Member Reviews

It's been a hard road for P.J. Tracy and Traci Lambrecht. I have loved their work from the beginning. If this is the last in the series due to the sad death of Ms. Tracy, I can only say it ended on such a gloriously high note - this was the best of the best.

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I could not get into this book. Perhaps it was due to it being a later entry in a series of books, but I do not know.

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I love all the books in the Monkeewrench series. This is another great book. The gang is mellowing a little and growing emotionally. My only complaint is that it was too short.

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Rolseth and Magozzi are on the trail of a serial killer who finds his victims in parks around Minneapolis, leaving them with a playing card tucked inside their clothing. Meanwhile, Monkeewrench have been asked to look into the disappearance of a young woman to the north.

Monkeewwrench aren't in this story as much as they have been in previous entries. But they are in it enough for us to see a softer, more human side to Grace as her pregnancy continues.

I love this series and all the characters. The storytelling, as usual, sweeps you along. The one weakness is the authors' reliance on coincidence to progress the story. I hope the series continues despite the death of one of the authors.

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I loved this book, I love the entire series and was so sorry to read of the death of one of the authors. I don't want it to end!

There is a serial killer loose in Minneapolis. There is a missing woman in SW Minnesota. While Magozzi and Rolseth are looking for the serial killer, the Monkeywrench gang is heading to rural Minnesota to see if they can help a grieving father find his daughter.

Eventually, the Mpls police ask Monkeywrench to use their super computer to help find the serial killer. Can there be an old connection that binds these cases together? Of course there is but getting there is awesome.

I love the characters in these books. They are all unique and wonderful. There is darkness and humor, light and dark. An excellent series from the first book.

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This was one of their better books! The only problem was that I don't think Monkeywrench actually contributed to the solution other than moral support for Walt! Great detective work saved the day, very enjoyable none the less and impossible to put down! Highly recommended.

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First I would like to thank Netgalley and Penguin Group Putnam for this advanced copy to read and review.

I have loved the books of P.J. Tracy since Monkeewrench came out, and I have bought all the hard copy books from this series. I think the characters are well developed and I have enjoyed watching them interact over the years. I love how they can take several threads of story and sew them together with apparent ease to make a delightful finished product. I can't even describe how overjoyed I was to get this book.

In this story while the Monkeewrench crew decide to help with a missing persons case and get out of the city. In the meantime Leo and Gino get a case that appears to be a serial. As the stories develop and then start to collide, the simple missing persons case is not so simple. It all comes together in a whirlwind conclusion.

I can't wait for this book to come out in August, I'm going to get the hardcover and read it again!!

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When I started to read this book, I did not know that it was part of a series of books and I had missed the first seven of the books in the series. I was a bit confused at times as a result, but overall, Lambrecht did a good job of bringing a new reader into a series with all the information necessary to start in the middle and enjoy the mystery, and the characters within. On one side you have the detectives who work from the police department and the other (but connected) group is Monkewrench, a group of techies who have created software that can help solve crimes from within a very nice RV, with their extremely useful computers. In this book they are called to help find a missing person. The detectives (Leo Magozzi and Gino Rolseth) are also involved, but in the beginning, it is not clear that there is a link. They are looking for a serial killer....and then the two groups come together, it becomes very interesting indeed. The characters were built well, and it was hard not to like them and root for them to solve the crime and for them to all be safe through to the end. Now I will need to go back and start from the beginning so I can understand some of the nuance that I did not get when I read the 8th book!

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I've been riding with this here Monkeewrench gang since they left their hideout, oh wait, wrong genre. How about I've been a devotee of the Monkeewrench gang since they burst up on the literary scene in ...wait that is not quite right either. Okay final try. This is the eighth and very welcomed book in the Monkeewrench series. The Monkeewrench gang are four brilliant, damaged, and extremely tight computer mavens who have developed a software that is proving invaluable to law enforcement agencies.
There are two story lines, a search for a missing girl and a search for a serial killer, the first headed by the Monkeewrench Gang and the second headed by their Minneapolis homicide detective friends/lovers. These two hunts become intertwined to the surprise of everyone since one hunt is in the Minnesota cornfields and the other in the Twin Cities.
This might seem an odd complaint, but this book was mostly story. I would have liked to have spent more time with just the characters. A minor complaint as the stories are really intriguing. As are all of the Monkeewrench series, this is well-written and fast paced. The murders are not too graphic, but still disturbing. Especially when a bit unexpected. So close.....
This book can absolutely stand on its own, but just for the pleasure of meeting these characters I would suggest some of the earlier books.
I have to say Minnesota is producing some of my favorite mystery writers and settings, right after LA.
The Tracy team is spot on with their cartel information.
Oops, I had to go back and change the rating to five stars because one of the characters talks about making French toast by dipping it in melted vanilla ice cream.
There is a lion. Did I mention there is a lion living in the cornfields?
Thank you NetGalley for a chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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As far as I'm concerned, you just don't get much better than the Monkeewrench novels. I fell in love with the baseline characters in the first installment of this series, and the affair continues. Add to that the fact that each book's plot (or plots, as the case may be) is intricate, intelligent and diabolical, and you've got consistent winners on your hands. This duo of authors know how to craft a suspenseful story, and this is no exception. The evildoer in this book is exceptionally cringe-worthy, and I couldn't flip the virtual e-book pages fast enough. Superb!

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I love the Monkeewrench Gang, always enjoy their stories. So sorry to hear that P.J. of PJ Tracy recently passed away and hoping Tracy continues on. I also hope the Monkeewrench Gang gets back to more of the sassy humor they had in their earlier books. I like the story line of Grace and Leo's pending parenthood, looking forward to read more. Looking forward to the new series/stand alone coming out at Christmas time.

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I love this series and have read quite a few off them. The storylines and great with a twist on the typical detective story. This book was really good and certainly didn't disappoint. Would highly recommend this which can be read as a standalone

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This was an excellent and entertaining book. Always enjoy books that are set in the midwest. Very entertaining, and NO slow chapters as some. Loved all of the twists and turns of the investigation.

Thank you for sharing - VERY enjoyable

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This was barely okay; probably my least favorite of the Monkeewrench series. Annie seems to have gone from "sassy Southern gal" to "complaining brat/shrew" in this one. She bitches about EVERYTHING. And aside from that there wasn't much character development. The killer was almost totally one-dimensional and the end gave almost no insight into motivation etc.

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I would like to thank the Penguin Group and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Nothing Stays Buried’, the 9th in the Monkeewrench series by P J Tracy, in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.
Marla Gustafson is on her way home from work to her father Walt’s farm in Buttonwillow, Minnesota, and comes across a heavy sack in the middle of the road. When she stops to pull it to one side a man chases her through the woods. That was two months ago and as Marla hasn’t been found yet, Sheriff Jacob Emmett asks the Monkeewrench team for help to locate her either alive or dead.
Meanwhile, Leo Magozzi and Gino Rolseth are searching for a serial killer who leaves playing cards on the bodies of his victims. During their investigations they have reason to fear that Marla may be one of his victims. As the number of bodies increases, Magozzi and Rolseth drive to Buttonwillow to look for their killer who they think is hiding on Walt’s land. A tornado is due to hit the area around the same time and threatens their lives and those out searching.
I’ve read all the books in the Monkeewrench series and ‘Nothing Stays Buried’ is every bit as good as those previously. The characters have developed nicely, especially those of Grace McBride and Magozzi who are expecting a baby, and the relationship between partners Magozzi and Rolseth is a joy to read. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this book which is extremely well written with unique and interesting characters. There’s lots of action and thrills along the way and I can’t wait for the next instalment.

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A stay up late at night book. You will leave your lights on after reading this gem.

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I received a free electronic copy of this novel from Netgalley, P. J. Tracy and Traci Lambrecht, and Penguin Group Putnam in exchange for an honest review. Thank you all, for sharing your hard work with me.

I am excited to have 'found'- thank you Netgalley! - this Monkeewrench Series of novels. This was an excellent read, fast and exciting, and one I will have to find at library or Amazon. The protagonists are just quirky enough to endear them to you, and the mystery remains unsolved until late in the book. The mystery is convoluted but doable, and I enjoyed that the solution was as far reaching as it was, and the tools of the good guys were up to the minute. It's nice to see the good guys with modern tools. I can't wait for the next one - want to be involved with that baby!

And the setting - Minnesota, etc. are all cold, icy places I dream of in mid-summer - I have several authors I save back to read when the garden is high and demanding and the thermometer touches 100 every day. Yes, it's a dry heat, but one hundred degrees is HOT. So is this book....

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Nothing Stays Buried (Monkeewrench #8)

For those unfamiliar with the series, Monkeewrench is a software company run by an unconventional group of geeks. The four partners, Grace, Harley, Annie, and Roadrunner, might seem completely mismatched, but have become more close-knit than many families. Frequently called on by police and others to use their software and computer skills to solve crimes, the four unusual partners often work in conjunction with Detectives Leo Magozzi and Gino Rolseth.

In this adventure, the Monkeewrench team searches for a missing woman in a small country town, while Leo and Gino work a serial killer case in Minneapolis.

Entertaining characters, compelling plot-- Nothing Stays Buried was as entertaining and gripping as previous works.

I've followed this series since the first book, and although each one functions perfectly well as a stand alone, the series benefits from being read from the beginning. The books are a great mixture of computer geeks and police procedural with quirky characters and intriguing plots.

Read in Feb.

NetGalley/Penguin Group

Mystery/Police Procedural. Aug. 1, 2017. Print length: 320 pages.

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I really enjoyed this continuation of the Monkeewrench crime story. The characters of the crew and Thecops were as strong as usual and the continuity well maintained.

The dual plots merging worked well as did the linking characters such as the journalist and the agent working in the store. As a reader I felt I got to know them
enough to care but not enough to take me away from the central characters.

The tornado was described vividly and was very realistic and the plot twists kept me engaged. An unexpected ending!

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