Member Reviews

This was my second visit with Lacy Marie Crocker and all her friends and relatives. This time out, she is hoping to create a companion line of pet wear with fashion designer, Annie Lane. When she arrives at her home with samples, she finds Annie dead in her kitchen. Also in the home are her two pet Siamese cats. Lacy offers to take care of the cats until it is determined who is supposed to get them, rather than send them to the pound. When someone breaks into Lacy's home and steals the cats, she puts on her investigative hat to figure out what is going on.
I really enjoy the setting of New Orleans' garden district and all the colourful characters we meet, especially Lacy's mother and her frenemies. There looks like there might be a love triangle developing and I am not too sure about that. I do like both of the male characters (one a lawyer, one a police detective) so am interested to see where Julie Chase takes that storyline. This mystery was interesting. There were several suspects and another crime spun off the original murder which added some interest and some red herrings. With her snooping, questioning and deduction, Lacy is able to figure out who the murderer is, but will it put her in danger? Once again, I liked the way the author seems to end the story with an arrest, but throws in that final twist to keep us guessing. I will continue to read this series to see what is next for Lacy, her pets, friends and family. I recommend this one to cozy mystery lovers and pet lovers.

Good cozy for those who enjoy their series with fashion, New Orleans or pets but it wasn't my cup of tea. Already purchased for our library since we have light hearted cozy fans.

And I thought Scratch that. Before I tell you what I thought I have to share who I choose to Chat With A Character over a bowl of milk.....
I was most intrigued with Lacy's cat Penelope followed closely by the family cat named Vodoo the 4th. But you have to read the book to learn about Vodoo all I will tell you is the story takes place in New Orleans. Now back to Penelope the Robot vacuum riding cat. Penelope goes almost everywhere with Lacy. When they are in the shop Kitty Couture; Penelope can be found spending the day riding the vacuum! What a fun and crazy cat. She doesn't like other kitties trying to take over her territory her ride. Even if they are foster kitties!
Penelope seems to have a life filled with fun, excitement and love she is one pampered girl. I would love to sit and have a chat with Penelope if I could get her off that vacuum for a moment!
And I thought...
Once again I stand in doubt as to how to describe my thoughts/feelings about Cat Got Your Cash. So I ask you...
Can you describe a Cozy Mystery as delightful?
Maybe. Maybe not. But that is the word I would use to describe this fun and quirky story. I was totally delighted and intrigued.
Admittedly I wasn't sure how I would feel. I mean seriously the story takes place in a specialty shop for cat clothes where your greeted by a cat riding a vacuum.
Everything about the story was fun. I enjoyed meeting and getting to know the characters as they went through their days and tried to unravel the mystery of Who Dun It.
And then there was the romantic triangle. Lacy has feelings for the handsome police detective who recently inherited millions or is it billions? Detective Oliver tends to hide his feelings leaving Lacy not certain where she stands with him. But he always seems to answer her calls. And comes running when Lacy is in trouble.
But all is well as crime and finding dead bodies thrust them together.
Then there is Chance Hawthrone and old flame that left town to be play volleyball. Hello? He was running away from a law career. Chance decides to return home and 'lawyer up' and chase Lacy. Maybe his name should have been Chase. He hides in the wings and jumps at chances to see Lacy.
Just sayin'
I'm rootin' for the detective.
Cat Got Your Cash is a fast paced keep you on the edge of your seat as Lacy and friends try to discover the real mysteries without becoming the next victim.
There is a long list of suspects . . . Ryan the drug dealing addict brother of the deceased, Josie the P.A. and Ryan's girlfriend, then there's a blogger who steals the orphaned kitties that Lacy is fostering. Not to mention the X-husband who will stop at nothing to get the kitties back.
I enjoy a good Cozy Mystery. I love a great Cozy Mystery.
Cat Got Your Cash definitely falls in the Great category.
I received a complimentary copy of Cat Got Your Cash.

The second book in the Kitty Couture Mystery series by Julie Chase is Cat Got Your Cash. I had read the first book in the series, but I do not think it would be necessary. Lacy's meeting with fashion designer Annie Lane is a disaster when Lacy finds Annie dead. Lacy ends up caring for Annie's two Siamese kittens until the estate is settled. The kittens end up cat-napped, and Lacy finds herself being stalked. She works with Detective Jack Oliver to find the murderer and save herself and the Siamese. I enjoyed this book as much as the first. The characters and setting add to the appeal of the series.

Wow, what an amazing book! I didn't want to put down Cat Got Your Cash, the second in the Kitty Couture Mysteries. I love everything about this book – the characters (especially Lacy and Jack), the animals, the New Orleans setting, the hint of romance for Lacy, and the twisty mystery plot, heightened by suspenseful moments, and lightened by humorous dialogue and encounters. The author, Julie Chase, has become one of my favorites (she also writes as Julie Anne Lindsey). Be sure to get Cat Got Your Cash!

Brought to you by OBS Reviewer Jerjen
Lacy Crocker is the proud owner of the Furry Godmother, a pet boutique and organic pet treat bakery. She has worked hard to make a success of her business and she has done a great job. But she knows that business will get even better if she can get a companion line with one of the premiere fashion designers. She is so excited to have a meeting with the designer, Annie Lane. She gathers many of her samples and prepares for the meeting that may just change her life. But when she gets there, she finds that someone’s life changes forever, and it is not hers. Annie Lane’s life has changed forever because it has ended. She finds Annie’s body and Annie’s two cats, Cashmere and Cotton, at the crime scene. Lacy takes the cats home with her until someone from Annie’s family can claim them. When someone breaks into Lacy’s house, perhaps looking to steal the cats, and Lacy sees someone watching her house in a huge cat’s head, she wonders if the cats know more than they are purring!
The characters are well developed and well rounded. Lacy is smart (especially in business, maybe not so much in the romance department), quirky and persistent. She is very creative in her creations for pets. Jack Oliver is the detective that is assigned to the murder case and there are some clever scenes between Lacy and Jack. All of the secondary characters were also well developed and added a lot to the story.
The writing style flows smoothly and the book is an easy read. The author is very talented in her descriptive writing and through much of the book, I felt like I was right there, watching all the action taking place and listening to conversations.
The mystery was carried on well throughout the entire book. There were enough suspects to consider, clue to sift through and red herrings thrown in to make even the most seasoned armchair detective find it difficult to solve the mystery. The ending was a bit of a surprise which I totally enjoyed.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a well-crafted cozy mystery. This book has great characters, a great plot, humor and suspense and I thought it was well written.
*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*

Princess Fuzzypants here:
Let us get one thing straight. As a cat, I believe in going au naturel in the beautiful fur coat attached to my skin. I do not brook any form of attire, not even a collar. However, there are kitties and dogs and other assorted animals who allow their humans to dress them up. Some I gather even enjoy it, Were I one such feline, I would love to wear the things that are created by the Furry Godmother, or Lacy.
Once I get beyond the dressing up animals gig, this is a smart, and action packed cozy full of great characters both human and feline. After Lacy discovers the body of her heroine, and takes responsibility for her two beloved kittens, she is drawn into finding out who did the dastardly deed.
There is no shortage of suspects as Lacy learns her idol had feet of clay. Was the murderer someone who wants the two kitties, who come with a trust fund or is it someone whom she shortchanged in her business life. It is an exciting romp as we are taken through New Orleans as Lacy searches for the killer.
Even her hunky possible cop boyfriend, Jack, enlists her help as her childhood friend, Chase, tries to turn her head his way. There are lots of quirky characters to enliven the tale and of course, there is Penelope, her cat, who ride the roomba named Spot around the store. It all adds up to a fun read and unexpected thrills.
I give this five purrs and two paws up.

While running her pet boutique Lacy Crocker finds herself thrust into a murder mystery. The plot is full of twists and turns with plenty of humor mixed in. All the characters are well written and help provide so much to the plot.

Cat Got Your Cash was a great followup to the first book in the Kitty Couture Mystery Series. In this story, Laney Crocker, owner of a custom pet couture boutique, is thrilled to meet her idol, another fashion designer for pets. Instead, Laney finds Annie Lane dead and is determined to find out who killed her.
This one had great characters, an interesting storyline, and a great New Orleans setting. I can't wait to see what is next in this seri

Lacy Crocker is back in another fun and fur-filled adventure. The story wastes no time getting right to the business of murder – when Lacy goes to meet her design hero to show off some of her creations, she finds the designer dead on the floor in her home. As much as to protect the dead woman’s Siamese as to see justice done, Lacy jumps right in to find the killer. With a clever heroine, a dash of romance, and cats galore, there’s something in this cozy to please almost everyone.

4.5 out of 5 stars
Cat Got Your Cash is the 2nd book in the Kitty Couture mystery series by Julie Chase and it was great! While it didn't have that extra pizzazz or emotional hook in it to push it up to a 5-star rating, it was still a delightful read!
In this book, we get to know Lacy a little bit more and also our two heroes - Chase, the handsome lawyer and Lacy's schoolgirl crush and Jack, our dashing detective, who may just have the hots for Lacy. All of these characters are fun and exciting and well-developed. I'll be honest and admit I'm rooting for Jack, but should Lacy choose Chase, I wouldn't be overly disappointed. I just like Jack better! Lacy can be a little head strong and sometimes does things that makes me cringe (note to Lacy: When the hot detective tells you to stay put somewhere - STAY PUT!), but I still enjoy reading her stories.
The setting finds us in New Orleans and while the descriptions of the settings aren't overly flowery, they are described well enough that I'm able to imagine most of the places in the book. I think Lacy's shop sounds charming and while I don't have any pets to dress up or pamper, I can easily imagine it being a place that would fit right in down in New Orleans, or even up here in Ann Arbor, near where I live! I know many pet owners who would love to shop somewhere that made organic treats for their pets!
The plot line in this book moved along at a pretty good pace. There was a small section in the middle where I felt it dragged a bit, but it quickly picked back up and was steady throughout the rest of the book. I had no idea who the villain was before Lacy figured it out so that was fun! I just couldn't figure out who would want the victim dead. While it turned out that she wasn't the great person that Lacy always idolized, it still was hard to imagine someone killing her. Once the villain was revealed and it was explained, it was easy to see. I love when mysteries surprise me with the villain, so that was a plus in my eyes!
All in all it was a delightful read. While the story can definitely stand on its own, this is a series and you'll understand the personal relationships and interactions better if you read the first book, Cat Got Your Diamonds, before you read this one! Get out there and buy both books or borrow them from your local library today!
[I received an ARC from the publisher through NetGalley. I was not compensated for my review. All opinions and conclusions expressed are my own.]

CAT GOT YOUR CASH by Julie Chase
The Second Kitty Couture Mystery
Lacie Crocker, who has declined financial assistance from her family, is making a go of it at her Furry Godmother shop, but barely. She now has a chance get her big break by partnering her pet couture with the famous designer Annie Lane. Yet instead of discovering a new opportunity, Lacie finds Annie's dead body. Unwilling to let Annie's two Siamese kittens be taken to the pound, she assumes responsibility for them until Annie's will is probated. That decision puts her in the cross hairs of angry animal activists, a mad ex-husband, and a mysterious stalker. But nothing can stop this self admittedly nosy designer from trying to figure out the truth and help solve the murder.
Filled with memorable characters, the Kitty Couture Mystery series is a fun, feel good escape. The ongoing battle between the Jazzy Chicks and the Llama Mamas showcase part of the personality that is the New Orleans Garden District. Steeped in tradition and money, its citizens generally try to do good and make the world a better place. Detective Jack Oliver, Chase Hawthorne, and newcomer Henri LaSalle, provide enough testosterone to ignite some swoonworthy moments while Imogene gives a healthy dose of comfort and realism, with a dash of the unknown. Lacie Crocker is an endearing protagonist, even though she made me sigh at her ignorance of proper cat introductions and makes me want to smack her to realize Jack's feelings toward her! But Lacie is real. Trying to make it on her own, yet knowing when she needs to call for help. Admitting her faults, yet accepting them and trying to do better, for herself, her friends and family, and the community itself.
CAT GOT YOUR CASH is an engaging mystery with a heart stopping climactic scene that will leave you breathless. I thoroughly enjoyed my second trip to New Orleans via the Furry Godmother and eagerly await my next visit.
Pet recipes included.

I enjoyed the first book in this series and eagerly awaited the next installment. I am thrilled to say it's as good as the first and maybe a bit better. I love cozy mysteries that have animals in the forefront. We are introduced to two cute and adorable Siamese cats named Cotton and Cashmere. They were the attraction for me that made me want to really dive into the book. I love Siamese cats and miss mine terribly. I loved how the author gave them very distinct personalities. They become very important in this cute mystery.
Lacy is still busy trying to make it big with her speciality pet shop. She has a knack for making bling for pets and yummy treats that are special made with ingredients that won't harm animals. I have seen some really adorable outfits for dogs and cats so it was easy to picture Lacy's design with the authors vivid descriptions. It's a big day for Lacy as she gets prepared to meet with Annie Lane. Did I mention that Annie is very well known and can help Lacy become famous in the clothes design design world for pets? This could be Lacey's chance to make a name for herself. Some meetings don't turn out like you hope and Lacy's has hit rock bottom. What a shame that Annie is dead when Lacy arrives for their meeting .
I must admit I like Jack Oliver a lot. He cracks me up with his surly attitude and quick banter with Lacy. The author really gives them a complicated relationship which I found very intriguing. Is Jack getting tired of helping Lacy out of trouble? It seems Lacy has a stalker called trouble. Poor thing can't get a break with dead bodies turning up. The author gives readers several suspects which leads to shoddy relatives, jealous workers and an ex that all add up to someone who wanted Annie dead. Let's not forget Annie's prized possessions. The Siamese twins need a new home and will come with a nice hefty allowance. Did someone kill Annie for the kittens?
There is a bit of a love triangle of sorts in the book that kept Lacy on her toes. I did like the fact that the author gives Lacy and her mother time together and perhaps a chance to mend some fences in their strained relationship. The book moves at a nice pace and the characters were well written. It's a great story that pet lovers are sure to enjoy. cozy mystery fans will love the twists and great ending. Don't forget to check out the recipes at the end of the book.
I received a copy of the book from The Great Escapes Book Tour. The review is my own opinion.

Dollycas’s Thoughts
Isn’t the cover of this book just priceless. I couldn’t wait to start reading to find out how those Siamese kitties fit into the story. Their names are Cotton and Cashmere and it turns out they belong to fashion designer, Annie Lane. Sadly our protagonist Lacy Marie Crocker finds her dead when she shows up for a meeting. Lacy had been looking forward to working with her favorite designer on a companion line of pet couture creations. Now she has been asked to care for her cats and that seems to put her in danger. Those cute little cats come with a huge trust fund so could Annie have been killed just so the killer could get their hands on them and the CASH. Would they kill again to get what they want. NOLA PD homicide detective Jack Oliver is on the case but Lacy pushes herself right into his investigation.
Lacy is a girl after my own heart. Her creativity shines in the hatS, scarves, capes and more that she makes for cats, dogs, and even llamas. Her mother is all about her finding a good husband and thinks attorney Chase Hawthorne would be the perfect match. But I am on team Jack, the man so clearly in love with her even though she just doesn’t see it. Her dad is more of a go with the flow guy. He is always there for his daughter. Their relationship is strong, close, and heartwarming. She also has a fur baby named Penelope. This cat will give you more than one laugh out loud moment.
The author gives us several suspects from the designer’s ex-husband to her assistant, another designer, and even some bloggers. They are all viable suspects so it was fun parrying them down. The ending took me totally by surprise. What a fabulous twist!
Julie Chase is an awesome storyteller. These characters really pop and the mystery pulls you right in. The cover grabbed my attention and the story held it from start to finish.
Another cat-ivating cozy to add to your lists!

In Cat Got Your Cash, the second book in A Kitty Couture Mystery Series, author Julie Chase weaves an intriguing cozy mystery tale that follows the latest amateur sleuth adventures of pet boutique owner Lacy Crocker.
Set in the Garden District section of New Orleans, Louisiana, fashion designer Lacy Crocker's Furry Godmother, a couture pet boutique and organic gourmet treat bakery is starting to get noticed and taking off. When Lacy's favorite fashion designer Annie Lane schedules a private session, Lacy is all excited ... that is until she finds Annie dead on her kitchen floor with two Siamese kittens next to her body. Lacy takes the two kittens home until Annie's family can claim them, but when Lacy finds out the kittens are inheriting Annie's fortune, and they suddenly going missing, Lacy is determined to find the wealthy felines and Annie's killer with the help of sexy New Orleans Detective Jack Oliver.
Cat Got Your Cash is a captivating and fast-paced cozy whodunit tale that has enough quirky characters, witty banter and humor, romance, drama, danger, and intriguing twists and turns. You can't help but get caught up in Lacy's latest amateur sleuth adventure as she and Jack try to save the wealthy kitties and solve Annie's murder. The story unfolds with a wonderful balance of comedy, romance, and drama that easily kept me guessing, and left me wanting more. I can't wait to read the next book in this purrfectly delightful cozy mystery series!
Cat Got Your Cash is an entertaining cozy murder mystery that pet lovers will enjoy reading!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours.

I love this series! It's witty and suspenseful and southern.
Lacy remains an endearing amateur sleuth who seems to stumble on more than her share of bodies while trying to make a success of her pet couture boutique and dodge her mother’s attempts to force Lacy to take her rightful place in wealthy New Orleans society. Of course broody/swoony detective Jack Oliver and his melt-your-knees southern drawl adds an extra dose of romantic sizzle even if Lacy is inexplicably naive as to his feelings for her. And then there’s Chase … but I’m #teamJack all the way so we won’t talk about him or the love triangle he insists on creating. There were many times I wanted to shake a little sense into Lacy but then jealous-swoony Jack or worried-swoony Jack distracted me. Did I mention that I’m #teamJack?
The mystery in Cat Got Your Cash is full of twists and turns and creepy cat masks. It’s well-plotted and the path it takes allows plenty of opportunities for worried-swoony Jack to show up – as well as the rest of the characters in Lacy’s life. From her wealthy parents to her somewhat kooky friend (and her former nanny) Imogene to Lacy’s best friend Scarlet (and Jack and Chase), she has a lot of people watching her back with genuine affection. And I can’t forget to mention Penelope the beloved cat who lives to ride around Lacy’s store on the back of the roomba named Spot.
Bottom Line: Engaging characters, a vivid setting (complete with the Deep-South mood of suspense that clings to the air), a well-plotted mystery, and a brewing romance – Cat Got Your Cash has it all! (Though there was one scene involving Lacy debating with a reporter that seemed unnecessary in my opinion) I’m still waiting with romancefangirl anticipation to see where Jack and Lacy are headed, and I’m really intrigued by the ongoing story arc involving the mystery behind the death of Jack’s grandfather.
(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.)

Cat Got Your Cash is the second book in the Kitty Couture mystery series and just as fun as the first one.
Lacy runs a pet boutique and also bakes great treats for pets. She is so excited because she is going to be meeting with Annie who is a fashion designer. If Annie likes her stuff she might let her make clothing for pets to go with a line of clothing she is doing. All comes crushing down on her when she finds Annie dead. Who would want the fashion designer dead and why did it have to be her that finds the body. She went through something like this not that long ago and now here she is in the middle of another murder.
Jack the detective is not happy at seeing her at another crime scene. Lacy is not sure what is going on with him as he is running hot and cold. She thought they were becoming friends but then he starts to pull away. He treats her very coldly at the crime scene, surely he doesn’t think she has anything to do with what happened. Lacy thinks some of his problems is that he inherited a large sum of money, but is not sure.
Annie has two cats that are twins and Lacy take them in because she doesn’t want to see them go to a pound. Someone breaks into her house and kidnaps the cats and Lacy must figure out who wants the cats and who killed Annie.
Lacy is an interesting character, I think its fun that she makes fancy clothing for pets though I never dressed my pets. She also makes healthy organic treats for pets. She is doing pretty good with her shop but was hoping to go global with Annie. I am not sure how she handles her mother cause she would drive me crazy. She is very proper and thinks that Lacy should be going to all her parties.
I thought it was a really good mystery with great characters and I can’t wait for the next one!

I laughed till I cried at the funny moments, I was spooked to goosebumps in the suspenseful moments. I couldn't put this book down. I was envisioning men in cat outfits all day, while waiting to finish this book. Lacy is an amazing animal lover, I couldn't image a better sleuth for kitties. And in this book Penelope stole the show in many scenes.
Laughter, Spooks, and Kitties- what more could a reader want?

The concept of kitty costumes leaves me, honestly, as a cat owner, befuddled but it didn't stop me from enjoying this entertaining and well written cozy, Chase is on to something- Lacy is an engaging character and Jack, well I'd like all cozy heroines to have such a good and supportive partner who just happens to be a homicide detective. She makes good use of the atmospheric city of New Orleans. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. I read and enjoyed the first book in this series and now I'm looking forward to the next installment!

I absolutely loved Cat Got Your Cash by Julie Chase. Lacy's line of pet couture fashion items are fast becoming a popular trend. She's even caught the eye of high-end, local fashion designer, Annie Lane. Sure that she's on her way to pet fashion greatness, Lacy's dream is busted, when she arrives for an appointment, and finds Siamese kittens stamping their prints through the house in what looks like blood. Now the keeper of the kittens, Lacy has more than another murder to contend with, especially with the trust that accompanies them.
Lacy is from an affluent family in the New Orleans Garden District but she doesn't act like she comes from money. She is very down-to-earth and her character has been written wonderfully. She has the opportunity to never want for anything but she wants to make her own way in the world. Instead of falling back on family money, she worked hard to get through college and started her own business back in the Garden District. Her meddling in the case is vast, much to the chagrin (and worry) of handsome homicide detective, Jack Oliver.
Oh, Detective Jack Oliver....be still thy fluttering heart. His character in Cat Got Your Cash is a fresh take on cozy mystery heroes. Sure, he's the standard potential love interest police officer but he's so much more. His banter with Lacy had me rooting for them through the entire book. Their chemistry sizzles even though I think some of it is lost on Lacy.
Jack Oliver isn't the only potential love interest in Cat Got Your Cash. Her friend Scarlet's brother-in-law, Chase Hawthorne, is back in town and has set his sights on Lacy. I just don't feel their chemistry like I do when Jack enters the picture. There's nothing particularly wrong with Chase but I just don't feel any of the right vibes when he's with Lacy. The sizzle and tension are non-existent; I actually get more of a brother-sister vibe from them (except when Chase mentions things about kissing Lacy).
I am impressed by the way the author was able to keep suspicion off of the true killer. I was none the wiser until the big reveal and didn't suspect a thing. The path to solving the murder was paved with several potential candidates that had means and motive. Bravo, Julie Chase, bravo!!
I anxiously await Book 3, Cat Got Your Secrets!
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of the book and all opinions are my own.