Meant for you by Michelle Major.
This is colarado heart book 4.
A very good read with some good characters. I liked the story. I liked the cover too. 4*.

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I wanted to shake Jenny. And then hug. Then shake her again. But I loved her almost as much as I loved Owen and Cooper. An awesome book!

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Great story. loved the characters and the premise. Great writing.

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I'd not read the previous books in the series, but didn't feel I was missing out on much. But now I want to go back and read them. Ms. Major has an easy to read writing style and the book itself had plenty of sweet and sexy.

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I really enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.

I enjoyed how Owen was willing to work with Jenny even though they had a past. I like how they worked out their problems and became a family.

I recommend this book. It is an easy read and you can escape for a few hours.

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Jenny is a sassy little firecracker and isn't afraid to open her mouth, and let a lie slip out! One that she may not be able to uphold! As a single Mom, she does ALL that she can to protect her little boy (much like I do for my boys, even though I'm no single, I can understand her reasoning behind doing what she did). I could see this book on the Hallmark channel - it would be such a fun story to see play out on the screen!

I really enjoyed the characters development so much throughout the story. Owen has never found someone to love and appreciate him, until Jenny. These characters go through so much in this one book, but it was a beautiful thing to see. I felt like Jenny was my best friend - she is just so open and not afraid to be herself, and to be honest. She fell for a man for exactly WHO he is, not the money he brings in or the job he has. I think that is what made this relationships and these characters so real for me.

This was my first Michelle Major book - and I really enjoyed the ease of her writing style and her simple, yet to the point, story telling. There was such a great sense of humor in this book, and I look forward to picking up more soon by her.

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I really enjoyed reading Jenny and Owen's story. Jenny was a single mom with a twelve-year old son. She had dated Owen a little while back and had humiliated and betrayed him publicly because she was scared her feelings were getting too real and she didn't feel deserving of his love. Owen still liked Jenny but was never going to risk his heart again after what she did to hurt him.

Then, Jenny came to Owen with a proposition to be her fake fiance for one night, her ten year high school reunion. She wanted to show the mean girls from high school that she was successful and had a gorgeous man in her life and her son was not a mistake. Jenny's ex, Connor's father, Trent was going to be at the reunion and she especially wanted to throw her success in his face since he had abandoned she and her son because he couldn't be bothered.

There story was about real hurts and damaged souls but could they put all that behind them and find happiness together, as a family? You'll have to read to find out.

There was a bit of language and some descriptive sex scenes that I preferred to skip but other wise a well-written and enjoyable book to read.

I was given this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Maybe if I was in a different mood I would enjoy this book better, because I do love the idea behind it, but the serious bitchiness of the main character got on my nerves. I know the protagonist doesn't always have to be all sweet and cupcakes but her comments made straight to other people's faces were a bit much. If she was a secondary character she would be the one that the reader was made not to like, and that I'm not a fan of. Unfortunately it brought my overall feelings towards the book down.

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This was simply okay. It took awhile for me to get into the writing style and then it seemed as if the entire book was based on sexual motivations, nothing more. That became frustrating very quickly.

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Meant for You was an amazing second chance at love romance with characters I couldn't help but fall in love with!

Jenny Castelli has a habit of letting her temper get the better of her and because of it, she lies and says she's engaged to a rich man when her former classmates insult her son. Now, Jenny needs to find someone to play her fake fiancé for the night and the only person Jenny can think of to turn to is Owen Dalton, whose heart she broke two years ago. Despite their history, Owen agrees to her proposition and soon the situation gets out of control and they're left trying to determine what's real and what is simply part of the lie.

Jenny is quite impulsive and quick to go on the defensive which causes her to lash out at nearly everyone. Also, due to her childhood, she has a lot of insecurities and doesn't believe she's deserving of love or that she would know what to do with it. She does however, have an amazing relationship with her son and is a wonderful mother. Over the course of the book, she grows to be more accepting and has more confidence in herself and her abilities.

Owen is used to being the odd man out in life, having never fit in with his family. Despite the strained relationship with his family, he spends a large part of his time trying to make them proud. With his friends and those he cares about, he's a very kind person and goes to great lengths to help others in need. I also really enjoyed his relationship with Jenny's son, Cooper. Owen understands what it's like to be different as a kid and he has some great interactions with Cooper because of it.

Jenny and Owen have a great relationship despite the past history they share. They're genuinely there for one another and willing to help each other when one of them needs it. There was also a great deal of chemistry and their physical attraction was intense. I loved watching them navigate the fake relationship and having it turn into something real when they were least expecting it.

The characters are definitely the best part of this book. The author manages to get you to care about what happens to everyone very quickly. She even managed to make me care about someone who started off as a horrible person! I loved all of the interactions with the other three couples in this group of friends (who I'm guessing are the characters from the prior three books). The friendship between all of them is so genuine and I loved how supportive they are for each other. Scenes where all of the characters got together were definitely some of my favorites.

Overall, Meant for You was a very enjoyable read and I will definitely be checking out the three previous books in the series.

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Meant for You is a beautiful story of second chance and new beginnings that kept me hooked until the very last page. The plot is nothing new, but the characters were engaging and likeable, I definitely rooted for them.

Jenny Castelli is a single mother, with a teenager son. She is a strong heroine, from the wrong side of the tracks, and has had to fight for almost everything in her life. She was betrayed by her son’s father and doesn’t trust easily. She has a red hot temper and is impulsive to the point that sometimes she blurts things out without thinking.

She had a short-lived but unforgettable relationship with Owen Dalton. Her insecurities got the best of her and she sabotaged their burgeoning relationship. Fast forward several years, she needs Owen’s help to play the part of her fiancé. Owen has made a name for himself as a technology industry visionary with a Midas touch. He is a powerful and extremely wealthy businessman. He values emotional intelligence in his business life, but refuses to let his feelings rule his private life anymore. He is afraid Jenny will hurt him again, and yet accepts to become her knight in shining armor. He can’t deny Jenny, his defenses are falling away the more time he spends with her. But he is afraid he wants more from her than she is willing to give. Returning to his hometown sent him reeling back in his troubled past. He never fitted in his own family and often felt like a second class citizen. I loved this character, he is very successful in his business life, but embraces his vulnerabilities in his private life, and it takes courage.

Overall, Jenny and Owen are wonderful characters, totally flawed and so likeable! They both need time to allow themselves to trust again, but their feelings are real. I highly recommend this heartfelt story of true love and second chance. Michelle Major was a new-to-me author, but I’m definitely a fan now.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher, via NetGalley.

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Meant for You
Publication Date: March 28, 2017
Contemporary Romance
Montlake Romance

Reviewed by Kini

Single mom Jenny Castelli has a temper to match her red hair. When the former mean girls of her high school insult her son, Jenny fires off a big lie—that she’s engaged to a rich, handsome guy and is bringing him to their ten-year reunion. Now she needs to find the perfect fake fiancé for one night. And only one man fits the bill.
Geek turned tech entrepreneur Owen Dalton already had his heart broken by Jenny Castelli. Still, he finds himself agreeing to her proposition—even as he struggles to remember that the chemistry sparking between them isn’t real. But when Jenny’s ex makes a play for custody and Owen is forced to deal with the family who always treated him as “second best,” their arrangement suddenly becomes very personal. And that lie they’ve been telling everyone? It isn’t nearly as big as the one they’ve been telling themselves.

I read the blurb and was interested in this book, I was a single parent so I love to see that trope in books, especially when it’s well done. It should be noted that this book is labeled as being part of a series, but there was references to other couples and previous relationships that were covered in a previous book. I know I was in for trouble when at location 52 I made a note that said, info dump.

Jenny is in her mid to late 20’s, it is never specified. She is headed to her high school reunion and has a 12 year old son. She runs into some mean girl classmates and commits herself to going to the reunion along with the fiance that she doesn’t actually have. It’s a silly story, and quite juvenile for a woman in her late 20’s to get involved in. One of the reason she gets in this weird situation is that one of the mean girl women insinuates that Jenny’s son is a mistake and how he needs a father. Ugh, I will be coming back to this.

Jenny and Owen used to date. There is a lot of telling about their previous relationship. Although it was fairly brief. When Jenny asks Owen to be her fake fiance for this reunion, he reluctantly agrees. Jenny has trust issues because her dad left her mom when she was younger.

This whole “daddy issue” thing was way heavy handed. Both Jenny and Owen have daddy issues, of course if affects their relationship. Almost all the men in this book are vilified. Owen’s brother is a jerk, Jenny’s son Conner, his dad is a deadbeat, Jenny’s quasi-friend Dina, her husband is a cheater, Owen’s dad is overly tough on him, and of course Jenny’s dad left her. It was too much.

On top of those daddy issues, there was this underlying theme that Connor not only “needed a father” but that a real family consists of a mom, dad, and a child and that family is the one you are born in to. This is BS and I’m calling it. Families come in all shapes and sizes and variations. Science and studies can say whatever they want, but reality is that there is no correct way to have a family. Kids can grow up in single parent homes and be successful (and I have real life proof of this), they can also come from families of two moms, two dads, raised by grandparents, or any and all combination of the above. Romance is an escape, I get that, but it makes me very unhappy when I read a romance that in a tiny sliver of a way seems to be reinforcing values that I think are old and antiquated.

Jenny even says at one point, “But they were right about a kind needing a dad...” I get it, being a single parent isn’t always ideal and it is HARD. But what a kid needs more is a parent that loves him or her. And why is Jenny lamenting this point when her son is TWELVE! She’s had all this time to find him a dad but only now is she harping on this, that part did not flow for him.

And Connor’s deadbeat dad. He truly is a jerk. He has a new family and has no contact with Connor. Jenny likes to rail on him being a deadbeat and talks about how he abandoned them and isn’t involved and doesn’t pay support. BUT she never took him to court, they have no formal agreement. This gets under my skin like no other. Why does no one in romancelandia think they deserve child support when one of the parents leaves the other with a child? Can we stop with this? Please?

The fake fiance trope is one I enjoy. The single parent trope is also one I enjoy. But this combo was a miss for me. The actual romance had a lot of potential, Owen was a good guy, all the things that make a good hero. Jenny was sort of annoying, but not the worst. It was dual POV with a lot of telling and not enough showing, especially about their previous relationship. I was never fully invested. Then with all the heavy handed daddy issues and what makes a real family, I pretty much finished this book so I could talk about how unhappy it made me.

Grade: D

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Really enjoyed this book. I had to order the other books in this series because I was so hooked. Must read

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This story about an industrious, yet hot mess, of a single mother and her second chance tech billionaire, boyfriend, was hard to critique. I loved the story that was there. Owen was interesting and a beta/alpha hybrid, while Jenny has obvious, real-life, flaws...but so much wasn't covered! What the heck happened to their earlier relationship (and when exactly was it)? is just one of the questions left unanswered. After doing some research, it appears this is the latest of a series of interconnected standalone titles, and that makes sense. The characters had a sense of familiarity, worn-in-ness, but multiple conversational and referential threads are impossible to follow without having read earlier series books. There's also a weirdly unsatisfying denouement. Maybe I feel like the characters needed a few more steps to their transformations before they got their happy ending.

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​​​​​Meant for You by Michelle Major, is about a second chance at love, an engagement of convenience, and discovering the truth. Ms. Major successfully pens some complicated happenings with emotion, passion and grace, while never taking away from the realness of the respective situations. All the characters captured my attention in someway, however, the main heroine lost my respect when her stupidity took center stage.

From the day he was born, Cooper Castelli has been the light of his mother's life. With the help of her mother, who now has dementia and is in a home, Jenny Castelli was able to create a stable home for herself and Cooper. Jenny works extremely hard to support both her mother and Cooper through her work as a contract landscaper. She recently opened her own nursery, so between Cooper, her mother, and her two jobs, Jenny's very little free time is spent stewing over her mistakes. Owen Dalton was the one that could have been her forever, until she ruined it.

When Jenny and Owen began dating, Owen was a nerdy engineer with a lot of promise. During that time, Jenny felt too much for Owen and decided to end their relationship before it hurt her. Now thanks to the significant technology he developed, Owen is a billionaire. He is still not over Jenny, even though she screwed him over greatly. Due to their past, being Jenny's fake fiancee for her tenth high school reunion is a bad idea. However, Owen needs a plus one for his obnoxious brother's wedding, so they both agree to help each other out.

Jenny and Owen are strong characters with interesting histories. Jenny's lifelong need to feel loved and accepted took place the day her mother told her her father did not want her. While growing up, Owen always felt different from his two younger siblings, which led to him making his home and business in Denver.

I really liked this story and the way the author evolved the romance between Jenny and Owen. As they spend time pretending to be each other's better half, they uncover the secrets that make them both tick. They are a hot couple, even though their sexy times are behind closed doors. The secondary characters are well-conceived and I felt like I knew them just as well as both Jenny and Owen. If you are in the mood for a unique second chance romance with characters that are easy to get to know, then pick up a copy of this novel.

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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I think Michelle Major is my newest inductee to my favorite author list. Meant For You, was my first book read by her and this definitely was a home run in every way. All I have to say is that I have some back reading to do to catch up on her other books.

Meant For You had an awesome vibe from start to finish. I definitely didn’t want to stop reading and Jenny and Owen will definitely have you on a roller coaster. Honestly, I was so into the book that you know when you get that story that has you hanging on every word? When you are rooting for that HEA and then the book looks like it’s taking a detour that is not a welcomed one but surprises you? Well, this book was so unpredictable, which I absolutely loved because from the beginning, I thought it would be one way but it wasn’t. I definitely had to earn my HEA.

Let’s chat about the book! Jenny Castelli, a single mom, is a feisty gal. She is definitely the chic that you want in your corner to have your back. Unfortunately, she was dealt a rough card in life but she managed to turn her lemons into lemonade. Despite hardships including taking care of her mother in a home, supported well by some amazing friends, she is happy with the life she has made for her and her son, Cooper. One day her life was turned upside down by some remarks a couple of mean girls from high school made about her son. Getting on the defensive, with her upcoming reunion coming up, she wasn’t going to let them make her feel less than she was. She was going to show them.

Her mouth, not her biggest attribute, mainly due to her temper, has really gotten her into some situations. One in particular, in an attempt to not sound like a loser with the upcoming reunion, she alluded that she was attending with her guy who was not only hot but had a lot of money. Here’s one problem. Only one person who they knew she was connected with that fit that description but considering what happened between them, she’s be lucky if she didn’t get the door slammed in her face.

Now, I’m not trying to be all harsh on Jenny but she was a total jerk on how she did Owen. Owen is your typical nerd turn Doc McDreamy except everyone knows it but him. He’s got everything going for him, the looks, the brains and a great company but isn’t really happy. On the surface, yes but internally no. Having to grow up not feeling a part of his family and spending his life trying to gain acceptance is tough but then getting burned by every relationship doesn’t help either. So when Jenny came marching through his door with her fake invitation, you could only image what was going through his mind. You’ll have to read to get the 411 on their history but all you need to know is she broke his heart.

Now, put yourself in his shoes, the gal that broke your heart, comes to you to ask if you can be her pretend boyfriend? I don’t think so but he agrees and the lines get very blurred. What’s real? What’s fake? Not only that but her past (confronting that loser who left her as a single mother) and his past (finding out some major secret that changes everything for him) come into play and make things get a bit complicated and confusing. Not only does this fake engagement have real implications but can they convince themselves that it is really only pretend? Well, you’ll have to dive in and find out!

The book overall was a fun read. At first I was like, fake engagement? This is going to be so predictable but surprisingly it wasn’t. Their story was engaging and addicting and the plot really unraveled with detours and surprises that will definitely keep the reader wanting more. I loved how she explored the relationship dynamic between the characters, whether it’s or familial, friendships or love interest. This allowed the reader to connect with the characters and feel a part of what was happening and fall in love with the book. Make sure you add this fun one to your TBR pile.

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This is the first book I've read from Michelle major. And I must say I was really excited reading this book. It talks about Megan and her trials and tribulations of being a young unwed mother as a teenager and growing into a woman who struggles on an every day basis just to make ends meet and try to make her dreams come true. With being hurt so badly as a teen and left for desertion to raise a baby on her own, she has lost faith in love. This story was a real emotional roller coaster. And sometimes it can make you laugh and most times it would make you cry. I found myself tearing up quite a few times. The author presented a wonderful storyline and kept the story flowing without rushing to meet the end. In doing so she was able to create a background for her characters and how they came to be. The characters are all unique in their own ways and have great personalities and charisma. I enjoyed reading this book. I had a very hard time putting it down because I was so curious as to how she was going to overcome each hurdle that she was being presented with. I give this book a definite five stars. I will definitely be looking into more books by this author. Loved this book!! Happy reading!

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I really liked this story about a man who feels ostracized by his family, despite his professional success, and the impulsive single mother he’s in love with. I thought it was an original perspective because in the end neither the hero’s assumptions nor the heroine’s about each own family were completely right, but those assumptions shaped who they are. I enjoyed watching how the hero begins to see his family dynamics in a new light with the heroine’s input.
The hero is yummy, slightly damaged, caring and kind. The heroine is full-mouthed, and, when scared, tends to sabotage the good things happening to her. Her son is a great character, and there are a bunch of other good secondary characters.
Good writing, good characterization and setting, a lovely story!

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Oh my.... Seriously, you just have to love Jenny! How can one woman, even a red-headed one, create so much chaos? Well, not exactly chaos, but, you know - it is not every day that a girl ends up taking a fake fiancée to a reunion and it is not every day that the same girl ends up taking in the mean girl from, well, the past or posing as a fake fiancée -again- but when Jenny is around, everything is possible.

Of course, it doesn't help much that Owen and her chemistry are definitely something else and that he gets along that well with Cooper, Jenny's son. That should be a jackpot, shouldn't it? Yep, things could be easy - if we weren't talking about two people who have been burnt by love before and who tend to be somewhat destructive in order to protect themselves.

Sometimes, though, it just needs another perspective or perhaps the one or the other missing detail to fully understand your past and then things might start to look much better.
Jenny and her friends as well as Owen and his family are wonderful characters and I really really enjoyed the time I spent with them. This book is well written, sweet and charming and I loved it.

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