Member Reviews

This book hits so many important points and takes about them in the right ways.
If you are struggling with your place, are unsure if there even is one in the world for you or what could possible be the reason your are here, this book could be very helpful to you in figuring that out.

I really needed this book at the time it came in, struggling with my own identity as a Leader, Husband and Father and the significance that comes from the titles to the reality that I am going through a divorce, am laid off and am empty nesting all at the same time, it feels as thou my significance is less versus the power of more.
Using the steps in the book, actionable steps, and easy to read way Maxwell writes this is a powerful tool to work through your own idea of significance you provide to yourself and those around you.

At the moment I will only give a rating to the book and I hope it is possible for me to write down my reviews on Amazon. Barnes and Noble and Goodreads. I am very grateful to you because your publications are great, especially in the topics that interest me most. Thanks and blessings.

John Maxwell's The Power of Significance is anchored on the notion that significance can only be achieved through intentional living-find your "why" and acting on it. One of my favourite parts of the book is the chapter on living with a sense of anticipation which is one of the ways of "operationalising" intentionality. He says that anticipation causes us to do five things: value today, prompts us to prepare, generate good ideas, look for ways to help others and possess an abundance mindset. I found this to be quite poignant since most of the time when we think of helping other humans, we are always coming up with all sorts of excuses and in most cases, we don't help on the fly unless someone tags our heartstrings. This section definitely challenged me to think of ways I can be proactive in finding ways of making life easier for others around me.
Though this book is by no means groundbreaking, it is always good to be reminded of life principles by different sources so that they can have an impact. Nonetheless, I was pleased to learn how Maxwell got into full-time ministry and how he has grown over the years. The Power of Significance is quite practical with application sections at the end of each chapter which offer points of reflection and action.
This book would offer a point of reflection for anyone thinking of or involved in volunteering or those working behind the scenes and may not also be easily publicly acknowledged for their hardwork and sacrifice.

The Power of Significance by John Maxwell is another in the long line of very insightful works by this author. If you don’t read it for any other reason, the section on the three questions will be well worth your time. And no, I’m not going to give them to you in this review! This book is a great resource to those who want to live their lives for more than just success. Many will find a great companion for the second season of their lives in the book. However, it’s not just for old folks like me. The principles in the book when applied at a younger age can lead the reader on an incredible journey of adding value and significance to both their lives and the lives they touch as they journey through life. I would highly recommend you read this book for yourself!

eople want to live their lives with significance. They want to know they made a difference and lived with purpose. Sadly, not many would describe their lives as having purpose and most may admit that they do not live their lives with any sense of direction.
Leadership expert John Maxwell has written a small book titled The Power of Significance. This book, a condensed version of Intentional Living, seeks to aid the reader in finding their purpose and from this revelation, begin to live a life of significance.
Maxwell first starts by getting the ready to recognize that live a life of meaning requires starting to live with intentionality. Do not wander through life with no purpose, no goal; no reason. Rather, Maxwell challenges his readers to see the life they want and begin to make the changes necessary to see this life become reality.
The remainder of the book acts as a guide showing how to find one’s purpose and put small practices to grow and mature. As maturity is realized, purpose becomes clearer and significance begins to blossom.

This a an excellent book. It was easy to read and pitched just at the right level. The writers style was perfect and his message was very clear. I was worried it would be a bit religious but it wasn't at all and is suitable for people of all faiths. This is the first book I have read by this author (even though I read tonnes of self help books) and I am so glad I have. I will be looking for me. Highly recommended - Thank you