Member Reviews

Overall a good story. DIfferent and interesting plot.

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I have to admit to stalking Setta Jay - like obsessively checking her website for updates and following her Facebook for the next Eternal Guardians release. I believe this book's release date was pushed back a few times, sad! Each time, I would just pick a previous book and catch up. So when it finally came out...*gushing*!

Weirdly, once I had it downloaded in my Kindle, I didn't open it right away. It finally hit me that this was THE last Eternal Guardian's book. It was bittersweet but so perfect. I loved Sirena, the healer, in previous books and I was a little worried that she was matched up with Hroarr (but then I would re-read the end of P's book with the shower scene - yum!!).

There are some minor characters that didn't have their HEA's but SJ said something about writing a spin-off series so I'm hoping some of the minor characters will get their story told, or even have some miracles happen.

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OMG, this book was amazing!! A fantastic end to a fantastic series. I loved loved loved this book.

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Eternal ecstasy is beautiful end of great series. Last Guardian finds her mate and he is arrogant God from another world. Sirena can’t stand the arrogance from Horrar but mating frenzy drives her crazy and with the news that evil comes much sooner that they have expected she doesn’t have a choice but to mate with Horrar. Horrar was numb for centuries but all of the sudden he starts to fell again and everything spins round Sirena and yes he must have her and he will have her. We see the battle against evil happening on earth and a lot interesting things happen.
Another great love story between two strong characters. I will miss Guardians I loved and enjoyed reading every single book.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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*This is the finale of the Guardians and the Realms series and is not meant to be read as a standalone title*

OMG OMG OMG!! Patiently waiting for Sirena's story paid off! Man talk about an intense conclusion. Everything has built up to this point, everything the Guardian's have been preparing for has lead up to this book. It is exciting, intense, hot as hell (I think my glasses just steamed up kind of hot!) and Hroarr turns out to be such a burnt marshmallow. Damn good writing I am so sad to see this series end.

Hroarr, one of the Gods in the other dimension, (think Jason Mamoa) has agreed that stopping the Darkness from destroying Earth would benefit them all, especially since he just found his mate, Sirena, the Guardian and healer, the beautiful siren raised by Aphrodite. Hroarr has a way to defeat the Darkness that is working it's way to Earth but he has demanded that if the Guardian's want his help he get Sirena in payment. Drake and Pothos are beyond furious, Gefn is dumbfounded by her brother's barbaric manner and Sirena and Hades are the only ones really thinking it through. Sirena feels the mating bond even though they have yet to touch. She knows she has to do this for more than just the barter but for herself also. Things are worse than they seem the Darkness is closer than they thought and now they are rushing to get everything done in time.

Overall, I think it was the best book of the series it was a great ending to the series.

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Having never read any of the other books in this series, I found this final book surprisingly easy to follow. It is well written and I loved the relationships between all characters. Although this book focused on the bonding between Hroarr and Sirena, all the characters played a role in the progression of the story and the ultimate conclusion. The story moved at a steady pace, and there was a great balance of action and sex that was appropriate to the plot and not ridiculously random as some stories often have. I will be reading this series from the beginning.

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I absolutely loved this book series. I'm heartbroken that the series is over. All of the characters were great and all had their own quirks about them. I'm so looking forward to whatever Setta Jay writes next.

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Well the final book is here and if it's a battle royal you are hoping for then you won't be disappointed as so many elements come together in this story. The Guardians of the Realms have always been entertaining with their passionate matings but this time it's the turn of quirky Sirena, the healer who has helped so many but she's paired up with the insanely, arrogant ( not to mention smoking hot) Hroarr who doesn't remember how to feel or does he?
So yes this is a romance driven story but it's the world building that grips this reader. Obviously as the last in the series there is a lot for the author to tie up but never fear she does it in fabulous style. The Thulians are needed to help cage the Earth Gods but there is still the threat of the evil Tria who felt unfortunately remarkably absent for much of this book. All our favourite characters get to take a bow as they converge not only on old enemies but also a much darker threat that could see world's colliding with devastating consequences.
For some reason the romance between Sirena and Hroarr seemed smoother than what previous couples have experienced and I'm happy to say they are left to decide things for themselves. That doesn't make things easier but it allows them and here I'm thinking particularly of Sirena to take back a little control. Fear not though as Hroarr is no pussycat just a male who knows what he wants and no one will stop him. Honestly it was high time Sirena got a man in her life and this Warlord God of a male is perfect for her but you might not initially warm to him!
A lot does happen in this book but for some reason we end up being told about it and not shown. Yet when everything shakes down at the end its non stop and so relentless. There are moments of horror and the fear that maybe just maybe the Guardian's and their allies are about to come unstuck. We get sadness and sorrow but then the author throws in a surprise that is so sweet you will want to cheer!
This has been a wonderful series with its mythological characters stepping up and constantly surprising this reader but it really does need to be read in order. I can happily say there's none of the icky threesome stuff that never really made sense. There's even an epilogue that's a little cheesy but still made me smile. I'm sad it's over but unfortunately this wasn't my favourite in the series but the last third of this book just blew me away. If you enjoy paranormal romance that sizzles then this series with its protective males and sharp sassy heroines is one you need to read.
This voluntary take is of an advance reader copy from Netgalley and is my honest opinion

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Sirena is the Healer for the Guardians. Hroarr is the God of Thule. Two people from two entirely different worlds are mates. Sirena loves being a Guardian and a healer and has been alone for a millennia. Hroarr is gorgeous and very possessive. There is a Darkness coming and it will destroy the Earth Realm. Hroarr agrees to make the contaminant chambers for the Gods, but he wants Sirena in exchange. The mating frenzy has already started, they will have to deal with it and try to save Earth.

Last book of the series. I am sorry for the end but it has been a blast getting to know all of them. Ms. Jay makes her characters come alive and you feel like you are fighting right along with them. Sex. Secrets. End of the World. A very powerful baby. And the interfering cats. Fast paced and I loved it.

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I don't know how you'd give this anything less than 5 stars!
What a great ending to the Guardians series, though I hate for it to come to an end.
Steamy and exciting, just like her previous books, Setta knows how to reel you in and keep you wanting more. Maybe we can hope for a spin-off series? I felt like we should hear more from Charybdis and Dagur.

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OMG - a fantastic end to a fantastic series. I can't wait to see what Ms Jay comes up with next.

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Not quite the fantastic end to a series that I loved so much as I was hoping for. I disliked Hroar a lot and that was mainly because he was an arrogant jerk and treated Serina like a possession and not like a person. Serina accepts him as her mate only because she knows that they need the extra boost in power their union will provide against the coming darkness. I wasn't happy with the way that she listened to his commands all the time, but I guess at least there were instances of defiance from her here and there. After they shared memories, things did change between then a bit. I guess that will have to be enough to make a decent relationship. With this being the last book I kind of expected more of the battle against the Tria and the darkness, but it was barely 10% of the book. It was definitely the best part though.

Still, while I'm sad that this book just wasn't one of my favorites, I loved the world and characters created here. And I am definitely looking forward to what this author gives us next.

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I think Hroarr might have tied with Drake for my favourite guy in this series. I loved him and Sirena together, their relationship formed so naturally even with their rocky start. I was glad we got to catch up with all the other characters and you really felt that the author put her all into making this the best book it could be for the readers. I'm sad that the series is over but I've very happy with how it ended. I loved the little prologue where we got to see them all happy. I'm looking forward to reading more from Setta Jay and her amazing world building abilities.

ARC Provided By NetGalley For An Honest Review

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Format: Kindle Edition

Loved this series and have wanted to read Sirena from the beginning. I was so glad Author did her justice. I have read series when the books get bad after awhile but not this author, her books stay consistent. I loved every couple in guardian series and Sirenas is now my favorite h.. Loved Hroarr and her together. he was so arrogant and possessive of her it was a joy to read. I recommend the series but I would start from the beginning. you will not be disappointed..
Received ARC from Net Galley for honest review.

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This book is bittersweet for me. I’ve completely fallen in love with this series and sad to see it come to an end. This world Setta Jay has created was fun, intense and sometimes a bit confusing with all the new terminology, but definitely impressive.

I loved how she created characters that are so different from one another, yet they bonded as family and had each other’s backs. I’m a super hero junkie so it’s no wonder I fell for these guardians who each had their own power and drive to protect, just like my favorite Marvel characters. This series would make such a great movie or more likely HBO series with all the heat she created between bonded mates.

Speaking of bonded mates, Setta Jay has the best Alpha males! I’m such a sucker for a manly man that is 100% all about his female. The possessive, protective and dominant males that make you swoon! Her heroines are just as much of a draw to the series. I love when an author pairs a very dominant male with an equally sassy and strong female. Each heroine in this series was equals to their very strong mates. This was erotica at its best!

For the final book in the series, it ended perfectly. Everything came together as it should and I loved the journey. I’m excited to see what this author will create for us next!

ARC provided by NetGalley.

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~ARC provided by NetGalley.~

As the last book of the series, I would like to say thank you for Ms. Setta Jay for creating such a wonderful series. From the Ecstasy Unbound to Eternal Ecstasy, we can see how the writing and the story progress. The continuity of each book and how they are intertwined from the ending of each book to the opening of the new one.

This book how ever, encompasses what I was expecting, especially with the last part.

As I read the book, I can't help but wonder, almost 60% of the content was full of the thoughts of each of Sirena and Hroarr's. There was not much of the conversation lines that I loved about her. Then again, being in the brink of destruction, I could understand why it was written that way. It was a very surprising book. I never really knew that she was an offspring of that god. So it was something that I was not expecting.

What I really love about this book is how Hroarr's lost feeling slowly came back and how he show his feeling to Sirena. I mean it was one of the most romantic things that I have read. It was amazing, and exhilarating to be in the shoes of Sirena.

Another unexpected event? The baby. ~Sorry guys, you have to read it to understand why it was like that, but it was something else.

Overall, this is one series, that i would gladly read. Namely because Hades was not a villain and he actually smiled and laugh on the last part of this book, and everything about these Guardians left a lasting impression on me.

I will look forward to reading the spin-off and your other books in the series.

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“Sacha, take your male and deal with the attacks in Earth Realm.” ~Drake
That made me laugh especially with the returning meddling lynxs getting into trouble again. Totally enjoyed this, the whole caveman act with Hroarr was annoying to me but liked he let up later. I will agree with another review about worrying that the book was coming to the end and the battle did not happen yet. You DEFINITELY need to at least read the book before this. Loved how we got to see Ty the island owner again. Can not wait for the coming soon news in the future. Would like to point out that erotica is not my go to genre but Setta Jay's writing pulls me in for the story.

This is a voluntary review via netgalley. I don't get paid for this review!

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4.5 stars

This is the conclusion to the Guardians of the Realms series. And secondarily it's Sirena's and Hroarr's story. I'll admit that there's a LOT going on with this particular series. It should not be read as a standalone but Ms. Jay does a good job inserting reminders for the abundance of characters and side stories that have been involved in this series. I'll admit that my only little bit of disappointment was the small amount of actual interaction between Sirena and Hroarr. A lot of their interactions were referenced after the fact. With all the other story points going on I know it had to be hard to give these characters a piece of their own story. It was there but I wanted more. The stuff that we did see, especially near the end were sweet. Bravo to Ms. Jay. This series had to be a doozy to write but I'm so happy you persevered and gave us these books.

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Sometimes you get to a point at the end of a bag of Flaming hot cheetos and you know only the crumbs are left but you can't help upending the bag so you get every.last.crumb. That was me with this book. I was so sad to see it end I ended up reading the entire thank you note, the coming soon note and the about the author section (even though I've already read this with the first couple books I read of hers)

The guardians of the realms series is hands down 1 of my all time favorite paranormal romance that i have ever read. It has great possessive, protective alpha males, Sexy, smart and kickass heroines and great worldbuilding storyline to boot. The writing flows so seamlessy you can imagine exactly what the book is about and that helps hook me to the story.

Sadly Eternal Ecstasy is the last book in this series. I heard there is going to be a spin off- keeping my fingers crossed! This story is about the last of the guardians Sirena, She finally found her mate in Hroarr but she knows nothing about him and upon first meeting him he is a tad arrogant. Ok alot arrogant but we love arrogance! Not to mention HOT, whewwww ...**eyes glazes over***

Anywho, Hroarr agrees to help the guardians only if he gets Sirena, I know jerk move but he's feeling the pull and all he knows is he wants her and he will have her. Sirena ends up agreeing because the Darkness is coming and he has a way to help. Between all this happening they do get to know each other more, sexy times of course are included. I was getting a little scared in the end because it seemed like the book was close to ending and yet the battle wasn't happening yet. I didn't want it to feel rushed you know. I shouldn't have worried. The battle happened, Everything was explained and it DIDN'T feel rushed at all, it felt natural and I couldn't be happier with how everything ended.

Bonus was the Epilogue it was super cute! I love Nastia! " I will cut you!" Muahahahaha This will definitely a series that calls to be re-read from time to time.

***Arc Kindly Provided by the Author in exchange for an honest review***

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