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Omg I love this book so much. I couldn't put it down. Kept me up all night. Love the story and little miss. Bombshell. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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J'avais hâte de lire ce roman de CD Reiss car j'avais déjà lu une des ses précédentes romances et j'avais apprécié ma lecture. Ce fut également le cas pour Bombshell que j'ai dévoré en une soirée. Même si l'intrigue est prévisible, j'ai tout de même passé un bon moment en compagnie de Cara et Brad

Cara DuMont appartient à la célèbre agence de nanny tenue par Laura. Cette agence s'est spécialisée dans le recrutement de nannies qui travailleront pour des célébrités. Nous sommes donc dans les nounous haut de gamme et nous allons donc entrer dans un monde de prestige où l'argent coule à flot mais ne fait pas pour autant le bonheur des enfants dont elle a la charge. Autrefois , elle a travaillé au service de Ray Heywood qui a dû cesser de faire appel à ses services car la maman avait peur que Cara s'occupe aussi du papa en plus de sa fille Wilcox. Mais Cara n'est pas ce genre de jeune femme car elle est très sérieuse et professionnelle. Quand vous travaillez pour des familles célèbres, vous êtes aussi sous le feu des projecteurs et le moindre faux pas peut vous être fatal. Cara travaille en binôme avec son amie et collègue Blakely Anderson qui paie encore le prix de son erreur passée. Céder aux sirènes de Joshua Trudeau fut une erreur monumentale et elle n'a pas tardé à faire la Une des tabloïds qui s'en sont donnés à coeur joie. Cara ne touche pas de ce bois et elle veut à tout prix éviter de tomber dans ce pièce. Or quand elle va venir en aide à Bradley Sinclair, les choses risquent bien de se corser.

J'ai bien aimé le personnage de Cara car il est évident qu'elle est faite pour ce métier et qu'elle a à coeur de veiller au bien être des enfants dont elle a la charge. Sa rencontre avec Nicole Garcia , la fille de Brad en est l'exemple même. C'est une jeune gamine de 5 ans qui a perdu ses repères du jour au lendemain et qui est assez capricieuse. Même si Nicole a su me donner le sourire, j'ai trouvé qu'elle prouvait à certains moments qu'elle faisait preuve d'une grande maturité et d'une grande intelligence et par moment être assez agaçante. Il est évident qu'elle tombe dans une famille où les moyens financiers sont sans fond mais la flopée de cadeaux qu'elle reçoit parfois frôle l'indécence. C'est un jeune papa qui ne sait pas encore s'occuper de sa vie et ce n'est certainement pas en faisant d'elle une gamine pourrie gâtée qu'elle s'en sortira dans la vie. Et c'est en ce sens que j'ai fortement apprécié Cara car elle est hermétique à toute cette abondance. Elle veut clairement donner une certaine éducation à cette enfant qui manque de repères et elle veut aussi guider ce père dans ces nouvelles fonction. La mission sera d'autant plus dure qu'elle sera très vite sous le charme du bellâtre mais elle résistera coûte que coûte à ses envies. Pourra t-elle tenir sa langue et rester à sa place ? Pourra t-elle résister au charme de Mr Sinclair ?

Brad Sinclair est un acteur au sommet de sa gloire qui a toujours su compter sur une ribambelle de domestiques pour réaliser le moindre de ses gestes. Il n'a aucun sens des valeurs et en plus je l'ai trouvé très immature. Il a perdu tout sens de la réalité et semble parfois aussi capricieux que sa fille. Il est un grand amateur des fêtes où ses amis ne sont pas de bons conseils. Je ne dirais pas que je n'ai pas apprécié Brad car ce n'est pas le cas mais il ne m'a pas vendu du rêve. J'avais l'impression de voir un enfant boudeur qui voulait absolument avoir ce nouveau jouet qui lui plaît tant. Ce nouveau jouet étant bien évidemment Cara. Il est forcément habitué à ce qu'on cède à tous ses caprices et c'est donc rafraîchissant de le voir batailler pour obtenir ce qu'il veut auprès de Cara. Ce qui est aussi gênant à son sujet est qu'il ne sait absolument pas s'occuper d'un enfant. On peut concevoir qu'il soit un tout jeune papa et que deux semaines ne sont pas suffisantes pour tenter de faire connaissance avec Nicole mais je n'ai pas ressenti ce besoin. J'aurais donc aimé ressentir cet amour paternel le plus rapidement possible mais ce ne fut pas le cas malheureusement . C'est donc sans doute pour cela que j'ai eu à accrocher au personnage de Brad. Je m'attends à ce qu'il me vende du rêve et malheureusement je n'ai pas succombé à son charme. Brad gagnera t-il en maturité ? Saura il aller de l'avant et intégrer sa fille dans sa vie très bien remplie ?

Bref j'ai passé un bon moment de lecture mais il me manque ce petit truc en plus qui m'aurait mis des étoiles plein les yeux. L'histoire de Nicole est sympathique mais pas assez attendrissante à mon goût. CD Reiss signe donc une romance assez prévisible mais toutefois agréable.

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3 . 5 Sweet Stars!

It's been forever since I read a CR Reiss book and this was quite the cute story.

Brad Sinclair is a Hollywood hearthrob player and at the top of his career. So the last thing he needs is a scandal.

Cara DuMont is a nannie with baggage and boundaries. One of those hard boundaries is working for the Hollywood A-list.

Nicole is the bombshell of a scandal when Brad is all of a sudden strapped with a child. A child he never knew about and now how does he juggle Hollywood and being a father. With a fluke meeting Brad sees how good Cara is with Nicole that he demands she help him out. Now he just has to keep his attraction to her at bay.

Cara knows the ins and outs of the A-listers and she tries to stay clear of them. Especially the gorgeous playboys. But that doesn't mean she can't fantasize about her new boss.

Cara and Brad's attraction is potent and sweet. I loved the evolution of both of these characters. It was super sweet and I will definitely read more from this author and this new series.

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I’m not sure what I want to say about this book.  I LOVED the storyline and I adored the characters.  Bombshell was charming and emotional intense – I thought it was an amazing read.

In Bombshell, Cara is a professional nanny and she has set rigorous standards for herself so that she doesn’t end up on the cover of some rag magazine at the grocery store.  Basically, besides taking care of her charges, all she wants to do is avoid dads like Brad.

Men who are too sexy to ignore.  Men who ooze charm.  Men who are selfish and put their needs about everyone or anything else around.  Bastards with great smiles and hot bods.

Anyway, Brad and his daughter want her in their lives and they are relentless in their pursuit of Cara.  This is was made Bombshell a must read romance.  The flirting and banter is engaging as well as entertaining.  The daughter is adorable and smart.  You want more from all the characters.

There were a couple of moments that I wanted to throw my device and/or throttle Brad.  The man just ping ponged back and forth between being a man who I wanted to fall in love with to a man I couldn’t stand being in the same room with.

More than I wanted to be violent though, I wanted these characters to figure things out and to get their happily ever after.  Their lives left me devouring page after page to get to that point and it’s just awesome.  So it you’re looking for a hot, cocky playboy getting his ass kicked by love (and parenting) – don’t miss out on Bombshell.

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This was my first book by the author so I didn’t no what to expect. I loved the synopsis and Hollywood romances so I knew I was on to a winner here despite never of having read the author before.
This was a beautiful story. It was sweet and full of romance but it was also quite funny in places.
I fell in love with both characters Brad and Cara.
Brad is a Hollywood super star who had no idea he was the father to Nicole. He has no clue how to look after a child at all so he has to find a Nanny. (Cara)
Brad was swoon worthy. I fell head of heels for him. He is known for his bad boy ways and loves it. He has the good looks and charm to easily win women over. The fact he’s a Hollywood mega star definitely helps him to. Lol
He hires Cara as Nicoles nanny. What he didn’t expect to happen when hiring her was to fall in love .
Their relationship is a slow burner that will keep you gripped. They have sizzling chemistry that starts slow but then turns in to red hot love.
Nicole us by far the sweetest girl ever. She will melt your heart over and over again.
I love this unique story.

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4.5 stars

Bombshell by CD Reiss is a very good read.

The writing is well done, the storyline captured my interest from the first page and the characters were likable and very relatable.
I loved how the relationship between Brad and Cara unfolded. They had a strong attraction/connection which grew stronger the more time they spent together.
Watching Brad connect with his little girl Nicole touched my heart, fatherhood was not something he was prepared for, but with the help of Cara he soon finds himself relishing in the role.

Bombshell by CD Reiss is a beautifully written romance with a storyline that will entertain you all throughout the book and I highly recommend it.
Looking forward to the next book in the Hollywood A-List series.

*Get your copy now*

*Thank you to Montlake Romance via Netgalley for the advance copy.*

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I have to admit that when I first heard the premise of Christine Reiss' latest, I wasn't exactly thrilled. Hot Hollywood hunks and surprise babies generally aren't my thing. Especially the surprise baby part. What was my queen of the dark places of the heart thinking? I count on her to take me to dark and angsty places, make me think, haunt my dreams, challenge my notions of what a romance is. How the hell is she going to do that with an A- list Hollywood manchild and a precocious five-year-old? Was this going to be "Three men and a Baby" minus two men? Ugh.
Well, it turns out I worried for nothing. Brad Sinclair is a bombshell in his own right in the Reiss universe. The Reiss hero is usually perfectly suited up, controlled and at the top of his game in every way even when the world around him is spinning out of control. You never see him sweat. Brad is a hot mess manchild - a beacon for the paparazzi with his antics and sexual exploits - and he couldn't be more enticing, poignant, funny, painfully self-aware and sexy as hell. He is this unusual mix of vulnerability and Southern fortitude that you can't help but fall in love with. A stunningly gorgeous, A-list actor and perennial party boy with an aversion to pants, Brad's world is upended when a bombshell named Nicole lands in his life, with her beautiful, long hair, demands and penchant for ponies. And with Nicole comes Cara, a professional nanny who wants nothing to do with Hollywood spotlight. She has two rules - no celebrities and no single dads. She is the best in the business, and another in a long line of Reiss heroines who are ambitious, smart, kind and relatable.
But Nicole and Brad want her - rules be damned. And you think you've already figured out how this all ends up. Maybe you have. That won't matter because the journey that Ms. Reiss takes us on is magical. It's a sexy, sweet slow burn with the push-pull of a forbidden attraction and outside forces and inner doubts determined to keep them apart. They fight their feelings, focusing on the sweet and wise little girl at the center of their shared universe, only to have it turned into this delicate dance of the courtship that turns incendiary. Bombshell is funny, stunningly romantic, sometimes light and frothy, and sometimes poignant and raw. As always, the writing is lyrical and totally modern, begging to be read aloud. And all those things I count on her for? Mission accomplished.
Bombshell may be sweet, but it's a rich, complex, decadent chocolate cake of an novel you'll remember long after you lick the plate clean.
5 decadently sweet stars

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Bombshell is actually the first book that I have read from CD Reiss, but I have heard nothing but good things about her books so I was really excited to give this one a go. Unfortunately this wasn't what I had been hoping for, but it seems like others have said that her other books are better so I am curious to give her other books a shot.

Bombshell centers around Hollywood bad boy Brad Sinclair. For those who have read Shuttergirl, he will be familiar to you, but if you are like me and haven't read it you can understand this one just fine as this is a standalone story. Brad finds himself suddenly a father after a cute five year old is dropped in his life after losing her mother. Cara DuMont doesn't do celebrity fathers after some bad experiences, but as a nanny who sees a young adorable girl in need of help she finds herself saying yes to a temporary position taking care of Brad Sinclair's young daughter Nicole. She never expected or wanted to fall for him as well as his daughter though, and she quickly realizes that no matter how hard she tries she is unable to fight the connection she feels to them.

Part of my issues here were the characters. I felt like Brad had his moments where he was completely unlikable, and unfortunately that continued throughout the entire book. Right up until the very end, I just had so many times where he was a self-centered jerk and really didn't seem to think about any kind of consequences. I never felt like there was a true turning point for him, and that had me not believing that there could be anything truly real for these two. Cara talked a good game about how she couldn't be with him and was against anything unprofessional, but when it came down to it she hardly put up a fight. She seemed to change her mind far too easily and I couldn't relate to her or get behind it. All that being said though, I really never felt like the connection between these two was fully formed. It felt like it was strictly physical, and I just didn't believe in the long term for them. They had great chemistry and a ton of attraction between them, but that was it for me. Nicole was adorable, and I did believe that they both cared about her but I wanted to see more.

I also felt like a lot of this story was about Brad wanting someone to help make his life easier with Nicole, and that he at least partially was just looking for a mother figure for her. While he said that wasn't true, at times his actions, thoughts and words spoke to a different story. As much as I wanted to feel differently, that never changed as I continued to read. While I had been hoping for more, I had to force myself at times to pick this book back up. It just didn't hold my attention like I wanted it to, and without feeling invested int he characters or story it made it hard at times to want to read. Overall, this wasn't one that I would recommend, at least if you are new to CD Reiss like I was. I will give some of her other books a shot since I have heard so many good things about her, but for me this one was just okay and was more problematic than successful.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Very cute. Loved the blended family dynamics. I don't usually enjoy hollywood romances but CD Reiss has a knack of crafting believable characters and situations.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆
3.5 stars
M/F Romance

Blakely is an amazing friend. Despite some questionable choices early on, which you can chalk up to learning experiences with a douche bag, Blakely never lets Cara down.

Cara is a nanny – she loves her job, but understands the politics of it too. Even though Cara is very professional, she's also not afraid to tell parents how bad they mess up – in a professional manner. But she's also amazing at keeping secrets.

Nicole is the daughter that Brad never knew about, but is in his life now, due to her mother's death. While he's still trying to figure out how to become a dad, Cara saves the day during a messy situation. While Cara has vowed not to work in the industry, she's pulled in by Brad and his daughter for a temporary contract.

Despite their best intentions, temporary doesn't really work. With the spotlight comes people always taking your photo and those photos are bound to be released. Let's just say that there is drama. I did think that this story was somewhat drawn out, but in the end, it goes where it needs to.

Mary Jo – ☆☆☆
There were a lot of aspects of this book and most of them were well developed and written. Bombshell is actually Alex's unknown daughter, who was dropped in his life after her mother was killed in a car accident. Alex's PA and former girlfriend, Paula, has nicknamed her Bombshell and treats her as if she is contagious – but only when Alex is not looking.

Cara is a nanny, a well sought after one, who can usually have her pick of assignments. What she doesn't want is to be a part of a celebrity household, she has no desire to be a part of that world. That is, until a little girl named Nicole, crying in a bathroom, steals a part of her heart.

This is a story told from alternating view points and I'm interested to see who is the subject of the next book.

Rachael – ☆☆☆☆☆
Another awesome book by CD Reiss. I really enjoyed the story of Brad and Cara. Watching Brad learn how to be a father and figuring out just what is important to him was really fun. I loved the ball-busting, tow-the-line Cara as well.

I love that we get to see that everyone is not perfect, both normal people and celebrities. Things don't always go as planned and mistakes made in the past follow us for a long time.

Cara falls for Nicole, the little girl that is unceremoniously thrown into Brad's fast-paced, party filled life. Cara didn't want the job, but when she is demanded by both daughter and father, she gives it a go, hoping she can leave her friend behind with the job after a short time. Too bad she falls hard for the little girl as well as the father.

I absolutely loved every part of this book and the unique way we got to see how being famous isn't so easy and how much it affects someone's life as well as anyone who comes in contact with them.

Way to go Ms. Reiss. Another great read.

Kris – ☆☆☆☆☆
I adore author CD Reiss. I've read everything she puts out, so when this came up for review I jumped at the chance. This is a new series, first book. I really like the premise. It's Hollywood Nannies and their high-profile bosses and Hollywood elite people.

I loved Brad Sinclair's character. He's the new, hot star in the scene, rose up from nothing. Good old boy from Arkansas makes it big. He finds out he has a daughter, Nicole, when her mother dies in a tragic accident. Little Nicole lands in his life like a bombshell. What does Brad Sinclair know about raising a kid? He's the Hollywood play and party boy! While trying to find a new nanny job, Cara is at the office with her agent and is helping her friend and fellow nanny try to clean up a mess poor little Nicole had in the bathroom. Cara seems to be the only person Nicole will stop crying for and Brad decides he needs her in his new father life, NOW! Cara doesn't work for single daddies, too much can go wrong! Just look at what happened to her friend, Blakely, she's on the cover of every trash mag in town as a homewrecker. Cara has lived a life by her nanny code, don’t get involved and be the utmost professional, but Brad really tests every last reserve Cara has.

I loved the chemistry and the against everything odds moments these two came up against. Cara is a great leading character, trying to fight her feelings and, of course, failing. I loved Brad's southern boy charm and Cara's worldly demeanor and how much they clashed and came together. Very much enjoyed this story! looking forward to #2!

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Reviewed by Tori

Favorite Quote: “I don’t understand the picture-in-the-bathroom-mirror thing. Don’t these people have friends?”

Brad Sinclair, Hollywood a-lister, and well known bad boy is known for his wild parties and revolving bedroom door but when he becomes the sole parent to a five-year-old little girl he knows he will have to make some serious changes to in his lifestyle.

Cara DuMont is a super nanny to the rich and famous and only has one rule-no Hollywood heartthrobs. When her agent temporarily places with Brad Sinclair and his little girl Nicole for 30 days, Cara isn’t happy but figures not much can happen in that short a time period. But the more time Cara spends with Brad and Nicole, the more she falls in love with both of them and begins to think that maybe this rule was meant to be broken.

Bombshell opens on a unique and amusing meet cute. Cara is in a meeting with her agent about a new job when she begins to receive SOS texts from her best friend and fellow nanny, Bradley.

–Wipes. Please say you have wipes. Now.

–What’s happening? Where are you?

–Hallway ladies room. Bring. Wipes.

Cara hurries to the ladies room only to discover Bradley in the middle of a literal shite storm with a hysterical five-year-old and an upset stomach. As Cara helps to clean up and settle the little girl, her father and his bodyguards burst in and she is hit by the arrow of lust.

I was used to celebrities and actors. Star power had no effect on me anymore.

But he was different.


He was just stunning. One of a thousand like him.

Maybe a hundred.

A dozen.

Fine. You could count the number of men that gorgeous on one finger.

Cara isn’t a fan of celebrity dads-especially gorgeous ones. She watched her best friend lose everything and become a pharaoh in Hollywood when she made the mistake of believing a celebrity serial cheater with a nanny fetish. Cara herself just lost her last position because her single dad employer got engaged and his fiancee was jealous of Cara.

“It’s not fair. Because they only want pretty nannies. Having their children touted around by someone unattractive is like a black mark on their records. And we’re like inanimate household accessories until the person in the house with the dick feels sad or lonely.”

Brad Sinclair, Hollywood heartthrob, is at his wit’s end. He is due to start a new film in Thailand in a few weeks and was just made a single parent from a forgotten one night stand. All his little girl does is cry these days but when he sees her tear free in the arms of a gorgeous woman, he’s determined ot hire her no matter what.

I picked up Bombshell on a whim. I’ve always been a fan of employer/employee romances and I liked the premise of a jaded nanny to the stars who falls in love with a celebrity dad against her better judgment. The story is told in the first person through dual narrative. I like first person narrative when both protagonists are given a voice. A story gains depth when you are able to see the emotional and physical growth of the relationship on both sides. A standalone romance contemporary, the hero, Brad, was first introduced in ShutterGirl-book one in the Hollywood Project series starring Brad’s best friend and how he met his wife.

The storyline is pretty straightforward and low-key in drama and conflict, which surprised me. I had expected some high-pitched melodrama because of the setting and subject matter. A strong plotline and character base produces an enjoyable romance with a nice balance of humor, heart, and some racy love scenes. Amusing narrative and honest emotional reveals gives us an intimate view of Hollywood through the eyes of the ‘help’. I loved seeing the extent in which Cara goes to protect her charge, redeem Brad, and help these two grow into a family.

“Lady, you have no idea what you are talking about. I’ve done the best I can. I was going along as pretty as you please before this bombshell dropped-”

“She’s not a bombshell. She’s not a problem to solve. She’s a human being you made.”

The attraction between Brad and Cara is instantaneous and it gives birth to some heavy sexual tension. There is some bulking at the attraction, especially on Cara’s end. She doesn’t want to be in the limelight or gossiped about and she knows that will happen if she and Brad go that route. But she soon learns that the attraction is only growing stronger the more time they spend together. I loved Cara and Brad. They are great together and individually. They are both intelligent, forthright, industrious people who aren’t afraid to grab what they want and/or tell it like it is. Reiss does a great job with Cara but she really excels in her characterization of Brad. She doesn’t sugar coat him or makes him this enigma who discovers he has a child and instantly becomes responsible super parent. He’s not a bad guy but he is a little selfish and self-absorbed. He has no idea how to be a father and it takes him awhile to find the confidence he needs.

She was mine and Nicole was mine and he’d stepped in that. He had stepped in my house and tried to take something that belonged to me.

They fit perfectly together. She grounds him while he softens her edges. Sexually, this couple is OFF THE CHAIN. They know what they want, how they want it and aren’t afraid to tell one another.

“You’re in for a treat, sweetheart. Us southern boys eat p*ssy like pie. And I love pie.”

An interesting cast of secondary characters help to round out the story and provide some background as some backup Cara’s observations while others help/hinder depending on their motivation. Brad’s parents are a delightful mixture of southern sensibility as they treat Brad as their son and not the huge star he is. Paula, Brad’s assistant, provided some of the melodrama I was looking for while Bradley, Cara’s bff, looks to may be the heroine of book two.

I did have some issues with the manner in which the “secrets” revealed. They were all piled on at the end and felt more like a device to push Brad and Cara over the last major hurdle. Also, there were a couple of scenes that seemed a bit of an overkill for the results. Regardless, the ending is a bittersweet mixture of love, redemption, and forgiveness with a lengthy epilogue that leaves the reader happy and content with the outcome.

Grade: B

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Bombshell by CD Reiss is the first installment in the Hollywood A-List series.

What happens when a A-List Hollywood Star gets a little bombshell thrown in his lap?

Meet Brad Sinclair, movie star and Hollywood darling who gets his way, always.
That's about to change when he's about to be a father to a little girl.

And there is Cara DuMont, nanny to kids of celebrities. Reluctantly she agrees to be a nanny for his daughter.
She knows she's in trouble when she meets her new employer. They have these crazy insta-chemistry.

Her motto is : " Don't fall in love with the kids. " Easier said than done.

I love this love story . I love the characters and I could feel their emotions in CD Reiss' words.
The spunky little girl is adorable and the grown ups are sometimes not so grown up anymore.
And there are sizzling hot sex scenes!!

This book is a hell of a bombshell and I Highly recommend it !!
5 Stars and Thank you CD Reiss !!

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Another winner!! This story was wonderful! Funny, cute and sweet and plenty of heat to keep my pulse high. I loved Brad and Cara, but I think Nicole stole the show. For a little person, she had quite the personality. She was so freaking adorable!

Brad Sinclair is a sexy and famous actor with a new, bright career in Hollywood but a fling from before his big break leads to sweet little Nicole being dropped on his doorstep not too long before Cara walks into his life. Precious Nicole is a five-year-old who's life is completely changed and Brad is at a loss as to how to now juggle his never-ending work days and make time to get to know the little girl that now depends on him.

Cara DuMont is a well respected and very professional. She takes her job as Nanny very seriously and wouldn't risk it by working for an actor. She has no desire to have her reputation ruined by rumors and have her photo plastered all over the gossip rags. She's seen it happen and won't put herself in any situation where it could be a possiblity for her life.

Bombshell was such an great read. I've read plenty from CD Reiss and I think this one has to be my favorite so far. I connected with the characters instantly and became so engrossed in their tale that I couldn't put it down. I laughed so much. Brad may have been a big time movie star, but deep down he was still a boy from the south and I loved getting to meet the guy behind all the fame. It made him so much more charming. Cara was fantastic. She was kind, caring and sweet, yet she was such a strong and independent woman. She didn't take crap from anyone but she had a way of being nice about it. She had mad skills and may even be my spirit animal.

This one is definitely HIGH on my recommendation list!!

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I’m a big fan of C.D. Reiss. She writes great erotica romances. Bombshell is not erotica and that’s ok. I was detailed to see that I enjoyed it just as much as Reiss’s steamier titles. Not to say Bombshell doesn’t get steamy, it’s just a different kind of sexy.

Bombshell is a romance between nanny and sexy Hollywood actor from Arkansas. Freaking Arkansas! (My home state) But this isn’t the that kind of story. Brad gets a big bombshell in the form of a 5-year-old daughter he didn’t know anything about, Nicole. Brad is the typical party guy in Hollywood so when he becomes a dad overnight he needs help. That’s where Cara, the nanny.

Cara wants nothing to do with families in the business. The husbands generally hit on the nannies, the wives hate the nannies if they are young and pretty, but the paparazzi loves pretty nannies. Cara is afraid if she works for someone like Brad she will end up on the front covers of the tabloids for sleeping with him. She loves kids and only wants to do her job but after a new job assignment falls through she works for Brad with the understanding it’s for only 30 days as a consultant until he finds a permanent nanny for Nicole.

30 days, yeah right. Cara falls for Brad and Nicole and they fall for her. Bombshell is a romance where the guy and gal fall in love with each other and with the 5-year-old girl that’s landed in both their lives.

I was given an eARC for review but after seeing I could buy the Kindle book and grab the audio for an extra $1.99 I jumped on it. Why? Because I’m a big fan of both the narrators, Andi Arndt and Christian Fox. Bombshell is told from both Cara and Brad’s POVs. Andi narrates Cara’s POV and Christian voices Brad’s POV. Both narrators do a great job bring the characters to life.

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While it was a somewhat predictable "bad boy tamed by the love of a good woman" story, I thought the sex scenes were pretty hot and was rooting for the couple.

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Let me preface this review with how much I love CD Reiss and her writing. Unfortunately, this book just didn’t wow me as much as her others.

The premise – movie Star Daddy and the Nanny is right up my alley of books to love.

I LOVED Nicole in this book, this little girl was so resilient and sweet and kept this book going for me. Orphaned at 5 years old and taken to her father who she never knew, this little girl just needed some love. Now Brad Sinclair isn’t the man you would expect to heal this little girl (We met Brad in Shuttergirl by CD Reiss), the manwhoring, partying, movie star'S life is about to blow up with this bombshell.

In comes Cara, the sweet Nanny who say’s that’s she’ll never nanny for a celebrity but once she meets Nicole, there is no going back. She falls in love with this little girl.

Now – this little girl's father is another story. Cara swears she will never fall for him, but I was sad to see she broke that promise to herself a little too quickly. I would have liked a little more of the chase and angst. But holy hell, together they were HOT and sexy. Just would have liked a little more push and pull.

Brad has a few secrets and it took a while for me to figure them all out. Brad was a bit too childish for me and it took a little too long for me to really “like” him, as a man and as a father.

I kept reading, I needed to see how these 3 ended up in the end. I am glad I finished but the book fell a little short for me. Marriage Games was an Academy Award Winner for Best Picture – 5 Star read for me and this was more like a Daytime Emmy winner. If you like CD Reiss’s writing, you will enjoy this book!

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3.5 Stars

I stepped out of my comfort zone to read BOMBSHELL, which is far removed from my usual choices. The premise of a hot Hollywood star with a newly discovered daughter and their relationship with their nanny sounded intriguing. Brad Sinclair is the stereotype of the young superstar on top of the world. He's a good old southern boy from Arkansas who has skyrocketed to Hollywood's A-List in a few short years. He's described as dark haired, tall, and with stunning blue eyes - I couldn't help but think of Matt Bomer. His lifestyle is also what one would expect, the mansion with the pool, security, publicist, manager, personal assistant, maids, caterers, and on and on. While he is a skilled actor and does work very hard, he also plays hard. His bachelor life is a constant stream of drinking and sexual encounters, often with multiple women simultaneously. However, he's always used protection, always. Well, apparently except for that one time about six years ago, when he got his first big break. The result of that celebratory liaison has arrived at his doorstep in the person of his daughter, Nicole. The DNA test proved that she is, indeed, his. Life as he knew it is about to change. First step - hire a nanny to look after the constantly crying little girl who just lost her mother.

Cara DuMont genuinely loves children, and has chosen the career of nanny, despite all the pitfalls that come with it, especially in Los Angeles. A long term dream assignment has just ended because her former boss became engaged, and the new fiancée did not want a beautiful nanny in the house. Cara was forced to leave the two children she had grown to love, and an ideal situation where the boss was NOT hitting on her. A very dear friend of hers, who is also a nanny, became fodder for the tabloids when she fell prey to the married man she was working for, and it ruined her career and created havoc in her life. At the employment agency, Cara is able to comfort the sobbing young child, and Brad determines that she is the one for the job. Of course, Cara refuses, but a persistent Brad eventually works out a temporary thirty day assignment, to facilitate the transition to a new nanny.

Cara is determined to never see herself in the tabloids or to have a relationship with her employer. She comes off as very professional, somewhat distant, and always in control. Inside, though, her heart breaks for the children she always falls in love with and has to leave. And she is not immune to the appeal of Brad Sinclair. She immediately begins to fantasize and to dream about him, though she's determined to never let it happen in real life. Brad likes women, and he's very attracted to Cara, but he's determined to keep the relationship professional, as well. It seems that neither of them is all that strong, though because they give in to their scorching chemistry. And it is hot!

I did not care much for Brad through most of the book. His lifestyle, and what seemed to me his feelings of entitlement just were a turnoff. Cara was great with Nicole, but I really didn't warm up much to her either. The first part of BOMBSHELL really dragged for me, and I almost gave up. Then Brad and Cara realize that they don't want their relationship to end when the thirty days are up. Brad begins to have some genuine feelings for his daughter, and starts to get real about his life. Cara begins to consider the possibility of a genuine relationship. Of course, there are secrets, and bumps in the road as Brad and Cara and Nicole try to create a family. It was really interesting to me to see the perspective of this situation from the nanny's point of view. The chapters alternated, one from each lead character's point of view, and I enjoyed that very much. The second half of BOMBSHELL flowed much better, and concluded in an almost fairytale like scenario. But isn't that what Hollywood is all about?

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There are four things you can be sure of in life – death, taxes, grey pubes and that when you read a book by CD Reiss it will be awesome. I love picking up a eagerly anticipated story to find that it was everything I wanted and then some.

Bombshell had me at ‘Wipes.’ It may have been set in a world of the rich and famous but nothing felt far fetched, I’m sure that there are plenty of stories shared amongst people nannying for the self entitled and over indulged. In the beginning we are shown that movie star Brad Sinclair lives up to all of that but life happens and it happens in a big way to Brad when his five year old daughter is awarded to him.

This beautiful little girl is called Nicole. Brad had no idea that he had a child but DNA tests prove that he is indeed a daddy. He is about to be immersed into a new way of life, very rapidly. This little girl needs him, her mother has died and he is her next of kin. Within a week he realises he needs a nanny if he is to keep up with his work schedule and care for her.

‘She’s not a bombshell. She’s not a problem to solve. She’s a human being you made. You don’t see her. You don’t see how hard she’s working to deal with what happened.’

Nicole immediately forms a connection with Cara at the first interviews, however she isn’t looking to work for a movie star, been there done that, she just wants easy. Brad can be very convincing though and before long she finds herself in a temporary contract, living at his home but under her own terms.

Very quickly Nicole forms an attachment with her Nanny but Cara knows she needs to keep her distance, to protect her own heart. The other problem Cara is having is all the dirty dreams she is having about Brad. They seem to get more intense each night she goes to sleep. There is a lot of low level flirtation going on between Cara and Brad, sometimes she struggles with just being around him and all his hotness.

A relationship is also blooming between father and daughter. I loved those sweet moments between Brad and Nicole (Princess). I enjoyed having a front row seat to this man falling in love with his child and it was beautiful. Brad’s priorities begin to make a slow shift, his focus on work is now split between learning lines and spending quality time with Nicole.

Brad is also forming a relationship of sorts with Cara. He wants her and he continues to chip away at her resolve until, like ice on concrete, it melts away. He is everything that she imagined and some but she doesn’t want to be a cliched nanny sleeps with the boss girl. She doesn’t want her face on the front cover of entertainment weeklies, it would be the end of not only her privacy but her career.

‘Every inch of my skin came alive, and I felt heavy and swollen between my legs. One big undeniable throb set to the rhythm of his kiss.’

‘You’re in for a treat, sweetheart. Us southern boys eat pussy like pie. And I like pie’

As things begin to spiral out of control Cara is getting the urge to flee, Brad is trying to figure out how he can keep her permanently and Nicole is influencing everything, she just wants a mummy and daddy. Hang on to your knickers readers as this author takes you on a ride through Hollywood.

‘You’re my glue. You’ve made me bigger. Better. And you hold it together. All my life. I’m nothing without you.’

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I loved so much about this book! I was captivated by this forbidden romance from the very first scene. There is just something about having a glimpse into the private lives of very public stars that is enticing and enlightening. This story is hilarious, and sexy but also poignant, emotional, and passionate. This is the first book I've read by Ms. Reiss and I don't know what took me so long. She easily, and expertly pulled me in and made me feel every action and emotion. I felt like I was really there, right down to the smallest motion, without feeling like I was being told about it but experiencing it. Brad and Cara were both wonderfully real characters. I didn't always agree with their decisions or actions but that is what makes them authentic to me. Their banter is clever, fun and sexy and their chemistry is off the charts. The secondary characters were all genuine and added fun, tension and intrigue. I especially loved Brad's sweet and adorable daughter, Nicole. This is not an easy journey as they maneuver life in the public eye but so worth the bumpy ride. I highly recommend this beautiful, funny, exhilarating, poignant and sexy romance!

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I received an ARC in exchange of an honest review.

First of all, I would like to thank CD Reiss and the Social Butterfly PR team for this ARC.

Brad Sinclair is an actor, Hollywood royalty. But when his hidden daughter step into his life, he needs a nanny ASAP. Cara is a really good nanny, a sweet girl with a mission and a sad past
Brad wanted Cara for his daughter, no matter what… but for him too.

It gives a beautiful romance but a little bit cliché. Nicole totally stole the story. She’s my favorite character, so sweet and funny, a real sweetheart.

It’s my first CD Reiss’ book and I’m sure it’ll not be my last!

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