Member Reviews

Radclyffe is an auto-buy for a myriad of reasons-consistent quality, strong, affecting characters, snappy dialogue and interesting women. While this novel varied in its focus from the medical or spy realms that I adore, I enjoyed the lovely, classic romance that it offered.

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‘Secret Hearts’ is a beautifully told love story that tugs at the heart strings. Kit ends up working at a community garden as payback for a mistake and meets Jordan, an older woman. The attraction is instant and mutual. As they get to know each other and work through issues they both must face the sexual tension ramps up. It gets hot. Radclyffe is an utter genius when it comes to sex scenes as she manages to slowly build it and build it until the reader can barely wait any longer. She also manages to draw us into the emotional intensity felt by the main characters. And there is plenty of it in this book. I loved it.
I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for an honest review.

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How far are you willing to go for family? Will how much you give ever be enough to halt the guilt? When you say family, there is such an emotional reaction that can bring a frown or a smile to your face and anywhere in between. Sometimes you need outside intervention to provide perspective and ease the guilt. Catherine “Kip” Kensington appears to have it all, family, money and a career she is good at. Jordan Rice the "do gooder" with a big heart. While Kip is doing work for the government, Jordan is doing work for the community. I really connected with the community garden in an urban setting. Though there is an age difference, it does little to hamper the friendship and possibly more between Kip and Jordan. I enjoyed the playful flirting by Kip and the will I, should I by Jordan. There is quite a bit of processing by both characters. Considering what is going on in regard to the United States and immigration, I thought the addition of the Tya story line was apropos.

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The book was actually pretty good up until the very end. The story just abruptly ended so I was kind of disappointed in that.

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As per the sweet cover, this is a really sweet story. Both heroines, Kit and Jordan, are likable characters and each for different reasons. The age gap of fifteen years was well done and believable.

If you’re in the mood for a feel good story, with a fair bit of page time given to cultivating produce, a side of mystery, without convoluted drama, this story is sure to fit the bill.

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I really enjoyed this one. Not sure if two duds in a row before this influenced the positive feeling of reading an enjoyable book but I think I would have liked this regardless.

I felt like she didn't quite so much stick to her usual formula, added the fact that I really liked the characters made it a fun escape. A couple of the twists felt unnecessary, in turn, one of the minor plot points felt much more topical than probably intended.

Definitely one of the better Radclyffe books for me.

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A classic Radclyffe is what Secret Hearts is. A sweet story, with well-developed characters and enough chemistry to keep you 100% committed to the end. You know what you’re getting with this author and she doesn’t let you down.

Catherine “Kip” Kensington hails from a very prominent, well to do New York family. Her last name and the work she does for the Department of Defense forces her to keep a low profile. Unfortunately her brother, Randy does not follow her lead. Addicted to drugs and “borrowing” cars, lands not only himself but Kip in lockup. A childhood tragedy shaped both Kip’s and Randy’s life, and the young man has taken refuge in nefarious activities as a way of masking his pain. Kip plays the mother role and tirelessly tries to help Randy out of jams even though the price she pays is a criminal record and a ton of heartache.

Jordan Rice is developing a community garden project in the heart of Manhattan. She works tirelessly to plant her crops and make contacts to supply her produce to the city’s restaurant industry. With a heart of gold, and an iron will to succeed, Jordan doesn’t make room for anything else but work in her life. She’s given up on meeting anyone and fills her time with making the world a better place.

Jordan and Kip meet in a super awkward way. Kip is assigned by the courts to do 400+ hours of community service for driving a stolen vehicle (thanks Randy!). This caring do-gooder takes her licks and heads over to the community garden, unbeknownst to Jordan that the garden was getting a helper. Tension increases as the office building has just been broken into, which causes Jordan to almost attack Kip, the perceived thief.

This age gap romance has a lot going for it. You have two level-headed, intelligent leading ladies who really work well together. Life throws them some curveballs sure, but these to have a synchronicity and a natural flow. They just work well together in all sense of the word. Even though Kip is used to holding a bit of herself back, Jordan has a way of looking past that and finding out who Kip really is. Through Jordan, Kip learns to let Randy stand for himself, even if it’s a painful process, to watch someone you love take the hard road. This is a feel good story that is most definitely worthy of your time.

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Radclyffe is a wonderful author. Secret Hearts is a wonderful book that I could not put down and I would recommend it to everyone to read. Jordan Rice has a community garden and Kip Kensington has to due community service. The sexual tension and love that builds between them keeps the reader on the edge of their seat. The story is well written and the characters are beautifully done.

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This book is 100% typical Radclyffe romance, it delivers exactly what it says on the tin: poignant story, sweet romance, great characters chemistry and hot sex scenes. Radclyffe knows how to pen a good lesbian romance (after all, this is number 14 in the series) and the reader gets an enjoyable experience. Like in many of the previous books in the series, the main characters have a secret in their pasts that threaten their budding relationship but eventually find the strength in their love to overcome their conflicts. Nothing new under the sun but highly effective.

Overall, a very enjoyable read. 4 stars.

ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I have rated this book 3.5 stars.

This book was a classic Radclyffe romance. Your simple story line, automatic attraction, cocky butch with strong femme. The characters never sleep or always forget to eat.

I was looking forward to the age gap romance as that is my soft spot. My eyes did glaze over a little bit during the gardening dialogue as I have never been able to understand or have any interest in gardening.

The book had its moments for me, it was a light quick read. I liked the characters but never really felt like you had a chance to truly connect with them.

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This is one of those books that gives you warm feelings while reading it. You know, the one where you're rooting for the couple to unite as soon as possible, because you love the characters from the very beginning of the book. There's a certain omnipresence of maturity that both Kip and Jordan create with their behavior and decisions, which I love in the books. Their chemistry is almost palpable, and they somehow fit together in your mind, page by page and they're more and more good together.
I have to say I loved the emotional openness that Kip has towards Jordan, even though she seems secluded and closed on the first look. In the most important moments, she didn't run away and she wasn't scared to say how she feels. Also, the way Jordan handles the fact that Kip is there because she was sentences to community service is great and it creates a safe place for Kip to open herself to Jordan, more with each day.

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From the very first sentence of this book i was into it already that's how great this story is or i should say was because we all know that Radclyffe can sometimes have us twisting in the wind when she puts out a few of her other books some of which are not always not written all that good but of late she has being doing some tremendously great her last few books has been really this is an amazingly and absolutely well written book,not gonna lie..the storyline has took on a different there's awesome chemistry with both main and supporting characters and the dialogue is spot feel a sense of protectiveness, sadness and despair as you read that both leading ladies back's a heartwarming story that reminds us the readers of the pure joy of believing in love's well written,edited and fast paced suspenseful along with intriguing and very adventurous storyline that had few twist and turns added...a love/romantic story that is so sweet it pulls at your heart strings time and time again...nicely written graphic sex scenes and supporting cast with a good side story family drama which always adds a plus to the the POV because then we as readers learn a few of why both leads had issues of hesitation factors before getting together ...the ending is left open a bit, so i hope that we all as readers and fans of this couple get to see more of this dynamic duo maybe??? HIGHLY RECOMMEND to everyone!!!!

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Radclyffe does it again. Such a wonderful sweet heartfelt story.

Kip is such a nice blend of a sensitive woman, but also still strong. It's a rare blend of a character. As I read the first scene I was impressed how Kip, that you thought was a womanizer, is actually thoughtful and respectful of herself. Kip is also very protective of her little brother Randy. The story touches on the reality of what guilt can do to a person's life. This story, as tragic it is for Kip, also shows the reality of not being able to help someone that we love. And the process of letting go, forgiving ourselves and moving on to being in life and love again. Kip has to face letting go of her guilt and to accept being loved. It's beautifully written with Kip showing her strength and vulnerability.

Kips father is sort of removed and cold and that's never really addressed, but in the end he loves his children. There isn't really a lot of depth in the supporting characters, but this is one of the rare books where the two main characters interact enough on the farm and in other situations where sub characters aren't required to move the plot along.

When Kip meets Jordan in an awkward way, there is a sweetness that you can sense between the two women. Even in the their first meeting Jordan and Kip manage to navigate communicating respectfully with each other despite their need for privacy. I enjoyed how Radclyffe managed to offer a story where both characters could disagree, have pain, but be able to eventually share with each other, empathize, and also find humor. I loved sexual connection between the Jordan and Kip. It's a natural chemistry on all levels, yet also accepting each others differences as individuals.

This is a sweet love story, one of transformation. The ability to let go of pain, accept the unacceptable and chose to love again with an open heart. And for Jordan to realize that no matter how old you are, life can bring you love regardless of age. The story left me with a sense of optimism that if we open our hearts and let go of the 'fear, guilt or limiting beliefs' life can be amazing. Thank you Radclyffe for a great read and a sense of hope and faith!

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Nice romance for a quiet evening in. What more can I say? It's a Radclyffe book. You'll like it. I recommend.

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I always want more at the end of every Radclyffe novel. More romance, more stories of the couple, just more.

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Radclyffe is one of my favorite authors and I absolutely loved this book. When I initially read the synopsis I was under the impression that Kip was a spoiled rich girl who was arrested for a joyride and Jordan was the older wiser lady who has to deal with her. I am so glad my assumptions were wrong. Yes, Kip was arrested, found guilty of joyriding, and sentenced to 400 hours of community service with Jordan's project, but there was so much more to the how's and the why's. So much more to the character of Kip. These two main characters are wonderful. Their connection and banter were fantastic! I'm so thrilled I was able to read this for a review! This is on my reread list. Thanks Rad for a great one!

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