Member Reviews

4 stars

Detectives Leo Magozzi and Gino Rolseth are called to the scene of a murder in the woods. The scene in the woods, remote and somewhat desolate, and a playing card found on the victim…is there a new serial killer working in the town.

Meanwhile, Grace McBride (who is having Magozzi’s baby), and her team at Monkeewrench are looking into the case of a missing girl.

Soon the two investigation dovetail and Magozzi and Rolseth are working again with Grace and her team. This book has it all: big city politics, little town sheriffs, ordinary people, tough cops and computer nerds.

This is a well written and plotted book. The suspense is just right and the story keeps moving along at a nice pace. The tension ratchets up as the book moves along.

I would like to send my condolences to the writing team of P.J. Tracy on the death of one of their own.

I am sending a thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Group Putnam/G.P. Putnam Sons for forwarding to me a copy of this most enjoyable book to read.

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In retrospect, she probably could have been more tactful, but that was another thing she considered a deplorable waste of time.

ARC received from: Netgalley

Rating: 5*

One-Sentence Summary: The Monkeewrench crew Versus a Cartel serial killer

Review: The Monkeewrench series is without a doubt my favourite crime series out there and P.J. Tracy never disappoints.

This plot in this book revolves around Magozzi and Gino's hunt for a serial killer targeting female joggers and leaves a calling card next to the bodies. At the same time, the Monkeewrench crew are looking into a missing person's case as a favour to a sheriff out in the country. Needless to say, it soon becomes apparent that their cases are linked leading to a manhunt out in the middle of nowhere.

In addition to the serial killer manhunt, Tracy throws in a tornado to amp up the action and I was riveted by the last quarter of the book which read like something out of Twister the film crossed with Criminal Minds the TV show.

As ever though whilst the whodunnit element is interesting, what really makes this series the best is that the mother-and-daughter writing team have created such a fantastic family in Magozzi & Gino and the Monkeewrench gang that it is an absolute pleasure coming back to them time-after-time. There are also a number of secondary characters in this book, like Walt and Jacob, that you warm to and you're on tenterhooks hoping and praying that the serial killer's latest victim will be found alive.

It saddens me to hear that P.J. has passed away. I only hope that Traci will continue writing this series in her memory.

"Lesson number one—don’t ever argue with a pregnant woman, or she’ll take a pound of flesh, and it’s not the flesh a man wants to lose.”
Magozzi crawled out from under the crib. “That’s kind of a generous weight estimate, isn’t it?”
Gino smirked. “Speak for yourself."

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I really enjoyed this latest segment of the Monkeewrench series, especially knowing that the mother of the mother/daughter writing team passed away shortly after finishing this book.
If you haven't read this series, it's a really good suspense series with a little bit of romance thrown in. If you like Debra Webb's Faces of Evil series or Mary Higgins Clark I think you would like these. They are great stories with not a lot of gruesome details and a nice storyline where you are rooting for the main characters to live happily ever after. Thanks so much for my ARC, NetGalley!

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I have read every book P J Tracy has published and have never been disappointed. This book continues that streak of well written, easy to read but hard to put down book.s.

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What a great read!! I love this series and Nothing Stays Buried is another addition. This story is so well written thriller with twist and turn that kept me gripped from the very beginning.

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I have been reading these books since the first. The series seemed to drift for a bit in my view but is back on track with a merciless serial killer. The main characters show new facets and all PJ Tracy fans will enjoy this book.

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Ive been away from Monkeywrench much too long. This is another book in the series of bright, odd, creatively intelligent characters in remarkable situations. This author brings big city cops, small town sheriffs, citified techies and cartel involvement in the Midwest seamlessly. Not to mention the lion and tornado.
The relationships and character development is spot on. The farm, chariot and even the mudslides were so well written I could see it all in my mind's eye. For me that's what makes a book worth 2 hours of my life. The police work was as realistic as the farmhouse and storm cellar. The exhaustion and tenacity in an investigation and it didn't pull any punches with red herrings.
The best book I've been lucky enough to read so far this year.

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This book is a phenomenal read, I couldn't wait to turn the page to see what was going to happen next. It was very interesting how the book contained 4 separate story lines which ultimately ended up coming together. Would highly recommend this book.

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The BEST book I have read so far this year... grips the reader from the first page and keeps the momentum all the way through. Loved how it was told from different perspectives but tied together perfectly. Great story telling! Loved it!

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It was so good to have another instalment in the Monkeewrench series. Thoroughly enjoyed this book, the story line was captivating and held my interest right throughout the books. A great read.

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I adore this series of books about the Monkeewrench gang-a group of tech geniuses that have been wildly successful at building software as well as helping to solve crimes. The characters are so interesting and so vivid and the dialogue is so well written. They are really hard to put down. This one is no exception. In "Nothing Stays Buried" there is a serial killer on the loose. The detectives, Magozzi and Rolseth, are called to the worst kind of crime scene, and about the same time, the Monkeewrench gang gets called to help with a missing persons case, about two hours from Minneapolis. Eventually, the two cases cross. It's a super fun mystery.

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My customers will be delighted that there is another installment of Monkeewrench. Great book like the first one. This will sell well

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Another excellent book from P.J. Tracy! I love catching up with Monkeywrench and their newest mystery. Looking forward to how Grace and Leo will work things out.

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Monkeewrench has made a terrific comeback with this latest novel. The crew is asked to resolve a missing person case, just to give her father closure. They are out of their element in farm country, away from their normal city dwelling lives. Their sometimes "partners" Detectives Magozzi and Rolseth are working a series of killings back in the cities. In the interest of saving other loves as the killer begins accelerating, Magozzi taps the Monkeewrench crew for help with help on this latest case with all the earmarks of a serial killer. With clues coming together to form a picture of a suspect, the detectives and the crew are fighting against time and the weather in "Nothing Stays Buried" by P.J. Tracy.

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Grace McBride and the techs at Monkee Wrench Software have helped the police solve a lot of nasty crimes, but the work has taken its toll on them, and they decide to take a break by taking on a private case involving a missing person. Meanwhile. Detectives Magozi and Rolseth are processing a crime scene in the woods, a body has been found, a playing card prominently displayed. As more bodies are found, the detectives know they have a serial killer on their hands, and they need the help of their friends at Monkee Wrench to crack the case. Grace may not want to get involved in this case, but it soon becomes clear she will have no choice, as her missing person looks to be connected to the string of murders, all stretching back to one brutal killing years earlier.

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A new Monkeewrench book makes me ridiculously happy. Make sure you put time aside for this one. You won't be doing anything else until it's done. Intricate well woven plot and great dialogue between characters. I buy P.J. Tracy for my own collection as well as for my library.

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