Member Reviews

5+ stars!!!!

I am so obsessed with this book that I'll have to read it at least 5 more times before I can fully sate myself.

Brad Sinclair is Hollywood's favourite Bad Boy. So of course he has done things that come back to haunt him. His mistake comes in the form of a five year old girl who happens to be his daughter. Caught between living his life and caring for his daughter, Brad defines a clueless father.

Cara DuMont does her best to stay away from Hollywood parents. As a nanny, she doesn't need all the unnecessary attention, the kind that can ruin her career. So of course she isn't happy to be Brad's daughter's nanny.

It really doesn't seem to be working for Cara because within minutes of meeting Brad and his adorable daughter, she knows she can't turn away. Slowly, Brad's sinuous smiles & intense eyes and Nicole's charming antics break down Cara's defenses.

Staying professional was never an option, now she has to figure out if Brad and Nicole are worth it all.

Y'all I'm shook!!!! I mean it's high time I realise that I should NEVER assume anything before starting a CD Reiss book. Not because I'm disappointed (As if that could ever happen!!!) but because I am so surprised that i forget to breathe.

I am in absolute love with Brad, Cara and Nicole. Nicole was such a sweetheart. I wanted to hug her and protect her from this cruel World. Cara is my rockstar!! I didn't know I needed a character like hers in my life till I read this book.

The REALEST thing about this book was Brad's conflict. He wanted to continue his life as a superstar, doing movies and meeting chicks. But he also wanted to be a part of his daughter's life only he didn't know how. His struggle and his mistakes and his evolving love for his daughter is what made this book unforgettable.

I don't think CD Reiss could ever do anything wrong with her books. I'm at this point where I don't even see the book title or blurb. I see her name and I have to read the book. ~Sonal

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Bombshell had much potential; however, the premise of an ordinary girl falling for her "movie heartthrob" of a boss has been done before and with much better results. Unfortunately this was a DNF (did not finish).

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I'm a huge sucker for single dad's. add in Hollywood Hunk! HELLO we have a winner! And let me just say Brad Sinclair absolutely does not disappoint. Cara, the transplant to LA Nanny,doesn't want to do Hollywood stars anymore. and then comes Brad. She bends her beliefs for 30 days seeing Brad needs help. I love how she interacts with Nicole, Brads daughter. I love how Cara doesn't sugar coat with Brad about his daughter. I love how Brad and Cara both try to resist each other. the baiting and the catching keeps you on your toes waiting to keep turning to the next page.

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DNF at 50%

This story was like pulling teeth for me to get through. This is my first CD Reiss book so maybe it is her writing style but I'm not sure. The characters were unlikable and the flow was very choppy. It was to the point that I would have to re-read paragraphs because I couldn't follow what was going on. If you love stories with single dads this has been done before and in my opinion it has been done better.

*As with all my dnf I rate if I have read over 100 pages.*

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I loved this one!!!One of CD Reiss best books!!The storyline so good,the writing flawless.The characters were lovable .

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Hot, steamy and suspenseful. Will they won't they? Loved Brad, Cara and Nicole. They all worked perfectly together. The scenes between Brad and Cara were hot and steamy. Loved the writing style and the change of point of view

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CD Reiss does a create job world build to make you feel you are inside the life of A list actor Brad Sinclair. He just had a bombshell dropped on him of a 5 year old daughter named Natalie. Brad world is rapidly changing and he is sinking fast, he hires Cara as a nanny to help out. Brad is doing the cliche of falling for the nanny. Cara is not trying to go down that route at all, she is fighting it tooth and nail. Can their love survive the scrutiny of Hollywood and the secrets they are keeping for one another?

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4.5 Stars

This book was so much fun!!! I was expecting something so different. It's was a slow burn smart romance set in Hollywood. A movie star and a nanny, sounds cliche right? It isn't!!! It's fun, sexy and different. It's a forbidden attraction with off the charts chemistry that will melt your kindle!!

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Oh my!!! I loved this book!!!

I wasn't sure what to really expect, this book as different than other C.D. Reiss books I've read. But I loved it, I was sucked into it right away.

Her writing is always flawless. Her characters are fantastic, you want them to be your friends. They are brought to life just using black and white letters. I often found myself with a cheesy grin.

I hate reviews that go into detail and give too much away, I will say that this book will not disappoint you, you need to read it.

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A great start to a new series! C.D. Reiss has a was of drawing you in from page one and this was no different. I loved the main characters and the secondary characters.

Cara is a nanny and has a rule to not work for celebrities all that gets thrown out the window when she meets sweet little Nicole. There's an instant bond between the two and she doesn't want anyone but Cara to be her nanny.

She has a hard time saying no to Brad and his daughter Nicole, so when she agrees to become the nanny for a short term she makes a deal of her own. Being one of Nicole's nannies makes it a little easier on Cara until she finds her a full time nanny job. She always tries not to love the children she is a nanny too but that doesn't always work as planned.

Brad is a hot new movie star who has just found out he has a daughter and has no clue what to do. He knows he needs help with his busy schedule. He is slowly learning how to be a father and care for another person. He wasn't expecting to be so attracted to the nanny.

The chemistry Brad and Cara have is sizzling and I loved the build up to it. I loved the bond that Cara and Nicole have. The book had it all from sexy moments to heartfelt sweet moments. I loved every minute of it and can't wait for the next book in the series.

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Brad Sinclair is a rising star in the movie scene in Hollywood, and he is a notorious bad boy in the Hollywood social scene. This strikingly handsome young man seems to have it easy, but his life has been riddled by a few “bombshells”.

In ShutterGirl (released May 2015), Brad is introduced as the cavalier friend of Michael Greyson. He is easy on eyes in person and on the big screen. He is party central—embodying the “work hard, play harder” philosophy—and when he’s not on set, he can usually be found with a babe on one side and a drink on the other. I have to say that I found it rather hard to like Brad through much of Bombshell, but you know what they say about walking in someone else’s shoes. Once I got to see the whole picture, it was hard not to fall for the guy. This southern boy’s mama raised him right. Speaking of his mama, she is a breath of fresh air. I loved every mama-ism that Brad repeated; each one reminded me of some of my favorite friends from the south.

Nicole, the latest bombshell in Brad’s life, is his surprise love child. You know how actors say you shouldn’t work with children or animals? It must be true because the precocious five year old stole every scene she was in. Whether she was dancing, drawing, or covered in excrement, she was an adorable girl suffering through a tragic loss and a major life change. I fell in love with this sweet little thing, and I fell in love with Brad falling for his daughter. It truly is the point where he becomes a handsome, desirable man instead of just famous eye-candy.

Unlike most bad-boy turned good guy stories, Ms. Reiss doesn’t rely on an insta-love situation. Yes, the professional nanny, Cara Dumont, and Brad both find one another attractive, but Cara keeps it professional. She is all about the kids. She has no interest in becoming embroiled in a dysfunctional Hollywood family, and she didn’t need her friend Blakey’s train-wreck of a situation to teach her that lesson. Cara is defined by her social and professional rules as well as by her expectations of good parenting. She keeps her heart and her reputation safe by choosing to push Brad to parent Nicole instead of succumbing to his sexy flirtations.

Bombshell by C.D. Reiss is a sweet, sexy read. It has just the right balance of scandal and humor. The leisurely slow-to-spark love is perfect for developing characters whom readers care about. Brad’s entourage provides just enough discord and angst to give readers something to worry about. I loved how professionally Cara and Blakely, handled those mind fields! Ms. Reiss writes with panache. Her characters are layered. Her plots are interesting. Her heroines always have the most enviable pet names (laughably, I’m a bit jealous that I’ve never been a Teacup, a Goddess or a Sweet Apple). Whether erotica, mystery or a sweet romance, her writing is evocative and intelligent.

4.5 stars

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QueenZany 4 Star Review
C.D. Reiss

Bombshell was a slow burning fire that worked it Hollywood magic! I delved into this baby! Which some hunger! Wanting and yearning for something to bite my teeth into!
What I found was this single dad story meets Hollywood. Which just worked for me. With the screenwriting style and pace. But the underlining father daughter. Made me melt! Throw in the nanny Cara. It just sealed the deal for me. It was not the the overtly sexy driven storylines I m use to. That it just worked!! I truly enjoyed this read!

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I'm going to start this off by saying that I know I'm in the minority and while I'm writing this, I think there might be something wrong with me. With that being said, I didn't really connect to Bombshell as much as I was hoping to. I've always like watching the playboys fall hard and I like the single father figuring it out stories. So I should have been over the moon.

I did adore Nicole. That little girl just sneaks up on you and steals your heart, just like she did to Cara. She has such a great personality and is so full of life. I honestly felt like I connected to her more than Cara and Brad. I would say that she stole the show but CD wrote her to be part of the main so there isn't really any way she could have stole it. She was it.

Here's where I think it fell short for me. I just couldn't connect to Cara or Brad. Sure, I was pulling for the Nanny who has a heart of gold and professionalism to boot but at the end of the day, I still just felt kind of meh towards here. I also didn't feel the chemistry between her and Brad. Sexy times were honest skippy times for me. Ok, that was bad. I admit. I just said skippy. I'll own up to it.

While I didn't full connect to the book, I did enjoy the storyline and the writing and I know that many people are going to fall head over heels for this book. So I recommend you give it a whirl. It might be exactly what you are looking for.

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Brad Sinclair is a Hollywood bad boy extraordinaire. He does whatever the hell he wants because, basically he can. Parties? You name it. Women? Absolutely. Movie roles? Oh yeah. So, what happens when a brown-eyed and brown haired 5 year old little girl is about to disrupt the life that Brad has and enjoys living? Oh, and not to mention a nanny that is hard to resist. Brad most definitely is going to have his hands full.

Cara DuMont loves kids, so what better occupation than a nanny. She has one rule though, no celebrity fathers, especially single ones. Why? Because her only job is caring for the kids she nannies for and not the needs of the fathers. She also wouldn't want to be known as a nanny that sleeps around with the fathers. Cara wouldn't want people having misinterpretations about her either. So, what would happen when an adorable dimpled 5 year old named Nicole makes her way into her heart? And, what would happen when Nicole's charismatic and hot-as-sin father makes Cara's one rule hard to keep?

"He wasn't just a collection of perfectly fine features. He was action and motion. He projected himself outward, emanating heat. My ears turned red. Half a second turned to minutes. He was the hurricane and the eye of it. A constellation of angles and planes that curled around the world and complemented it."

When Cara first lays eyes on Brad, oh man, she's definitely a goner. It was great to read how she was feeling and the things she didn't want to feel. The struggle she was going though to contain her attraction to Brad and the constant push-and-pull she felt towards Brad as well.

"He tasted like a bad decision. He tasted like the thing you always said you shouldn’t have done, but didn’t regret anyway. A little bit of starlight. The tart sting of the forbidden and the sweetness of a sin you think you’re getting away with."

Oooh boy Brad and Cara were a delight. Loved loved loved them!!! They were so hot together, *fans self* The thing I loved the most though, was how well they worked together. They were a team, they helped each other and tried their best to make the two of them work. They didn't want to complicate things too much. I also loved how they trusted each other and talked everything through. They were seriously amazing together.

"He was as beautiful as ever, but starkly human. Flawed beyond belief. Emotional and broken. He needed me to fill his empty places and in letting me do that, he filled mine."

I absolutely adored Cara and Nicole. Their relationship was so sweet. The way Nicole trusted Cara and the way the cares for one another was so cute. The bond they shared was unbreakable.

What can I say about Brad and Nicole? They both had a lot of learning to do. They needed to rely on each other and help one another and get to know each other. It was amazing to read their progression and see Brad become a father. Brad and Nicole were beautiful together, the way that little girl showed Brad a side to him he didn't know he had? ugh, the feels. Thee cutest, loved them!

I really enjoyed this book. I wish it didn't have to end. I want so much more of Cara, Brad and Nicole. But, I'm definitely happy with how this beautiful story ended.

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3.5 Stars

'Bombshell' was not quite for me, but was an engaging and verrrry sexy romance. I adore C.D. Reiss's writing and I know that not every book is for every reader. SO, although I love her trademark staccato-style of writing, it just didn't work for me here. This book seemed to be written more in the style of a screenplay, which is fine, but the rapid shifting between dialogue and settings was disorienting for me.

I didn't really connect with the MC's until late in the book and I wanted to feel a connection not only TO them, but BETWEEN them. And the near-constant discussion of bodily functions was just very uninteresting to me. Would this make a cute movie? Absolutely. It just didn't work for me as a romance novel.

The stereotyping of wealthy Hollywood insiders and the way they raise their children and constantly chase after their staff was also very uninteresting to me. I did enjoy the latter half of the book and loved the way Brad grew as a person and as a new father to Nicole. I am definitely in the minority on this book so by all means give this one a try if you love books about single dads and Hollywood superstars. C.D. Reiss continues to be one of my favorite romance authors and I will always read what this woman writes!

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As always, this book is very well written. C.D. Reiss can write a scene and you can picture it so well in your head; you feel that you are in her head and seeing what she sees as she writes.

She always writes at least one character that you love to hate, and she did so pretty well in this story, too. Nothing like a good "villain" to make you think who do they think they are??

I zipped through the first 70% quickly, and put the book down for a couple of weeks - that was mainly me, not feeling like reading. Plus the characters were heading to Arkansas, and this is where I am from never know how it is going to go when you read about your home state.

There were a few instances of speech that didn't feel real to our area; for one, the actor's PA makes a comment about him having "a big old staff." I can hear it in the southern voice of the nurse from the movie Christmas in Connecticut. I've never heard anyone around here say something like that. Well, maybe when some of the men as they refer to "splittin' a big ole mud hole." And I've never heard the expression "by my heart." The town mentioned indicated that it was a little over an hour from Memphis but it's more like 2 1/2. The family time together is depicted pretty accurately for the area which seems to stay behind in the times: If there is a family dinner, the women do all the work - cooking and cleaning - while the men get to sit on their asses and talk / drink beer.

These are all just minor details of the story that don't take away from it. I guess I wanted Arkansas to play a bigger part than it did, which I know some will think is silly.

I do think that the character of Nicole was the funnest one in the whole story. Very accurate depiction of a little girl at that age, and it was a reminder to me of how my own daughter (now almost 21) acted at that age.

Good read that I did enjoy.

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Up and coming A-lister Brad has become box office gold, and as such, he’s become the playboy that you might expect when fame and fortune comes his way. But when a bombshell, a daughter he didn’t know he had, is literally dropped on his doorstep, things change in a heartbeat. This little secret could become major Hollywood gossip that could put his image at risk, and coupled with an even bigger secret, his future is up in the air. He needs someone to help him out with his predicament, so he turns to professional nanny Cara, to help him sort it all out.

Cara is done with the rich and famous. Well, not the rich at least, she just wants to a quiet, scandal-free job doing what she loves to do, take care of kids. She has no desire to work for Brad, but when Brad insists on her and her alone, she takes the job temporarily. But she soon becomes attached not only to Brad’s daughter, but Brad himself. Both deal with feelings they never though they would have, and soon they start a trial relationship. But when someone threatens to come forward with possibly career-ending info on Brad, the two must deal with not only the challenges to their relationship, but how to deal with Brad’s career as well.

It looks like the latest trend in romance is steering toward single dad and I love this trope. Reiss’s characters coupled with a storyline that was engaging made for a great read that I loved from the very first page. The story is told in the first person from a dual POV and the ability to get into the heads of each character made it very easy to connect and fall in love. The chemistry between Brad and Cara was awesome, and it was one of those books that I would have read in one sitting given the opportunity. I’ve read several of Reiss’s previous releases and Bombshell is my favorite by far. This is a great start to this standalone series!

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I seriously loved this book. Something so different than anything I’ve read recently, Bombshell was a breath of fresh air. The chemistry between Brad and Cara was electric. I could not put this book down. I love it when a strong woman forces a man-child to grow up and become the man he needs to become. Nicole, is so precious, I loved this character…ah, who am I kidding…I love kids in books. It’s real. I wanted to punch Paula in the face, multiple times, so CD Reiss did her job. She wrote some powerful emotions into Bombshell. This book was an absolute recommend from me.

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I may not have read many of CD Reiss' books, but I've read a few and I have got to say Bombshell is by far my favorite! I didn't even need to finish this book to give it 5 stars! The beginning just hooked me and didn't let me go!

Brad Sinclair is everything you hear about on TV and read in magazines about Hollywood actors. He's gorgeous and melts your panties at first sight, but CD Reiss shows us the real Brad Sinclair. He's a complicated man with secrets and flaws. A mysterious creature that will leave you intrigued and wanting to know everything.

Cara DuMont has been a nanny for the stars for a few years and soon she was planning to leave the world of the rich and famous behind... Until she's thrust into caring for Hollywood's playboy daughter. Unbeknownst to him, of course because he never knew about her.

Nicole, the daughter of Brad. She's the sweetest, most special little girl you'll ever meet and you won't be able to control falling in love with her.

"Zip it, Lock it, Put it in your Pocket!"

This little girl manages to flip everyone's world upside down!

Brad and Cara are two dirty birds, there is no denying that. But they fight their attraction for one another constantly until the pull is just too strong to be ignored.

CD Reiss has a way with words. She makes everything flow eloquently and she knows how to make it hot as f*ck. She's Queen and this book is an explosive standalone filled with funny, sweet, sassy, and sexy moments. Plus, a touch of forbidden. It was the perfect balance.

PS. If you've read and loved Shuttergirl, Michael and Laine make a cameo in this book. Eeek! I'm so excited for other books in this series.

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