Member Reviews

2.5 stars

This book started out as a 3 star (“ok” read, not great but not horrible either), but a chapter or so in, it went down to 2 stars and truth be told, by the time I reached the halfway mark, I was so annoyed with the way the story was going that I was tempted to DNF the book right then and there. But not being one to abandon a book in the middle of reading unless there is a truly compelling reason, I stuck with it and ended up speed-reading through the rest of the book so I could get through it as quickly as possible (and move on to other books that I might actually enjoy reading). While the last 20% or so of the book – including the ending – didn’t turn out as bad as I thought it would, the damage had already been done in that I was already annoyed with 80% of the book, so I couldn’t really bring myself to raise my rating to anything more than 2.5 stars.

For me, what irritated me most about this book were the characters, mostly the main character Lucy and (to some extent) her husband Jonah. I was not able to identify with Lucy at all, which I found quite ironic given the fact that certain aspects of the character’s life (prior to her marriage) paralleled my own – namely, Lucy’s position in the beginning of the story where she is a career-driven woman who, finding herself still single as she approaches her 40s, begins to seriously contemplate what role marriage and children have in her future. The difference, of course, is that Lucy is "crazily" obsessed with wanting to be a mother and to have a baby of her own that she can dote on (in her own words, she was "desperate to be a mother"), to the point that it basically consumes every waking moment of her life and impacts everything she says, does, thinks. This is the case even after she gets married and not surprisingly, her overwhelming desire to have a baby ends up straining her relationship with her husband as well as everyone else around her. Personality-wise, the way Lucy is portrayed for majority of the story – as a woman who, despite being in her 40s and having a prestigious, high-level managerial position at her company, was highly immature, selfish, hypocritical, and often acted like a jealous, defiant teenager when dealing with all issues outside of work – made her a very unlikable character. I actually found it very difficult to feel any bit of sympathy for Lucy, despite all the struggles she endures throughout the story.

From a story perspective, I felt like things dragged on too much, with the focus for 90% of the book being on Lucy’s desperate attempts to become a mother. I got tired of reading about the same thing over and over again, chapter after chapter: Lucy attempting to become pregnant, her nearly daily spats with her husband Jonah over trivial matters that almost always stemmed from her unwavering desire to have a baby, etc. The inconsistency of the writing also bothered me – not so much sentence structure or grammatical stuff, but rather the way the author seemed to “over-explain” things in some sections (especially when it came to Lucy’s thoughts and feelings) but then “under-explain” in other sections (usually when it pertained to things not directly related to Lucy’s desire to have a baby). It almost felt as though most of the dialogue in the book was meant “justify” in some way Lucy’s every word, thought, and action, whether positive or negative.

To me, this is a book that has limited reading scope in that it likely won’t appeal to those who may not have the same concerns, beliefs, experiences, etc. as the characters in the story. I clearly was not the target audience for this book, as I am not married (despite being nearly the same age as Lucy was when the story opened) and do not have children. Not to mention, my belief system also conflicts with what I perceive to be the “message” that the author (whether intentionally or unintentionally) seemed to be trying to convey throughout the book: that the only way for a woman to truly be happy in life is to get married and have children. Of course, I have nothing against marriage or having children (in fact, I love kids and have a nephew whom I adore), but I also don’t see anything wrong with still being single. But this is just me….perhaps others who read this book may have a different perspective – for me, this book definitely wasn’t my cup of tea.

Received advance reader copy from Lake Union Publishing via NetGalley.

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I'm guilty of prejudging this without really knowing what the story was about. My first response "An Amanda Prowse book...isn't this just weepy fiction aimed at women?"

However, as this was a preapproved title I decided not to read the blurb, reviews, comments regarding this book and just take a chance on what was inside. I'm glad I did. Very pleasantly surprised at how well written it was and how it dealt with the subject matter. I especially enjoyed how the sub plots weren't laboured and all were wrapped up neatly as the book progressed. Sometimes its nice to leave things to develop in the readers head and helps move the book along at a good pace.

You really get to enjoy who the characters are and really feel for Lucy. The main plot twist did take me by surprise, which was another major plus point and it genuinely did feel like a real life drama that you would imagine happens to real people. The sense of perspective and optimism towards the end was welcome. Life happens, however usually not how you planned.

Based on this I would definitely try another of Amanda's books

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Well written and a quick read.

Honestly, this is not my type of novel: too chick lit-y and too gushy about babies. Also I know we are supposed to 'use our words' but at times I wished they would use a little fewer.

However from previous experience this is simply 'par for the course' for this kind of novel and in general this book was well written.
The writing showed a sensitive understanding of the distress and trauma experienced by the main character and it brought the story together in a satisfying conclusion without taking the easy path.
Naturally as always in such things Jonah, the male protagonist, was a little obtuse and all the main characters needed to 'get over themselves' but that only made the conclusion more poignant.

My only serious complaint would be concerning Lucy's attitude to the teenage Camille. I am slightly older than the main protagonist, Lucy, and have raised a couple of teenagers. Her attitude struck me as being from the 1950s: more from my mother's generation than from my own. I assume this was done to heighten the conflict and tension but it engendered in me the desire to give Lucy a sharp shake and yell "Were you never young?!!"

Recommended for anyone who enjoys the type of chick lit that doesn't revolve around designer clothes or shopping. Well written and a quick read.

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The Idea of You has a slow build. With each page comes another layer into Lucy's story. You learn how the past can impact a future. I cried a couple of times watching her navigate through being a new wife and stepmother while battling her own demons. Forgiveness isn't easy, especially forgiving oneself. There was a lot to be learned about truly loving yourself. Many go through life without ever achieving contentment which is why I enjoyed reading about Lucy's journey. Heartwarming and a satisfying read. I would definitely read more from this author.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an eARC of this book.

The speed with which Amanda Prowse writes amazes me especially when her books turn out to be as well written and readable as this book. That is the only reason I kept going with this one. I wish I could have liked the characters better. They were all shallow except for the daughter, Camille, who was an erratic teenager but she has a mind of her own at least. It is emotional chick lit which perhaps would have sparked a response in me if I had ever had a miscarriage, an abortion, or a child.
Maybe I just didn't get it. The family dynamics are interesting but not compelling.
I reluctantly give this 3 stars because it kept me reading.

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Amanda Prowse is the author of no-fewer than a dozen novels now listed on Amazon, a couple of them best-sellers, all published in the last five years. And she is a good story teller.

The book’s prologue contains a flashback that is unexplained until much later. When the novel begins, the “you” in The Idea of You appears to be the man Lucy—now hitting 40—can at last fall in love with and marry. But within a chapter or two, Lucy finds that man in Joshua, and they promptly marry. From the start, Joshua seems almost too good to be true. He is handsome, sensitive, considerate, kind, prosperous, and (above all) he adores her. Enough pluses to make me suspicious that he has an evil streak he’s hiding or a terrible secret. But, no, that’s not the story Prowse is telling.

Before much longer, we get to the actual “you” in the title. It is the child Lucy yearns for but is apparently (no spoilers here) unable to carry to term, or very long at all. As the book progresses, her pregnancies end early, but she keeps trying and falling apart each time. At this point the reader has no idea if a baby will eventually come along, and Lucy’s grief after each setback is clear and understandable. But Prowse didn’t seem to think she’s driven home the enormity of Lucy’s heartbreak, so she inserts italicized letters to the lost child between chapters. For example, one describes the never-to-be baby taking his or her adorably wobbly first steps. After one or two, I began skipping the italicized parts.

The story moves along until Lucy tells her husband a secret that she has hidden from everyone her entire adult life. I won’t reveal the secret, but here is where the plot goes off track. Given Lucy’s age, the secret isn’t as shameful as it would have been in an earlier era. Not does Joshua’s extreme reaction to it jibe with the character Prowse has given him until now. I can think of other secrets that might have made him that angry, but not this one. His outrage drives the rest of the story to its somewhat predictable ending.

There are some good elements to The Idea of You. Prowse is an engaging writer, and her characters—with the exception of Joshua’s Jekyll-Hyde moment—seem real and sympathetic. But Prowse has a tendency to become unnecessarily heavy handed and maudlin about Lucy’s fertility problems when a simple description would be enough.

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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What an emotional roller coaster.The growth in the characters was amazing and as someone who has never been through any of these situations it gave me more understanding. I'll admit the onion ninjas came to visit me. Lucy is a strong woman and her letters were so heartfelt.

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The Idea of You is the first book I have read of Amanda Prowse. I was initially attracted to the book because Lucy, the main character and I were of similar age. At times the book felt slow and repetitive, and I was not sure I wanted to keep reading. While initially, I was sympathetic to Lucy's plight, I soon found myself a bit frustrated with her inability to see things from anyone else's perspective. However, I am glad that I stuck with the book because by the book's end I saw Lucy in a new light. This book took me through a gamut of emotions and overall it was a good read. I received a copy of the book through NetGalley for review purposes.

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I've never dealt with the issues of infertility or step-parenting personally, but I certainly have many friends as well as some close family members who have. This author conveys the gut wrenching emotions of both of these issues beautifully. I found myself getting frustrated with Lucy although maybe that isn't fair since I've never gone through these situations. I found her to be a bit too introspective and that bogged me down at times.
I think most women can relate to many of the family dynamics that occur in the book even if we haven't lived the exact same experiences.
This would make a great book to take along on a trip. Be prepared for some emotions though!

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I am an avid reader and can usually read most genres of fiction as well as a wide range of non fiction. This book, however, defeated me. I tried to give it a chance, but repeatedly found myself picking it up, reading a page or two then getting distracted and leaving it for days before finding the motivation to pick it up again. As someone who can read a book in one or two sittings if I have the time and it catches my interest, this is very unusual. Her writing style is okay, but not gripping. The 'plot' as it was, was not that interesting, either. Not a book to remember.

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I have read four books by Amanda Prowse. In all cases they are books that you can read in a few hours, although they are not entirely light and happy books, often dealing with some intense family drama. So far, The dramas went from the death of a child to anorexia.
In this case we have three main problems, the inability of carrying a child, adoption and having a relationship with a step daughter.
Lucy and Jonah married in middle age, both are successful business people and would like to have a child. Jonah was previously married for a short time with a French woman and together they have a child, Camille who is now a teenager.
I quite liked Lucy and Camille and it was interesting how their relationship developed. The fact that Lucy was not always dealing with her stepdaughter in the best or most mature way, made her look quite real. Most of us would walk out of the room or worse when dealing with a stroppy and ungrateful teenager.

I was not always sure about Jonah, but I have noticed in other books by Amanda Prowse that the male characters, especially the husbands can be rather insensitive or short sighted.
Amanda Prowse is good dealing with feelings, trying to make you see how people in that situation would feel and paints her characters with lots of empathy despite their flaws.
As far as chick lit dealing with real issues goes, Amanda Prowse does it again. I particularly like the fact that she only started writing in her forties and she can write four books in a year!

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I didn't have any great expectations of this book, I normally read thrillers but I thought I'd have a change and read something different. The author's words about herself at the front of the book immediately made me warm to it - but even so I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did! At first the main character, Lucy, seems a little odd and perhaps even a bit unbalanced, but as the book progressed I realised she wasn't at all and I really grew to like her and sympathise with her. Amanda Prowse tackles the issue of miscarriages and teenage pregnancy in a compassionate and caring way and weaves them into a good story. Her characters rose above their problems, tackled them and got on with life so that ultimately the book has a happy ending.

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A beautifully written book sensitivity written dealing with the issues of miscarriage,adoption and teen pregnancy .
I would recommend this book as it is a beautiful story which has a surprising twist.
Lucy a successful business women meets Jonah a successful businessman and immediately falling love.
They marry and it soon becomes evident that Lucy would like a child but sadly although she gets pregnant she has a miscarriage.
The book describes in great depth the psychological trauma that a miscarriage has on both party's and the pressure it puts on a relationship.
A lovely book written from the heart.

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The Idea of You by Amanda Prowse follows Lucy & Jonah Carpenter a recently married middle-aged married couple, living in London, who are trying to have a baby together. Lucy at 39, desperately feels her biological clock ticking away. She dearly wants a baby, and while she has no trouble conceiving, has miscarried several times, each more heart-breaking than the last.

Enter Camille, Jonah's teen-aged daughter from his first marriage, who has lived all her life in France. Turbulent times between mother and daughter have her coming to live with Jonah and Lucy for the summer. A surly teenager is not what Lucy hoped for, expected, or needs to deal with as she struggles to deal with her latest blow of loss. Jonah, loving both, is often put in the middle. Tensions rise between the couple, and Camille resists Lucy's efforts at closeness which further isolates Lucy. Will this family fall apart or find a way to stay together?

Prowse writes knowingly and realistically about family dynamics, giving each character true to life emotions and reactions. Your own emotions get caught up in theirs as you watch the story unfold.
A secret divulged by Camille to Lucy brings the two women together, but one divulged by Lucy to Jonah drives the couple apart. Drama abounds as it does in any family.

While I won't divulge the outcome, I will say that Prowse wraps up her story nicely. Not everything is roses, but much is resolved and all characters move forward stronger than they had started.

An enjoyable read, though until Camille appears, it seemed a bit one-note to me, focusing strictly on Lucy and her determination for a baby. I almost put the book down because of it. I'm glad that I held on though as I did enjoy the book as a whole and will read more works by Prowse due to her writing style.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for allowing me to read an e-ARC of this book.

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Thank you for pre-approving me for this book, however, I'm very bogged down right now with blog tours. I wish you success in this release.

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A well-written novel about the struggle constantly faced by women choosing between family and career and learning to balance everything. Lucy's desire to be a mother stems from a lot of events but the commonality with what other women in real life are constantly faced with rings too true.
Excellently written and emotionally captivating.

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This book raises so many emotions and must do for so many women. I say women because I think it is a book that speaks to women but which men should read. The story is well crafted and the characters interesting and well developed. The reader is drawn into the story and truly cares about Lucy and her family and her relationships. The story line is one which is not spoken about enough but this book is not a platform it is a really good read.

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The Idea of Us would make the most coldhearted person experience feelings they probably have never felt before. The characters are all fantastic, I had clear images of all of them as I was reading. The storyline was great, and the plot twist that was revealed came from nowhere! 9/10

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The Idea of You by Amanda Prowse is a heart wrenching novel about mothers and daughters. The novel is well written and contains much emotion. The storyline did not catch me right away, but about ½ way into the book, I did not want to put the book down.

Lucy Carpenter seems to have it all a great job and a great husband - a life that many people would be jealous of. She however wants a baby - to have a baby with Jonah. Instead she ends up with Camille, Jonah’s teenage daughter. This young person puts a hardship on their relationship. The wedge between Lucy and Jonah grows as Camille stays on and Lucy feels her dreams fade away, which grows the wedge deeper and the distance grows.

I am unsure of how many people would immediately connect with Lucy and Jonah at the beginning of the book. The subject of miscarriages will make some people shy away from reading this (as I almost did). The Idea of You by Amanda Prowse was a poignant read.

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My hopes and aspirations weren’t what typical girls dream about. My dreams were having a good career, someday having a nice husband with the American dream of the white picket fence, but children never entered my mind’s eye. I did get two out of three, which I’m thankful for!

But for Lucy Carpenter just having a career and a loving husband wasn’t enough. She didn’t feel complete without having that little bundle of joy. What Lucy signified is what being unique and different is all about. For her, having a baby meant everything. It would make her feel complete, but no matter how hard she and Jonah, her hubby, tried, the fates had a different take on the situation. Jonah was a father from his first marriage. And although that made Lucy overjoyed that he had a growing teen living in France with his ex-wife, she still wanted to experience motherhood firsthand up close and personal.

Going through the journey of Lucy’s miscarriages was extremely painful to read. And I don’t mean that in a negative way. I felt for this character. You always hear the horror stories in the news about parents killing their babies or harming them, and when you have two people that would give a child the best, it’s just downright cruel that they cannot conceive. She would have been a great mom and you could feel her anguish. It just wasn’t enough for her to be a stepmom, she wanted a baby. When Camille comes to visit Jonah and Lucy for the summer, a strange turn of events emerges. What Lucy was advised and what was were two completely set of circumstances. Camille drives a wedge between Lucy and Jonah and it’s a wonder if they were going to make it out of it alive. Would their marriage stand the test of a stepchild?

I must say this was one of the most poignant books I’ve read in quite some time. Prowse wrote the words off this book  If you’re not feeling the frustration and mental anguish Lucy experiences, you cannot have a pulse. I was heartbroken for this woman and I personally never wanted children, but I understand women who do. As you read this story, so many questions form in your mind (none of which I will state because of spoilers), but this is a book that defies all trials and tribulations. Lucy was a strong character and handled herself well, under the circumstances, but make no bones about it, Lucy held her own and I love the sensitivity and care Prowse took in writing this heartwarming story. Outstanding book!

Mello & June, It’s a Book Thang! Gives The Idea of You five bundles of joy! Great characters, a-sensitive, yet compelling story of love, loss and maturing. The Idea of You went on sale, March 21, 2017, so please make sure you pick up your copy today! This is one of those books that will live with you forever. I’m a fan, Amanda Prowse. Well, well, well done! Awesome Read. Until next time, keep on reading Intellectual Minds!

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