Member Reviews

CD Reiss has always been my favourite author and I Love her wonderful writing. Bombshell was Another HIT From the Author. I Loved It. I was so involved in reading the story that I did not want it to End.

Bombshell is one of the best books written by the CD Reiss and Every Reader must Read it.

I Highly RECOMMEND all the Readers to Grab this Book now and Enjoy it.

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"Bombshell" sounded very interesting and I liked the blurb to this book: Hollywood actor falling in love with the nanny for his little daughter.

The story was ok but I couldn't really connect with it, neither the characters.
In the beginning the story was very confusing because there were lots of names and lots of different characters.

I liked Brad and Cara but their chemistry felt a little bit forced to me and I was looking forward to a little bit more chemistry, as well as a bit more red-carpet-action.
Nicole, Brad's little daughter, was a highlight so. She was really cute and made everything shine.

The story itself didn't have many surprises and was remaining on the same level. I would have liked a bit more drama here.

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Originally I found C.D. Reiss from her series Songs of Submission, which I loved. To see her go from that genre to Hardball, to Bombshell is a sign of pure talent.

"He tasted like a bad decision. He tasted like the thing you always said you shouldn’t have done, but didn’t regret anyway."

While predictable, it was fun to get to know both Brad and Cara. She had such a good head on her shoulders, I knew it was going to be interesting to see what Brad had to do to win Cara over. Cara is a woman with a plan and that plan doesn't include being a nanny to the stars. She's seen it go all kinds of wrong before.

Brad is "new money" or a "new star" if you will and is still in awe of how Hollywood works. The women, booze and doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Learning that he fathered a child five years ago, who is now on his doorstep, is totally cramping his style. After seeing Cara in action with his Bombshell, she was the only one he wants around his little girl.

Cara is a tough sell, however seeing Brad so out of his element with the little girl, she agreed to step in for thirty days. Sure he's a star and she vowed to never work for one again, but with the time limit, things will be a-okay. Famous last words.

Brad worms his way into the heart of Cara of course, but it wasn't easy and there are still speedbumbs in the road ahead. They both carry secrets that could change feelings once they get out. That was the excruciating part, the secrets and the aftermath, always my favorite.

"I’d fallen in love with a man and his daughter and it was a disaster."

The book is well written from dual points of view. Very sexy and angsty and lots of Hollywood gossip to laugh at. I see it's the first in a series and am excited to see what's next.

Reviewed for Renee Entress's Blog.

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Sometimes books take you by surprise and that’s exactly what happened to me with CD Reiss’ Bombshell. I thought this would be a light, fun, sexy, TYPICAL single dad falls for the nanny story, but this book was anything but typical. These characters were complex and flawed and they knew it and owned up to it, their relationship threw them both for a loop, his daughter was a beacon of light despite the circumstances that brought her into his life, they brought out the very best in each other, but most importantly they “saw” the real person inside the outer persona. Their connection was unique, they made mistakes, the learned from them, and most of all they both realized that together they could handle anything life throws their way.

Brad Sinclair is Hollywood’s bad boy leading man and is enjoying every minute of his life until he finds out he has a 5 year old daughter from a short lived fling whose mother just died and his whole world changes in the blink of an eye. With a staff to take care of him, he has no idea how he’s going to manage a little girl when his parent’s return to Arkansas, but when Cara DuMont steps in to help her friend who is interviewing for the nanny position, Brad knows she is who he needs for his daughter because she seems to be the only one who can comfort Nicole.

Cara DuMont loves being a nanny to the wealthy, but she absolutely refuses to be one to Hollywood types, but after helping out her friend and a precious 5 year old in a bathroom at the agency she agrees to a one month consulting position until everyone is settled. What she doesn’t expect is to fall for her charge’s dad especially given her rule to never get involved with a client. She sees something in Brad that most people don’t see and most of all she can see that despite the fact he doesn’t feel an instant bond with Nicole; he wants to be the best dad he can be.

I was so impressed with the man layers to these characters and the fact that they both couldn’t seem to help sharing so much of their past lives with each other. It was very clear that this author did a lot of research into the Hollywood lifestyle, of Hollywood style “parenting,” and to how easy it is to go from media darling to media pariah with the click of a camera. I loved that Cara treated Brad like any other man, not the big star he was, that she called him out on his bad behavior, she tried to instill in him the need for consistency in regards to Nicole, and that she expected better of him when he messed up. At times I hurt for Brad because it was easy to see he was struggling on several fronts and at other times I kind of wanted to slap him upside the head and tell him to grow up, but I could also see he was trying, he wanted to be a good dad and the more time he spent with Cara it was obvious he wanted her because she made him accountable and made him feel real, like his old self again. He also was very protective of her and Nicole which made me smile many times over.

From the first chapter to the righteous epilogue, and the epilogue to the epilogue, I loved this book for its complexity, its humor, its heart and most of all for these three special people getting it all despite everything life threw at them. Oh and by the way, to the one character with a vendetta, KARMA is a b*tch lady!

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This book was a miss for me. I generally love this author. I just wasn't feeling it.
I may try it again. The story line was good but I wasn't consumed.

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3 1/2 stars. I don't know why this book just didn't click for me. Everyone else just loved it and it was just ok for me. I normally really like CD's writing. Give me some Fiona...I was all over that. But this one was not bad by any means. CD Reiss does not write bad books. It just wasn't my cup of tea. I wish I could say I loved it.

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🎵🎵🎵"Zip it. Lock it. Put it in your pocket" 🎶🎶🎶🎶
Thank you C.D. Reiss for writing Bombshell and making my heart sing 💙

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I’ve been meaning to read C.D. Reiss for quite awhile now, so when the opportunity came to get Bombshell, I jumped on it. And if you know me, then you know I torture myself and wait even longer than I need to before I’ll pick up a book or an author that I really want to read and won’t be surprised to learn that I did exactly that with Bombshell. I actually hadn’t even planned on reading right now, but my finger got trigger happy when I was scrolling through my books and I accidentally clicked on it and the rest as they say is history. I read it, enjoyed it and lurved it!

It was a close call between who was my favorite between Brad and Cara (I think my favorite character of all was Nicole, but moving on), but Cara edged out just a little bit ahead of Brad, so we’ll just get straight to Mr. Hollywood himself. Brad certainly has his flaws and there were for sure times when I was not a happy camper with him, but for the most part, he’s really a great guy. He goes with the flow, he’s a fun, happy guy — although he has his serious moments too. There’s a lot to love about Brad from his playfulness and easy charm to his down-to-earthness, but I really loved his sweet moments with Nicole and Cara both on their own and together. He melted my heart and I couldn’t have kept myself from loving him if I tried.

It was easy to love Cara, she’s sweet and has such a kind, giving heart. She’s warm and genuine and strong. She’s not afraid to tell Brad what she thinks or get after him when he’s being ornery. Of course, she has some ornery moments herself, but she’s allowed to have a few. Really it just boils down to the fact that Cara is a wonderful person and she’s so full of light and love that you can’t help but be affected by her and love her.

The very first line of Bombshell drew me in and while I had planned on clicking the Kindle home button once it was available so I could get to and read the book I had been planning to before accidentally bringing this one up, after that line, I just couldn’t do it. It’s like my eyes were literally being sucked in to focus on the words and I just couldn’t pull myself away, I had to know what happened next and how everything was going to work out. I stayed with Bombshell for a long time before I called it quits and went to bed. It was exciting and fun and I couldn’t stop turning the pages — not that I wanted to. It was such a fantastic story and I’m looking forward to reading more from C.D. Reiss!

Bombshell is the first look in the Hollywood A-List series, it’s told from Brad and Cara’s POV, and they do get their happily-ever-after.

~ A Hopeless Romantic’s Booklandia, 5 Stars

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I have a mad author crush on Christine. I have since her Submission Series, and it only grows with each subsequent book.

If you've read Shuttergirl, then you've already gotten a tiny little taste of Brad Sinclair. If you haven't, then prepare yourself for the newest, juiciest DILF in Hollywood. He's a A-list actor who is used to getting what he wants and who he wants, when he want's it. Being an insta-daddy wasn't part of that plan.

Cara is the consummate Hollywood nanny. She's smart, professional, has zero aspirations of being a star. Working for an elite nanny agency, her one rule: No celebrities.

Nicole is an absolute peach. She's smart, articulate and for having just had her world turned upside down, she's handling it like a champ. I seriously love this little girl. Nicole could be your daughter. She's real, written so very well. She's not perfect. She throws tantrums and is a tad manipulative, but show me a five-year old who isn't. And the dedication at the beginning of the book by Christine had me in tears.

Brad and Cara are so wonderful together and for each other. Each has things they are hiding; secrets that they are ashamed of. The more Cara fights to distance herself, the more Brad pulls her in. There is a lot of give and take in this story, with each character learning not only about each other, but about themselves.

This book isn't all sweetness and light. You will go from loving Brad to hating Brad, to loving him again. Cara will frustrate you with her stubbornness. But through it all, at the end, you'll close the book and think to yourself, "That's exactly the way it should be."

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Bombshell by C.D Reiss was another 5 plus star hit. It would be worthy of an Oscar if it were available. Brad Sinclair, the bad boy movie star and Cara Dumont, nanny to the rich; when mixed together; perfects this fabulous high intensity love story that just kept me glued to my kindle. This book will have you laughing right from the first page to tearing up to wanting to play on rides too.

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Thank you so much for the opportunity to read and review this title. Unfortunately in this instance,I didn't connect to the story. As I didn't finish reading, I will not be reviewing this title. Many thanks and I do look forward to picking up another read from this author, as I've enjoyed a lot of her work.

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I was so excited when Bombshell popped up on my Kindle yesterday I just dove right in. Yes yesterday, and I’m already able to write this review on it! I was hooked from the first of Bombshell’s 72 chapters! Christine’s writing always enthralls me and won’t let me just walk away unfinished. Each book she writes is more and more addicting than the last and in Bombshell, add an adorable 5 year old into the mix, and what are normally amazing stories anyway, becomes something else entirely. This story has so much heart to it, but also keeps to CD Reiss’ genre with all the sexy and romantic moments we come to expect from her tales.

In Bombshell we meet a nanny to the rich and famous, although she isn't' fond of helping the famous for reasons you will find out in the book, Cara. She is between families at the time and has sworn off all Hollywood celebrities. She will help the rich non-famous out with their children and households, but she draws the line at fame. Brad is everything you imagine when you hear about big time Hollywood heart throb. He's a playboy and has no desire to settle down to just one woman. He actually prefers to enjoy his time with the company of more than one woman. That is until Cara comes into his life in a most unexpected way. Brad has just found out about a daughter he has, Nicole, just a week prior to meeting Cara. When their encounter in a bathroom leaves the little daughter wanting her as a nanny, Brad will stop at nothing to hire the most attractive and best with his daughter, Hollywood has to offer.

Their attraction to each other is instant. She is immediately drawn to him, but knows she has to keep her distance from him. He is so thankful to have someone help his daughter who he has known for just a week, that he thinks about crossing lines with the help shortly into their arrangement. The chemistry and connection between them is just unbelievable and having Nicole in the picture too adds an element I can relate to even more with having a child my own. I love a good romance, but throw in a toddler/young child and I'm a goner! He is great with her the more he gets to know her, Nicole I mean. He falls into the roll of a father, but still holds back and keeps his lifestyle up for a while into the story. Once an event or two happen between him and Cara, he begins to realize his priorities are out of line and need to be adjusted with his new daughter in mind. Cara has a great affect on him and her being around as the Nanny soon feels like more to them all. There are cute and adorable scenes that you just want to cry at, and there are just the right amount of fun scenes also to make this a true CD Reiss book. Her writing is flawless as usual and she has just hit this one out of the park!

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I’m the first to admit that I haven’t read all of C.D. Reiss’ books, but I loved Shuttergirl and Hardball. So when I saw this one coming, I couldn’t help but jump on it. I’m a sucker for actors, and I’m a sucker for forbidden romances, and this fit the bill of both.

I think what I loved about Cara was that she was professional. She had her standards and she stuck to them (as much as possible). She put Nicole first, even when it put her in an uncomfortable situation with Brad.

I’ll admit, it took me a little bit to really feel like Brad had feelings for Cara. Wanted her, yes. Had feelings for her…it took time. I loved when he got protective over her, when he wanted to claim her. Once that happened, he did seem to go out of his way to include her in family outings and events. And even though it wasn’t directly related to Cara, I loved when he took control and said that he didn’t care what other people thought about his Nannies or his daughter, he was doing things his way.

I really hated Paula. She was pure evil. She pulled crap later in the book (which was bad) but I wish that Brad had seen just how horrible she was, and the things she’d do behind his back and how she treated his daughter.

But I seriously loved the relationship that developed between Cara and Brad. This is definitely a book I’d recommend!

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** ARC kindly provided for an honest review. **
I had a crush on Shuttergirl and I discovered some great characters. Now it’s time for Brad to tell his story.  CD Reiss delivered some steamy story with a hint of angsty and incredibly sweet and romantic.

There was something in the air while I was reading Bombshell, an incredible chemistry.

Hollywood A list star, Brad Sinclair had everything he's even wanted, fame, money, parties and women. Until one day, the moment when his world turned upside down, becoming a father. I had to admit that I didn’t like Brad at first, a total cliché of a famous actor, immature and stubborn.

As the story unfold, the man learned from his mistakes and damn if I wasn’t under the spell. He worked hard and sensitive, more grounded that he seemed to be, revealing more surprises.  Trying to be a better man even if he’s going to mess up a lot. There was something about this character that pull you in.

Cara DuMont was the second girl to rock his world. Utterly knocked him down. Things got complicated because she was the nanny. Cara was not the kind of woman to risk anything and she stayed away from men like Brad, too dangerous and tempting for his own good. Knowing how Brad’s lifestyle could be toxic and destructive. She was guarded and wary. However she couldn't help to have some very dirty and naughty thoughts about her boss.

Brad’s little girl, Nicole won me over and Brad was a bit lost with her. That girl was so darn adorable and endearing but throwing into a crazy life, a one that she didn't ask for. How trying to maintain a sense of normalcy, at the moment when his life was at the top? Was that he ever wanted?

These two in a room could put a room on fire, they had such a great chemistry and banter. But it was definitely so much more, with this steamy and sexual tension … oh my … it was so palpable and powerful and I was waiting for the moment when tables would turn, when things would get messier than it was before. I loved every moment.

It could have been another Hollywood romance, but this story had this little something that made it special to me. The last chapters?? Totally rocked my world and made me fall in love all over again with Brad, Nicole and Cara. It was written with such sensitivity, with some emotional times and insanely hot!

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Review to follow soon. Blog Promo links provided below.

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Before I say anything else, I have to shout, yes shout, that I love Nicole..I adore this little girl
.I can say so many hings about her but i want everyone to experience her beauty and her funny personality.
Brad..he is busy,very busy..working and partying and livingthe life..and then he is suddenly a father..and he has no clue how to be ne..But the nanny will make everything manageable..and only one will do..Cara.
Cara is awesome. I love everything about her. She loves her job, she is great with the kids and she isn’t afraid to hurt anyone feelings, especially if it means standing up for the kids.
I have to say the story surprised me, even tho I don't know why I was surprised, I am talking about CD Reiss. She found a way to write a story where the unexpected and the bumps in the road weren’t ever going to cross my seriously, I could have thought about millions of scenarios, but not those. As I said, I shouldn’t have been surprised.
The story is funny, cute, sweet and flirty too, but at the same time the feelings are always there, whether in the background or right on the surface..CD Reiss has a way of talking about things, even serious, in a way that will make you stop and think, but never judge.
A beautiful story that will warm your heart!

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I love Hollywood love stories!!! I know....GROUPIE!!! Which girl hasn't dreamt about meeting a famous and gorgeous movie star who falls in love with her and they live HEA.....oh hell....I'm one of those girls!!!! So, it goes without saying that the story of a famous movie star falling in love with his daughter's nanny was just up my "alley"!!!!

I enjoyed the plot and the writing.]

The characters are likeable and engaging....especially the movie star's little daughter......she's totally adorable.

Some might say that it's a bit unbelievable....Hollywood stars are mostly not so nice....etc etc...but, hey, this is fiction where anything is possible!!!

This was such a sweet and enjoyable read - if you like Hollywood HEA.....then this book is for you!

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"Brad Sinclair was a tabloid headline waiting to happen."

C.D. Reiss delivered a star-studded romance with a dynamite Hollywood Daddy twist!

BOMBSHELL is a sweet, sexy tale featuring Notorious Hollywood Playboy Brad Sinclair whose life changes in an instant when he discovers he's the bio daddy of an adorable five year old little girl, Nicole, who was the product of a forgettable short-term fling six years prior. The little girl’s mother, Brenda Garcia, died in a tragic freeway accident and he never knew of the girl's existence until after the woman’s tragic demise. He vows to do right by his offspring but is TOTALLY out of element.

In a stroke of good luck, in swoops nanny extraordinaire Cara DuMont to help soothe his hysterical little girl in the aftermath of a humiliating incident. She's the only one who has connected with Nicole, the only one who’s been able to stop the traumatized child from crying since she was dropped in her inept daddy’s lap a week ago. Seeing the gorgeous angel of mercy work her magic on his little brown haired, dark-eyed, dimple-cheeked little Bombshell, Brad knows he has to hire her as his nanny.

Problem is, Cara is NOT into the celeb lifestyle and her worst fear is seeing her face plastered on the front page of some tabloid. But Brad plays dirty to get her, enticing her into a sexy pool game wager which ends with her agreeing to stay on—as a consultant--for a month to ease the transition until more suitable arrangements can be made. During that time she shows him the ropes, calls him on his selfish, immature BS, and fuels a fierce possessiveness in Brad—and a crazy, primal desire to claim her as his!! And his forbidden lust is not unrequited. Her Hollywood heartthrob boss star in all her sordid fantasies…and even catches her in the act!

"He was melting me from the inside out, and I had a feeling it was on purpose."

But she was his child's nanny for gawd’s sake and there was one cardinal rule she never broke during her nanny gigs...

"You don’t fall in love with kids or daddies or families."

Try as she might to keep a professional distance, sweet and charming Nicole and her drop dead gorgeous dad nuzzle their way inside her heart. Now this sexually frustrated duo is between a rock and hard place because there is no way Cara could trust this hard-partying Hollywood Bad boy or fit into his glitzy world. But this woman brought a sparkle back into his little girl’s eyes and she saw the real man behind the famous façade, and he was not ABOUT to lose her. However, were they just living in a dream world that could burst at any moment???

Wowwwww!!! This is my first C.D. Reiss and it certainly made an impression! Her writing grabs you in from page one and I was immediately swept up into the glitz and glamour of the celebrity lifestyle. This is a refreshingly unique story, chock full of heart, OOZING with sexual tension, and interlaced with drama. The narrative is breezy and engaging and the rapid-fire banter keeps you on your toes. I was initially drawn to this book by the insta-Hollywood daddy hook (single dad trope is my kryptonite) and gah this book delivered BIG-TIME on swoony father/daughter feels!! Little Nicole was absolutely darling but not cloying or overly precious, and her grief over her mom's passing really struck a chord.

“Zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket."

I like how the author did not sugar coat the family matters storyline. It was very realistic and poignant how Brad did not instantly fall head over heels in love with his child—a literal stranger-- who was dropped into his life out of nowhere. Rather their bond flourished over time and Cara was instrumental in helping bridge the gap. In essence she is the glue that held everything together...and is their soft place to fall. And the monumental moment where Brad felt the full force of his love for his little princess gave me GOOSEBUMPS!!!

"I knew what people meant when they said their hearts melted. It hit me all of a sudden. Not just that she was a cute, little puppy with a big “aww” factor, but that she was mine. My little girl. My own creation. My responsibility. My joy."

C.D. Reiss clearly has inside knowledge of the Hollywood scene, and I enjoyed the up close foray into that glamorous, albeit oftentimes artificial lifestyle, and the personal sacrifices famous celebs are forced to make to remain relevant in this fickle industry.

Despite his crazy hectic lifestyle in the limelight, Brad was bound and determined to prove that he could be the devoted lover to Cara, and caring, attentive father to his little girl. The journey these characters traversed together is deeply emotional, thought provoking and deliciously satisfying! The characters are sympathetic and gloriously flawed, and some surprisingly heartbreaking revelations are unearthed about their pasts that infuse their story with depth and fire it with powerful emotion.

"He was as beautiful as ever, but starkly human. Flawed beyond belief. Emotional and broken. He needed me to fill his empty places and in letting me do that, he filled mine."

My only quibble is that the romance between Brad and Cara was definitely a SLOOOOW burn --perhaps too much so if I am being honest. The heat level throughout was more subdued than I had expected going in, and overall this book was definitely more family focused than erotically charged. But once this dynamic duo’s passion finally ignited I definitely felt the sizzle!

"He tasted like a bad decision. He tasted like the thing you always said you shouldn’t have done, but didn’t regret anyway. A little bit of starlight. The tart sting of the forbidden and the sweetness of a sin you think you’re getting away with."

And the epilogue? OMG! The PERFECT Hollywood grand finale!! Ultimately, I give C.D. Reiss a rousing round of applause for BOMBSHELL....which truly dazzled!

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Delightful, Giggle-inducing, heart-swelling romance.
You're going to love falling in love with Cara and Brad.
And Nicole. Because I am SO #TEAMNICOLE!

Cara Dumont is intelligent, confident, driven, and absolutely loves what she does for a living. Being a nanny is her calling; she is so good at it, she can have her pick of clients. But when you're a nanny to the rich and famous, there are pitfalls. And Cara has rules to make sure she avoids them. Rules like no celebrity daddies.

Hollywood Heartthrob and party boy Brad Sinclair is overwhelmed. Suddenly a father to a five-year-old little girl he never knew existed, he needs help. Only the best will do. And the best is Cara.

The opening chapter is one of the most hilarious and touching I've read in a while. Nicole, Brad’s daughter, immediately wrapped me around her finger. Sweet, funny, insightful, and clever, she steals every scene she’s in. I was rooting as much for Nicole as I was for Brad and Cara.

A true feel good romance with an instant spark of attraction and a slow burn to romance, Bombshell is poignant, sexy, and laugh-out-loud funny.

*Copy provided to CGSR Book Blog in exchange for an honest review*

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I am typically a C.D. Reiss fan. But for me, I was not blown away with Bombshell. I felt like it was a typical nanny falls in love with the rich single dad story. The one thing that I found a bit different was that Cara DuMont was not all googoo- gaagaa over Hollywood’s bad boy, Brad Sinclair. Her walls were broke down over time.

I walked away feeling very underwhelmed with this one. Maybe that is why this review is fairly short, for me at least. Of course I will read more of C.D. Reiss’ work. That being said, this one was just not for me.

~ Review written by Heidi Pharo

GoodReads: I am typically a C.D. Reiss fan. But for me, I was not blown away with Bombshell. I felt like it was a typical nanny falls in love with the rich single dad story. The one thing that I found a bit different was that Cara DuMont was not all googoo- gaagaa over Hollywood’s bad boy, Brad Sinclair. Her walls were broke down over time.

I walked away feeling very underwhelmed with this one. Maybe that is why this review is fairly short, for me at least. Of course I will read more of C.D. Reiss’ work. That being said, this one was just not for me.

~ Review written by Heidi Pharo


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