Member Reviews

Hooked from the first page. Good blend of details & action moving the story on. Worth reading.
At times riveting.

Oh I am so happy to have picked up a real good suspense romance novel! No Good Dead was intriguing and had you hooked from the get go! The corruption is everywhere you turn in this story. You really have no idea who to trust. I loved the fact that this book kept me on my toes. I was trying to guess every wrong on each page.
Teagan and Able met in a very non-traditional way. I mean being a spy, and a professional killer/contact is a way to go. But is that really who these characters are? I loved that we go into a journey with these two and find their true souls. Once the sheets got hot, it is like the other half of them were found.
You will get the crime fighting, and second guess who is in on it for the sake of good vs bad. There were a few moments in the book that I had a "shocking" moment with some of these characters you thought you could trust. If you are ready for a good suspense romance novel, No Good Dead would be the one to read next!

Very happy I picked up this book. What a smashing start to a really great new series. I love the idea ...assassins turn their skills to helping people. Tegan is a tough cookie, even when everything around her was well outside her realm of experience. Able is my ideal book boyfriend. Strong, protective, edgy, and devoted to the woman who tangles her life up with him. There is a great cast of characters to look forward to having their own story written. I will be waiting eagerly for the next book.

Action, intrigue and steamy sex. What more could you ask for in a romance?! No Good Dead has all three and more. Able is the alpha assassin and Teagan is the civilian caught up in something that affects not just her, but him and his team. From their very first intense meeting clear up until the end, the sparks fly and the action is a great backdrop for all the steam going on.
No Good Dead seems to be set up as a series and I hope so, because I really want more from this world.

I enjoyed book, kept you interested thru out book. Able is a hired assassin, when someone tries to kill him on a job, he goes find out why he was targeted, and find out that someone is killing assassins. So the hunt begins, and he contacts his team. While locating the person they think is responsible, they foil the attempted murder of Teagan. Teagan is out for justice, for the murder of her beloved sister, and unfortunately is also being framed for murder. Able, and team rescue Teagan, and find out who is after them and why. Able and Teagan have a combustible chemistry, and the relationship begins, even though both of them think it is just sex, and that they wont get attached. This was a fun book, and you enjoy sitting in and reading to find out what happens next. You will also like the rest of the team of assassins, and now I want to know who is next in line-up for their own story. Can't wait.

There are two words that I would use to describe this book: Assassins and Sex. That alone sounds amazing, but there is so much more to this book than that. I am really stingy with five star ratings but I knew without a doubt that this would be one.
If you have ever seen the television show "Leverage," this book reminded me of that. Basically, it's a group of criminals that come together to use their 'unique' skills to help the good people who can't get help anywhere else.
Characters: I loved every single one of the characters in this novel. It's not often that I don't find a book that has at least one character I can't stand, or is boring, or not necessary. I found every character in this book had a purpose. They all added something to the story. They were all also fairly well developed and had good story arcs. I hope the next books in the series continues with the same characters. I would love to learn more about them.
Romance: This book contained some very steamy sex scenes. I definitely would not recommend this to anyone under the age of seventeen. The relationship between the two main characters was gradual and natural. I was afraid that the other characters would nag and harass the male lead for getting too close to the male lead but I was pleasantly surprised that was not the case.
Action: The shootout scenes were awesome and easily visualized. They were pretty exciting and I never knew exactly how they would end. I really enjoyed reading them and what they added to the story.
Overall: I really enjoyed reading this book and learning about the characters' lives as assassins. The characters were really well developed and I loved them all. The relationships between the characters were all natural and there were some pretty steamy sex scenes. I can't wait to continue with the series.

This book opens with Able laid on the roof his Remington 700 takedown sniper rifle ready to takedown his target, everything is set until he hears a creak and then a nail drop, the nail he placed earlier. He's not alone, his breathing slows and he opens his senses, alert and ready.
Able is an assassin and it appears someone is trying to kill him, after some checking it turns out it's not just him 3 other assassins have been taken out in the last two weeks.
The question is who's killing them off and why?
Now as a professional killer Able tends to keep people at a distance preferring to work solo but there are times when he needs something so Able reaches out to the ones he's trusts. Firstly his foster brother Samson, Samson's ex-girlfriend Claire, IT expert Sabene, Rife and Milo.
Meanwhile Teagan is breaking the law for the first time, her sister Tabitha uncovered something and it cost her her life and Teagan is determined to avenge her which is how she finds herself in the offices of Hume Corp at night downloading secret files to hand to the FBI.
Able and Teagan find themselves in the same place at the same time, Able is following a lead and Teagan is handing the information she's collected over to the FBI.
Able and crew discover who's targeting them, Teagan meanwhile gets arrested for murder.
Teagan provides the missing information and it soon becomes apparent that someone rich and very powerful is behind this.
This book had a lot going for it, I liked Able, Samson, Claire, Sabene, Rife and even Milo grew on me after a while.
My problem, my only problem was Teagan.
She's completely out of her element I understand that, she's breaking the law for the first time and suddenly finds herself surrounded by killers, but it soon becomes obvious that Able and crew are her only chance of survival.
There were bits that annoyed me about her throughout the book but I let it all slide since she's in a world so different from anything she's known before but then came the TSTL moment and I just can't let that pass but more on that in the spoiler.
Despite Teagan's brush with stupid this was an interesting read and all the boxes are ticked for this to become a really good series.
The story is interesting enough, there's some intriguing characters and some hot sex, Able makes a hot protective male lead and it's all looking good for the future.
#### SPOILER ####
Teagan is a civilian, she's never held a gun and has absolutely no fighting skills yet when in the middle of a gun fight, completely surrounded by professionals she decides to get out of the vehicle for.......I've no idea what she was thinking when she got out, obviously she's captured within seconds and held hostage. Which is what we all knew would happen but what did she think would happen?
I voluntarily read a review copy kindly provided by NetGalley and Mark My Words Book Publicity.

5 Rip-Roaring stars!!!!! Loved, loved, loved this book. I was getting very irritated by life, as I did not want to put this book down or sleep once I started. Dude! Able March is now another book boyfriend for me. I hope the others don't get jealous, Lol. So we have Able, an assassin for hire, who on a recent job is almost killed. Fast forward to a motley crew of assassins and we find out that some, if not all, are being taken out. Next we have Teagan who only wants to do what's right and has some information that could out the man responsible for killing her sister, behind bars. There was so much action, suspense, backstabbing and spilling state secrets, it was freaking AWESOME!!!! I was so entrenched and I could not believe what I was reading. I felt like I was watching a movie, it was that engaging! Able sees what's going down when Teagan meets up with an FBI agent and decides to intervene before she gets hurt. What follows pulls you in and does not let you go! Teagan and Able have a chemistry that's undeniable and pours out like hot molten lava, disintegrating their clothes and burning up the sheets! Their sex was hawt! Not hot, but HAWT!!!!! Lol. I loved their chemistry and the fact that they were so into each other, however, that did not detach from the main story, which is finding out what is going on and the best way to take the other nasties out . Very well written, and you will not want to put this book down! Loved it! 5 stars are not enough, 10 would be perfect! Thank you for the opportunity. I cannot wait for next A Bad to Be Good book. The rest of the group were very engaged in the story and you got a sneak peek into each of their personality. I wouldn't mind getting up close and personal with Rife, either. Lol. Ms. Volney you rock!