Member Reviews

This book is absolutely amazing. I loved every minute of it. It's so well written ad fast moving it's like reading the story and sitting in the room with the characters. So easy to visualise and be in the moment.

Loved it and will be recommending on our blog.

Included on our blog post today 12/05/17 -

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The Idea of You by Amanda Prowse is a tear jerking drama. Successful career woman Lucy marries Jonah following a whirlwind romance and they start to plan a family. However, a series of early miscarriages means they may never have a baby. Into their lives comes Camille, the sixteen year old daughter from Jonah's previous marriage and the relationship between stepmother and daughter is filled with friction. When Camille becomes pregnant, a secret from Lucy's past emerges that threatens to break up her marriage and happiness. A bittersweet, poignant tale about miscarriage and family ties. Well rounded characters and beautifully written.

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This book was very good. It showed the heartbreaking story of a woman needing a child to one needing the love and help of her family for a well kept secret. A great read! I highly recommend!

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The Idea of You - Amanda Prowse

I know all I seem to be doing is posting reviews of things I've gotten from NetGalley recently. Oh well. Sorry not sorry. I really wanted to enjoy this more than I did, I picked it because I wanted to read more out of my comfort zone and experience stuff that isn't primarily YA, but there was just something about this that didn't gel with me.

With her fortieth birthday approaching, Lucy Carpenter thinks she finally has it all: a wonderful new husband, Jonah, a successful career and the chance of a precious baby of her own. Life couldn’t be more perfect.
But becoming parents proves much harder to achieve than Lucy and Jonah imagined, and when Jonah’s teenage daughter Camille comes to stay with them, she becomes a constant reminder of what Lucy doesn’t have. Jonah’s love and support are unquestioning, but Lucy’s struggles with work and her own failing dreams begin to take their toll. With Camille’s presence straining the bonds of Lucy’s marriage even further, Lucy suddenly feels herself close to losing everything…
This heart-wrenchingly poignant family drama from bestselling author Amanda Prowse asks the question: in today’s hectic world, what does it mean to be a mother?

In very basic terms, this is a book about a woman who desperately wants children.

Now, I said at the start of this that I wanted to enjoy this. I really did, but it just didn't gel with me. Here's the thing, I have known for a long time now that my reading habits tend towards YA novels and while this is fine and I love YA novels, I am not the intended audience for those books. I am in my late twenties, I should not spend so much time reading about high school drama. So, when I spotted this in the women's fiction section on NetGalley I thought hmmm, family drama, with adults, yes, good. And it is good. I just found that I couldn't relate to it at all, turns out I'm not the intended audience for this book either and I think this is entirely down to the fact that our protagonist Lucy is in desperate want of children and I'm not.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against children, I used to be one after all and I love spending time with my brother's children, they're hilarious. My nephew told me I was his best friend and then played a game where his Power Ranger repeatedly pooped on my head. Children are great! But, I never have had the inclination to have any of my own, so I found it difficult to understand some of Lucy's motivations and expectations because it was all so alien to me, I can't even imagine wanting children so to read an entire book about someone made it hard to really gel with her. While I do think that people can do whatever they want with their lives, I am a little concerned that Lucy literally pinned her entire worth on whether or not she could have a baby and like... Is that not a bit worrying to anyone else?
That being said, I enjoyed the characters in this book and their various motivations, though Lucy was a bit one track minded and I found it difficult to relate to her, I did really enjoy her relationship with her step daughter and I loved Jonah. Well, most of the time anyway (like where do I get one of those IRL, can you get them online?) and the family drama was so well done, there were times where I felt like I was gossiping with a friend about this group of people.

I think this is exactly the sort of thing I would recommend to my mum and definitely the sort of thing that ought to be thrown in a suitcase and jetted away to a beach somewhere to be enjoyed in the sun, I'm just disappointed in myself that I didn't manage to gel with it as well as I'd like.

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This is story about a 40 yr old who is going through the the inability to carry a baby to term. As she struggles with this her teen stepdaughter comes to stay with her. As she develops a closeness with her she realizes how rich her life truly is.

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Did not enjoy the book took FOREVER to finish!!! I will not broadcast this review on Goodreads and or Amazon, it seriously just did not interest me. I didn't like the characters and even though this topic needs discussion this was not it for me and I am sorry about that. Very rarely do I give 1 and 2 stars rating because I try to pick books I will enjoy and this was a chore to actually read, I just didn't care for how the story was told, Lucy and Jonah get married and think they will have a wonderful life but its like immediately things start to put the pressure on and then when his teenage daughter Camille comes to stay with them for awhile.

So a newly married couple older trying desperately to have a child but instead get his teenage daughter that has Huge issues throws everything into a tailspin and to me it was So SLOW and filled with way to much unneeded fluff for a book of this storyline, with a troubled teen that takes advantage of the fact he is newly married and wants to make everyone miserable...sorry I am not in a place in my life to read such a depressing book, jeeze. So I am very sorry I didn't enjoy the story, maybe next time. If I had to write a book of this topic I would be worried as well as it just isn't an easy topic to explain and or to help someone with just as anyone that has desperate tendencies' any type of addiction regardless of what it is a tough place to be, its tough to figure out what role you can help in without enabling.

Nothing against the writer Amanda Prowse, this was the first book of this writer again, she can write but she chose to make this story to LONG and drawn out. It wasn't needed this is a story to just tell in my eyes but of course we all have our own opinions. I would try her again though as she has a good fan base and I had heard about her and the book and why I asked for it, this time it just wasn't exactly the right fit and that's ok. I'd just as soon not share my review though. If Net Galley feels it want to or me to add to Goodreads or Amazon I will, just ask via email....thanks as always for the chance to read and review. Special thanks to the write and the publisher for allowing me to give my honest review.

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Couple (Lucy and Jonah) suffer multiple miscarriages while trying to conceive a baby. Meanwhile, Jonah's teen daughter, Camille, comes to live with them for the summer. How will their lives be complicated, and enhanced, by the addition of a step-daughter to their family?

This was my first time reading anything by this author, and I very much enjoyed her writing style. I imagine that this would be an extremely emotional topic for those that have experienced a miscarriage. Not only was the story touching, but there were also some twists and turns along the way that kept me reading. I look forward to reading more from this author (and am hoping for a sequel to this one hehe)!

Parts of this story reminded me of one of my current favorite TV shows, LONG LOST FAMILY.

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for a free ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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A story that is thought provoking and made me wonder...what if

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Lucy Carpenter, from the outside, has everything. She has a good figure, a wonderful husband and a job where she has earned her way to the top. Inside, though, she wants nothing more than to be a mother. Try as she might she doesn't seem to be able to accomplish this.

As she approaches her 40th birthday that reality is becoming more and more obvious and the attempts are breaking her heart. Add those emotions into the mixture of emotions her step daughter elicits and you have the outworking of a heart wrenching book.

I struggled through the majority of the book--I felt so deeply for the characters. I waited as test after test and through each terrible conversation thinking, "how can this end?"

The book does end--and the restoration that comes, in more than one form, makes the struggle well worth the wait.

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At first I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this book. It started very slow and I was struggling getting through it. I wasn't sure if it was going to be a romance or not. The truth is it is the story of Lucy a women in her forties whose life is not going the way she expected, until she meets Jonah. They get married and this is the beginning of a what she believes is going to be a beautiful life together.
The trials and tribulations they face are not easy and they have a lot to deal with.
This ended up being a great story.

** I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

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Anyone who has ever suffered a miscarriage can identify with Lucy. Amanda has written her character with an inner knowledge of what it means to have that excitement of a positive pregnancy test but the dread that it might go wrong, like the last time ... and the time before. Having been through this, like many women, I was reminded of the envy of successfully pregnant women, and while being pleased for them also thinking "Why not me?". Of the husband not being able to do right for doing wrong. Of every single person in the street, on the TV, on advertising hoardings being pregnant. Any reviewer who has said that Lucy is shallow or obsessive, in my mind, is fortunate never to have been through this and I hope they never will find out how true to life Lucy is.
Along with the miscarriages, the element of Lucy's husband's teenage daughter arriving from France adds to the already stressful situation and gives more depth to the story, as do a few other revelations along the way.
I felt very involved in this story, but came away from it feeling satisfied and uplifted - it was most certainly not all gloom and doom, but perhaps about self-discovery too, and appreciating what we have in life.
Thank you Amanda Prowse, for another cracking read.

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Lucy is desperate to have a baby. She and her husband are struggling with infertility. It doesn't help when Lucy's stepdaughter comes to live with them. Camille is a reminder of everything Lucy wants. Can Lucy become a mother to Camille? This was a beautiful story of love, the steps to motherhood, and what really makes a family. Thank you so much to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an ARC of this book for an honest review.

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I related to this book and these characters, as somene living with infertility. Reading The Idea of You was cathartic. I had a good, cleansing cry after finishing this book. I have recommend Amanda Prowse's new book to my reading group and I would recommend the book to anyone who is looking for a strong, emotional story.

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This absolutely broke my heart. At this moment in time I'm lucky enough to say that I have never been in a situation like that. And I'm glad because I honestly don't think I'd cope.

That must be one of the most painful and traumatic experience that someone can go through. I can't imagine having to go through the actual experience or the aftermath. It's unimaginable but unfortunately these things happen. Some cruel joke that life plays on some of us. It's upsetting to even think about it. Every page, every paragraph, every word absolutely broke my heart.

I don't know how to explain my feelings about this without spoiling everything but I found myself tearing up on several different occasions. I'm going to leave it there as I don't know what else to say without spoiling it.

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If you're looking for a book that is packed full of emotion, then The Idea of You by Amanda Prowse is for you. The story of Lucy and Jonah will consume you.

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An absolutely amazing book - Amanda prowse is a true writing genius, creating characters that people can relate to and believable storylines

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Could not identify with the subject matter so struggled with this.

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Another brilliant and beautiful novel from Amanda Prowse ,there is so much true emotion in her books she is unlike any author I've ever read before. Thankyou for the pleasure of reading your books.

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A 5* review for The Idea of You by Amanda Prowse. Lucy Carpenter appears to have it all; a wonderful new husband, Jonah, a successful career and she is now hoping for a baby of her own, despite being 40. However, becoming parents proves much harder than Lucy and Jonah imagined, and they go through some very dark days of disappointment and torment in their quest for a baby. Jonah’s teenage daughter Camille comes to stay with them, and causes a rift between them and adds more stress to Lucy's life of trying to juggle work and home and trying to conceive and Jonah seems to be unsupportive making Lucy fear everything is falling to pieces around her. The book is beautifully written by Amanda Prowse and is so heart wrenching that you feel you are there with Lucy and share her pain. It is an easy read that flows well and i raced through it. There is a hint of a back story in the Prologue and Amanda teases you with snippets of it all the way through the book until she finally shares the heartbreak with you and you understand Lucy completely. (Tissues ready). There is a lovely conclusion to the book with Camille, which i wont spoil, but the ending made me sigh and smile. A compelling read for women everywhere who want to know the answer to Amanda Prowse's question: in today’s hectic world, what does it mean to be a mother?

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Lucy and Jonah met at a wedding and within a short time they marry much to the joy of her family and friends. But as a nearly forty year old Lucy is keen to be a mother and the book engages the reader in her trials as she tries to carry a baby to term. Add in a step daughter aged 16, an ex-wife living in France, a mother who seems to not connect with her and you have a great novel. This book gives one the rare insight into the aftermath of a secret Lucy has carried for over 34 years and provides compassion for all involved in the narrative.

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