Member Reviews

Jane doesn’t have a lot of dating experience – a year has passed since her first and only relationship ended – but she’s ready to fall in love. I think society has told us that life (for women at least) doesn’t begin until you are married and have a kid or two, and in Jane’s case, she believes that. So she goes on a quest to fall in love but ends up figuring what she really wants out of life.
If you’re a fan of chick lit (for lack of a better term), pick this one up.

I heard a lot of good things about this author, yet this is the first time I've read one of her stories. Everything I've heard about her stories and characters are spot on.
Jane was a humorously flawed and understandable character who at times had you wondering what was she thinking. Aside from the "What the heck?!" moments, and her singular focus on finding Mr Right, at the detriment to others in her life, Jane was a relatable woman to many who have had the same agenda, with differing results.
This is definitely a Chick-Lit story that was fun to read and watch Jane's transformation and growth to finding her HEA.
This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

I can't really decide if I liked this or not. It had humorous moments but she kind of drove me crazy.

This story sparkles! Bright, vivid and optimistic, and at times very funny. It's an enjoyable light read.

I wanted to root for Jane. Over and over again she would make selfish choices that led to her own downfall. She wasn't just unlivable she was unrelatable. When it finally seemed like she might be learning from her mistakes and correcting her behavior and setting herself up for future happiness. I can believe she would spend thousands of dollars and free time studying for the LSAT just to realize she didn't want to be a lawyer.

I first discovered Meredith Schorr after stumbling onto her book, Blogger Girl, which I absolutely loved. I was a bit disappointed with the pace of this one for me personally. I had a hard time connecting with Jane until about mid-way through the book. I wanted her not to be so naive. She had the "perfect" relationship for 9 years and while I understand that was her benchmark, her thought process nearly drove me mad. ha! It ended up being a good read, but the beginning really left me struggling to want to pick it back up. It didn't help that I had high expectations of this book, just coming off of Blogger Girl. So in a way, I was much like Jane. ;)

A sweet and fun story that had me laughing, smiling, and enjoying every single minute of it. Loved this one!

This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night and you will not want to put this book down until you finish. This was such a great read and full of surprises. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

This was the second book that I read this month from Meredith Schorr. She has an easy to read style that is filled with humor and real life situations. This is a story about a girl who is feeling the pressure to find " The One" and to start her educational path towards becoming a lawyer. Let's just say that in 5 or 6 months she has had sex with just as many guys and her attitude towards men and relationships has changed drastically. Not only has that changed but so has her attitude.
This was a fun read but I was annoyed in the beginning of the book with Jane. She had such a pessimistic and nasty attitude that I didn't really care what happened to her. That does change and so did my opinion but it was a rough start for me. This book is about love but not in the way that you think.

I thought this was a pretty fun book. I didn't get any laugh out loud moments, but I did get a few chuckles. This poor girl was without any clue about the dating world having been in a relationship for 9 years with a guy since before college. And the advice she was getting, totally out of left field. Not only that, but she wasn't even hearing it right.
Definitely an entertaining, enjoyable read. Which I am terribly glad of since I have another book by this author on my TBR pile (wiping sweat off brow!). So far, I'm thinking I have another new author to add to my list!
Thanks to Henery Press for approving my request and to Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

I wanted to like this. I just couldn't believe the colossally ridiculous choices Jane made that others called sparkling and funny in reviews. I was depressed reading this and the neat little bow tied at the end didn't change that fact. The negative feelings stayed with me. I think this was my last Chick Lit book. Choices have real consequences and can't be glossed over in the real world like they are in books.

Laugh-out-loud funny at times and almost cringe-worthy at others, A State of Jane is an overall enjoyable book. I read this book after reading Blogger Girl (which I prefer). It was obvious that Schorr wasn't as mature an author when she wrote this book as she was when she developed the Blogger Girl series. Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading about Jane and her mishaps as she works to find herself and find happiness.
I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

I found this book on NetGalley and it was a perfect read for a rainy weekend.
The story is well-written and the main character, Jane, is nice and clever. Not so clever at the start of the story, but in the end she finally gets a grip on things and makes a couple of very important decisions.
Although I cannot relate to the importance of having a steady boyfriend or a husband before turning 30, (althoug happily married myself I never went out desperately looking), I can relate to the fact that Jane needs someone to share her life with after her break up. I was happy to read that in the end Jane discoverd this too ;-)
First of all, you have to be happy with yourself; then, finding a partner will not be so difficult.
I have another book by Meredith Schorr on my reading list and I'm looking forward to read it.