Member Reviews

This book really surprised me! Not that I would ever really doubt CD Reiss’s incredible writing, but in the way that I didn’t expect the characters and story to have as much depth to them as they did. You know what I mean, light-hearted story… bad boy movie star realizes he has a child…falls for the nanny…seems pretty simple right? Color me so-over-the-top-happy-that-I-was-wrong surprised, there is so much more to both these characters and this story! CD Reiss once again delivers these, along with lots of slow burning passion and romance, and a show stopping performance from her characters who will simply melt your heart!

Cara DuMont is a planner, worrier, and nanny extraordinaire. All she wants in life is to be a wonderful nanny, and nurturing children and making them feel loved means the world to her. She has perfectly defined her boundaries and expectations in life, which do not include men – especially celebrities that live in spotlights and cameras. Brad Sinclair is dealt an unexpected hand or ‘bombshell,’ while just reaching the pinnacle of success in his movie career. She is a five-year-old named Nicole, and although adorable, she is mourning the loss of her mother and difficult to deal with. Cara is wonderful with Nicole, and Brad knows this attractive Nanny Whisperer is the answer to his prayers. He also realizes that he needs her in more ways than one, but can he convince her to stay?

I absolutely adored these characters, and each of their personal stories really touched my heart. I loved that underneath Brad’s playboy and movie star demeanor was a wholesome southern boy. Although his stardom had gone to his head a bit and he admittedly had his flaws, he was charming, sweet, and genuine, and really wanted to be a better man and great father to Nicole. Cara had such an incredibly caring heart, and her walls were in place to protect it at all costs. In doing so, she limited herself to living only for the children she cared for and not really for herself. I could tell she wanted to so badly to be part of a true family and felt bad for her inability to just let go. I really enjoyed the fun banter and push and pull between Brad and Cara, as they both battled and tried to fight off their feelings for each other. They just could not resist their attraction, which grew more intense throughout the story. Seriously, these two had such an incredible amount of sizzling and slow burning passion between them, and it really kept me guessing at what was in store for their relationship!

And then there was little miss ‘zip it, lock it, and put it in your pocket.’ Nicole was simply adorable, and I really enjoyed following all the transitions in each of their relationships with her in the story. She was a complete doll, and just like every child wanted to have a family and a home. Cara was so nurturing, and Brad was just so darn sweet in trying to be a good father. There were so many touching moments throughout, and I just loved how both Brad and Cara were so totally smitten with her!

The writing was simply beautiful! CD Reiss is so talented and has such an eloquence with her words, which really bring her stories to life.

'He tasted like a bad decision. He tasted like that thing you always said you shouldn’t have done, but didn’t regret it anyway. A little bit of starlight. The tart sting of the forbidden and the sweetness of a sin you think you’re getting away with.'

She also has a such a great sense of humor in her writing as well and genuinely makes me want to laugh out loud with her funny moments! Her creative plot and characters have so many unique layers, and there are unexpected turns of course along the way. This is a truly sweet romance and journey of finding yourself, accepting who you are, and taking risks for love and happiness in all forms. There was just so much heart to this story, and I simply ate every bit of it up!

The cover was perfect and certainly eye catching! I have really been looking forward to Brad’s story, since he was originally introduced in 'Shuttergirl,' which features his friend, Michael, and Laine’s story. It is a standalone and doesn’t need to be read prior to this, but I highly recommend it as it is also a fantastic read! I am certainly curious about what is next in store for this duet, and simply cannot wait!

*** 5 Stars for Me! ***

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This is my first book by CD Reiss. I’ve had A LOT of recommendations for her books and finally I could read one. I didn’t know what to expect, but let me tell you that this story (and the little girl on it) stole my heart! I love EVERYTHING about this book. The plot, the development, the characters and, of course, Nicole’s epilogue *wink*

Brad Sinclair is a Hollywood bad boy,. He always gets what he wants, he doesn’t take NO for an answer. He just lives his life at maximum, partying all the time, having the women he wants, so when a little girl appears in his life, he didn’t expect his life to change in a 180 degrees.

Cara Dumont works as a nanny. She loves her job, but she has some rules, never work for Hollywood celebrities. She likes to be a nanny that no one notices, stay away from the front pages of the tabloids, but she won’t be able to refuse a certain adorable little girl and her daddy, the famous, Brad Sinclair.

Cara will be Nicole’s nanny just for 30 days, but it will be hard for her to not get attached to her (not to mention get attached to the hottest DILF). She knows he is trouble, but she can’t deny the attraction between them.

Brad can’t take his daughter’s nanny off of his mind. Cara makes him want to be better, a better man and a better father. He wants her and he’ll do whatever he can to have her. She’s good for Nicole and also for him, he just has to make this right in order to not ruin Cara’s career.

But what happens when you have to make decisions that could change your whole life? Brad will have to put his priorities in order, to decide what he wants more, his career as an actor or to be a good dad to his daughter? Can he get what he wants this time?

You have to read this amazing book to know those answers. I LOVED Bombshell! I loved CD Reiss’ writing. Love the story and the characters. I’m so happy I asked for this book, that I had the chance to read this lovely story, to meet these amazing characters. This story will steal your heart.

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After meeting Brad Sinclair in ShutterGirl, I knew that readers were in for one hell of a ride when CD Reiss told his full story because it was clear that we only saw what Reiss wanted us to see in him - his surface level wants and needs, and despite Brad’s in your face Hollywood demeanor, I wanted to know the man beneath the cocky veneer and notorious playboy antics…the man who worked and played his ass off in order to get out of his small town in Arkansas and take Hollywood by storm with his good looks, talent, and star power.

And, knowing the kind of writer Reiss is, I knew Brad’s story wouldn’t be the typical Hollywood romance because even with a few stereotypical bombshells that are dropped in Brad’s lap, his reactions, the work he puts in as well as the heroine who works by Brad’s side ensuring his daughter’s safety and happiness create a complex and unique spin on the single dad/nanny trope, proving that Reiss isn’t afraid to shake things up and think outside the box, illustrating exactly why she has so many loyal readers.

At face value, Brad Sinclair is a train wreck when it comes to Hollywood living. He parties too hard and too much and he definitely goes overboard when it comes to bedding all of the willing women who throw themselves at him on a daily basis. So, it stands to reason that his transition from notorious manwhore to single dad wasn’t going to be easy, and it’s definitely not smooth sailing even with an arsenal of help because Brad can’t seem to figure out how to hold on to his career while also taking care of his 5 year old daughter…until one person seems to lay it out in a way that shows Brad exactly what he needs to change in order to be the person…the parent he’s meant to be.

CD Reiss does a remarkable job of illustrating the behind the scenes mechanics of the Hollywood elite and the nannies who help them raise their children while still living the lifestyle they’ve grown accustomed to…and in sharing insider secrets, readers also learn of the unprofessional and inappropriate relationships that seem to form despite both sides understanding the rules and knowing that once that line is crossed, the damage will be irreparable.

But Brad Sinclair never does anything halfway, and his reputation already precedes him, so when Cara DuMont, an extraordinary nanny with an unblemished resume, becomes Brad’s hired help, it’s not a matter of if but when he’ll act on the feelings for her that he can’t seem to zip, lock, or put away.

Cara’s conflicted feelings over her desire to give into her feelings for Brad and her need to remain professional is clearly captured in her internal musings but what’s also clear is the fact that what she fantasizes about when it comes to Brad and what she sees in him that she hasn’t seen in any one of her other employers is something she can’t let go of, which puts her in even more of a precarious position when she realizes that those desires are reciprocated and Brad can’t help but find ways to keep her with him.

Brad’s 5 year old daughter seems to be the smallest of the bombshells that are dropped throughout the story, and while Nicole clearly shakes up Brad’s life and forces him to change some of his ways, the other shocking revelations that surface actually do more to wreak havoc on Brad’s Hollywood life, clearly illustrating that what someone wants and what someone needs are entirely two different ideas.

CD Reiss has created a socially elite world filled with secrets, lies, and far too many hanger-ons who capture just the right shot or hear just enough information to force the rich and beautiful to either throw money at the situation to make it go away or face the repercussions of their actions with all of their “private” business shared on the pages of tabloid magazines, soiling their careers and potentially destroying their relationships in the process.

And with the recent nanny scandals in modern society, it’s interesting to see it from their perspective, shedding light on people’s culpabilities and reaffirming that what happens in Hollywood isn’t all meant to be played out on the big or small screen.

4.5 Poison Apples (The Fairest of All Book Reviews)

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CD Reiss is such a versatile author who continues to deliver stories that leaves readers very satisfied and craving for more of her sinful prose. And in her latest new release,Bombshell Reiss does it again as she slays romance fans with her sexy, intriguing, palpable and oh so swoonworthy love story between a single Hollywood dad actor and his daughter’s nanny.

"I want to fuck you right here, teacup.” “The engraved invitation’s in the mail.” I raised my leg over his waist and he tucked his hand behind my knee. “It says, ‘Your dick is cordially invited to come inside.”

Since this book was one of those reads that I practically inhaled, I feel it’s my duty to not spoil this book for readers. Trust me when I tell you that CD Reiss puts her own fun twist on the single dad/nanny romance that will for sure leave you smiling and swooning like crazy. So if you are looking for a story that packs heat, romance, passion, humor, and a whole lots of LOVE then this book is definitely for you. Just prepare yourself to fall in love with these characters as they surely found a home in my book world.

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From the blurb only, I was truly intrigued by this Hollywood / single daddy romance and decided to finally try this author I’d heard so much about. Bombshell was my first introduction to C.D. Reiss’s writing and I can’t help but feel slightly disappointed. For me this novel was too slow to take flight; it took me almost half the book to finally enter the story. It’s not that it wasn’t good, but just not enough to capture my complete attention. Some part of it have to do with the fact that at first I didn’t really connect with the characters. Brad, as a new single dad, had difficulty to adjust and was pretty immature about it, but he gradually grew on me. But the scenes where he interacts with his little girl Nicole are so endearing and warmed my heart. Nicole is such a cutie and I loved every single passages with her. When Brad and Cara, the nanny, finally starts spending time together, that’s where I really dived into the story. Their romance is sweet, sexy and not too rushed. The drama happening in the second part of the story saved the book for me. The struggles between Brad and Cara with the definition of this new relationship was well written and enjoyable to read. Bombshell wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, but I still appreciated this novel.

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4 Family Matters CROWNS

Bombshell focuses on the forbidden relationship of the A-list movie star and his nanny. From the very beginning, they both attempt to resist each other, Cara more so than Brad, but their chemistry and draw to one another cannot be ignored, resulting in a bombshell that alters their lives.

Brad is the quintessential movie star. He parties, has almost zero responsibility, as his staff takes care of almost everything, and he resists change to his very egocentric life. When his daughter is dropped on his doorstep without warning, Brad doesn't immediately become the dad he should be. He struggles, constantly vacillating between what he wants and needs to do for his career at the provocation of the members of his team and what he knows he should be doing for his daughter. Even though he doesn't automatically become that single dad that will have readers swooning, his honesty and desire to do what is right will earn reader loyalty, and as the novel progresses readers will fall in love with this hero as they witness his development and alteration as a result of his daughter and nanny he shouldn't desire. By the end of the novel, Brad Sinclair absolutely becomes the man that is worthy of hero worship.

Cara is the nanny who is afraid of putting it all on the line. In her past, she has done this and gotten burned, and so she is hesitant to try it again now. She, however, cannot resist her draw to Nicole and her father. What initially begins as a limited interaction, quickly develops into more. Readers get to witness her walls break down and more of who Cara is behind the nanny facade she portrays to the public. The one aspect of her character that readers will really enjoy is the way she handles the conflicts that arise for the couple. She is constantly level-headed, understanding, and thinks of others before she reacts, and this behavior leads to low drama and angst for the couple.

Bombshell is an incredibly slow burn, as the characters are juggling a plethora of different issues that affect not only their lives but also their careers and others' lives as well. As a result, there is a lot of back and forth and numerous almost connections between Cara and Brad. What will keep readers invested, though, are the many different sub plots that are being told behind the romance story-line. Their story isn't easy, as it is filled with sacrifice and prying eyes and unkind people, minus the heavy drama and angst, but is one that is rewarded with an resolution that speaks to the importance of family and love.

CD Reiss has penned another engaging romance filled with complex characters set in the difficult to navigate world of Hollywood. Although the hero is an actor, readers will be able to connect to many of the issues this novel addresses, such as balancing the demands of a job and family, examining how the past affects the present, and how people need to focus on the real things that matter in life, resulting in a novel that is way more than just a romance.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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By: CD Reiss

Incredibly explosive!!!

I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed throughout. I really loved the characters and the way they interacted with each other. This is a fun, hot, romantic must read book and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone.

Let me start by saying I think I just read a book that had everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Brad Sinclair is a rising star in the movie scene in Hollywood, and he is a notorious bad boy in the Hollywood social scene. This gorgeous young man seems to have it easy, but his life has been riddled by a few unexpected changes.

In ShutterGirl, Brad is introduced as the cavalier friend of Michael Greyson. He is easy on eyes in person and on the big screen. He is party central—embodying the “work hard, play harder” philosophy—and when he’s not on set, he can usually be found with a babe on one side and a drink on the other. I have to say that it was rather hard to like Brad through much of Bombshell, but you know what they say about walking in someone else’s shoes. Once you get to see the whole picture, it is hard not to fall for the guy. This southern boy’s mama raised him right. Speaking of his mama, she is a breath of fresh air. I loved every mama-ism that Brad repeated; each one reminded me of some of my favorite friends from the south.

Nicole, the latest bombshell in Brad’s life, is his surprise love child. You know how actors say you shouldn’t work with children or animals? It must be true because the precocious five year old stole every scene she was in. Whether she was dancing, drawing, or covered in excrement, she was an adorable girl suffering through a tragic loss and a major life change. I fell in love with this sweet little thing, and I fell in love with Brad falling for his daughter. It truly is the point where he becomes a handsome, desirable man instead of just famous eye-candy.

Then you add in Cara the nanny, the person his daughter wants because she felt safe.

When you bring these three together it will the beginning to something beautiful!!!

Thanks you Netgally for letting me read and review.

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Normally I save my 5 stars for books that have an unique trope to them, or a super weird twist, but Bombshell doesn't really have those crazy things. Yes, it has some twists and turns, but that isn't what stuck out for me in this book. I just loved the whole idea of this book, and the writing was fast-paced and oh so good. This wasn't a suspenseful page-turner, but it was a page-turner because I just couldn't get enough of it.
It didn't have a lot of sex in it (two scenes,) but the all the characters had amazing chemistry and it all just made sense.
Bombshell is a great, easy read that can be consumed in a couple days. (although you will want to read it in one) Definitely a good read.

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The premise of this book really intrigued me. It seemed like a story I would enjoy. Though there were some things I wasn’t a fan of, I did like this story enough.

Brad just finds out that he is a father of a 5 year old. He has such a busy life that he figures he would need a nanny or two to help take care of her. Cara is one of the nannies that gets assigned to him and the attraction between the two is sizzling. They try to fight it off because of boss-employee relationship-well Cara more than Brad does. But when the attraction comes to a head, what will happen then?

Cara was a good heroine. She loved her job and was very strong-headed. I liked how the author portrayed her throughout the story. And the relationship that she had with Nicole (Brad’s daughter) was the best. They were really fond of each other and their interactions were too cute. Brad wasn’t too bad either. Yes he didn’t go into instant father mode and had some kinks to work out-trying to balance his career and his personal life-but it was easy to see how much love he had for his daughter. He wanted the best for her and was trying his best. Brad and Nicole together was the sweetest. But there was also a love story between Brad and Cara. The buildup to the relationship was great and seeing how their feelings changed as the story progresses was pleasant. The author didn’t rush this story but rather built up everything till it all made sense and was perfect. Overall this story was a nice combination of sweet & fun and sexy & loving. The writing, the characters, and the storyline was great. This was a nice enjoyable read.

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First and foremost, this pains me to rate this book so low and I mean that in every sense of the word. I hate writing low ratings. Hate. It. I have never read CD, so this was not my favorite first impression. Having said that, I will most definitely read another of her books because what I really did enjoy from this one, I look forward to more of in her other books.

I will say this much: SHE CAN WRITE SOME HOT SCENES. Yes, I know it's sad that I am referencing that first on a book I didn't particularly care for. But, that chemistry she was able to share between Brad and Cara was seriously sexy. It took a little while to get there, but I finally felt it.

I probably have more negative to say about this book than positive, but I want to explain my rating. I found myself very bored with most of this book. It read like a nanny's reference guide to the stars and how to treat their kids. I realize she was trying to set up the story, and can even recognize it for what it was, but there was SO much of it and it was SO often that it felt like filler. I know she tried really hard to give us "truths" and the reality behind the whole world she was portraying in this book because the book was full of these truths, but I don't feel like a lot of it was pertinent to the actual storyline or their relationship. It didn't necessarily register as relevant because I didn't need to know half of that info to enjoy Brad and Cara's story.

Because, let's be honest, when we finally got to read their story and their scenes together, that was when the book picked up for me. Brad and Cara were combustible together....they really were. I enjoyed it when they were together and we got to see the relationship blossom; that kept me reading. But I felt that the in-between parts dragged on. I didn't need the continual discussions about her fantasy with him, or the masturbation scenes, or the pool table dreams on repeat. I didn't need to know how to take care of kids and what was necessary to keep them entertained while their oh-so-important parents were too busy for them. I didn't. I just didn't need any of that. I just think that was, again, just added filler.

If the beginning/buildup to their relationship was supposed to be forbidden mixed with hot, it didn't register that way for me. I *read* the words, but I just didn't feel it. She was instantly having fantasies, but immediately denying them. Their build up was more of a battle the entire time, with her fighting her own feelings and constantly talking herself out of the whys and why nots of a relationship with him. I didn't feel their spark in the beginning....but then BAM! Chemistry and sexy times! I feel like the best part of the story was told from 80% on. It was then a story that was moving and it wasn't stagnant for me anymore. It was at that point that I got more to savor while the actual drama and activity picked up -- that's when I felt involved in their story. There were some meaningful conversations between Brad and Cara that I enjoyed as well, centering around the seriousness of their actions and the implications they could have had on her career.

The most aggravating part for me was at the end. The epilogue and the 'people' involved. No sense. None. It made absolutely NO sense to me and threw a "WTF" into the book for me. I think that ending made me more mad than to just step away at the end of the book. After all the drama with this particular person, that ending felt contrived and way too easy of a "quick-fix" for me. It just didn't add to the story at all.

I look forward to reading some other recommended books from CD's library so I can have a better experience than this one. I hate that I didn't enjoy this one, because who doesn't love reading about an actor falling in love with an unknown person?? Forbidden, no less....

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OMG.... GREAT FUCKING BOOK ... but I have never read any thing bad byCD Reiss... the story line was wonderful... I laughed and cried but most of all I could not put this book down... thankyou for letting me read this ..

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Perfect combination of sweet and sexy.

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* * Review posts on blog on May 4th * *

Hollywood Royalty rarely mixes with the public. For Brad Sinclair - life as the playboy of Hollywood is full of endless parties and non-stop fun. Well - this is until the 5 year old daughter that he never knew lands in his life. Completely turning things upside down. Brad knows nothing about raising a kid. So - he does what any great actor would do. He looks for a Nanny.

Working as a Nanny has been ideal for Cara Dumont…until recently. After years with her current family, Cara finds herself unemployed thanks to her employers soon-to-be bride. Now - Cara finds herself back at the agency fielding job offers. What Cara couldn’t have predicted was walking into a sh*t storm of epic proportions. During a highly volatile situation with Brad’s daughter Nicole, Cara steps in and is the only person Nicole feels comforted by. That realization causes Brad to demand that Cara work for him. Cara rejects the offer due to the fact her friend was currently applying for the position. Add to that the fact that Brad is a walking news article waiting to happen for the gossip magazines.

Cara quickly learns that Brad has a way of getting what he wants in life. A fact that has led to the sudden employment of not only Cara but her friend as well. Though the job was suppose to be temporary, Cara can’t quite shake the connections she is forming with Brad and Nicole. Determined to keep herself away for ‘gossip rag fodder’, Cara fights off the thoughts and flirtations with Brad. There is only one problem with that. Brad is used to getting what he wants. Right now that is Cara. Need I say more??

Hello Brad!!! What a funny, entertaining, and engaging book Bombshell turned out to be!! When I saw the blurb on Bombshell, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Let’s face it…writing about a lifestyle that only few know about firsthand can be tricky. Bombshell was full of surprises!! From bathroom surprises, to teacup rides, to unicorns…..all of it combined to form an engaging romance that had me giggling at some of the antics. Bombshell was a pleasant surprise wrapped up in the mask of the Hollywood lifestyle.

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Ms. Reiss has set the bar very high for me where her books are concerned. I was not one little bit I disappointed when I read this one. This is a definite 5 star read for me and will go on my Best of 2017 list for sure, Reiss crafted an incredible and unforgettable book.

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What's a good way into any reader's heart? Scratch that. What's a good way into any reader's heart that are mothers or who love children? Write a heartfelt book about a man who doesn't know he's a dad and throw in the most adorable little girl ever.

Nicole Garcia-Sinclair stole this show ladies and gentlemen! I'm not even mad about it. I wouldn't have care if the whole book was written about her. She had me hook, line and sinker. Being a mother, I just wanted to hold her and tell her it's going to be ok. She had been through a loss no one should go through at that age but Nicole had an attitude that was brighter than the sun and was just as contagious.

Brad is the daddy who didn't have a clue how to be one. Who would though? He's a party guy, a celebrity. Living his life balls blazing. So naturally he brings in a nanny well two to help.

Cara is one of the nannies who is straight laced, straight to the point, loves her job woman. She doesn't let handsome men baffle her or ruffle her feathers. That is until she meets Brad Sinclair. He's everything she has taught herself to stay away from. But the cute brown eye, curly hair little girl makes it impossible for her to leave.

Bombshell is sexy, sweet book that leaves your panties wet while leaving your heart swollen with love. A book of family, love, trust, lies, and redemption. CD Reiss doesn't fail her fans and I can't wait to read what's next!

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I loved everything about this book! The characters, the plot, to the overall flow of the storyline!! Everything about it reeled me in and kept me glued to each and every page.

I loved how flawlessly executed the entire storyline was. It was heartwarming, erotic, and downright funny all at the same time. I’m not much into Hollywood star romances especially when it’s about falling in love with their nanny, but CD Reiss made it so much more than that. It was tactfully done and even touched on the bag stigma that comes with a star falling for his/her nanny and vice versa.

The characters and their interactions with each other will make you fall madly in love with everything this book has to offer. Cara came from a military family who traveled around a lot so she understands the hardships of never staying in one place for long as a child. She has a heart of gold and her main passion in life is working with children and being a hollywood nanny helps her achieve that. Brad is a small-town southern boy who made it big as a Hollywood actor. He’s everything you would stereotype a young, single hollywood male actor to be…he parties like crazy, sleeps with random women, and is just living “the life” he thought he always wanted for himself. That is until a feisty 5-year-old little girl comes barreling into his life and then everything changes. Nicole was a blessing in disguise and oh my goodness she was such an adorable character.

“Zip it…lock it… put it in your pocket.”

Brad and Cara together fit and I loved watching their relationship unfold. Cara and Nicole are exactly what Brad needs to be the man hiding deep down..the man everyone back home knows he can be. The chemsitry between them as a family/nonfamily is well protrayed and I literally lived for reading about those scenes. But their chemistry as a couple….well C.D. Reiss did not disappoint. Both are attracted to one another instantly, but kept things professional until..well….they just couldn’t anymore. C.D. Reiss gave the perfect balance between the sexy, steamy scenes and the scenes of them trying to find a good foundation.

“Nicole made me want to be better and Cara made me want to prove it.”

This was my very first C.D. Reiss novel and I have to say I’m hooked. I loved her writing style, the character interactions, and I’m (not so) patiently waiting for another Hollywood A-List novel!

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I think out of all the novels in this particular setting from C.D. Reiss Bombshell is my favorite.

Partly because here two strong characters allowed themselves to open up and be vulnerable to each other, which was a heady experience for me as a reader.

I liked Cara very much. She was full of layers but she wasn't messed up. Those layers were compartmentalized and used in a healthy, controlled way.

I think that's why Brad fell for Cara so unequivocally hard. He couldn't figure her out. She was someone he was secretly fantasizing about, and when he got a glimpse of her behind her professional facade he was smitten.

Same for Cara. She felt that the very handsome actor she dreamt about was too hot to handle especially if she wanted to preserve her privacy. But. There were really vulnerable cute moments (drunken Brad is adorable) which knocked her off her feet. That's without even taking into consideration hot sexy times.

And don't let me gush too much about Brad's little girl, Nicole! She was cute as a button and a devious one to boot. Such a sweet child and impossible not to fall in love with. Brad's entire family was a great, lively and warm bunch as well, which enhanced an already superb narration.

There was great chemistry and heat between Brad and Cara. There were issues they were working on, and I felt that their representation was very realistic. This was a comfy, fast read and probably one of my favorites in the genre this year. Recommended.

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First, let's talk about the 5 year old. You know she is going to be in the book from the blurb, but what you don't know is just how wonderful she is. Writing an adult you believe is difficult, writing a 5 year old who feels real, who steals the story, and is just plain adorable can't be easy. But, CD Reiss makes it look like the easiest thing ever.

Brad and Cara. Sigh. I was not sure what I was going to think of Brad, as the "Hollywood star" hero lost a lot of it's appeal the first time I got stuck in traffic on the way home due to filming (so, about my 2nd day living in Los Angeles, LOL). Well, I love Brad. I love how he really is trying to be the good guy, but how scared he is of losing the things that he really isn't sure how he ended up with in the first place. I love that he wants to do the right thing, that he wants those around him to be happy. And, most of all, I love that he was not perfect.

Cara is someone I would want to be friends with. You admire who she is, and I found myself really drawn to how true she is to herself, to what she wants, to what is important to her, and how willing she is to stand up for, and with, those people she loves.

They were perfect together. Add in a little girl that they both grow to love, and find themselves willing to sacrifice for, and you have a great story. I did have a small issue with the reveal of Brad's bombshell...I totally understand why it took place where it did, but I didn't feel like I had quite enough story to get over it and back to adoring him. I was close, and it by no means ruined it for me, and I am not even sure it would have worked earlier, as I needed to like him as much as I did to get over it, but it was the one thing that wasn't perfect.

CD Reiss is a go to author for me. When an author writes characters you believe in, who act in ways that make you angry at them, even though they are just people on a page, you know this is an author you need to follow.

I absolutely recommend this book.

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Loved this book. It was my first from CD Reiss, though I've been hearing about her for ages. I loved Cara from the start. She was so smart and really had a handle on ALL aspects of her job. Brad was a butthead, but a loveable one who pulled his head out of his ass before everything was destroyed. The little girl was brilliant and I wanted to kill Paula and her constant references to the daughter as the "bombshell"...but she got what was coming to her in the end. I thought all the conflicts were handled in totally believable way. Really want to read "Shuttergirl" now. Thanks for the preview

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Bombshell (Hollywood A-List #1) by CD Reiss
3.5 stars!!!!

“But sometimes you just go through the motions until you wake up and realize you loved the kid all along.”

CD Reiss delivers one of my favourite tropes with Bombshell…the story of the single dad! There is something about a single dad story that gets us ladies panties in a bunch, so let the swooning begin. CD Reiss is one of my favourite authors and while I didn’t love, love, love this one, I liked, liked it.

Bombshell is not your usual Hollywood Actor gets with the nanny because CD Reiss puts her own unique twist on it. It was the voice of CD Reiss that kept those pages turning for me as no matter the subject this authors words just pull me in, every. Single. Time. Hollywood celebrity is not CD Reiss’s norm but I enjoyed this peek behind the scenes into the celebrity life style and half the time, it is not all it is cracked up to be.

Brad Sinclair had a rags to riches kind of story in the fact he came from a small little town until the glitz and glamour of Hollywood found him. Now an A-Lister and hot property Brad is on every directors wish list and just as he is about to embark on his next movie, his life totally changes. Brad finds out that he fathered a child before he made it big, the mother has just died and as such he is now the parent responsible for his daughter’s upbringing. Brad is still in the constant parties and a smorgasbord of women phase albeit his work ethic is sound and now everything changes and he doesn’t know where to start. I love his naivete and his growth from playboy to father.

“Cara held the door open for Nicole. My daughter deserved better, but she didn’t have better. She had me.”

Cara Dumont works for one of the most prestigious nanny agencies that is the go to for all of Hollywood royalty. Her work ethic is sound and because she is so good at her job she can pick and choose who she works for and actors and actresses are a definite no. For Cara, family values are at the top of her priority list, she is not a surrogate parent, she is an assistant and those parents that have no interest in their child do not interest her either.

Crossing paths with Brad’s daughter, Nicole, brings about an instant connection and leads to Cara breaking all her rules…

“I thought he was apologizing for what he’d done in the past, but he wasn’t. He was apologizing for what he would do in the future.”

CD Reiss delivers a slow burn romance where friendships are made first and foremost before neither can fight the inevitable. The sexual tension and chemistry between these two is seriously off the charts and the reader knows it is only a matter of time before these two cross that line. I loved how CD Reiss had these characters put Nicole first in every decision and how easily Brad was receptive to Cara’s ideas in answer to his new responsibilities.

“You know, if you break a vase and glue it back together, it’s bigger after it breaks? The glue takes up space. The cracks add to it…You’re my glue. You’ve made me bigger. Better. And you hold it together. All my life. I’m nothing without you.”

Both Brad and Cara have baggage and the past always has a habit of filtering itself back into the present and this is where the angst comes in. While I found this part of the story predictable and I saw it coming a mile off there was one revelation that I did not see coming that went some way to explaining Brad’s actions in some respects and made me look at him totally differently. While honesty should be at the forefront of any relationship sometimes pride comes before a fall and I wished Brad had been a little more honest from the very beginning, but hey, that is what makes these books unputdownable.

In summary, a cute, low angst, contemporary romance that was chock full of CD Reiss’s trademark chemistry, passion and hot sexy scenes. For me, Cara and Nicole made this book so I am flying the flag for them! I can’t wait to see what comes next from this author.

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