Member Reviews

Get out the tissues for this one! Such a beautiful story of life and death, the importance of family and love!

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WOW!! What a beautiful but heartbreaking story. I started crying from the moment I started reading this book & I didn't stop even after closing the book. The pain of watching someone you love suffer is gut wrenching & the bravery of that fight is aw inspiring. Also knowing that the only reason that you find out you are a parent is because the other is dying is undeniably heartbreaking, but when the gift of love of that child is given it's breath taking. When Drew's life is turned upside down by a career & marriage ending injury he's not really seeing anything to celebrate in his life, until he's brought to a stand still by news that he's a father to a 12 yr old daughter from a one night stand he barely remembers from college. What he doesn't expect is to find his attitude & outlook changing towards his future because of 2 women brought into his life by this one indiscretion. I enjoyed watching him grow as his relationship grew with his daughter & I loved him when he cared so deeply when her mother died. I also enjoyed watching the relationship between Drew & Peyton grow as they tried to guide his daughter & her niece through the minefield of emotions the young girl had over her mothers death. What they thought was a secret was obvious to others. They're ups & downs would rival any amusement park ride & their stubbornness was clearly a stumbling block. All of the characters in this story were very strong including Chloe the young 12 yr old girl with her strong intelligence & emotions & her utter devotion to her dying mother. Her character was brought believably through the turmoil of watching her mother suffer, battle & eventually die with dignity from a horrible disease. I've enjoyed every book that I've read by Kelly Jamieson but this book has definitely become my favourite by her. Very well written, brining out powerful emotions all the way through. Definitely recommend.

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Omg. My nose was so stuffy from crying throughout this book! Mostly during the middle, luckily there was lots of romance, and fun times also to balance it out. Drew was smoking hot and sexy. Peyton the perfect modern woman match for him and who wouldn't want Chloe for a niece? But the shinning star for me in this story was Sara. What a truly brave lady! Dancing in the Rain by Kelly Jamieson was a true solid 5 stars for me. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for a honest review.

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Dancing in the Rain is heart broking story. But never the less amazing love story between great characters. Both Drew and Payton are amazing. Drew was at first frustrating but wee quick see the reason of acting the way he acts. It was great to see how those two kept communicating; telling each other their true feelings, true thoughts and the truth. They are both strong characters attraction and passion between them amazing. The destiny plays again its funny cards when she connects them. I shared a tear of two but the story warmed my heart.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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Drew Sellers is drowning in broken dreams and empty beer bottles. Hockey was his world, until a bum knee reduced him from superstar to has-been. Then he learns that, thanks to a one-night-stand back in college, he’s the father of a preteen girl with major issues. Her protective aunt sees right through Drew’s BS, but “Auntie P” is no stereotypical spinster. With her slender curves, toned legs, and luscious lips, she has Drew indulging in fantasies that aren’t exactly family-friendly.

At another point in her life, Peyton Watt would have been all over a cocky alpha male who pushes all her buttons like Drew. Right now, though, she needs to focus on taking care of her niece during her sister’s health crisis, all while holding down a job and keeping her own head above water. Besides, Drew’s clearly no father of the year. He’s unemployed. He drinks too much. And he’s living in the past. But after Peyton gets a glimpse of the genuine man behind his tough-guy façade, she’s hooked—and there’s no going back.

Drew Sellers is having a hard time with life. He was a pro hockey player but a bum knee forced him to retire very, very early. Then his wife cheated on him with a fellow teammate and a divorced ensued. He’s now listless and having constant pity parties – as well as starting brawls in bars just to get his adrenaline pumping. He’s shocked when a woman waylays him outside his local coffee shop and tells him that he has a daughter. He and the woman, Sara, had a one night stand many years earlier. She hadn’t known his last name and though she tried to find him he had only been visiting her college. When she saw his picture in a magazine she knew she had to let him know. She offers him the chance to meet his now 11-year-old daughter, Chloe, which he has mixed feelings about. Sara is dying and he’s not sure he wants to be involved with the whole sadness/drama. Yeah, it makes him an asshole but at least he’s being truthful with himself.

Peyton is Sara’s sister and has taken time off of her work and life in New York to take care of her sister and Chloe. She’s not sure about Drew but as time goes on she realizes what a good man he is. When Sara declines and starts to be near the end of life, Drew is there for both Peyton and Chloe. They know they should stay away from each other but soon they just can’t. Unfortunately Peyton is planning on moving Chloe back to New York and then Drew will never see either of them.

Dancing in the rain is a very good but very emotional book. By the time that Drew comes into the picture Sara is already steadily declining and it’s horribly sad. I have to say that Jamieson wrote that portion of the book so very well. It was sweet and tender and I felt Sara’s death to the depth of my soul. Yes, she’s a fictional character but this author made her so very full of life that I felt like I was losing a friend when she died. Jamieson also wrote the aftermath of Sara’s death very well and very true to life. Their emotions were running high and people tend to say stupid things when they’re upset. This book was no different but the way that the author brought Peyton and Drew around was very well done.

I thought the book was so good and definitely recommend it. You’ve obviously gathered that it’s a tearjerker so have your tissues read before you pick up the book.

Rating: 4 out of 5

This will post as a guest review on The Book Binge.

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What a heartfelt and emotional story. Written with tenderness and love, this story captured my heart from the start.

The writing held you captive to the emotions of everything happening to everyone; and what a wonderful blend of laughs and smiles right alongside all the heartache and pain. Beautifully written.

There are rough patches in life, and we have to choose how we handle them. A story about loss, strength, courage, and love, all in many different ways, Sara, Peyton, Cloe, and Drew will touch your hearts deeply.

“Failure isn’t falling down – it’s falling down and refusing to get up.”

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Such a touching story. Just heartbreaking at times but also filled with so much love and joy. Really a wonderful love story built around the most horrific of experiences. Although our hero is an ex-hockey player, this is not a sports romance like the author typically writes. Nice to see her step out of her box a bit and flex those writing chops.

Easy to recommend this one to other readers. Great read!

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I was a little hesitant to start this one because I knew it couldn't end well with the mom, and of course it didn't. So emotional, I was a mess reading it. After that, while enjoyable, it became a little predictable but still very good. Both of the characters came across as believable handling real issues.

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**Advanced copy received from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

I've never met a Kelly Jamieson book that I didn't enjoy and this one is no exception. Dancing in the Rain has a range of emotions from sorrow, to happiness, to heartache, to joy, but all of those come together to create a fantastic journey.

Drew Sellers is drifting. He's recently been forced to retire from the NHL due to a nagging knee injury and he's not sure what his purpose is anymore. He's a man used to routine and the rigors of the NHL season, not having endless hours everyday to fill. He's completely taken aback when a woman he fooled around with in college, which was nearly twelve years ago, finds him and tells him that not only is he the father of her daughter, Chloe, but also that she's dying.

Peyton Watt has been driven to be the best for years. Her career has always been the number one priority in her life, so much so that she moved away from Chicago and her beloved sister Sara and niece Chloe, to chase after her dreams in New York City. When Chloe calls her aunt and tells her that she's scared because her Mom has taken a turn for the worse, Peyton does what she must and puts her family first heading home to Chicago.

Once she arrives, Peyton learns of the new development of Drew being Chloe's father and not only is she knocked off balance by the news, she's also knocked off balance by what she feels for the former winger. She's instantly attracted to him, but there are bigger issues to deal with; the illness of her sister, a tween niece and the demands of the job she left behind in NYC.

Will Drew and Peyton's chemistry threaten the new family dynamic or will the two of them be able to come together for the sake of the most important thing in either one of their lives; Chloe?

I loved Dancing in the Rain and how the whole story evolved. I felt like we were witnessing what really would have gone on in a family who was dealing with these types of issues and I applaud Kelly Jamieson for penning such a realistic story. As I mentioned before, you feel everything in this book and this book drives home the point once again that sometimes you have to let go and the best thing to do really is to just dance in the rain!

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What a story! I was so captivated by these characters and what they were going through I could not put this book down! Read it all in one sitting and I'm glad I did it was heartbreaking to read, but so happy the ending turned out good for them! You could just feel the pain and struggle the author gave these characters and situations where they were better together but didn't know it until they were apart. Not usually a fan of secret baby stories but this I enjoyed maybe because she was older and not looking for anything but a relationship for her daughter. I really wanted Payton and Drew to work out and get together I just knew she would be everything he needed and bring joy back into his life. Lovely book, great writing and I can't wait to read more from this author!

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This book is one of the best books I have read this year so far!! I loved every word from beginning to end. It had so much emotion and heart. I cried, I laughed, I hoped, and I wished. Drew's life is in a downward spiral since he can no longer play hockey due to injury. He has no idea what to do anymore. His life is turned upside down when a woman from his distant past comes to see him. That is all I want to say about this because I don't want to give more away than that. You need to read this book! To live through everything that these characters do, to have all the emotions! You won't be sorry you grabbed this one!
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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Spoiler alerts

Drew is a now retired hockey player that likes to drink and get into bar fights whether they are justified or not. Sara shows up in Drew's life to let him know that he has a 12 year old daughter from a one night stand in college and that she wasn't able to find him until recently and now she is dying. Peyton is Sara's sister who is going to take care of Chloe (the 12 year old daughter) and is taking care of Sara as she dies. The parts with Sara were so sad but I could feel the emotion coming through and the feelings of the 12 year old remind me of my daughter but the feelings between Peyton and Drew felt forced.

The book was ok, I ended up skimming pages at a time as it just dragged and dragged and dragged. I had a hard time connecting with any character. It would get good and then it would go very slow. I have read many books by this author but this one didn't do it for me.

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A bittersweet love story.

Dancing in the Rain was a beautifully written love story. The author does a wonderful job showcasing the love between a mother and daughter, father and daughter, sisters , friends and lovers. The book was thought-provoking and had me playing the "what if game " throughout.

I wasn't sure what to expect and how to feel about the friendship and love that Drew and Peyton shared. They were brought together under stressful times but it was evident that they had strong feelings for each other.

They were both smart and career driven and very stubborn. I liked that they gave as good as they got. They weren't afraid to show their feelings.

Watching Drew forging a relationship with his daughter was bittersweet. If it wasn't for Sara reaching out to him he wouldn't know she existed . You could feel the like becoming love between these two.

You'll definitely need your tissues for this book

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I absolutely LOVED this book!! I finished it in less than 3 hrs, I just couldn't put the book down. From start to finish, I was hooked.

Drew Seller, former NHL hockey star forced into early retirement due to a bum knee at the age of 30, isn't dealing well with his "new" life. Newly divorced after finding out his wife was cheating on him with a former teammate, he doesn't know what to do with himself. With his NHL career over after his last knee surgery didn't help, he's wandering aimlessly, drinking, starting bar brawls, and picking up random girls.

One morning while buying a cup of coffee at Starbucks, to help get rid of his hangover after spending another night drinking away his sorrows and avoiding another brawl, he meets a woman who claims to know him. Not remembering who she is, he gives her 5 minutes of his time to hear what she has to say, not expecting the bombshell of his life.

Sara Watt met Drew during their freshman year of college when he was playing an away game at Notre Dame. After a 1 night stand, Sara became pregnant, even though they used protection. But Drew was playing hockey for his university, so she only knew him by his first name, having never known his last name until he went pro. Sara is a single mother, a successful attorney, but she's dying from terminal cancer. She doesn't want anything from Drew, except to meet his daughter, Chloe, before she dies. Sara, never married, she lost her parents in a boating accident years ago, and just wants her daughter to meet her Father. Her sister, Peyton, who lives in NY will raise Chloe. Sara just wants Chloe to know her Dad.

Understandably, Drew doubts her story. Being a famous and wealthy athlete has people doing crazy things, like showing up almost 12 years later and telling him that he's a Dad. After talking to his attorney and a PI, he has a DNA test done, and tries to deal with his new reality. Unsure about meeting Chloe, but knowing that Sara is dying, he agrees to meet and talk to Sara.

Meanwhile, Sara's health is declining fast. Chloe calls her aunt Peyton, telling her that Sara isn't doing very well, and Peyton drops everything and flies to Chicago. When Drew comes over to talk to Sara, he's blown away by the gorgeous woman who answers the door, who turns out to be Sara's VERY protective younger sister.

Drew has doubts about being a good father, he's jobless, full of uncertainty and fear. When he calls to back out of meeting Chloe, Peyton shows up at his house to ream him out. But the surprise is on her. Drew is home feeling sorry for himself and slowly getting drunk in the process when his doorbell rings. Figuring it's some sales call or Jehovah's witnesses, he strips buck naked and answers the door, only to greet a shocked looking Peyton. From then on things get very interesting.

Drew and Peyton have undeniable chemistry, yet know it's not right to act on it. With Peyton tagging along while Drew gets to know his daughter, their attraction only gets stronger.

As he starts to get to know Chloe, he realizes that he loves the intelligent tween. Which makes him more determined to get his act together and do something with his life; to be a good Dad. What he doesn't expect is the mutual attraction and combustible chemistry between Peyton to develop into something more.

Peyton plans to uproot Chloe to NY after Sara dies. NOT giving any thought about uprooting Chloe from her school, friends, her home, and now her Dad.

Will she do the right thing?


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I was really surprised by this book and found it a much more emotional read than I was expecting. I was utterly moved within the first few chapters and I have to say it affected me all the way through.
Every now and then a story comes along that whatever reason simply resonates with you and Dancing in the Rain just touched me.

This was a really moving story with a touching romance. I really liked all the characters and especially liked how the romance developed. All in all this was a great read - 4.5 stars

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I love reading Kelly Jamieson’s books, especially her sports romances. When I saw this book was up for review, I didn’t even read the blurb, I just ordered it. This charming, feel good story is heartwarming and heartbreaking all at the same time.

Drew is devastated when a knee injury forces him to retire. Now that he is no longer a professional hockey player, his life has changed dramatically and he has lost everything that is important to him. He misses the life he had and he is bored and disillusioned without any direction. Just when Drew thinks his life can’t get any worse, he discovers he has an eleven-year-old daughter from a one night stand in college.

I enjoyed this story so much, even though it is sad and emotional, it has an uplifting message. I connected with all the characters. Drew’s daughter, Chloe is sweet but also a typical young teenage girl with attitude. When Drew meets Peyton, Chloe’s aunt, he is instantly attracted to her. Peyton is a caring and nice person. She wants to be there for her niece and is afraid of what she feels for Drew. Drew and Peyton help each other while they are dealing with a lot of heavy issues. What makes this story so good is the way the characters handle their problems. Through it all, they find strength, love, hope and each other. They never give up and if one of is down, the other one helps them. I couldn’t put this book down, I wanted everything to work out for Drew, Peyton and Chloe.

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Rrad this in private with a box of tissue handy, because the tears are going to flow. This is a sobfest.

Sara has stage 4 cancer. She discovers the name of her daughter's father (born after a Hookup in college) and finds him to offer the chance to meet his daughter Chloe. Peyton, Sara's sister, catches his eye as he gets to know Chloe.

This was a gripping story.

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Dancing in the Rain by Kelly Jamieson
Dancing in the Rain
by Kelly Jamieson (Goodreads Author)
Teresa Martinson Jensen's review
Feb 15, 2017 · edit

it was amazing

**I received a copy of Dancing in the Rain from Random House- Loveswept and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review**

Dancing in the rain by Kelly Jamieson is new book by the author and you'll need to have your box of tissues nearby and it's absolutely my favorite by far of Ms. Jamieson. You will laugh, cry, and cheer both Drew, Peyton and Chloe from the first page to the last.

Drew Sellers has always know one thing-that he was a hockey player for the Chicago Black hawks. But when knee injury leads to an early retirement, he has to decide what is next? Getting into bar fights and being drunk every night isn't the answer he's trying to find. However, when Sara Watt shows up and announces he has a daughter, Chloe, from a one night stand in college. He is shocked but when the DNA confirms he's a dad of a 12-year-old girl. He's then hit with the fact that Chloe's mother is drying from cancer. He wants to be the dad to her and also do what he can to make Sara comfortable. Drew meets Peyton who has flown to her sister's side from New York but when they meet the sparks will fly between them. Will he be able to rebrand himself and figure out what his new career will be? Can he build a relationship with his daughter and see if Peyton is his soul mate?

Peyton Watts is very good at her job as Online reputation management company but when her niece calls asking for help, she drops everything to fly back to Chicago where she learns that Sara is now in end stage Melanoma cancer and has told Drew Sellers that he's a father and that he'll have to learn how to be a dad to his daughter and try to keep his hands off Peyton. When they first meet, Drew's not exactly sober and answers the door naked so when Peyton advises him to "Suck it up Buttercup" and quit riding the pity train is when both of them will need each other and become strong enough to take care of Chloe.

I loved Dancing in the Rain and have read several of Kelly Jamieson's other books, if I could I'd give this book 20 stars easily.

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Wow, this author does it again! Very engaging, will need tissues for this one. Even though I knew what was coming it still hit me like a brick. Such a heartfelt read, it was a tad odd at first to think that Peyton was hooking up with her sister's ex-lover but with other more important circumstances it didn't bother me & I actually feel like it was the best opinion. I'm glad there wasn't an overload of drama to take away from the real-life struggle this family endured. Very well-rounded romance story and I really enjoyed reading how Drew & Peyton's story comes together.

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a good read

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