Member Reviews

So wow was this a fantastic read. I'll admit right upfront that I haven't read any of the previous books in this series. That said this could be read fine as a standalone. Of course, I am sure that the relationships, etc. are more fully explored through the first seven books, but I never felt lost reading this one.

It was fabulously well written and paced. The plot was interesting. There were twists and turns. There were a TON of characters which I find sometimes can be confusing as the names start to all blend together. That was not the case in this book. I had no trouble keeping who was who straight. The book was very atmospheric and the descriptions of places and characters vivid. I especially was fond of Walt.

Honestly, I don't have much more to say about this one. I loved it and will for sure be going back to read the first seven books when time allows. Two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.

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Firstly, I have to admit that I have committed the heinous crime of starting a series at book eight. It's not all my fault as I was recommended it by a good book buddy of mine and she's never been wrong up to now so I really had to! The plus side to this is that I can say that this works very well as a stand alone, the down side is that I now have to go back and read the other seven, although I don't see this as being a problem as I really loved what I read here.
Although never having read any of the previous books, as I started this one, it actually felt like I was reconnecting with old friends. So much so, I had to go back through my records to see if I had actually read any and forgotten. I hadn't, so I have no idea why I felt this. Maybe I just had an instant connection to the characters, who knows and to be honest, it doesn't really matter why.
We start with Marla coming across a rather gruesome sight whilst driving. She escapes into the wood and disappears. The local Sheriff and her father call in a favour and ask Monkeewrench to help find out what happened and, hopefully, bring her home. Meanwhile, Leo and Gino are called to the rather nasty murder scene of a woman. Left behind is a playing card, matching a murder from a year ago. Do they have a serial killer on their hands? With the press hounding them, they really step up a gear to try and solve this crime, fearing escalation and also ask the Monkeewrench crew to assist.
As already mentioned, I connected with all the major players in this book right from the off. I loved the Monkeewrench crew; Roadrunner, Harley, Annie and Grace. All very different but all working very well together, all having their own parts to play to complete the brilliant outfit that they have become. Even though this was my first outing with them, and it is evident quite early on that they have their own pasts that they have survived, I never felt out of the loop. Enough fill in was included so that I was able to easily understand their motivations and quirks. Definitely enough to pique my interest sufficiently that I want to go back and meet them properly. Leo and Gino were also easy to get to know. I especially loved the way these two interacted both professionally and personally and their off-case banter allowed a bit of respite from the horrible crimes they were investigating.
The settings played a big part in the book too. I loved some of the descriptions of both the place and the weather which played a big part towards the end of the book. Sometimes this sort of description distracts me from the story but here it enhanced both the story and my overall enjoyment of it.
It's quite an emotional story at times too. Not just with the two crimes but with what is going on around the characters' own lives. I'd love to expand on this but I fear spoilers and I can't do that here. Suffice to say, there is quite a bit going on in the background for several of the characters that did tug on my heartstrings a little along the way.
Pacing was good throughout, slowly building up and then the crescendo as the story reached its conclusion. A conclusion that was completely satisfying to me. Especially the one element which was included for its symbolism and totally hit the right note.
All in all, a good solid read that has left me desperately trying to fit the previous books into my bulging TBR. Hopefully I'll manage to squeeze them all in soon.

My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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Another good adventure with the Monkeywrench Crew. I was somewhat disappointed that Grace seems to be mellowing at last. But maybe it's just hormonal impending motherhood. I'm hoping the whole gang gets their edge / paranoia back after birth.

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Reading this book was like coming home for me, I have loved all of the books in this series, but for some reason didn't read the last one I shall rectify that though.I really like the characters in this series and the pace of the book is relentless .I like the fact there are quite a few characters each with their own distinctive voice and it all interacts beautifully .This was a real page turner for me ,I loved it.The story was good and kept me guessing and made me fearful in places .I thought the ending without giving anything away was good too and I like the fact that although I love this series, you can read the book as a stand alone although I am sure you will then want to have the pleasure of reading them all from book one.If you do I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.Thanks to Netgalley and the Publishers for this ARC in return for an honest review.

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Leo and Gino's latest homicide case brings back old memories -- and new fears. It seems that a serial killer has resurfaced after more than a year. At the same time, the Monkeewrench gang, in need of a break from the darker side of their computer work, agree to put their resources to work on a private missing persons case in a small farming community. But nothing is ever as simple as it sounds.

This has been one of my favorite series ever since I read the first book when it was published in 2003, and I look forward to each new book with great anticipation. I'm happy to say that this book more than lived up to my expectations, and I hated having to put the down to tend to real life. I love these characters, the way they've grown since the first book and the way they interact with each other. Putting the Monkeewrench crew on a farm in a small town was a nice change of pace, even though farming is far from their comfort zones.

Being aware of the death of one of the authors, I was afraid that this would be the end of the series, so I was excited to read that it will continue. And I will be looking forward to the next book/s when they come out.

My only complaint about this book: After the huge build-up leading to the climactic ending of the book, the apprehension of the killer was a bit of a disappointment. After everything that led up to this scene, I expected more of a fight..

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I loved this book. The writing had a flow so you could fly though the book. But the story was so good I could not put it down. This is number 8 in the series so I have to go and read the others now. This may be my newest favorite author(s).

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Sometimes always been good isn't for the best. Marla just stopped to see what was in the road and that has just cost her everything. Will she ever be found or will her father die a broken man and will the man that has oved her forever get that chance with her? Leo & Gino have serial killer to catch and they have no idea that monkeewrench will be involved with the same killer. Grace is so pregnant now and she knows that her & Leo are going to make great parents she still worries too much and the team are always trying to get her to settle, will this case be good for them or will it bring back so many of her fears?
The team have arrived to see if they can find Marla as Harley knows that they can even if they just bring back her body and the more they dig the more Leo & Gino get involved. What does a missing woman have to do with young women been killed in the city? Can they find the answers before even more people die?
Another great book in the series I know why they suck you in they are just so damn good.

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Women are dying in parks around Minneapolis, viciously strangled and their bodies slashed with a sharp hunting knife. Meanwhile, Grace MacBride is five months pregnant with Leo Magozzi's baby and they are about as happy as they can allow themselves to be. Leo has bought a new house out in the country and much as she hates to admit it, Grace is content with her life and work. Monkeewrench is hired to travel out to Buttonwillow MN to search for a woman who has been missing for two months. No clues exist, but neither has her body turned up. As the two cases converge, Gino and Leo must work with the county sheriff and Monkeewrench to uncover how the cartels are moving more and more into life, both in the big cities and small towns across America. As always, the place setting is well-drawn and the characters remain true to themselves, even as they continue to grow. The death of one-half of the mother-daughter writing team has not impacted the storytelling at all.

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Nothing Stays Buried is a very well written thriller. I loved the plot and the characters. I have not read this author previously but will be in the future.

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I had read and enjoyed the first 6 books in this series and I very much enjoyed this one as well. It is hard to characterize this series - the plots often involve violent and depraved killers, but the detectives and Monkeewrench team are enjoyable characters to spend time with and give the books a cozy feel as well. This book was the same - it had a exciting climax that had me reading as fast as I could to see what happens, but it also felt good to spend time with the characters again. And there is consistent character growth in these books - things change and evolve and the characters do as well. So while I recommend this book, I would encourage readers to start at the beginning and read the series in order. Actual I have not yet read #7, but I am going to get a copy now that I finished #8. This series had fallen off my radar because a few years had gone by without a book until one came out last year. Glad to see that it is still being written.

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3.5 On the one hand, I adore the characters. The two detectives Gino and Leo, and of course the formidable Monkey wrench crew, Roadrunner, Harley, Annie and Grace. All with extremely interesting back stories. In this one I also really appreciated the character of Walt, a farmer whose daughter is missing, bringing the crew in to try to find connections that the law cannot. Leo and Gino find themselves investigating a possible serial killer. So the cases were interesting and the story flowed well, the writing solid.

On the other hand, the Moonkeywrench crew and their talents were not really used nor displayed and this is usually one of my favorite parts of this series. The crew was on site, but really had next to no input. Rather disappointed by this. Also Grace, now quite pregnant was not her usual edgy self, though Annie and her high heels had a few amusing scenes. So while this was good it was not my favorite of the series and I hope in the next installment the crew has more of a role.

My sympathies to the remaining author of this well received series.

ARC from Netgalley.

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In 2003 I picked up a book called “Monkeewrench” & was instantly hooked. Fourteen years later, nothing has changed. As usual there are multiple story lines that develop separately until evidence begins to weave them together.

Leo Magozzi & Gino Rolseth are homicide detectives with the Minneapolis PD. Which is a good thing because they’ve got a dead body on their hands. A young woman was found murdered in a park & unfortunately the distinctive MO is ringing a few bells. Several months ago another woman was found in a similar setting but the case was never solved. Before they can make much headway, the body count begins to rise. And things get even more complicated when FBI agents show up & aren’t keen to explain why.

Meanwhile, over at Monkeewrench, Harley is doing his best to talk the crew into taking a missing persons case. Sheriff Jacob Emmet arranged for him to meet Walt Gustafson, an old farmer whose daughter Marla disappeared without a trace 2 months ago. Harley figures it’s the perfect case. They’ll get to help some decent people while keeping the 6 months pregnant Grace away from the usual brand of bad guys they chase.

Every now & then we spend a chapter with the killer & it’s an uncomfortable experience. Slowly we realize there’s something fundamentally wrong with them, some glitch on a cellular level.

As both investigations progress, we catch up on the characters’ personal lives. Leo is over the moon about becoming a dad (despite Gino sharing his domestic horror stories) & continues to work on the lake house he bought. Grace has been softened by the pregnancy & is beginning to entertain the idea that not everyone wants to kill you.

There’s a subtle shift in tension & pace as information begins to trickle in & before they know it, they’re facing a cold killer, wild weather & a horrific discovery on Walt’s farm. Oh, and what’s the deal with the lion?

Earlier books were more focused on action & hi-tech toys as the characters, their backgrounds & relationships were established. This is a more character driven plot with emphasis on how the investigations affect their personal lives as the situation becomes increasingly dangerous.

I must confess that around book #6, I grew tired of Grace & Leo’s idiot dance as they continued to circle each other. Thankfully the old will-they-or-won’t-they situation was resolved but because the authors took their time, the evolution of Grace’s character is more believable. She’ll never be described as a hugger but the fact there’s a little Magozzi on the way makes it obvious she no longer sheaths herself in emotional (or physical) armour.

If like moi you have a book budget, sometimes it’s hard to decide where to spend your hard earned cash. No drama here, these are a no-brainer. The characters have become old friends & it remains one of my go-to series. These books were written by the mother/daughter team of PJ & Traci Lambrecht . Sadly, PJ passed away in Dec. 2016 but according to the website, Traci intends to carry on entertaining us with suitably tangled cases for the Monkeewrench crew to solve.

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This is one of the best in the Monkeewrench series set in Minnesota. All the characters return and there have been some changes. Leo is preparing for his and Grace's baby at his new rural home, Grace is becoming more mellow as her past trauma loosens its ties on her, and she is seriously becoming enamoured of potentially moving to a rural location. It begins with the animal loving Marla, in Cottonwood, discovering a dead body in a bag and being chased into the woods. Her father, Walt, and Sheriff Jacob, who was sweet on her, want to know what happened to her, whilst fearing the worst. They have suffered through the years and looking for closure, call in Monkeewrench to investigate. The Monkeewrench team arrive at Walt's in Harley's beloved Chariot, determined to do their best.

MPD cops, Leo and Gino, are called to the scene of a woman gruesomely murdered whilst jogging in a park. Left on the body is a playing card, the 4 of spades. This connects with a similar murder of a woman where the ace of spades was left. Leo and Gino are pretty sure they have a serial killer on their hands, and think two other murders have taken place. Putting pressure on the police is the notoriously ambitious reporter, Amanda White. Cassie Miller is working undercover at Global Foods, suspected of links to Mexican drug cartels with fearsome enforcers. As the body count rises, it soon becomes apparent that the disappearance of Marla, the Parks serial killer and Cassie's mission are all interconnected. Gino and Leo chase the serial killer to Walt's home as one of the most malevolent tornado and storm hits the county wreaking carnage, and triggering a devastating mud slide which ensures that the past never stays buried.

This was a thrilling and atmospheric read that does a sterling job in reviving a series that i have to admit I love. I really enjoyed the character development with Grace MacBride in this one, her relationship with Leo is becoming more solid and she's really looking forward to the baby, despite the adjustments in her life that it will demand from her. I thought Walt was a terrific character, who despite his emotional pain, connects so well with Monkeewrench. As for the Lion running wild and the symbolism attached to his appearance, it somehow works well with the narrative. A fabulous read that I recommend highly. Thanks to Penguin Putnam for an ARC.

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I have not read any other books from this series. So, I had to catch up a bit and I think this series should be read from the beginning probably. A serial killer is targeting women joggers in this book. I like serial killer books so this was a plus for me. This book was like any other detective story. Monkeewrench is a software company run by an some computer nerds and they use their smarts and skills to help police and such. Overall the book was fun to read and get caught up in all the excitement. * I received this book from Netgalley---this is my honest review*

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It's been a while since I read the Monkee Wrench series from this author. Even better than I remembered. This story built to a very tense and satisfying ending. This encourages me to go back and read those I have missed in between.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Minneapolis detectives Magozzi and Rolseth fear a serial killer is targeting women joggers, leaving a playing card on the body. But when male bodies turn up in a rural area with the same cards, The Monkeewrench crew is called in to help figure out what's really happening.

This is a great series best read in order. The descriptive writing style really adds depth to the action and sets the series apart from your average crime thriller.

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I've read a couple of PJ Tracy books before this and loved them, and I'm happy to say this one didnt disappoint. I'm and fan of complex plot lines but with simple, to the point writing styles and this book ticks both of those boxes. The Monkeewrench crew, as in Tracy's previous book, Play to Kill (which i would also recommend) are diverse and 3 dimensional and the dialogue is dynamic and enjoyable to read. Please note, although I would recommend reading 'Play to Kill', both books can be read and enjoyed as stand alone novels.

Would highly recommend for those looking for a tense and engaging crime novel. 5 stars!

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As an avid reader of PJ Tracy novels, this book did not disappoint at all. It had me hooked from page one. The story flowed well throughout and the characters in the book were as likeable and as strong as ever. The villain couldn't be guessed before they were made known in the final chapters and the writing was of the usual excellent standard. I am already looking forward to the next instalment. I would also like to thank the publishers and netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book in advance.

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Lots of suspense, interesting characters...I hope there will be a "next" in the series!

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Excellent book. Great main characters and plot. I would recommend this book.

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