Member Reviews

This book was requested by a previous Lesbrary reviewer who did not finish or review it. In order to keep my Netgalley feedback up to date, I am submitting this review marking it as a DNF, though it was another reviewer who requested this.

** spoiler alert **
This is a book that I loved in theory...and didn't like at all in practice. For one thing, when the story starts, Lisette is nine? NINE. Which is fine if you mention that in the blurb, or if there's immediately a big time jump, but I wasn't expecting a child protagonist when I requested the title.
Thumbs up for diversity and cover art, thumbs down for actual content and plotting. Too many characters and no reason to care about them.

this is quite possibly the best retelling of snow white i've ever read (i haven't read many, but ssh). the level of political intrigue and complexity of the characters reminded me of A Song of Ice and Fire; yes, it was that good.
the narrative was perfectly paced; one of my pet literary peeves is when there are plodding sections of 'filler' just for the sake of bulking the book out a bit, and i am glad that rabig did not commit that sin.
the extraordinarily diverse cast of characters was the cherry on top of the multifaceted, intricately plotted confection that was winterbourne's daughter. i honestly cannot recommend this book highly enough, and if you're a fan of asoiaf, it's a must-read. definitely an author to watch!

This is a book with many fairytales woven together and altered slightly.
I've always enjoyed fairytales and to have different sexual leanings for each main character was interesting too. A woman born a boy is our main protagonist Lissette as her world is thrown asunder but 2 of her parents murders by their 3rd.
This story was long but I loved each character and what they brought to the story with their love and strength to carry on even when it felt like all was lost.