Member Reviews

I wanted to give this book a better rating, but sadly the end really did a number a me.. yes dyslexia is a disability, but using the word retard was a low blow... it could have been worded better and in the context just didn't make sense... just sad because the book was kind of adorable with Nicole and her relationship with cara, but the hero was really a number.. the whole nanny thing just I just couldn't get to it.. I don't even know how I finished it.. ps: having a disability does not make you a retard

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A good read from beginning to end.

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***ARC received in exchange of an honest opinion***

I confess I debated between rating this book 2.5 or 3 stars, but I'll keep it at 3. Bombshell is one of the rare books I read the blurb before starting, and unfortunately the story didn't back up what the blurb promised.

The heroine annoyed me a lot, she was more than frustrating. For someone who kept daying she'd never sleep with a boss, she changed her mind pretty easily. And hero was so imature, it was hard to read it sometimes.

His behavior was not of an adult and the way he solved his problems weren't of an adult either. I didn't see the growth in his character and behavior through the book and that is what bothered me the most.

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I love single parent romances, however the whole celebrity romance subgenre isn't one I read a lot of, but I wanted to give this one a try anyways. I am so glad I did because I loved it! For me Nicole stole the show, she was just the cutest and smartest little girl, and she made me smile a lot. I loved that the author didn't automatically change Brad into the father of the year. He had a lot of issues he had to handle, and that made him human. In the society now, we put celebrities on a pedestal and see them as people who can't do wrong.

I enjoyed seeing the different sides to Brad. As for Cara, she had her principles and tried to stick to them. The author really took her time to tell the story, there was no rushing through anything. This made it very easy for me to connect to all the characters and understand where they were coming from. I especially loved Nicole interacting with her dad, and seeing their relationship progress throughout the book. The same goes for Brad and Cara, there was a mutual respect for each other. And I enjoyed seeing them grow closer together, until they couldn't resist the other. The sex scenes were HOT (I wanted more!). CD Reiss did an incredible job with this book, I am definitely looking forward to the next books in this series.

This review will be posted on Silence is Read Book Blog on the release day: May 1st.

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Certainly a unique and interesting story. Good overall writing.

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This book is my 2nd read by this author and I loved it. This book seems to be book 2 or 3 in a series but I was not lost and it easily stands alone. I LOVE Nanny and boss romances and this one features hot hollywood actor as the dad. It though was very different in that the female lead, Cara is a professional nanny and she treats the job very professionally. She understands that to a professional nanny a daddy romance is the kiss of death and that was what made this story an original.

Cara is the professional and her friend had a fling with an actor dad, so she takes the job at Brad's against her nanny rules of working for a hollywood type. She does it so her friend can finally have a job.While there Brad falls hard for Cara and they and his daughter form a close bond.

Brad, is not your typical ctor and I liked that about him.He has some big secrets but deep down he has a really great family who is always there for him. I love that he wanted to move mountains to be with Cara and I loved how there Cara is for him and his daughter.

This was a sweet, romantic and fun story and I really enjoyed every part of this story.

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She appeared at his doorstep and the impact was like a bombshell on his life. Nothing would ever be the same again. She is Nicole, precocious and only five years old... and she is his daughter. Surprise!

Brad is the new flavor in town of the leading man. With offers and scheduled motion pictures a year in advance, he is on his way to legend and already two Oscar nominations to his name. He is the consummate Hollywood player and partying is what he does during his downtime. A child is definitely not in his program. Solution: hire a nanny!

This is where Cara comes in. As a favor, she agrees to consult for a month. Famous last words! This little bombshell will also blast her life with an impact that will last for years. Nicole is the common denominator which unites these unusual characters and restores a family to its core with love and innocence.

Once again, CD Reiss proves she is versatile with her writing. She can write the most erotic love scenes of submission and power play, as well as, the most tender scenes of soul embracing emotion.

I am voluntarily reviewing this book because I enjoyed it. Thank you to the publisher for sharing a copy of this book with me.

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