Member Reviews

Lucy is fairly recently married, and at almost 40, desperately wants to have a baby. Her husband has a teenage daughter who Lucy doesn't know, and this book follows their progress as a family as the daughter comes to stay with them for the summer.

Amanda prose has only been writing for four years and in that time has written 17 novels and 6 novellas! If this is typical of her work, then I can see how she has become popular because she is really just telling stories about people in a simple and effective way.
I thought this was a pretty good book, but I didn't really connect with the characters and got pretty annoyed at them many times, so it is a 3 star read for me, but I will seek out more of Prowse's work in the future.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a free advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I’ve really struggled with rating this one. It’s one of those books that I have such mixed feelings about. I really enjoyed some aspects but had difficulty connecting with others. I do think it’s a nice, quick read and a fairly good book for the lover of women’s fiction. But, there were flaws that made it not such a great book for me.

This is the story of a woman who has it all … except the baby she’s desperately wanting. Getting pregnant isn’t as easy as they’d hoped and when her husband’s teen daughter comes to stay with them, it doesn’t go very smoothly since it just reminds her of what she doesn’t have herself … a child. I’ve read a lot ‘want to have a baby but can’t have one’ narratives and I think it’s difficult to do in a new and unique way. So, some of my frustration with the book had to do with it not bringing a lot of newness to this story. I had a horrible time getting pregnant so I could relate to those pieces – that felt very real and raw just as it does in ‘real’ life.

The stepdaughter pieces of the story were interesting and I was hoping they’d bring the narrative to life but I think it fell flat for me. And I think that is because the main character was just difficult to understand and relate to – Lucy is very one-dimensional to me. And I was hoping to relate to her a little if not a lot. But, I just never did. Some of the things that she did or said when dealing with her stepdaughter didn’t feel very real to me. They felt artificial and made me uncomfortable.

I did like how the author brought Lucy’s story (past and today) and her stepdaughter’s stories together by the end. I thought the growth exhibited in that relationship was really quite good and probably my favorite thing about the novel.

All in all, it was a fine book but I don’t think I’ll remember it or think back on it much. I just didn’t connect with it or the characters as I’d expected given the subject matter. If you love women’s fiction or domestic dramas, this might be a book you’d enjoy. Unfortunately, it just didn’t quite work for me.

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Gut wrenching and at times very poignant. This book had me entranced from the first page. A very realistic view into the life of a woman who tries to have it all. Thoroughly enjoyed this one!

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Another ingenious and insightful book by Amanda Prowse which at times I had to put down as parts of Lucy's story mirrored my own. As The Idea of You unfolds, however, I couldn't stop reading and it's the first book, in a while, that made me cry. A great read!

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Super enjoyable and emotional story. The Idea of You wasn't what I was expecting, I actually don't even know what I thought it would be, but I'm so glad to have been given the opportunity to read this book. The author did a great job of pulling me into the story and making me feel what the characters were going through. I'd definitely recommend a few tissues, but don't think that is because the story has an overall somber tone or is depressing, because that isn't the case. Rather, it is powerful and full of hope. For some people, starting a family can be difficult, touchy, and sometimes sad, but the author handles this issue with sensitivity and empathy.

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The Idea Of You is a touching book. It tells the story of Lucy who is almost 40 and longing for a child. She knows time is running out and is delighted to find out she is pregnant. Sadly, it's not to be, as Lucy faces miscarriage in early pregnancy. Prowse describes very well the fear and panic and the indignity of the hospital, together with the loss and emptiniess.

IT is well written with care and compassion

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This story highlights what sometimes happens when the excitement wears off. Well worth reading.

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Amanda Prowse has done it again. She has written a beautiful book that so many women out there would be able to relate to.

I personally have not been in the exact same situation that Lucy found herself in, but nevertheless my heart broke for her, and for Jonah as well. It is the skill of the author that makes you care about the characters in this book: from Lucy with her high-powered career when what she really wants is a baby, to Jonah who is a man who watches helplessly as his wife goes through such trauma and then to Camille, Jonah's teenage daughter who turns their lives upside down. The secondary characters are also very well written and an essential part of the story.

This was not an easy book to read by any means, but I found myself wishing that everything would work out just as Lucy was hoping. Did she get what she wanted in the end? You will have to read the book and see, I am not saying :)

A gorgeous bit of writing, had me in tears more than once, but overall this is a story of love, and how it overcomes absolutely everything.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. Thank you to Lake Union Publishing.

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This book was fine, although I found it quite boring at times. I didn't empathise with Lucy much, as she was a 40-year-old woman who was newly married and just wanted a baby. I don't want any of those things. But, it flowed quite nicely and made me want to keep reading. I really hated Jonah and found Camille and Tansy infuriating, but Lucy was decent.

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Publisher's Description:
With her fortieth birthday approaching, Lucy Carpenter dares to hope that she finally has it all: a wonderful new husband, Jonah, a successful career and the chance of a precious baby of her own. Life couldn’t be more perfect.

But the reality of becoming parents proves much harder than Lucy and Jonah imagined. Jonah’s love and support is unquestioning, but as Lucy struggles with work and her own failing dreams, the strain on their marriage increases. Suddenly it feels like Lucy is close to losing everything…

Heart-wrenching and poignant, this latest work by bestselling author Amanda Prowse asks the question: what does it mean to be a mother in today’s hectic world? And what if it’s asking too much to want it all?

My Thoughts:

This poignant, heart wrenching tale kept me in stitches always hoping for the best for the heroine. I know only from the experience of friends and family the joy of a child's arrival and the sorrow of loss when this much anticipated life ends too early.

This story is so well written with characters that you both love and hate. You can not help but feel the drastic loss each time it happens and the anticipation that just maybe this time will be different

I gave this book 4.25 of 5 stars for storyline and characterization. This is not my usual type of read but it kept me totally engrossed in this often sad story.

I was invited to read and received a complimentary digital copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way affected my opinion of this title which I have voluntarily reviewed.

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Beautifully written. Not my favorite story but glad I read it. Thank you Netgalley for the introduction to an author I've never read before.

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I thought this book was well written, covered the heartache of miscarriage and being unable to have children very well and sensitively. The scenes between Lucy and Camilla were realistic and I enjoyed reading this book.

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I received this ARC from in exchange for an honest review.

This book is my first read from this author. The author writes in a simple manner, an easy ongoing read.
I really want to say that I liked it, but unfortunately, I was never connected to the story which surprised me being that I've had 4 miscarriages in my life and I know the emotional feeling after this occurs. I found myself pushing through the book, I got bored in several parts and I was wishing for the end to finish it.

I don't want to ruin this opinion with any spoilers but I think what the author really wants the reader to see when reading Lucy's story is that sometimes life gives us a lesson and sometimes these lessons may be used in a negative way or in a positive way. In Lucy´s story, she did use it in a positive way.

Thanks to Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC.

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The premise of this book is Lucy's journey. She was dumped by her boyfriend who married her cousin and then after a few years she met Jonah. They try to become parents at the age of 40, Jonah's 16 year old daughter moves in for a few months and there is nothing but problems to include miscarriages. There is one unexpected twist (but not really unexpected when you read the book you will understand why I say this) and then a HUGE long-held secret that isn't a secret to the reader.

Not my favorite book. Amanda Prowse is a good writer just not my type of book I guess. Lucy came off as a 12 year old herself and that totally turned me off.

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A very heart-felt and heart-warming story about family and relationships and how our notions of them have to change to accommodate all the new (and sometimes tragic) circumstances fate throws our way. The heroine is particularly well-drawn, never sentimental or cliched, but always honest and sympathetic, and her struggles -- waiting for a pregnancy -- feel very real. Can recommend to women fiction readers, fans of Jodi Picoult and Harriet Evans and anyone looking for a pacey, engaging read.

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I read book in less than 24 hours. It had my full attention from the first page until the last. I really did not want to stop reading but the kids and husband had to be fed. Chores had to be done... I was supposed to sleep but didn't until after I finished reading the entire book!

This book was so emotional. Mostly sad but also funny, fun, happy at times and REAL. I have to admit, I'm a 38 year old stay at home mom of 4 kids ranging from almost 21 to almost 3. They're all mine and I've never had a miscarriage. Nor have I known anyone who has said to me they've had a miscarriage so I have never been in those emotions or even close. This book took me there and was heart breaking.

Although I've never experienced a miscarriage there was a time when we couldn't conceive and I knew people who were having babies who probably shouldn't AND I felt that pang of envy. I myself was only 17 when I had my first and the thought of anyone stepping in and taking him from me brings out the mama bear in me.

I won't give out any details because I don't want to spoil the story but I encourage people to read this with an open mind and enjoy the story.

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Another wonderful Amanda Prowse book. Very emotional and thought provoking.. Dealt very well with the subject of frequent miscarriages and how sometimes the father's feelings are overlooked. Also the subject of young pregnancies and how it affects the whole family. Very sensitively done.

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I could not finish this book.The female protagonist was mousy and insipid. I couldn't get into the story,she kept annoying me.

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This is a gripping story of real life! I am happy to have found this book I am an instant fan of this author Amanda Prowse! Emotionally moving and so close to home on so many levels. This is real life put onto paper! Raw emotions, courage and inspiration make this a touching read for anyone!

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