Member Reviews

I like the idea of a single Hollywood star falling in love with the nanny that takes care of his kid but so many things early on had me saying whoa. Brad definitely has a problem with just walking in on Cara especially in the bathroom which makes me uncomfortable since he's her employer. The attraction is there for both of them but I wish the line was drawn early on about what shouldn't happen while Cara is on the clock.

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5 STARS!!!

I NEVER WANTED THIS BOOK TO END! I smiled so huge my face hurt. Not to mention all the super swooning I did! God I love Brad Sinclair. I adored seeing him with Nicole. My heart literally melted. I really couldn't get enough of this story!

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Bombshell by C.D. Reiss is a story about a Hollywood star, a nanny and a little girl that will steal your heart. We first met Brad in Shuttergirl, though this is a standalone and you do not have to read Shuttergirl first.

I loved Brad. He was far from perfect, it was actually his flaws that made him a regular guy, that also happens to be one of Hollywood's most hottest actors. For years he has only had to worry about himself. So he worked hard and built a career many only dreamed off. He also partied harder and women paraded in and out of his life without a care. But now he has a five-year old daughter that is his responsibility. His world was about to change.

Cara DuMont was a highly sought after nanny who was professional and knew her place. She stayed away from celebrity daddies because it was not worth the hassle. She did her job and cared for the children under her care. No one has ever penetrated the walls she build around herself. Until she meets Brad and his daughter.

Nicole was the star of this book. I loved her. With all the changes happening around her, she was smart, caring and such a sweet girl. She was thrown into a world she did not know. But with her dad and Miss Cara, she knew she was safe.

Cara had no chance against Brad Sinclair or his adorable daughter. She was not new to being nanny for the rich and famous, but something about Brad pulled at her. He had no idea what he was doing, but he was determined to try for his daughter. But the more time they spend together, the harder it was for Cara to resist him. And for Brad, Cara was unlike any woman he had ever met. She told it to him straight. She drove him crazy, but he seemed to like it.

I liked how the story flowed, loved the characters and how the romance was built as they got to know each other. Even as Bra and Cara attempted to make the right choices for Nicole and their future. the pull between them was too strong to deny.

I would highly recommend reading this story.

Happy reading!

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Bombshell will keep you within its grips and will not let you go until you are done with the last sentence! I am serious. This was a great weekend read. I love C.D Reiss books and I already know that once a new book comes out by her, I will already love it. Bombshell was da bomb!! It has a unique twist with romance and drama mixed together.

Bombshell is sexy, funny, and has a lot of heart between the growing pains of becoming a father. Brad is my new love. He worked so hard to become a Hollywood A-Lister. He had a hard life growing up and never wanted to go back. That does not mean he did not have a good family back home. He has the best. He loves the parties, the woman, the booze, and having as much sexy time that he can get. Until a sweet and unexpected surprise came knocking at his door. A tiny little Bombshell that he finds out is his daughter. This little girl was too cute! And when the story starts off with poop everywhere and a tantrum, you know you are in for a long ride!

Cara is a professional Nanny. Her company is trying to help Brad hire one for his 6 year old daughter. Believe me he needs all the help he can get. I loved how Cara stays away ( or tries to) from all the single Hollywood dad drama. Her best friend had to learn the hard way. So she is very reluctant to work for Brad. But the little one steals her heart and she agrees to help for a month only. Cara is loving, dependable, and knows her way around children. She soothes their soul and loves with her all. When it comes to relationship, she can be very bad and feisty behind closed doors. I love that she has all of these facets. Brad has it in for him when she resists his sexy charms. These two are in for a full ride trying to cope with the newest addition. I can imagine how hard it is for a little girl having her life changed so abruptly.

Cara helps Brad become better. She makes him open his eyes and for the first time man up to his responsibility. I love that Cara does this to Brad. But she only has a month with these two and Brad holds some very big secrets. With jealously, lust, and drama will they eventually come out? Will it destroy what little trust Cara has for Brad? The feels were all there in this book! I loved it and can not recommend it enough! Thank you C.D. Reiss for bringing us another great novel!

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Shel: Here's something I know to be true: when I go running to social media to share about a book I've just finished, I know it's a five star book for me. I know that I have a compulsion to tell everyone who follows us in our bookish bubble how much I want them to read it and love it as much as I did. I want to ohh and ahhh over it. Bombshell was one of those types of books. Court: It is. I cannot think of a single reason that you should not stop what you are doing (well...okay, read this review then stop) and get this book. Read this book. Love this book.

Shel: Here's the thing, I haven't met a C.D. Reiss book I haven't liked. I've liked them all. I still remember the very first time I saw the cover and synopsis for Beg and how one wintery night I sat glued to my couch as blew through as much of that series as was released and impatiently waited for more. That being said, I've found that while the Drazens are my comfort C.D. Reiss reading (isn't that so weird, since they're so fucked up? I guess it's that I know going in they'll be fucked up that makes it okay? I don't know--a though for another day, I suppose), I really love when she writes something that is outside of their world. I loved ShutterGirl, Hard Ball, and now Bombshell and the worlds she's created in these novels. All three of these novels put me in environments so foreign to my south Louisiana world and yet the emotions and relationship complications that run throughout the novels are easily recognizable and relatable.

Court: I really liked how original the idea was for this one though. Hollywood Heartthrob and the world of Nanny's and how fickle apparently that can be (and for sure - I guess it is true how these days a lot of Hollywoods hubby's have gotten dumped because they got with the nanny!) but this is not like that. This was fresh and at the same time like Shel said...we haven't met a C.D. Reiss book we did not enjoy. I like this world, and a continuation of ones we have been in before but only lightly so each one is a for sure standalone.

Shel: So what was it about Bombshell that made it one of those novels that I could not put down? Maybe it was how much I liked Cara; I liked how real she was with herself--she didn't try to make her position any more than it was and she read the people around her so well that she rarely seemed to falter. I loved how much she loved what she did and that she always put the children first. I loved her professionalism and that it never seemed to make her cold, just aware of how tenuous her place in the world could be in certain circumstances? Or maybe it was Brad and how undouchey he actually was once I got to know him better. I so appreciated how honest he was about how he felt when it came to Nicole and Cara. I liked that he was a mess but he really never tried to run from it--or if he did, he never ran for long--and that he faced the fall out from decisions he made. I respected both of these characters so much. Or maybe it was being in the inner sanctum of a celebrity world and seeing how the "help" viewed things versus how the "star" viewed things. Perhaps, too, it was Brad's family and Cara's backstory, and how they sorta fought their desire but couldn't and how much fun it was to see them falling for each other. I don't know if any one of these things did it or if it was the collective that did me in, but boy did I fall hard for these characters and this story line and I am super hopeful that the next book in this series of stand alones is Blakely because I absolutely feel that there's a ton of story to tell there. Court: Each thing separately sucked us in, and then we saw this beautiful picture come together when we had alll of the information. Did that mean we were done with the book? Yes, but I enjoyed every single second of it. I think this is one that could for sure go on the read again list. It was escapist fun, and the plot, setting and characters were strong because C.D. Reiss is such a strong writer. There was excitement, some emotion (yeah, I teared up what>) and really it would make our day if you try it and let us know what you think, too!

Shel: Thanks for giving me such a great distraction from this crazy world we're in, C.D. Reiss; I can't wait to see what you distract me with next. Court: That's true...not much real world adulating gets done when I enter her book world and isn't that just the best!

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I'm afraid this book wasn't for me- I did not finish it.

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3.5 Stars..I enjoyed this book. Brad was the quintessential Hollywood bad boy that forgets he isn't wearing pants even though he is hosting the party. A-lister that doesn't have to even ask a girl to go home with him, they just drop drawers and go p to the v in an instant. Add one bombshell to the mix and after that insert a teacup and you have a redeeming story that will have you smiling, cheering and wanting the swarmy bad boy to realize all he can be through the eyes of two girls that think the world of him.

Cara was a little harder for me to connect with, I couldn't put my finger on who she was, what she wanted or how her up-tightness could fully fit into such a crazy world. But, CD Reiss has a way of taking all of that and weave a story that makes you realize what you think you knew had a bit of backstory that changes the why of who she is.

Quick, easy read, that inserts a little heart and angst (exactly how I like it). I am looking forward to reading more in this series. I love a bad boy being tamed by love. It's swoon-tastic.

**arc received from author in exchange for an honest review from us "B-Listers" at **

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A very entertaining quality read. I really enjoyed it

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Loved this book! I appreciated the fact that Cara and Brad are completely not your stereotypical Hollywood bad boy and nanny scenerio though they do start out that way. As the book evolves and they are confronted with decision both are taken into new directions that were pleasant surprises for me as a reader. The pace is great and Ms Reiss does it again with her excellent character development and dialog. There are also some great secondary characters and of course Nicole who just stole my heart every time.

I cant wait to see what Ms Reiss has instore for us next in this new series!

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CD Reiss does a fantastic job in Bombshell with Cara's struggle being a nanny to the newly single Dad and Hollywood A-lister, while trying keep herself out of the tabloids. Cara is also trying to douse ice cold water on her attraction towards her hunky boss. Bad boy Brad has his early mid-life crisis while juggling being the golden ticket in Tinseltown and living the playboy lifestyle to now being a father to a 5 year old.

This is a major turnaround from Reiss' previous book release and much on the sweeter side in comparison to the Marriage Games series. I love how Jana Aston suggested to the author to give Brad Sinclair a baby and that is how Bombshell was born! CD Reiss hits box office GOLD in Bombshell! I am off to read Shuttergirl now but first: my kids and I have "zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket" on repeat Thank You Christine!

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Bombshell isn't what I was expecting, but that's a good thing, trust me. I was expecting Hollywood playboy, rich, arrogant ass who seduced his nanny because she was a doormat but loves his kid. What I got was two damaged people who fall in love with an adorable, mouthy little girl and fall in love with each other along the way.

First off, I have to admit that while I don't love Brad (said Hollywood playboy) or Cara (said nanny), I absolutely adore Nicole, (said child). She's the absolute star, the bombshell (but not in the way Paula meant it) of Bombshell. She's funny, too adult for her own good, sweet and hilarious and wraps both her dad and her nanny around her tiny fingers as easily as she falls in love with ponies.

Now onto Brad and Cara. I like that Brad isn't really a d-bag once you dig a little beneath his kind of assh*** façade. I like that he willingly took on a daughter he didn't have to take on, and that he was a good dad to her. I don't like that he partied too much while he transitioned into super dad, and I don't like that he couldn't keep his c**k in his pants for very long around Cara. But, in the end, he was pretty adorable. I never swooned over him, or fell in love with him, but he was good by the end. I like Cara. I don't love her, but I like and respect her. She's a great nanny and a good person. A kind of damaged person, but still, a good person. I love how good she is with Nicole and how much she gave her heart to a tiny, adorable, pony loving little girl. I wish she had been able to resist Brad longer, but hey, she's human so I can respect that he made it really hard for her (pun intended). And by the end she was pretty cool, too. She stuck by Brad when she didn't have to, and really did it for Nicole. Now that's pretty awesome.

Bombshell isn't like any other book by CD Reiss that I've read. It's not very angsty, not nearly as steamy as some of her other stories (mmm...Jonathan Drazen in the Songs of Submission series), but it is a little more realistic, well, about as realistic as one can get when writing about people who live and work in La La Land. Brad and Cara are more down to earth, less glamorous, and more normal, even for all his partying and Hollywood doings. And I like that. I like Bombshell. It's well written and has probably the most adorable, hilarious little girl ever written!

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Hello Brad, you hot DILF! I'm a sucker for single father books. There's not a ton out there so when one comes out, I like to snatch them up.

This was pretty good, I really enjoyed it. Brad's character kinda rubbed me wrong in the beginning, but he totally grew on my as the story went on. Your whole world kind of gets turned upside down when a child you didn't know about gets dumped into your lap. Hello instant father! Nicole, that precious little love angle, was so dang cute. Her parts were great! It was entertaining seeing both of them interact together.

Even though I thought there was a part or two that dragged on a wee bit, it's still a great story!

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Wow. The moment I saw this blurb I wanted to get my hands on it. I'm a sucker for single dad stories and I love C.D. Reiss' writing so this was high on my TBR list-and I definitely enjoyed this book.

I sometimes worry about books that have children as such a focal point of the story-because not every author can portray children as well as they can adults. Of course, this is not a problem for C.D. Reiss. I fell in love with Nicole instantly. Her thought pattern, her speech, her wants/needs are all on par for a child her age. I honestly wanted to hug her.

Cara was what I expected...yet not. I loved her protectiveness towards the children in her care. I love that she always had their best interests in mind. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and stand up for herself-rare traits in the Hollywood environment that she finds herself in.

I can't lie-it took me a little while to warm up to Brad. I wanted to love him right away and I just couldn't at first...but once I DID fall? I fell hard. He has the world at his feet and just doesn't even know what to do with it. There were some moments of frustration but watching him push and grow through them was satisfying.

Oh the slow burn. The ache for these two to be together was intense. Once they finally came together? Holy fireworks. C.D. Reiss knows how to write sex that is steamy, hot, and sexy and that shows in this book.

This book had some laughs in it for me as well, as any book involving a child will. They do tend to pop up and say things at the most inopportune times. Watching them all figure out the dynamics they were now dealing with was interesting. I liked how realistic that was; these three characters (Nicole totally counts) figuring out what to do with one another and dealing with their growing pains.

Bombshell was an enjoyable-and more emotional than I expected- read for me and I would absolutely recommend it. I look forward to seeing what Ms. Reiss has in store for us next!

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I have a confession to make. Although it seems unbelievable even to my own ears – especially because I have almost all her books already waiting on my Kindle –, BOMBSHELL has been the first book by CD Reiss I have read. Now it’s out. Phew.

And how much I fell for this story… It is one amazing tale about an A-list Hollywood actor and a nanny that had me constantly smiling and swooning. I loved the slow burn and the fact it wasn’t all about instant attraction and getting the other into bed, it went so much deeper, right from the start. Both fighting their attraction , they are in an employer – employee relationship after all – and it wouldn’t be only their hearts that get hurt should their relationship go down the drain, which is even more reason to keep things between them strictly professional. Nicole, Brad’s 5-year-old daughter, really is a handful – and she knows what she wants. I adored that little girl so much!

Cara DuMont has a cardinal rule: to never work for actors or celebrities again. Drama, paparazzi and ending up on the front of tabloids is definitely something she plans to avoid at all costs. But when Hollywood star Brad Sinclair discovers overnight that he is father and now the only guardian the little girl has left, she somehow finds herself employed to the charming playboy, who has no clue at all how to take care of a child. While she constantly scolds and schools the overwhelmed man how to be a good father and slowly becomes attached to the little girl, she has to fight her naughty dreams starring a certain famous actor…

I loved how the two of them bond over Brad’s daughter, how Brad fights to keep Cara – be it as nanny only or much more – consequences for both their careers be damned –, how they were a good team almost right from the start, that Brad is a southern boy who had to work hard for his fame and success, that Cara is as down to earth and straightforward as she is… The lists goes on.

This book is the whole package – sweet and heartwarming, funny and sexy – also including secrets and enough drama to keep you glued to the pages.

My next CD Reiss book will definitely be Shuttergirl, as I learned that this is where Brad made his first appearance!

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This is my first book by this author and I loved it! Bombshell is a standalone but it follows Shuttergirl( I haven't read yet)......I guess Brad is a character form that book. Both Brad and Cara grow and change in this book. Cara's past is heartbreaking and when Brad talks about his issues from the past, it really points to how kids can be traumatized....through no fault of their own. Both characters were very likable. The insight into the Hollywood families/nannies was also very interesting and sad. The book was a bit slow n the beginning but by the 50% mark, I couldn't put it down. Brad was a wonderful hero. The chemistry was off the charts! And Cara was great too except for what she did at the airport.....I felt that wasn't like her and although that was quickly rectified by the "incident". As a reader, I felt all the drama at the end was a bit too contrived. Also there some inconsistencies.......nothing that detracts from the story but just details. For example the chapter started in one place but as we read into the chapter, we find out they are elsewhere. The inconsistencies just needed a bit of tightening. Finally, I loved the epilogue! I will definitely be picking up more of Ms. Reiss' books.

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This is the first book in this series by this author. This book will have you swooning over the male characters from the start. This is a sweet, funny, sexy romance story. I just couldn't put it down till I'd finished it. I can't wait to read more from this author in the future.
Highly recommended
I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book

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I expected Bombshell to be more of a light and fluffy "nanny romance," but I was pleasantly surprised to discover that it is a complex and layered love story that vibrates with emotion and holds the reader captivated. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Uber-famous actor Brad Sinclair is suddenly and unexpectedly a single father of a five year old daughter, Nicole, that he never knew existed until her mother passed away and the authorities tracked down Brad. He’s way out of his comfort zone and needs a nanny asap. When he meets Cara DuMont through a nanny agency, he knows no one else will do.

Cara wants nothing to do with the hard-parting playboy, because she doesn’t want to work for someone famous or infamous. Unfortunately for her, Brad has sway in this town, and she ends up without a choice but to become Nicole's nanny.

Brad is immediately attracted to Cara and she is to him as well, but she refuses to get involved with her boss for fear she'll end up on the covers of tabloids and unemployable. Obviously (this is a romance!) she can't resist him forever, but she realizes that she doesn't just desire Brad—she has begun to like him as a person and see him as more than just a famous, handsome movie star. He's struggling with his sudden plunge into fatherhood, and Cara becomes his rock as he grapples with all the overwhelming changes in his life.

Bombshell is sexy but with a lot of heart and romance. Both Brad and Cara have emotional baggage that they need to work through, and they are relatable in their struggle to tackle their issues. Their chemistry is intense, but they also develop a deep emotional connection. Of course, Nicole is an endearing addition to the mix. Don't miss Bombshell. - Keeper Shelf

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Bombshell is CD Reiss' latest release. Though it's a spinoff of Shuttergirl, it reads as a complete standalone. I read it that way and it's great by itself. I may go back and read Shuttergirl, however.

Brad is Hollywood's leading man, he's in demand and has no time for anything aside from what's on his schedule. He works hard and parties harder. His five-year-old daughter comes to live with him after the death of her mother, but he didn't even know he had a daughter in the first place! Bombshell.

Cara is Hollywood's leading nanny. She's in demand by clients and does her job to it's utmost potential. She's got two rules: don't fall for the kids and don't fall for the dad. With Brad's charm, it's kind of hard not to, and Nicole is a little spitfire that you can't help but fall in love with. It must be the Sinclair way.

As I read this book, I found myself asking "why haven't I read more from CD Reiss?" Honestly! This book was fun and angsty and super hot. The banter between Brad and Cara was great because she doesn't take his crap and he hands her a lot of it. Nicole's little dialogue is great as well. My only downside to it is that Brad really was a jerk. I know this whole new life was dropped on him, but he needed to grow up sooner than later. That's it. That's all I've got. I look forward to more from CD Reiss in this Hollywood world for sure.

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Wow. Simply wow.

I read Shuttergirl and had this obsession with Brad Sinclair. I really wanted to know who he was. He seemed like a good friend to Michael, yet, he seemed like he would be one of those guys who is a total dick. A playboy. A guy who got whatever he wanted and didn’t give a shit about anything.

Well, I finally got my story and damn it, if I didn’t fall in love with Brad Sinclair.

Brad Sinclair, Oscar nominated movie star was just enjoying life. Gorgeous, fun loving and now a single dad who is learning to deal with a daughter he knew nothing about. Nicole was thrust in his lap after the death of her mother. It was refreshing to hear Brad admit he had no idea what to do with her. He desperately thought both his old lifestyle and this new one, which included a five-year-old girl, could coincide.

“I was going to have to fake it until I made it. Act like I thought dads should act.”

Cara DuMont has worked as a nanny for years. She is down to earth and has no qualms about telling it like it is and plans to help with the transition Brad and Nicole will have to face. However, Cara’s desire for Brad was something unexpected. However bad she wanted him, she also didn’t want to destroy her reputation as she watched her friend, Blakely, do with one of her former employers. She took her job VERY seriously and would walk away if needed. But she couldn’t.

Something about Brad, and his daughter Nicole, just drew Cara in from the start and she was absolutely fooling herself if she thought that she could not be affected by the both of them.

The sexual frustration and attraction was almost instantaneous. Neither Cara nor Brad had any intention of letting it become anything more than a professional employer/employee relationship. But I’m so glad it did.

I love the fact that I got just about half way through the book before anything happened. It was a slow build up from the first-time Cara and Brad looked at each other just coming out of that bathroom with his daughter until when they finally succumb to their desire for each other.

There were so many unexpected moments, so many things I never thought were even possible in this book. At times, I was laughing at the banter between the two and the theatrics of a five-year-old little girl. The next moment, I was enjoying the dirty sex and then the world completely turned on its axis and the drama began. And by god, I never expected what I read. Not in a million years.

“There’s no one else I want to be better for. It’s you. I’m going to be better for you, and if you leave I’m afraid I’ll never have a reason to stop being a fuckup.”

The connection between Brad and Cara was so much more than a physical one, it became emotional as they connected over the love for a little girl. Absolutely brilliant.

All in all, to me this story is about growing up. Coming to terms with life and not running away but dealing with what is thrown your way head on. Making mistakes is part of life but you have to learn from them too.

Putting your #familyfirst

Making your priorities something that you never thought possible #Bradvsmydad

Becoming the best version of yourself that you can be #ImWithSinclair

I 100% loved this book. It is something that will stick with me for a long time to come. I look forward to more in the Hollywood A-List series.

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What a slow burn this was. Brad the playboy actor and Cara the gorgeous nanny.
They had an attraction for the moment they locked eyes that first time they met. They tried to keep it professional, but...when two attractive peeps find each other...NOTHING can stop them!

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