Member Reviews

A book with any kind of royal- count me on. This was cute. I enjoy the “forbidden” romance- bodyguard/royal. I’ve read more by Ms. Wilson before and I would again.

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This was a fun quick read. I though the pictures were a bit distracting. I liked it but not nearly as much as I have liked her other books. This one was so so for me

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Sariah Wilson has done it yet again! I was so wrapped up in Enzo and Bellamy's story that I couldn't put it down. She just found out she's a princess and the man who broke her heart is assigned to be her bodyguard. That's not a recipe for disaster, right? I say it's a recipe for an outstanding read! Definitely 5 stars!

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5 Words: Family, secrets, royalty, attraction, love.

Well, that was definitely fluff. It was OK fluff. But it also got a bit uncomfortably creepy towards the end. [Her dad put a clause in the will so that she'd inherit nothing unless she married her bodyguard? CREEPY. ]

Enjoyable enough for a quick read when you're bored, and ticking a few enjoyable trope boxes with a HEA.

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Take your average American young woman with dreams and plans… and far too little money to make them a reality. Add a little family history, unknown, into the mix. Sneak in a man who broke her heart once upon a time. And stir in a modern day fairy godmother with an astounding announcement. Mix well with humor, romance and a reality show… and the result is a fun, charming, modern day fairy tale complete with princess.

I had fun with Royal Design. Bellamy is a sweet, funny young lady who has had her world turned upside down. Enzo is sexy, and compelling. A man who has his own reasons for the way things happen in life. Watching their romance unfold was such an enjoyable experience.

Royal Design falls into The Royals of Monterra series quite well. While you don’t have to have read the earlier stories to enjoy this one, I’d suggest going back and discovering this enchanting series from the start if you’re picking it up here.

If you’re looking for a fun, light-hearted romance, then this one fits that bill perfectly.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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4.5--A fun return to Monterra!

While not a direct sequel to the Royals of Monterra, this was a fun expansion off the series. Ms. Wilson writes such great main characters. Bellamy was sweet...Enzo was swoony. :) There were some great, romantic, toe-curling moments. The only thing I wish is that it was longer...I would have loved more moments with just them in the middle of the book. But that's the problem with a good just want more!! :)

I actually read this one first without the kindle in motion then had fun going back and seeing the moments in action. I've never seen anything like that before! Fun!

So basically, read this one! And if you haven't yet, read the other three in the actual series was great to see some of the characters I've come to know and love. Now it's just time for the next Monterran royal sibling to get their HEA. I will try to wait patiently... ;)

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I've had my shares of ups and downs with this series, but on the whole I've enjoyed them. So when I found out that there was going to be a fourth book added to the series when the publisher had opted for no further books, I was overjoyed! Sadly, this book was such a major letdown!

The plot was very contrived. While I realize that plots are supposed to be vehicles for getting a couple together, as a reader I expect to not be aware of it happening! This whole story, I couldn't lose myself in my imagination of the plot, as I was too aware that it was all a contrived mash up of the fairy tales and wealthy/poor person relationship, and a very poorly executed one at that.

The characters were hard to connect to, as we don't really get to see a relationship form between them. Even Lemon's character, whom we'd seen before, was a shallow, two dimensional version of herself! We also don't get a lot of real closure at the end of the book, it just feels like we're told what happens and the book ends.

For me, this was not a good installment of the series, and I sincerely hope that there are more to come to redeem the series from ending on this note.

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Bellamy is a realist. From an early age, her world has been full of disappointments and heartbreaking losses. Her resilience has allowed her to roll with the punches and turn those negatives into positives through hard work and positive thinking she has turned her tragedies into her motivations. With three words, her life will never be the same. "You're a Princess", is the last thing she expects to hear about herself. Her life has hardly consisted of rainbows and happily ever afters. What will she do? Royal Design combines the best aspects of romance. Secret reveals, classic inspiration and the standard happily ever after. It just takes drama and heartache to get there. Whenever I read Sariah Wilson and her Royals of Monterra series, I can't help but smile. Classic and modern become one and deliver feel good romances. Dreams never get old.

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Royal Design is the perfect Novella as an addition to the Royals of Monterra. I found that it was a bit too similar to the books in the series and at times too predictable, however I feel that if you're a fan of this series then you would really enjoy this book.

I liked that this book could stand alone as you would not have to read the other book in order to understand this one. It was an easy and light read.

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Bellamy finds out that she is a real princess and is swept into the work of the Royals of Monterra. The chance to the have her designs be out is bittersweet with the need for a bodyguard, Enzo who has a history with this young lady. These two must solve the past and move on a future. Am enjoying this series with the Royals for different kind of read for me.

Ebook from netgalley and publishers with thanks . Opinions are entirely my own.

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Didn't get this downloaded - somehow missed it in my queue. Looks like a good read!

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This was a disappointing read - I'd read and enjoyed a previous book in the series, but found Royal Designs cliched and clunky. The plot was far fetched, even for chick-lit, and I ended up feeling I'd wasted my time reading.

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Thanks for the opportunity, it was an okay read, not the best but good enough.

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Sweet, short, one-sitting read. The plot was a little out there but it was fun. I love this series!

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Waitress Bellamy Sullivan receives the shocking revelation that she is a real life Princess and more importantly (at least to Bellamy) this could give her the chance to live her dream of working with the designer of her choice. But only if she is willing to sign on the dotted line & agree to move to New York to star in her own reality TV dating show.

Before the ink has dried Bellamy's world is rocked off its axis yet again, when she discovers she has just committed herself to another non-negotiable clause. Bellamy must have a bodyguard. Only the man tasked with guarding her body, Enzo Rannalli, has already broken her heart.

I enjoyed reading this & I am very happy to visit the world of the Royals of Monterra again. It is a lovely story & I would love to read more about Bellamy's family and find out what she designs for Kat's Coronation. I think Sariah Wilson is a brilliant writer and I love the richness of her characters and the world her stories are set in. If you love Royal romances, fairy tales or the Royals of Monterra's World I recommend you read this.

Unfortunately I didn't connect with the characters and invest emotionally quite as much as I have before and I think this is because this feels like it is a novel squeezed into a novella. There wasn't as much detail and development as there is in Royal Date, Royal Chase and Royal Games. I may feel differently when I download the published version with all of the Kindle Motion features but I doubt GIFs and videos will make up for less of Sariah's words.

If you haven't already read a book by Sariah Wilson read this but please also read at least one of Sariah's novels as well to get a true reflection of the magic she weaves.. You will be missing out if you don't!

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Royal Design


Swoon! Enzo is simply delicious. I love the new Kindle In Motion concept. It's kind of hypnotizing. I love everything this author writes, so I jumped at the chance to read Royal Design. I'm sure if Sariah Wilson wrote about space aliens I would still want to read it. She makes me laugh. A lot. My husband heard me cackling from the other room and came in to investigate. He was sure I'd lost my mind. I read to him the funny line that was responsible for my guffaw and he laughed along with me. He said he'd use it on his high school students. You see? Her writing has influence on the world at large!
The romance made my toes curl. It's clean but so yummy. And it's so much fun to read!

-“I’m Enzo. And you are?” I wanted to say, “Yours.”

The one-liners get to me every time. They make me want to re-read all of her books all over again. The writing style is fast-paced too. Once I started reading, I simply couldn't put it down. I wish it had been longer. I wanted more. If I could give it more than 5 stars, I would. I loved this book. I "heart"-ily recommend it.

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This is a fun quick read that I enjoyed. In it, Bellamy, a struggling waitress, suddenly learns that she is a princess. She never knew her father and never even knew his name. When a royal representative stuns her with the news of her father, she quickly agrees to all of the terms. Unfortunately, one of the terms is that her bodyguard is the same man that broke her heart.

This is a sweet romance that fans of the genre will enjoy. As it is a novella, it felt short and the ending overly contrived - it ended way too soon for me and I wish the author had had the space to provide a more developed conclusion. While this is part of a series, it is a stand alone novella.

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I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley. If I had realized this was a “Kindle In Motion” book I would have skipped it completely as that style of book is not my cup of tea. Thankfully, the “Kindle In Motion” feature was not active in the ARC that I received so this review is on the text of the novel alone.

Royal Designs is a clean and sweet story that reminded me a lot of the Princess Diaries to begin with (Bellamy even has a cat), but that took a turn when she left her hometown at the baffling whim of a woman who claimed to be a royal liaison. The premise of this book is totally and utterly unbelievable, but because it's a (young adult? new adult? I am not sure which) novel about suddenly, magically becoming a princess, I'm assuming most people (like me) won't go into it expecting a realistic plot line.

The main focus of the book was, of course, the simmering attraction between Bellamy and Enzo. The romance plot was very sweet, and I liked the interactions between the two. I also liked that Enzo attempted to remain as professional as possible, even as Bellamy antagonized him with the parade of frogs she dated while he was fighting with his feelings for Bellamy. Enzo was a great guy from start to finish, even if he denied his feelings. Bellamy was a little naive, letting herself just be led around and told what to do without ever really questioning anything. I was hoping for more examples of her standing up for herself and doing her own thing, but other than the Big Gesture, we really didn't get that. A woman named after a fruit shows up out of the blue and after a five minute conversation she's signing her life away, quitting her job, and moving to New York without even doing a cursory web search to find out if the lady is legit? But she did just that, and suddenly found herself living like a socialite. This one felt a little bit like a Hallmark movie from start to finish. It wasn't anything earth-shattering or profound, but the interactions between Bellamy and Enzo are what made it a three star read for me.

This is just my opinion, but for me, there are few things as annoying as 'name dropping' in a book. It just kicks me out of the story so fast. There was one pop culture reference I had to stop reading to Google, and there were so many uppity fashion label names dropped in this one that I found myself rolling my eyes at them. The book is fiction, throwing real-life names in there is not necessary. Another eye-roll worthy theme was her “extremely religious” grandmother's disdain of her. Because apparently it was the 1920's when Bellamy was conceived and her grandmother scorned *her* for being conceived out of wedlock. Blaming someone else and their beliefs for a character's own low self-esteem is a tired romance novel stereotype that screams laziness on the author's part. All of Bellamy's flaws were someone else's fault.

If you're looking for a fast and clean read about a girl who goes from rags to riches and falls into an incredibly charmed life, you should give this one a read.

I received an ARC of this from NetGalley and wrote an honest review.

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This is a wonderful Valentine's release, 'happy ever after' novel.
Based on the premise of an unknown young lady discovering she is a princess (every little girl's dream) and the ensuing changes in her life, this book gives some modern twists to the story. It is a wonderful Cinderella journey that will have you cheering for the characters; along with wanting to seriously smack a certain bodyguard.
The author incorporates a great sense of humor into the book that stops the story from being really sappy and that will make you laugh out loud.
It was a great evening's fantasy escape read.

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