Member Reviews

A nicely written book from Amanda as usual, but this one just wasn't for me. Perhaps some of the subject matter hit a little close to home for me and it made it at times a difficult read for me. In saying that it was dealt with perfectly and written beautifully.

I shall admit i cried a bit while reading!

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What a beautifully written, poignant story about a woman's heartaching desire to be a mother. I felt her desire and her pain and her struggle as if it were my own. This author has an incredible gift of being able to pull you into the world of her characters and make you feel all the feelz!!

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Heartfelt, heart warming and very touching. Thanks for allowinge to read and review! My review is up on Amazon under my name, Aisha Hashmi

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Tremendous read that kept me hooked the entire way through. Loved it.

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Another great book from Amanda Prowse. This was another one I didn't want to put down. Such a heartbreaking story that turns into one of perseverance. Thank you to Netgalley for letting me read this.

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This was such a heartwrenching read. When Lucy marries Jonah she looks forward to the perfect married life together. But her hopes and wishes don't go as smoothly as she dreamed that they would- and she faces such a troubled time. She has a very successful job- but is looking forward to starting a family.
When her teenage stepdaughter comes to stay during the difficult times- she just adds to Lucy's problems. She is faced with the teenage hormones without having had the pleasure of the getting to know her stage. Camille is also a troubled girl and although she is hostile to Lucy, she does actually love some of the things that Lucy plans for her. Jonah is pulled in different directions and was never going to be able to keep everyone happy.

I did love the occasional glimpse into the softer side of Camille- having gone through the teenage years- you know your little girl is still in there somewhere! Lucy is trying to negotiate the tough end of parentlng whilst struggling with personal heartbreak.

We have romance, love, heartbreak, family dynamics and a hint of secrets running through and keeping you engrossed in the story. You are always assured of a great read with Amanda Prowse- have loved her books since the first release.

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The Idea of You is the latest novel by Amanda Prowse. From the very beginning the reader feels a connection to Lucy, the main character. At times incredibly sad there are also more than one occasion that the reader will be moved to tears. As pages turn the reader becomes very invested in the story. I was given a copy to review.

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This book will have a wide appeal to women everywhere. Most women will be able to relate to Lucy's story as a woman trying to have it all; a high-powered and fulfilling career and then in her forties, finally, a family. At times I was a little frustrated with Lucy's character and how she carried around so much pain from her past mistakes, but overall it was a good story. At times a bit heartbreaking, although the story ends on a positive note.

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When you come to write a review for a book you love it;s hard not to use the same phrases you've used before for good reads and I'm afraid it's the same for me today...A lovely, lovely read which made me cry but filled me with happiness too.
What craftmanship Amanda Prowse shows in her style, characters and plot. Difficult subject which thankfully I've not experienced but know many who have.
Cannot recommend highly enough and frustrated that my writing skills do not do it justice.

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I could definitely see why many women would identify with this book. It touches on the sensitive subjects of infertility and stepparenting, second marriages and family secrets. Lucy is a young, forty something, successful woman who has finally found her person in Jonah, the one who understands her, who loves her unconditionally. But not everything in life is so easy. Struggling with infertility is a terrible strain, no matter how stable a relationship is. Throw in a stepdaughter who is now staying with you and a secret so large, it could rock the very foundation you live on, well, you get one stress-filled life. If you're not careful, those fissures that are so small could turn into cracks that could never be healed. The Idea of You can be an intense read for some, but enlightening as well and for the subject matter, I was very pleased with the ending. Well done.

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This is such an engaging, tenderly crafted, beautifully written novel that speaks soul deep. The subject matter is painful and haunting but it is handled with dexterity and grace. Our main character, Lucy, has an ache in her heart which never entirely goes away, despite how successful her life looks on the surface. She has a burning longing to become a mother, a huge desire to conceive, though it seems to be thwarted at every turn. One miscarriage after another not only leaves her terribly sad, disappointed and reeling, it also begins to make holes appear in her marriage. All she thought she was certain of before becomes as uncertain as her ability to conceive.
As we read on (tissues at hand), we discover how she slowly starts to see motherhood, family relationships, secrets kept and finally shared, in a whole new light. And as she opens her heart to the love that already surrounds her, she comes to realise how parenting isn’t as limited a concept as she had thought it was. In opening up about her past, letting the light of truth into her life, growing wiser in her own understanding of things, she eventually reaches a place where the elusive happiness she sought is already a large part of her days—albeit shaped a little differently, but just as precious, nevertheless.

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The Idea of You is a powerful story about family hope ,loss and motherhood .The writing is so beautiful and poignant,I felt so sad but also so elated at the end and it's true sometimes you can't have everything you want but as long as you are happy perhaps it doesn't matter so much .

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The Idea of You

I was very excited to get my hands on a copy of this book and so would like to extend my thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for that.

The Idea of You is a highly emotional read that centres round Lucy and her yearning to be a mother. We go on a journey with Lucy and her husband through this; a gut wrenchingly powerful journey that will lead to lost babies, step daughter's, the angst of blended families and how things aren't always as they seem. I don't want to say much more as I don't want to spoil anything for you as a reader. Just know that this is an amazing book and you don't want to miss out on reading it. 5 bright and shiny stars from me!

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This story is well written and easy to read. The subject matter, whilst dealing with the events in many womens' lives is at times difficult to process. It connects on a very emotional level.

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The Idea of You is a powerful story that should be read by any woman, no matter her age or circumstances. It’s also a story for the men in our lives, those who say they want to understand us better and truly mean it. It’s a story for blended families, for couples who want children even if they themselves are no longer in the bloom of youth. It’s a story that will touch hearts, open dialogue and perhaps make people think before they offer words of comfort or give sage advice of things they know nothing about.

It is quite simply a powerful story. One that will make you feel and think, cry and chuckle, and wonder how you would face such challenges in your own life.

I believe The Idea of You is a story that needs to be read, then shared with friends and family. I do not believe it’s one that a reviewer can or should tell you about in detail. To know too much lessens the impact of this family’s struggles, pain and outcome. What Jonah and Lucy face could easily happen to any of us readers, and already has for some. The little letters simply broke my heart, for I have written a few of them myself.

If you are looking to take a realistic journey that will change how you view life, then this is a story for you. I’d highly recommend this one.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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This story is about Lucy Carpenter who has a successful career, but as she’s getting closer to 40 and single she feels she has no chance of getting the family life she so desires. Then she meets Jonah at her best friend’s daughters christening. After a short whirlwind romance they get married and try for a family of their own. Jonah already has a daughter, Camille, from his previous marriage but she lives in France. Unfortunately, Lucy suffers miscarriage after miscarriage. Whilst trying to deal with this and her very busy and stressful job, Camille is sent to stay with her father for a while.
This book was just not for me and I only read half of the book before giving up. I felt this book didn’t grab me and there was nothing for me to keep me wanting to read it. I couldn’t engage or sympathise with any of the characters, even though I have been through miscarriages myself, I still couldn’t connect with the book.
Although my experience of this novel is negative its not to say no one will enjoy it, as I’ve seen from other reviewers that they have loved the book and would highly recommend, this is just my personal review and feeling.

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I always look forward to a new Amanda Prowse book and this one did not let me down. This is beautifully and poignantly written. I had tears in my eyes as I went on a rollercoaster of life with Lucy and Jonah.. This is a story which resonates with so many people.

Sit down and prepare to be there till the book is finished!!

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I was invited to read The Idea of You by Netgalley and the publishers Lake Union Publishing. I'm not sure why as I exclusively read crime fiction but somehow, probably due to my incompetence, it arrived on my Kindle.

This is a heartwarming tale of Lucy, her husband Jonah and her teenage stepdaughter Camille who comes to visit. Camille is a disruption to Lucy's life and her attempt to have a baby of her own but it is Lucy's own secrets which cause the most disruption.

Although it is well outside my normal reading matter I quite enjoyed it although I found Lucy and Jonah's relationship a bit sickly the ending extremely trite. I liked Lucy's character as she is strong and not afraid to stick up for herself and her story is a sad one. I think it is a well planned and plotted novel with good pace.

I can't say I'll be rushing out to read another novel by Ms Prowse but The Idea of You was a pleasant change of style for me and I can see why her novels are popular.

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This is a touching, beautifully written book. I laughed and cried with Lucy and a Jonah.

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This is a very engaging book about a heartbreaking subject. Lucy and Jonah, who are newly married, want a baby. After several miscarriages, happiness seems so far out of reach for this couple. Jonah's daughter, Camille, comes to live with them over the summer and adds more stress to their lives. This is the story of how this little family learns to find happiness and love, even if you don't always get what you want. The Lord always has a plan for your life. Amanda Prowse does a very good job of taking the reader into this story and knowing the pain these characters are going through. Highly recommend!

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