Member Reviews

Wow - what a fantastic read that has a nice gritty and real feel to it. Elizabeth Campbell is a defense attorney who has taken on the case of a mentally challenged man who has confessed to a brutal murder. As she digs in , things seem more and more questionable and she delves deeper into the case and the danger mounts. This book is the complete package - a tightly plotted mystery, well developed characters, crisp dialogue and lots of action and suspense. I adored Elizabeth - smart, driven and irreverent - and her "buddy" the priest she convinces to help her break and enter. There isn't much of a romance - Grace Donovan is the surly police detective that trades barbs - with Elizabeth, but you still feel the chemistry between the two. . Definitely recommend this one to anyone who wants to read a really good mystery/suspense

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Extraordinary debut!
First and foremost its well deserving of Ms.Mathieu for taking the risk with both the topic and subject matters which were all interwoven both in the well told storylines and plot twists from the first page to the very last -- which to me & other interested readers needed all this information because it sure was one glorious tale. It might easily be one of the best books so far that i have read this year (2017) This story involved:- little romance but lots of action,very suspenseful,a lot of Gov't corruption,brutal & graphic serial killings,great chemistry & connection with characters,then there was that great energy between those two leading ladies (Elizabeth & Grace) who were so very devoted to their crafts (jobs) but then on one hand so different in personalities and yet so absolutely equals when they put their minds and facts together. The author did take her time in drawing each character out - even their backstories were cleverly crafted -- plus all the scenes were set and you as readers felt the story as much as see it and as you read along prickling to the chemistry between each characters was just dynamic it really jumps off these pages. There is also rage,good dialogue,good editing,agonizing loss,conflicting and controversial stuff between the Catholic Church and their priests,betrayal,retelling of past actions & sufferings,heartbreaking,lots of past drama,well researched information by the author,fast-paced,believable moments that will stay with some readers long after the last chapter ends. Recommended to everyone!

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I was so surprised this was Mathieu’s first novel. It was so well written, and everything you want in a book. I couldn’t put it down. From the very beginning I was hooked. If you read this book and are not at least a little bit in love with Elizabeth you may want to check your lesbian card. Lesbians love lawyers. We also love nonprofits. What isn’t to love? When is the next book coming out? Write faster!! This is one of my favorites and I will be reading this one over and over. Start early in the day because once you start it is going to be difficult to stop.

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Very well written although I found it a little hard going in places. Ultimately a good read but unfortunately not one of my favourites

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Unfortunately this book simply was not for me. I was struggling to relate to the trust fund lawyer who does good, buys herself a sports car yet doesn't fund her offices basic supplies. The hate to love relationship didn't feel genuine to me, it felt like real animosity and I couldn't see that developing in a believable manner. Because I think it is just me, not a complete reflection on the book and author, I have declined to review on other sites since I did not finish, setting the book down about 35% in.

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It took me a few chapters to get into the story but after a couple of chapters, when the base of the story was told, it became a very well written crime/ mystery story. The characters were well developed and explained and even though I felt like their romance/ love story was more in the background, it was still a important part in the story. For me the crime part was more in the center of the book, which was very suspenseful to read.
I would recommend this book to anybody who enjoys crime stories and mysteries.

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What a great book, although the synopsis does not explain very well the real argument. The story is original, is well developed, with a good pace. But the best part for me is that it seems to be the first in a series! I'm really looking forward to read more adventures with Elizabeth and I hope more participation of Grace too. Their relationship seems that will be fun to follow. I loved Elizabeth! I found that she is such an interesting character. As I said, I hope there is a sequel and that it will not make us wait very long, please

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This was an absolutely perfect mystery. It's everything that has been missing in my life. I haven't read a mystery this good since I was a teenager when I used to devour David Baldacci and Ken Follet and systematically make my way through shelves of paperback mysteries at the library. I'm not here to compare authors and it's not that those books aren't great... I just found that my interest waned for those books because I was on the quest for representation in the books I read. And while I've read a good deal of well balanced romance/mystery this was the first I've read where mystery first is romance second. The fact that Elizabeth was gay was something so offhand and unimportant to the story. But it also meant everything to me. Every time that I find a book in lesbian fiction, with women and relationships I can relate too, that meets the genres I used to LOVE reading as a teenager, it never fails to blow my mind. It makes my day.

Moving on... Elizabeth Campbell is a witty and passionate lawyer that spends her life defending the underdogs, much to the dismay of her family. What starts off as a simple case review turns into an epic quest for the truth. She instigates the murder of not one, but two Catholic priests, and fights for the freedom of a man with the IQ of a child who is accused of murder. Grace Donovan, police detective, fights her at every turn but neither of them can deny their attraction.

The whole mystery was masterfully crafted and the detail was exquisite. It kept me guessing and it kept me turning page after page as fast as I could.

The only thing I can say is that sometimes I felt like the reader was let into too many characters head and that sometimes it was hard to keep them all straight. But these snippets of other POV bumped up the suspense one hundred fold and were totally effective.

I liked the quiet moments in the book, like the pancakes and the dancing, that drew you in emotionally. You couldn't be more invested in a book - it was awesome.

I will read anything this author writes in the future thats for sure! Mystery, romance....a take-out menu...Bring it on!

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I guess I'm in the minority here by not caring for this book in the slightest. I love mysteries and thrillers and I suppose this may have had elements of each along with procedural and very light court-room drama. However, I just wasn't digging on the story or tone or quite frankly the characters. I've been reading a lot of novels lately featuring a protagonist who operates outside of the rules/laws and who also is conveniently rich and privileged enough to let this behavior be acceptable. I'm a little tired of this archetype, regardless of it being in a male or female character. However, here that embodiment is Elizabeth, who frankly struck me as a whiny, privileged dick. Again, I seem to be in the minority with this opinion. One of the first descriptors of her is as an attorney who works in a law office catering to the "indigent" but the reader is assured she has a nest egg from her parents and can work and live where ever she likes. She drives a sports car, but insists upon driving it above any speed limit, regardless of self/passenger/pedestrian/other driver's safety. She makes fun of other characters she comes across, and picks fights with the detective on the case she's investigating for no apparent reason other than she can. This same detective is for some reason introduced as a love interest even though they spend most of the book apart, not speaking, and not sharing scenes. I'm not even sure why the author bothered with this "romance" at all because frankly it's distracting and being that there is no chemistry in the slightest between the two, it feels tacked on and phony.
The mystery/investigation/murder central story line is okay, if extremely convoluted. I just didn't believe the story or the character motivations; it all felt very much like an author's story to me rather than believable in execution.
By the mid-point of the book, I had really moved beyond caring much about the story resolution because it became ridiculous. All of the investigation conducted by Elizabeth is not only illegal but also irresponsible and foolish. I could maybe accept the outcome a bit more if she wasn't an attorney, but she ends up either destroying all of her evidence, hiding it, or obtaining by illegal means to make it all moot to begin with. By the "climax" I had already long figured out the whodunnit and why, although for whatever reason the author decided to throw in an extremely out of place attempted rape scene because I guess she figured she hadn't made things disturbing and nonsensical enough.
I really didn't find much here that I liked in all honesty. I'm confused by all of the love for this story in other reviews, but diversity of opinion is the spice of life, right?

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Wow! Great read. Intriguing mystery that had me from page one. I love the wit in this authors writing. Strong characters and exciting storyline. What a plot. I couldn't put it down. I highly recommend this book for all to read. There isn't much in the way of romance so don't expect much there. But a sequel might seal that deal.
This is a well written, the pages turn themselves and you'll be up late reading it kind of book. I can't say enough for this author except to keep writing. Well done.

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A Rose Mathieu has written a fantastic page turner that had me gripped from start to finish. Elizabeth Campbell is an attorney who does pro bono work and comes into contact with Detective Grace Donovan when she reopens a suspect murder conviction. Although initially on opposite sides they begin to spend more time together investigating and a subtle attraction ensues. Murdered priests, dodgy politicians and a clever mystery are the hallmarks of this novel. I loved the banter between Elizabeth and Grace. They seemed to rub each other the wrong way but both realise there is more going on between them. The various threads running through the story were so well written and I certainly didn't guess the outcome. I loved it and highly recommend this book.
I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for an honest review.

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If mystery is what you crave starring Lesbian characters look no further with Sins of Our Fathers. The majority of the plot surrounds attorney Elizabeth Campbell's unwavering desire to absolve a man for a gruesome murder he did not commit, and to uncover the person who did it. Along comes Detective Grace Donovon to when their professional paths intersect and a little spark of interest suddenly ignites. That spark will have to wait until the bad guy gets caught, which was frustrating, but it is a thrilling ride of catching said bad guy. I would have liked to see more development between these two interesting women but possibly that might be expanded in another book. The lack of fleshing out their mutual interest in favor of the plot left me wanting but I did enjoy the whodunnit.

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Loved it.

Elizabeth Campbell is funny, courageous, dedicated and a force to be reckoned with. Yes there are lesbians but the focus is on the mystery and I was fully involved, thoroughly engrossed. How can the reader not root for Elizabeth. She is endearing and engaging. She is fearless and at times reckless. She is a lawyer working in a free clinic fighting for the rights of the poor and those forgotten by society. When she decides to defend a man with the IQ of child convicted of a murder he could not possibly have committed we know she will do everything in her power to prove Raymond’s innocence.

This would be classified as a legal thriller and it’s the kind of read which when you finish, you want to start over with the book just to see which clues you missed on the first run through.This is not a romance but there is a romance brewing. There is a potential love interest, Grace Donovan, a cop and someone I hope we see more of in the future but this is Elizabeth’s mystery to solve from the beginning.

I had my suspicions of who the (eventual) serial killer would be but I enjoyed watching the author pick off my likely suspects one by one. Mathieu gives the reader a merry chase as this story of buried secrets and revenge is revealed. I may have questioned the science but couldn’t deny my fascination with and eagerness to unravel the mystery. I love a good whodunnit.

Impressive debut. I am looking forward to whatever Ms. Mathieu has in store for readers who love a good thriller and enjoy a well written story.

4.5 stars

eARC received with thanks from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley for review.

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Guess I saved the best of this month's bunch for last.

Really enjoyable complex thriller, pretty much romance free, well plotted and paced.

There was one tiny moment at the beginning where I almost quit (yes, main character had inner monologue about the breasts of a woman she just met, why do you ask?), but I'm glad I stuck with it. The characters grew on me and weren't really black and white, well, except for one.

I also could have done without the very last section hinting at a sequel, I thought this was good and well-rounded just as it was.

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There has been a lot of debut novels, from Bold Strokes Books authors, coming out this month. This was the best of the bunch and by far the best written. I was surprised this was a debut book, as Mathieu seems like a seasoned author already. This is an exciting mystery that I really enjoyed, and am hopeful there will be a sequel soon.

The story is about Elizabeth, a lawyer who takes cases for people that can normally not afford an attorney. The Mayor is trying to prove he is running a transparent office, asks organizations, like Elizabeth's, to look over previous cases for just convictions. When Elizabeth reads the case of a low IQ man, put away for a priests murder, the case does not sit right with her. The more she looks into the case, the more people warn her to stay out of it. Elizabeth can't let this go, with a possible innocent man in prison. Can this case cost her her job, or even worse her life?

The mystery of this book is really well done. The ways the clues unfold, and the story unwinds, is just so well written. Everything makes sense and all the pieces come together well. While it was not hard to guess correctly who the murderer is, the mystery is still well done and exciting. This is the kind of good mystery book that I love, and will remember for a long time.

I cannot really say this is a romance. While there is a potential for Elizabeth, we are at the absolute beginning stages. The book ended with a possibility for a sequel. I really hope there will be, and we will get to see a relationship form. I hope Mathieu will take the opportunity to develop the character of Detective Grace more. We really don't know much about her character yet, and I look forward to connect to her. Elizabeth on the other hand, is a well fleshed out, extremely likeable character. I absolutely want more adventures with her.

I really enjoyed this book, and highly recommend this to mystery fans. I'm keeping everything crossed for a book 2, and will absolutely read anything by Mathieu's, that she writes.

An ARC was given to me by BSB, for a honest review.

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This is the debut novel by this author who has delivered a page-turner packed of twists and turns with an unexpected ending. If you are interested in the romance aspect, unfortunately, there isn't much of it. Moreover, the main characters don't share much time in the plot together. However, I think the author is going to write a sequel as there is a lot of potential for their relationship and there is also a cliffhanger left at the very end of the book that will leave you wanting to know more.

A great accomplishment of this story is the characters' development, not only the main but also the secondary ones that are multilayered, have very distinctive personalities and add a realistic feel to the plot.

Warning for susceptible readers: this book contains descriptions of gruesome murders and events, however, I didn't find them disturbing enough to stop me from reading and I'm normally quite sensitive. Additionally, the author adds a great deal of humour, banter and wry comments that compensate for the gruesome parts.

Overall, very good fast paced thriller. Can't wait for a sequel. 4 stars.

ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Attorney Elizabeth Campbell is a fearless legal badass. Born into privileged upper crust family, Elizabeth was set to follow in her father’s footsteps. Much to her parent’s dismay, Elizabeth decided to work in a nonprofit legal clinic arena instead of corporate law. This character follows her heart, even when it leads her to scary dark basements chasing killers in the dead of night. She is a Sherlock Holmes with a side of Perry Mason. I’m not kidding when I say she is fearless! I will also say she is a character that steals your heart because she is so inherently good even when she is bending/breaking the law.

Assigned to review old cases for the mayor’s office, Elizabeth comes across one particular conviction that just doesn’t add up. A special needs man, Raymond, was imprisoned for the brutal killing a Catholic priest. Elizabeth follows her gut and digs for clues, demanding justice for the perceived innocent man. As Raymond’s case is re-opened as the murders start again, same modus operandi only this time Raymond was behind bars.

I’m not giving you anymore, the twists and turns in this story are fabulous. Sins of Our Fathers is well written and focused. This does not read like the work of a first-time author. Mathieu builds up the tension and throws you into the action. You feel your heart pounding right along with Elizabeth. This heroine needs no saving but there is the occasional help of a super cute but cantankerous police detective, Grace Donovan.

A romance this is not, oh it’s there, it’s just ultra-light. I feel like we may be building this relationship in a future book. What this is, is a well throughout mystery, with great details and enough curveballs to keep you guessing to the end. I’m hoping this is the first of many times we see Elizabeth and Grace in action. 4.25 stars

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An interesting, very well-done examination into an aspect of judicial action that remains taboo-the prosecution of those with limited cognitive abilities. The author handled that subject very well, the ensuing mystery was just satisfying enough when coupled with a fetchingly steamy romance. More please.

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Ok I didn't realize this was the first book in a series until about 60% in, and then I started liking it more. I think knowing that events wouldn't be 100% resolved by the end helped me enjoy the slow pace of getting to know the characters more. It definetly helped me enjoy the VERY slow progression of Elizabeth and Grace, since they barely speak to each other until the last 30% of the book. Again, I was totally fine with it once I realized this was the start of a series because it lent itself to being more authentic.

Which brings me to Elizabeth, the main character. She was fabulous! I loved her quirks and wit, so much so that I found myself laughing out loud at her. She's one of the more likable characters I've read lately and I loved being in her POV. Grace is ok, and I say that only because we are with Elizabeth much more. I'm guessing the second book Grace will really start to shine, as well as the chemistry between them. She has potential to be as great of a character as Elizabeth, and I have faith that the author will make this so.

Speaking of the author, it says that she's in Law on her bio page and you can tell. This book has a wonderful case going throughout, and it seemed like the author really knew what she was describing. She weaved a great mystery and I really didn't know who was connected with what.

There were a lot of characters, especially priests, that I did get a little confused during the beginning portion of the book. It took me awhile to figure out who was who and why they were important, and it didn't click for me until about the middle of the book. Maybe I'm slow, so others may have no problem with this.

I was really impressed with the authors ability to add in small little details that end up popping up later as a much bigger deal than anticipated. She was great at little foreshadows throughout, even something as simple as opening a door. It really illustrated to me how well thought out this book was.

Recommendation: Buy it. I have a feeling this is the start of a great series.

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