Member Reviews

"Netgalley ARC provided by The Publisher in exchange for an unbiased review'

3.5 stars!
A decent 3rd series. This was not a perfect book/storyline like the others but had consistent quality writing in every aspect and definitely became more complex had higher stakes than i was expecting. This feeling of disconnect was a part of the only thing that stopped me from being utterly infatuated with this storyline because the plot twists did not provide much forward momentum until closer to the ending. It would have been good to see where the characters were going along with what was happening inside their heads--: like Andy's 'POV' narrative is a thing of beauty because this gave the story some energy and something that readers could get into. With this being said do not let this put you off because it displays some good penmanship from Ms.Webb because the ending is also enticing. Recommended to everyone!

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I'm a fan of Webb's writing but I'm not a fan of Book 1, 2 3 etc so off the bat I wasn't convinced Kate and Andy needed more than one book. I like them as characters but this third instalment seemed a stretch.
The good was the progression of the relationship development but for me this was resolved with too much haste and not enough reality.
The less good was the underlying mystery which was surrounded with dark unknowing corners and ultimately didn't deliver.

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I really could go on and on about how much I have adored Jessica L. Webb’s novels. Every book has been just outstanding.

Troop 18 comes from Andy’s perspective and picks up fairly soon after Kate left Andy in Pathogen. Right out of the gate you feel Andy’s despair of their quasi-breakup. She has counted the days that Kate has been gone with no contact. Not a phone call, nor a text to let her know where they stand or how she is. Andy’s heart is broken and she is terrified of a future without Kate. Her pain is palatable, you feel it just radiating right of the page. Jessica Webb, you are so good! I love a book that makes you feel, even if it hurts. Of course, Andy turns to work as her salvation, and this takes us right into a bizarre case dealing with a group of RCMP cadets, who may or may not be up to something nefarious. Andy is needed to root out what they are hiding and whether this troop needs to be allowed to continue their training. Not life and death craziness of like the past two novels, but interesting nonetheless.

When Kate does come back to Andy, well I could just gush about their reconnection. These two ripped their hearts out, spoke the truth and held nothing back. Their reconciliation was done masterfully! Emotions, oh the emotions! This is basically the heart of this one. While the mystery is very mysterious, it’s the emotional journey of the Andy and Kate that is the main focus. Of course, I love it, total romance junkie here.

Is this the last of the series, if I was a betting woman I would say yes if felt like the end of the road to me. The characters of Kate and Andy have been phenomenal. What a fantastic series this has been. It is definitely a series to treasure. Webb is easily on of the best authors in this genre, I can’t wait to see where she takes us next.

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Ok, firstly I must admit that I did not realize that this was the third book in an on going series. How I found out was the opening of the book. Saying that, I found I could read this as a stand alone novel as the past is briefly surmised for you. However, I also must admit that I seriously want to read the previous two book. This book I would give ten stars too but can only give it five. Also, this is my first by this author and it definitely will not be my last.

The author is an awesome story teller and has a very fluid writing style which is easy to read and hard to put down.

The characters are very realistic and likeable. I particularly liked the leading character Andy. She came across as straight forward and honest and loved Kate deeply. It's all very moving. The plot is also very easily followed and dealt with compassion. I feel the main story of this book is Andy's and Kate's relationship which is really sweet and meaningful. But the subplot the investigation was also interesting.

I seriously could not put it down. I was sad when it ended. Would I recommend this book? That's a resounding YES

*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

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Troop 18 was an amazing novel. I loved the intricate details of the plot, characters, and setting the author conveyed throughout the story. The reader was intimately placed within every single scene and thought as the main characters, especially Andy’s inner conflicts and resolutions, played out for the reader to ingest. The actions that took place, without any need to be interrupted by the use of dialogue, told the story in a much more dramatic and effective way. This author didn't feel the need to always have constant dialogue. Her use of character observations were highly impressive and interesting. This, to me, made this novel stand out.
This was the first book I read by this author, I definitely plan on reading more of her work.

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This is another solid mystery by Ms. Webb. Troup 18 is the third in the Dr. Kate Morrison series. I have enjoyed the early books in this series and was eagerly looking forward to reading this one. I was not disappointed.
The two main characters are RCMP Sgt. Andy Wyles and Dr. Kate Morrison. The first two books were written from Kate’s point of view. In this book, however, the story is presented through Andy. Although this could be read as a standalone book, I think the reader would miss out on the history of the two characters. So, I would recommend reading the series in order.

Book one and two were fast-paced thrillers. This book is not a thriller, but rather more of a methodical mystery. For this reason, I had a little trouble getting into the book. I kept waiting for the pace to pick up. What saved me from being too frustrated was that I enjoyed delving into Andy’s character. Her character was developed further than in previous books in the series.

The mystery in this book pertains to Troup 18 of the RCMP. The cadets in this troup are different from any other troup that has come through the training facilities. Andy’s superiors ask Andy to observe these sixteen cadets and determine why they are acting in a manner so different from any other cadets. So, she sets up a training camp in the interior of British Columbia for the training instructors, herself, and to her surprise, Kate who has been assigned as the camp medic.

I enjoyed this book and found it to be a good mystery. I rate this book 4-1/2 stars out of 5.

This ARC was given to me by Netgalley and the Bold Strokes Publishing in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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*ARC provided by Netgalley and the Publisher for an honest review*

I did not read the previous book of this series but I still enjoyed this one a lot – in fact it made me curious for the previous 2 books in this series. There were a few times that I didn’t know immediately who that character was or what they are talking about, which played on something from the previous book but I could figure it out and it didn’t ruin the story, even though I would not call it a stand alone book in the series. Reading other reviews, which mentioned that this one left off where the second book ended makes sense since I was a bit confused at the beginning.
The characters were well written and the story overall was a very interesting read.

I would recommend to read the previous books before this one but would recommend this one.

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I found this book very hard to read. Honestly, it was like pulling teeth for me. There just wasn't enough of a hook in the plot to keep my interest. But determined to finish it, I found that skipping large chunks did not hurt the story (more than the story itself was already doing). Without giving away the big "mystery" (not such a mystery and not so big either)...there is no way that group of people would make good officers. Way to support corrupt police officers the world over.

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So within the world of Dr. Kate Morrison this is my least favorite... and it is still five stars. Jessica Webb quickly became one of my favorite writers. I would buy her books without knowing what the topic was. Her writing is excellent. I think I liked this one a bit less than the other two, because it wasn't a thriller. The first two were lose sleep, can't put the book down, ordered takeout to avoid cooking type of books. This one wasn't that type of book, but it was still so good. This may sound crazy but I was a bit disappointed that Kate and Andy made up so fast. However, Andy at the beginning of the book was so sad. Webb wrote heartbreak perfectly. This is one of those book series that stay with you. I just ordered the books on audible so I can start it over. Make sure if you are new to Webb and Dr. Kate Morrison.. you read the books in order. Seriously you will love them, I have no idea how you could not.

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‘Troop 18’ is the third in the Dr Kate Morrison series and is another winner. We were left on a bit of a cliffhanger in the last book and I am so glad this came out so soon. Andy is finding it hard to deal with some things in her life Andy welcomes the chance to go on an assignment involving the training depot for the RMCP. It involves Troop 18 and a secret that no-one can get out of them. The story is a fascinating mystery that had me stumped and I loved how it was told in a very understated way with so much going on under the surface. The closeness of the Troop is important but I felt that the setting allowed for an intense togetherness that added to the mystery. I was so pleased when Kate became involved as the relationship between her and Andy is pivotal to the whole series. Jessica L Webb has managed to write a wonderful love story that has such passion and emotional depth. These two were made for each other. I highly recommend Troop 18.

I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for an honest review.

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I really hate giving Jessica Webb and her thoroughly enjoyable series anything less than a 5-star rating, but after months of heated anticipation, Troop 18 just didn't have that thrill of her previous series entries. This time around, we're in the head space of Andy instead of Kate, and I think this is where I became disengaged. Andy through Kate's eyes is strong/steady/fairly silent and there's even a little bit of mystique. Honestly, she's presented as flawless but that's tempered through Kate's perspective. Since book one, Kate has been essentially our narrator and protagonist and has been presented since the beginning as emotionally damaged but trying desperately to ignore her own feelings. Andy is really lacking any of Kate's meatiness of character. Her flaw really is that she's flawless--she wins at everything, she's right about everything, she's stronger and faster than everyone else, etc. Being in her head is really just boring and all of her interactions with Kate just paint that wonderful character as nothing more than the female ideal lust object who needs constant protection. I really liked Andy prior to this book, but I want out of her head for the next book.
The main plot had me confused and trying to figure out what the problem was that really needed to be investigated. The prior books focused on home grown terrorism with human bombs and deadly viruses. This was about a Mountie training cadet group, who were suspected of hiding some sort of secret. That's it. For some reason, this was an issue worth investing time and money in for the RCMP.
Between the change of protagonist and a fairly ho hum main story line, this was just an "okay" book for me. I still highly recommend both of the previous titles and I'm glad the "cliffhanger" from book 2 gets resolved here. I dearly hope though that Ms. Webb is hard at work on the next entry in this series and this one was not the final.

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A fabulous and very compelling volume, with layers of emotion and growing relationship complexity that have made this author one of my emergent favorites. This book only solidifies that power of the relationship between Kate and Andy. If only all series continued to produce sequels in such rapid succession. I do not savor the likely extended waiting period for the next entry. Sigh...

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Dr. Kate Morrison and Sergeant Andy Wyles, the story continues but with just Andy as she deals with sharp and sudden change in her personal life. All I have to say is thank goodness for kind, caring and knowing parents. I really enjoyed how the author articulates Andy's heartbreak. I was feeling the pain right along with her. I also liked her friend Kurtz, supportive yet challenging Andy. Although this story does not have the intensity as presented in the first two reads in the series Trigger and Pathogen, it was more character driven and what people will do when faced with challenges. What was most enjoyable was the reunion scene between Andy and Kate, wow! So well written, honest and believable. Appreciated the dialogue as they worked through the relationship issues that lead to Kate stepping away at the end of Pathogen. Whether there is another book in the series or not, I am pleased with the ending.

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This is number 3 of Webb's series A Kate Morrison mystery. As with number 2, this story stands alone though I recommend to read the series chronologically. Otherwise, there's a lot to be missed in terms of the main characters' development and their relationship. This book picks up roughly two months after the end of book 2 (Pathogen), updating us with the status of the relationship between Dr. Kate Morrison, an ER doctor who occasionally collaborates with the Canadian police, and RCMP Sergeant Andy Wyles.

In the previous two books of the series (Trigger and Pathogen), the story was written from Kate's point of view. This book is from Andy's pov which makes sense as she has a more active role in this investigation which is not as medical as in the previous books. This pov also gives a fresh insight on Andy's traits and conflicts. As usual, there is a number a well rounded secondary characters though it's a pity that Jack (Andy's partner and computer extraordinaire) hasn't got more participation in this book as he balances the seriousness of the situations with his geeky sense of humour. Another difference with the rest of the series is that there isn't a creepy villain behind the mystery, instead, the author gives an interesting insight on mob psychology.

I appreciate that it's hard to keep up with the high standards that Ms. Webb has set for herself in her previous books but even though I don't think this book is as original and a page-turner as the previous two, the author still pulled out a very well written, engaging and entertaining book. Highly recommended series.

ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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The third book of the series is from Andy's point of view, giving a much better understanding of her stoic character and deep feelings.
I had the feeling that the book concentrated more on the main charatcers relationship than the mystery - which wasn't the same life-hreatening dangour as two former two books dealt with.
I absolutely loved it and I think I'm going to read the complete series again.

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I absolutely loved the third instalment of Kate and Andy! It was a perfect way to round their story out. I thought the reconciliation between the two was perfect timing and perfectly done. I loved having the two back together and working a case with their telepathic communication at every step.

I will admit I did expect the case outcome would be much more complex and bigger. I appreciate it needed to take the back seat to the relationship to round out the series.

I will miss these two, I'm assuming this is the end, I wouldn't complain if it continued. So I think it would be a win-win either way for me.

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I really could go on and on about how much I have adored Jessica L. Webb’s novels. Every book has been just outstanding.

Troop 18 comes from Andy’s perspective and picks up fairly soon after Kate left Andy in Pathogen. Right out of the gate you feel Andy’s despair of their quasi-breakup. She has counted the days that Kate has been gone with no contact. Not a phone call, nor a text to let her know where they stand or how she is. Andy’s heart is broken and she is terrified of a future without Kate. Her pain is palatable, you feel it just radiating right of the page. Jessica Webb, you are so good! I love a book that makes you feel, even if it hurts. Of course, Andy turns to work as her salvation, and this takes us right into a bizarre case dealing with a group of RCMP cadets, who may or may not be up to something nefarious. Andy is needed to root out what they are hiding and whether this troop needs to be allowed to continue their training. Not life and death craziness of like the past two novels, but interesting nonetheless.

When Kate does come back to Andy, well I could just gush about their reconnection. These two ripped their hearts out, spoke the truth and held nothing back. Their reconciliation was done masterfully! Emotions, oh the emotions! This is basically the heart of this one. While the mystery is very mysterious, it’s the emotional journey of the Andy and Kate that is the main focus. Of course, I love it, total romance junkie here.

Is this the last of the series, if I was a betting woman I would say yes if felt like the end of the road to me. The characters of Kate and Andy have been phenomenal. What a fantastic series this has been. It is definitely a series to treasure. Webb is easily on of the best authors in this genre, I can’t wait to see where she takes us next.

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First I want to say, Jessica Webb is a brilliant writer. The Dr. Kate Morrison Mystery series, has been one of my favorite series in a long time. This book was a bit different than the other two, but just as wonderfully written. If this is the last in the series (and I hope not) I'm satisfied, and will re-read and remember these books for a very long time.

This book picks up where book 2 left off. (Book 2 spoiler ahead) Andy is counting the days, hoping Kate will come back to her. As each day goes by, Andy is more scared she will not see Kate again. When she is asked by an old friend, to observe a troop of RCMP trainees, Andy jumps at the chance for a distraction. She brings the troop up to a camp her friend owns, hoping to find out what these trainees are hiding. When the doctor on duty wants out, and Andy finds out Kate will take her place, excitement and nervousness war through her. Will Kate want to have a relationship again, or is this the beginning of the end?

What I really enjoyed about this book, is that the whole POV is seen through Andy. I have always really liked Andy, but she became such a more dimensional character, in this book. You really understand her as a person and at what depth her feeling for Kate really are.

I mentioned briefly, this book is different than the other two. While it does have a mystery involving the troop, it is much more low key and not as heart pounding, as previous books. This book was much more emotional. It was about Andy and Kate's relationship. Romance fans out there, this is the book for you. In previous books, there was so much action, that the romance was on the back-burner a bit, this book absolutely makes up for it.

The way this book ended, it may be the last in the series. While I really hope it is not, I love these characters too much to say goodbye, if this is, then it's a good ending. Kate and Andy, are up there with my favorite lesfic couples ever, and Webb is up there with my favorite lesfic authors. If Webb writes a book, I will read it!

If you are new to this series, read them in order and start at book one, Trigger. It is fantastic. If you have read book 1 and 2, grab this book without a doubt.

An ARC was given to me by Bold Strokes Books, for a honest review.

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