Member Reviews

Eternal ecstasy by Setta Jay.
As the ruling God of Thule, Hroarr's priority is the survival of his world. Gifted with the ancient ability of sjá, he has seen the birth and destruction of hundreds of worlds. This incredible power comes at an enormous cost, yet its toll seems to ease in the presence of a hauntingly seductive healer from Earth.

Sirena’s life is comprised of duty. Duty to her Guardian family, to healing those of her world and, most of all, the overwhelming duty to right the wrongs of her secret and vile bloodline. With everything on her plate a ruthless warlord God from another world is the last thing she needs, no matter what fate and her heated body demands.

Will a dark Destroyer of Worlds bring upon the end of Earth and Thule or will two strong-minded beings fight and discover their own eternal ecstasy?
A fantastic read. I loved this series. Shame it's the last one. Brilliant. 5*.

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I had high hopes for this book, seeing as it's the very last of the series, and I was immensely happy that it did not disappoint. Hroarr and Sirena have amazing chemistry, and I loved them together. Everything is coming close to an end and the time for the final battle is here. I'm sad that the series has come to an end. It was a fantastic ride, and I'm excited for the spin off to come out.

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I found this world to be fascinating and mesmerizing, as well as I loved the magical characters of the story.

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Setta Jay has become one of my favorite authors! Eternal Ecstasy did not disappoint!

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Loved this so much. It is just as good as the others that I have read by this author. Read them now.

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The plot on this one felt really rushed. I loved the background story going on in these book so much. I think it could have been expanded, and the romance could have been the side plot. I was left feeling a bit disappointed and like there should be more happening. However, I am happy we got to see the other characters in this book too.

Overall, it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't that great either.

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What a great capstone for this series. Setta doesn't disappoint at all. I have been waiting for Sirena's story since the beginning. I really enjoyed how Setta made stories for each of the Guardians. But this one was definitely one of my favorites of the series.

The dominant God of Thule, Hroarr was just what Sirena needed. Great story and a very happy ending to all the guardians.

Sad to see that this series is now done, but I am looking forward to the spin-off of the Guardians of the Realms. Hopefully Tynan gets his own book!! :)

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I voluntarily read and advanced review copy of this book

I have absolutely been blown away by this whole series. It is sexy, action packed and filled with romance and suspense. Overall this book was fantabulous I loved every second and will be biting my nails until I can get my hands on the next book!

Great job Setta Jay!

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Sirena and Hroarr are magic.

Sirena, the docile healer. She would do anything for anyone and works herself silly. Hroarr, Warlod God and defines Dominant. They are truly opposites and their mating isn't quite like the previous ones. They are super-passionate once they get together and there was certainly a plot and not just a bunch of random sexiness sewn together! Hroarr ain't my favourite but I didn't outright loathe him either, think Guardian Marmite, LOL.

Brilliant mix of super spicy & sweet. I love an epilogue and we got to see a little snippet of life for the Guardians and their mates.

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I'm so sad that this is the last book. It was so good! Sirena has always been a strong woman in this series and I loved that she didn't let the "Warlord God" overrule her either. Hroarr was kind of a pain but I loved how he developed as the story went on. The last half of the book sucked me in and I didn't want it to end. I'm going to miss all the characters we met in the series but it ended good for me.

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4 1\2 Stars

This is the tenth, and last, installment of the Guardians of the Realms series by Setta Jay. Though the books could technically be read as stand alone novels, I highly recommend the books being read as a series, in order. There are a few plotlines that go throughout the whole series.

This installment is about Sirena, the last unmated Guardian, and Hroarr, the ruling God of Thule, a different world than Earth. Sirena is by far the strongest female Guardian, and female immortals need a male that is stronger than she is, so that she knows he will be able to go head to head with her, and even win sometimes!! But the only possibilities would be certain other Guardians, who she happens to be first cousins with. Because of this, Sirena is convinced she will never be mated. Enter the world of Thule, and it's ruling God.

Pothos had recently become mated with Gefn, one of the two Goddesses of Thule, and because of that, Sirena came into contact with Hroarr. She quickly started having the symptoms of the mating frenzy, not to be helped by Gefn's cats, who happen to be Guardians of Thule, teleporting Sirena into Hroarr's bathing chamber while he was showering and thinking about Sirena. Needless to say, they get a little up close and personal, but Sirena makes sure they don't touch, since she knows that will turn up the craziness of the mating frenzy. When the Guardians of the Earth Realms find out that the Destroyer of Worlds is on its way to them within a year, they ask Gefn what she might know about it. She says that Hroarr knows far more about it, since he can see the birth and death of worlds all over, a gift given to him by his Creator father.

The next encounter any of the Earth Guardians have with Hroarr, he tells them he will give his help against the Destroyer for them giving him Sirena. That didn't go over well with any of the male Guardians, as that they saw it as Hroarr thinking he would own Sirena, but she had only let the other two female Guardians that Hroarr was her mate. From this point on, Sirena has to convince her "brother Guardians" that she was Hroarr's mate and convince Hroarr that he does not, and will not, be his possession.

Once Sirena and Hroarr start getting their relationship under control, they and the Guardians find out from Hroarr's brother that now they only have 2 months before the Destroyer gets to Earth! They've already moved up plans for a weapon Hroarr has designed for when the Destroyer comes for Thule, which could be centuries away, and got it hooked up to use the power of the sleeping God's and the elements of Earth to fight it. Sirena and Hroarr spend their days apart, working tirelessly on their respective worlds to prepare for the fight to come, and then all of their free time together.

As with all of the Guardian books, there is non-stop action of one kind or another. The only real down time is when Sirena gets a little time to have a glass of wine with her sister Guardians of when she gets to visit the new Guardian baby. There is, of course, an epic battle toward the end of the book, which is on an even larger scale in this book, since it is the last of the series. We have to learn the fate of both worlds with this battle, and after that, the fate of the individuals. I do love epilogues, and this one is extra special since it gives you an update on at least twelve couples.

Would I recommend this book? Only if you've read at least a few of the other books in the series, so you know some of what's going on. I'd really recommend you read all ten books, in order, if I wanted to get pushy! As most can tell by the title of all ten books, these books deal quite a bit with ecstasy, especially when the couple is dealing with the mating frenzy. So if you don't care for erotica, I'd suggest you pick a different book. Otherwise, jump in with both feet!!

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Hroarr, the ruling God of Thule, is preparing for the upcoming battle against the Destroyer of Worlds. Because of his power, he’s at the point where not much affects him emotionally anymore. Then he senses Sirena, the last of the Guardians to not have found her mate. When Sirena figures out that Thule is her mate, she’s not exactly happy, considering he’s half barbarian. However, when she’s forced to stay with him, she starts to see the good in him, as well as what he has to deal with to save his own planet. Hopefully, between them and the others, they will be able to put an end to the Destroyer of Worlds.
First off, I need to start by saying I’ve really enjoyed this entire series and I’m sad to see it end. It’s another one where the overall theme is steeped in Greek mythology, but the author does such a great job that I can just really enjoy it. In this book, not only do we see the final Guardian find her mate, but we also see the end of the overall plot that started in the first book. I really enjoyed the book. I loved the characters as well as the characters from the other books POV popping in and out. I highly recommend.

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Eternal Ecstasy by Setta Jay, is the final installment in Guardian of the Realms. Hroarr and Sirena were a match made in heaven, the intense passionate chemistry these two had were so combustible. I was very looking forward to reading this one and it was everything I was hoping for. A hot heavy romance filled with action packed scenes.

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Seriously bittersweet, I have been waiting for Sirena's book from the very start, and for her to end the series is almost fitting. She was the pillar of strength, serenity, safety and comfort for the Guardian's. There was no man, outside her Brother Guardian's who was powerful enough to mate with her so all she had was her family and her work. It's hard not to love her dedication and spirit. You can just imagine how excited I was that not only was she getting a mate, but a dirty talking Warrior God, who takes power, cockiness and possessiveness to new heights.

Eternal Ecstasy was utter erotic paranormal perfection, I LOVED it... Hroarr is simply amazing, he is a man who is rough, raw and hard to love but see him melt under the right woman's hands and he's everything a man should be and more. He infuriated and aroused with ease, and to see him feel again was a beautiful thing. Sirena, had her work cut out for her, lucky for her she's had a lifetime of practice dealing with overbearing protective men, only this time she had the benefit of enjoying her mates body.

I can't find enough words to say how much I love this series, it was one that I immediately fell in love with, that kept true to the overall story line but delivered something different in each book. I was emotionally invested in the characters and the story and was something I always looked forward to reading. It is a magical erotic world where your imagination can run wild and free and just enjoy each and every moment, allowing you to fall in love with each and every one of them. I'm sad that it's over, but I'm beyond happy to have the chance to read them all. This was a happily ever after that was long time coming and it was worth every second.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Shelby – ☆☆☆☆☆
The final book in The Guardians of the Realms series was exciting, sexy, and satisfying! (These books should definitely be read in order to be able to appreciate the full effect.)

Sirena is one of my favorite characters. She's hard working, reliable, dependable, and so very lonely. Proving to be the backbone of the Guardians and the "healer" – she's so caught up in work, at all times, she rarely takes the time to relax. She's also convinced she'll never be lucky enough to find "the one" due to her genetics (i.e., NEEDING a man to prove to be stronger than her).
It just so happens that Hroarr, the God of Thule, is JUST the man for her!!
Yes, he's domineering and cold, he's calculating and emotionless, but he has his reasons.
When the fate of all falls on your shoulders, you just don't have time to worry about romance... unless it falls in your lap.
As can be expected, the development of Sirena and Hroarr's relationship is fantastic. Learning about these characters and watching them come together is rewarding, as is the sexy time.

The entire series has been building up to this very moment! Each of the guardians are featured in the epic battle for the world.
This was a great conclusion to a fantastic series, which has definite re-readability!

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the tenth and final book in the series. I would absolutely recommend that you read these in order. In case you have forgotten any details (or really feel the need to read this as a standalone), Ms. Jay kindly gives a quick primer at the beginning of the book.

We had a hint at this pairing at the very end of the previous book, but the course of their relationship does not follow the same mating frenzy as earlier couples. But Hroarr is busy trying to save the world, and takes a while to recognise Sirena's value. Given how she has been invaluable as a healer through the whole series, it was only right that she gets her chance. And once they do work things out, oh, Ms. Jay turns the heat up in her own indomitable style... burning hot and extra steamy!

The underlying story through all the books is wonderfully complex and very engaging. It has grown to such a crescendo that it was difficult to believe that it could be resolved, but of course it is, and in a very exciting and satisfying way. Inevitably the whole team are needed, so we get to enjoy seeing them all again. I have loved reading this series that a very vivid and well-read imagination has created for us to enjoy. I know that should I have a window of opportunity, I will be reading them all one after the other to get the full force of the story in one go.

Thank you Ms. Jay for sharing this super sexy and very imaginative series.

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This was a great end to a wonderful series! I initially thought Hroarr was not going to be worthy of Sirena but shouldn't have worried, Ms. James rarely disappoints. The characters are interesting and worthy to be the Guardians. Once again, good triumphs. I really love Spa and Velspar, those crazy cats make for some very intriguing spins to the plot. Can's wait for the next series.

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I loved Eternal Ecstasy, but it was a bittersweet experience for me - I've been looking forward excitedly to each book release in this series and I'm sad that it's over (the epilogue got me, not only with the sweetness of it, but knowing that I won't get a new Guardian story in 6 months). As for Sirena and Hroarr - expect the same steamy, insightful, actiony, heartfelt storytelling, we've been getting for 9 books, with the added bonus of the resolution to the series long conflict with the dark forces. Love!

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I love this Series!! Each book is engaging and Sexy and every story in the series is Awesome!!

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Since this is the last book, I think it is appropriate to speak of the series' growth as well as this book. The author is consistent in her writing style throughout the series. The world building is excellent and the flow, seamless. I did not like the first book due to some inclusions that just disgusted me. I'm sure it was not my voice that caused the directional changed, but I was glad I tried the next book. After that, I was hooked.

This final installment does not disappoint, other than, it is the end. As each guardians' story was told, I became more curious about Sirena and if she'd find her match. She found the devouring flames of Hroarr. They were a good compliment to each other. Sirena can definitely hold her own against Drake, P and Hroarr! I fear any other details would ruin to story. I did not feel that the ending was rushed. It seemed well thought out. The battle at the end with the Tria was intense. Unheeded words led to tears and grief, but I was happy with the end. The final chapter was a great wrap up.

This entire series is filled with language and saturated with adult content that will make you blush. If you like different takes on mythology with adult themes, you may enjoy this series.

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I thought this was a great ending to the series. I am sad to see the series end but Setta did this book justice with the ending. This is book 10 in the series and should be read in order otherwise you will be totally lost. We finally get to Sirena's story and her mate is a match to her in everyway. We get both Sirena's story and the end to the story that has been going on throughout the whole series. I don't want to say to much as it will give things away but I am happy with how this series ended.

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