Member Reviews

An all consuming family affair!!!!
Well CD Reiss has done it again. This book is absolutely awesome. From start to finish this was delivered with heartfelt frills, hot as sin characters and what matters most when it comes to the tales of the heart.... family.

I loved every moment, every heartbreak , every struggle that these main characters were going through. Their choices felt like my own choices, when they hurt , I hurt. Every page was just stamped out with utter brilliance.

I certainly never wanted the story to end because seriously Brad Sinclair is definitely one of the hottest single dads I've read in awhile. His chemistry with Cara is just mind blowingly perfect. There is no sugar coating and fluffing their feelings, they just fit perfectly even with their inner demons and outer influences trying to stop them from connecting as one.

All in all, the plot was a well thought out process. I didn't feel rushed reading through the characters layers and it definitely flows when you have an all consuming chemistry between the two main characters that leaves you breathless and safe.

This definitely deserves 5 stars. Well done CD Reiss.

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4.5 Stars!

Who would have thought that the word bombshell would refer to a pretty, five-year-old cutie-pie, both as a nickname and a surprising discovery. In C.D. Reiss's latest book Bombshell, both definitions apply while a few other aha moments are uncovered along the way. This entertaining romance is the first in the author's brand new series Hollywood A-List, and it can be enjoyed as a standalone.

Cara DuMont loves being a nanny. She never has any trouble getting placed because her child rearing methods are full-proof as well as kind. She enjoys living in the Los Angeles area, where there never seems to be a shortage of wealthy families needing childcare. The paparazzi are everywhere, and they love to romantically link the male, a-list celebrity to the childcare provider. As a result, Cara prefers to be employed by the less famous, so that her anonymity and reputation remain intact. Due to circumstances beyond her control, she ends up nannying for Brad Sinclair, the current Hollywood hottie and Oscar nominee.

Brad just found out that he is the father to Nicole, an adorable and well-spoken five-year-old little girl. He has to find a nanny quickly, because he is single, has no childcare experience, and his work schedule keeps him busy all 24/7. Cara comes along at just the right time, but makes it perfectly clear to Brad that she is only a 30-day fix. She has no desire to work for the talented heartthrob long-term.

Cara's experience and warmth is what brings Brad and Nicole together. Simultaneously, Cara and Brad fall for each other. They are forming a real family, even with the paparazzi breathing down their necks, and Brad's revelations about his past.

This is a well-written book with interesting characters, a little danger, and a sexy couple that is hot both in and out of the bedroom. Cara and Brad are smart, easy to identify with, and their connection is sizzling. Nicole is cute as a button and some of her comments are quite comical. The secondary characters are interesting and they add a lot of personality to the plot. Overall, this is a terrific book and I am looking forward to reading more from this series.

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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What a crazy ride! You know those books that start off in crazy town and you wonder what the heck you are reading? The more you read, the more you're thinking to yourself that maybe this just isn't the story for me. Yet I just can't stop reading it, I gotta see where this is going. It always amazes me how an author can turn a book around. It's happened before, yet it still shocks me when it happens again. This is one of those books! It's the reason I try not to give up on them. I absolutely loved how C.D. Reiss turned this around for me. By the end of the book she got me hook, line and sinker.

The book started out with crazy behavior by spoiled, entitled actors and one sane nanny. I wasn't much of a fan of Brad until almost the end of the book. Coming from a small town with normal folks, I was surprised by his behavior until things started to finally get real. I finally started to relate to him when he started to grow as a father and that's when the author had me. The end was beautiful and I loved the epilogue!

ARC provided by Netgalley.

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This book was like a Bombshell to my heart!

At times it was a feel good, make you smile, loving every moment story. Other times it was a break your heart, tear it out of your chest and stomp on it, no way this will ever work kind of tale that makes you think it's hopeless.

Let's start with my fave character, and the MOST important, little Nicole. That sweet but sassy girl. Typical five year old, totally stole my heart and I imagine any one else's who reads this. Then there's Cara, who has spent her whole career avoiding scandal and has done well at it. Brad, who was a playboy bachelor and made decisions at times that made me cringe. And Paula, his assistant, who I disliked from the first time she opened her mouth.

I highly recommend this book. It has sexiness- the dirty talk is GOOD! It has surprises that I did NOT see coming at ALL. It has a moment later in the book that made me laugh so hard I got stares from the family. Most of all it has heart, and a FANTASTIC ending.

I was lucky enough to get an arc copy of this!

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This book was very enjoyable! The world of celebrity nannies is probably not that explored much in contemporary romance but Ms. Reiss take on this was quite entertaining, enlightening and a really unique twist on the boss and employee romance. The character of Brad Sinclair (an offshoot character from the book Shuttergirl) was a very honest male lead. He apologizes for nothing because he has a goal and to suddenly become a single father while his career was on a meteoric rise is definitely a great conflict. The opening was also a great way to introduce Cara Dumont, a nanny audition gone ballistic because the star of the show lost it! The star happens to be the titular character of Nicole Garcia-Sinclair, five year old progeny of superstar Brad aka Bombshell. The way Cara was suddenly the cool heroine,, calm, collected and in charge while in the midst of a crying child doing a number two literally exploded. Bombshell was cheeky, fun, very erotic and clearly also an honest look on how relationships on a basic level needs to work to succeed. Cara and Brad's own personal back stories clearly shape who they are and is also a nice foil for their fantastic HEA.

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4.5 stars

I'm one of those people who is picky about Hollywood themed romances but you know that hint of forbidden plus single dad and nanny trope. I have to say this was an exceptionally good. The author definitely puts a new spin on that theme, nothing simple about this one, I like to think of it as Nanny Diaries meets America's Sweethearts with a little something else. Not usually fluffy here and I liked that, this showed the grittier side to fancy highbrow lifestyle. Brad Sinclair was not what I thought he would be in single dad at first but that just made him more interesting.

I was engrossed straight away I found Cara had a magnetic personality and way of thinking. A perfect nanny type, pleasant, caring and hardworking. Then you meet the little girl Nicole, can't help but love that kid, which you have to feel for her at that age suddenly her whole life changed. Granted Brad's life too he is thrust into a new role one that's for real. Cara was adamantly opposed to actor clients especially dads but she takes one look at that little girl and fell in love. The fancy parental scene can be brutal though including the nannies they hired. Everyone is aware of all the scandals and gossip mill lately so succumbing to Brad's charms is a big no no.

Underneath the bright light and cameras, gossip mills and paparazzi, nannies and agents blossomed a relationship. Cara and Brad have so much tension and desire plus that chemistry. But there are other factors in this equation. Number one being the professionalism. What a pickle the once player and party going carefree boss now trying his best to fill in the role of a dad one Cara refused to think about this is getting harder to deny. I can understand how Brad was like a fish out of water at first, the whole situation is a learning curve. Can't help but like his determination and his authenticity. Cara wants stability something Brad doesn't know he needs, his daughter too. It's going to hard to juggle everything

Cara is apprehensive and scared. Will Brad figure out how to keep her with them manage parenthood and his career? Having a little fun is one thing but can a serious relationship be managed with the trapping of fame? Oh and the little girl beside all that. Grab some popcorn, drink and comfy seat and get ready for the show.

To be honest, CD Reiss writing style is pretty unique. While I like it I can see how some people have said they had trouble. I like her direct and straight forward style though it makes things feel factual and real. I felt like this was actual everyday celebrity life of the rich and famous in LaLa land. I'm curious on who the next will be about the behind the scenes is quite entertaining.

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I really enjoyed this book.

The story, the writing, the characters were so great!

Nothing profound to say but that I really just liked this book!

Brad was a great male character and Cara was a great female character!

Things happened in the book that I saw coming and somethings I didn't see coming!

That ending??? Surprised me! It was perfect!

100% recommend reading this book! "Zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket"

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This was my first CD Reiss book and I enjoyed it.
I felt the story went along nicely and was for the most part an easy enjoyable read. Brad, the movie star rode the fence for me. I was not sure I liked him or I hated him, he never grew on me. The distance he kept from his daughter was not flattering . But getting her just dropped into his lap after 6 years would can make one a little freaked out. I didn't like that he never addressed the way his assistant and PR people called her "The Bombshell." I get it, its the title, but that would last about 3 or 4 times with me. Also, to me "The Bombshell" was the fact that his team knew about the child from the beginning and basically hid it from Brad. Where Brad did get to my heart was when it was revealed he suffered from dyslexia. It tugged on my heart that he was so proud of his daughter for her ability to read at age 6. I LOVED that actually.
Cara, I liked her. She was so good with Nichole and with Brad she was trying to keep him on track, that was her job as nanny. Cara, was not boring, but not that exciting either. I wanted more from her past, we get glimpses and there are some whopper reveals but I wanted more from her.
NOW Nichole, she is EVERYTHING. She is a smart little girl and I could totally see this little girl played out on pages . She was sassy without being a brat. She was smart, but a believable sort of smart. She just wanted to be loved and she so deserved it. Bravo on writing a brilliant character.

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Review by Amber for Love Romance Books Blog

Cara has the art of being a nanny in LA down. She has mastered it over the years, and her rules have never let her down. Then she meets Brad...or more accurately, meets Brad's 5 year old daughter, Nicole. Cara is the only person who can calm the screaming child down, and as a result Brad decides he has to have her as his nanny.

Cara has made it a rule not to work with celebrities due to constant paparazzi and way too much potential for drama. Brad convinces her to make an exception, though, and from the very first day she falls in love with Nicole. She is a great kid and taking care of Nicole is a dream job. Cara's problem is her growing attraction to Brad. She has no desire to be in the tabloids, but it is even harder to stay away from him once she gets to know the man behind the celebrity image.

I would rate this book 3.5 stars. Cara and Brad had great chemistry, and five year old
daughter was adorable.
I was asked by the author for an honest review.

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I loved this book from its first words, and the deeper I got into it, the more I wanted to slow down my reading. I just did not want it to end.

You may recall Brad Sinclair from CD Reiss's Shuttergirl. (You do not need to have read Shuttergirl in order to understand this book.) The somewhat self-obsessed, somewhat immature Hollywood star from Arkansas has just started his career ascent. He's in-demand. His appearance in a film guarantees box office success. He's becoming a superstar.

And then he is handed the five-year-old daughter he didn't know he had.

What's a Hollywood star to do? Hire a nanny, of course. Fortunately for Brad, Cara can come to the rescue. She knows how to care for children and, just as importantly, she knows how to comport herself as a nanny. The nanny is there to facilitate parenting for the star, and they are replaceable. Nannies do not stand out; they recede into the background, forgettable and not noticed. And nannies never, ever fall in love. Not with the child and certainly not with a parent.

CD Reiss understands how Hollywood works - the give and take between actors and their fans, their teams, and the press and paparazzi. Collusion exists on all levels, but not necessarily in a nefarious way. Without these protections and obfuscations, fans would not have the fantasy. And that's what it's all about: preserving the fantasy.

Both Brad and Cara realize this, although they come at it from different directions. Reiss shows you the costs to Brad to play make believe, both personally and professionally. Cara may be a nanny, but she contributes to the pretense. When she begins to sense that Brad wants to drop the façade, she's the one who demands that he not. She's the one who reminds him of all he - and she - stands to lose.

On the surface, this appears to be out of the forbidden romance trope. Nanny meets star, nanny falls in love with star, nanny can't be with star. But to reduce this story to that is to minimize the force of Reiss's writing. This novel is all about love: love for a man and a woman, love for parents for their children, love of career, love of friends, love of family in whatever form it comes in. At the core is love for Nicole, the bombshell who blows apart Brad's world.

To make this story work, Nicole has to be believable. She can't be too precocious or precious. She can't be too bratty or bothersome. She has to be relatable, a kid you recognize and think you know. CD Reiss gets her just right. Nicole has her bratty moments, and there are times she shows that sense of entitlement that five-year-olds have. She's also loving and sweet, opening her heart to strangers so sweetly and guilelessly, setting a standard of sorts for her father and Cara.

You will recognize other characters from CD Reiss's literary canon, each entering seamlessly and unobtrusively. This book has a lighter feel, certainly more so than Marriage Games and Separation Games. There is a gentle humor here, paired with some blazing hot sexy times. Reiss may make you wait for Brad and Cara to rock the headboard, but that wait pays off.

The core of this story is the question of what it means to be a parent. What does it mean to love unconditionally? To sacrifice your needs for that of your child's? What does it mean to open your heart to the vulnerability of having a child?

The only shortcoming to this book - and I almost feel as if I'm nitpicking by pointing this out - is a reunion of sorts that occurs at the end. It comes too easily, certainly too easily considering how difficult everything else was for these characters. Yet even with this flaw, Bombshell is fun and emotional and oh-so-hot.

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I haven't read any of this author's work before so I went into this not knowing what to expect from her writing. Being a nanny myself I love reading stories which feature a character in the same profession. I can honestly say that Cara DuMont is one of the most kickass nanny characters I have ever had the pleasure to read about.

Cara lives in a world of extremely important employers. She has risen to the top in the nanny world, and can literally choose who she works for. However the job she finds herself accepting, albeit temporarily, is one she would rather she didn't need to accept. Falling for the boss is the top in a list of nanny no-no's, and Cara finds herself committing the ultimate crime when she takes on the job of looking after Brad Sinclair's five year old daughter.

The story itself is told really well, with humour throughout. It didn't come across as the usual boy meets girl story, which was quite a refreshing change. Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing a copy.

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✭✭✭ 5 "Put It In My Pocket" Stars ✮✮✮

Tinseltown's notorious but immensely talented and sinfully gorgeous bad boy Brad Sinclair has to clean up his act when he learns that he has a daughter of five. Nicole is the result of a fling six years ago, one he has completely forgotten about. Now he needs a reliable nanny, one who knows her field of work but doesn't interfere too much. There is one who left a lasting impression, not only because she could stop his daughter from crying.

“I don’t know if you know this, Miss, but I don’t take no for an answer. That one in the bathroom is the one I want. She’s the only one who’s been able to stop that little girl from crying since she landed in my hands a week ago.”

Enter Cara DuMont. She is one of the best, her reputation is untainted and there is a reason for it. She does not take clients who are celebrities, actors or other socialites who could land her on the cover of a magazine. She didn't count on Brad's tenacity. She agrees to stay for a very limited time, after that he would have to find another caretaker for his daughter.

Cara fights her attraction to Brad with tooth and nails. She has seen how getting involved with your boss can destroy your reputation if the paparazzi smell a juicy story. Cara tries to keep her relationship with both Nicole and Brad strictly professional. Unfortunately she is in the habit to fall in love with the kids she takes care of.
Cara is an endearing heroine and while all that glitz and glamour of Hollywood is fake she comes across as real, down-to-earth. She has a no-nonsense attitude and calls it as she sees it, and that includes Brad.

'''She made me comfortable, which was uncomfortable. She had a soft, seductive voice that never tried to seduce me. Around her, I wanted to make a go of the daddy thing.'''

Brad is a big child at first. He parties, he is known to f*ck around and he's selfish. Being a single daddy all of a sudden totally cramps his style. Yet, despite all that he is also charismatic, cheeky, and listens to what Cara has to say.

'''He was likeable for a hundred reasons he got paid good money for. But there was more to him. He was genuine. He listened. He was open to change yet stalwart in his beliefs. He spent his money on things that pleased him or minimized inconvenience, not status objects. He never pretended to be more than he was but didn’t suffer from insecurity or false humility. He was who he was. Utterly and authentically.'''

Sometimes you see glimpses of his southern upbringing. It's incredibly charming and makes him irresistible. When he hires Cara Brad gets more than he bargained for. He didn't expect the nanny to point out his deficiencies in parenting. But all hope is not lost - from the moment Brad falls in love with his daughter you can see some major growth.

"You turned this bombshell from six years ago into a family. You’re a magician. Do you know? I wasn’t ready for that little girl, and now I am. I can still be me and have a family."

Both of them struggle with their attraction and growing feelings. There is a lot of mutual respect despite their conflicts and based on that and their love for Brad's daughter they develop a friendship. It's a slow burn until they take their relationship to the next level but once they do it's an inferno. Yes, there are secrets and dishonesty but I could forgive those because they never came from a bad place.
From this author's Song of Submission series I know that she writes some super-steamy scenes. These are strictly vanilla but not any less hot.

CD Reiss's writing is humorous with a good dose of snark, but there is also a lot of feeling. Some things only become clear later. I laughed about a piece of dialogue only to realize a couple of pages later how sad and literal the words actually were. I loved both characters, they both had their flavor of charm and together they made a delightful mix. I also adored their relationship with Nicole who almost stole the show.

“I love you, and I’m always here for you. Please always remember that.”
She put her hands on my cheeks. “Okay,” she whispered close to my face. She poked the inner corner of my eye. “Why are you crying?”
“I’m afraid you’ll forget.”
“I won’t.” She put her fingertips to my lips then twisted them. “I’ll take it, lock it.” Her fingertips went to the breast pocket that wasn’t there. “Put it in my pocket.”
I laid my hand over the place where she’d put my love. “Keep it forever.”
“I will. It’s pink. I don’t throw away pink things.”

In order to retain credibility because of my on-going streak of 5 stars I was looking for flaws in this book. I really tried. I didn't find any. I loved this story so much I can't give it any less than 5 stars. Good thing that I realized today that this is going to be a series too. I am definitely going to read the next installment!

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This is a book that makes me wish ratings were like figure skating results....
The premise and general story would be 4 stars.
I liked the idea that a young Hollywood star gets a wake up call when the daughter he didn't know about suddenly needs him and that through that life change he meets the woman who makes him want to be a better man/father. I liked Brad's evolution from an entitled jerk to a Dad his little girl could be proud of and someone to be admired.
Nicole was a hoot of a little girl - couldn't help but like her.
Cara was a character that I liked too - I appreciated the fact that she didn't want to be "that" nanny and was also using the nanny jobs as a way to fill an emotional need in herself.
I struggled with the execution of the idea - and that's what knocked the book down for me. I felt like there was unnecessary drama for the sake of drama. I'm not going to list all of the things that I had trouble with because I think some of them are strictly personal preference, but I will say that I never really understood why Cara and Brad being together had to be such a big deal. Yes, there was the awkwardness of her working for him and I could understand some of her initial resistance, but I didn't understand why it continued after she saw that his intentions were for more than just a fling. There were several things about the book that I didn't understand how they fit or really impacted the story and there were other things that I felt could have been played up a little more and made more impactful.
Overall, this was an average read for me. I enjoyed it, but felt like it didnt really live up to it's potential.

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Cara is working in Los Angeles as a Nanny for the rich & famous. But she’ll never work for an actor! Her best friend is blacklisted all over Hollywood now, because she fell in love with a horrible Dad/Actor/cheater!
But then Cara meets little half orphan Nicole and she’s in love! Too bad her dad is Hollywood Superstar Brad Sinclair. And too bad she can’t stop thinking of him, looking at him, dreaming of doing sexy things with him….
But she agrees to a one-month trial if he hires her bestie too!
And he SO agrees because he’s desperate. He just inherited this little girl!
And he obviously has no idea what to do with her.
But this beautiful Nanny does know everything. And he can’t stop looking at her, thinking of her, imagining things with her….





I really enjoyed this book. I love Hollywood romances, and this one was a really great one.
At first you might think. Meh – another one of those stupid little Rich Daddy falls for Nanny thingies.
And yes, it is that, but it’s also so much more!
We get a real insight into the world of Nannies in Hollywood. And of Hollywood life in general. And not the glamorous Billionaire lives. But the real people-who-just-happen-to-be-Hollywood-stars-lives. With all their dreams and fears and issues.
Cara tries so hard to stay away from Brad, but of course we all know it won’t happen. She won’t be able to resist him forever. Even though she’s confronted with mistakes, lies, fears …. problems - with no end in sight. But everyone’s fighting hard for their happily ever after. It might just take a while! And we can enjoy the journey in the meantime ☺

I had some minor problems with the writing. I haven’t read many CD Reiss books, and I can’t remember how her writing was in those, but I didn’t like/enjoy the writing in this book. Don’t ask me what my problem is with the style, because I can’t tell you. It all just sounded weird to my ears.

Also, what I hated, and I almost didn’t even notice it - which makes me hate it even more ☺
… we already knew Brad from a previous book! A book I hadn’t read! I HATE THAT! Why put people in books that are not part of a series! I want to know everything about a character – I want to know that I should’ve met them before! Grrrr. A little mention in the blurb would’ve been nice, that way I could’ve read Shuttergirl first! Or just change the Shuttergirl series on goodreads into Hollywood A-List #1 and change Bombshell into #2!!!
End of rant!

I really enjoyed reading this book. It took me a while to fall for all characters, because they were all a bit weird and bitchy in the beginning. But I fell for them, and now I love them, and I loved the story! I even cried a bit here and there. There’s a lot in there that makes you think.

BOMBSHELL was an adorable, sexy, serious and very interesting take on the Hollywood-Dad-falls-for-Nanny romance! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Brad! This one is MINE! Even though I keep imagining Brad Pitt when I hear his name - ewwwww☺☺☺

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This story was so many things. It was sweet and endearing. It was emotional and beautiful. It was sexy and swoony. It is everything you look for in a romance and I loved every page of this book.

Nicole is the cutest thing ever and she definitely was my favorite part of the story. This little girl was definitely a scene stealer. I thought the couple had chemistry that was off the charts from the moment they met and they were absolutely perfect for eachother.

This will definitely be a reread for me. It was heartwarming and left me smiling. I absolutely cannot wait to see what CD will write next.

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This book was just ok for me. I enjoyed reading it, for the most part, but there were some things I didn't really enjoy.

I didn't like Brad very much in the beginning. I don't care how hot he was, he was really a self absorbed, entitled jackass. I appreciate that he changed over the course of the book but he was really a dirt bag in the beginning. I always question when someone changes too much. The whole "my love for you, changed my character" schtick never quite rings true for me. I think that being forced to take responsibility for his daughter did change him as well so it wasn't all a complete character flip, to be fair.

I liked Cara but did find her too good and perfect at times Too perfectly pretty, too sweet and caring but ultimately bland.

I did want the couple to end up with their happily ever after, so to me it was an enjoyable romance.

I would recommend this book for anyone who enjoys contemporary romance especially the help/superstar romances.

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Such a lovely, lovely read. I swooned and smiled and loved the characters of this sweet, sweet, beautiful swoon worthy romance about a Hollywood superstar and his unassuming Nanny. Brad Sinclair becomes a newly single father when he discovers a Bombshell in the form of his 5-year-old daughter. With literally no clue of how to care for the child his first task and the opening gambit of this story is to find a suitable Nanny for Nicole a character instrumental in the sweet and lovely factor of this romantic STANDALONE story.

Brad's life as superstar playboy changes beyond recognition which is the clear impetus for the development of his bad boy persona who easily won my heart with his sexy good looks, charismatic charm, flaws and vulnerabilities. He's perfectly matched with Cara, experienced Nanny and all round wonderful human being. Both protagonists think they knew where they stand, know the terms of their agreement, an agreement centred around the well-being of the child, but what neither of them expect is to find love and this is where the story develops so wonderfully and gave me all those highly desirable butterfly feelings. I basked in the fairy tale romance and delighted in the magic of the story arc as it took me on a sweet romantic journey with characters who show the perfect level of development and heart.

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I really enjoy this author's writing. I read this as an ARC, but it really felt very polished and ready to publish.
I received this ARC before I realized that this was sort of a spin off from Shuttergirl. The H in this story was a supporting character in Shuttergirl. It's been a while so to be honest I don't remember Brad in that story.
Brad our H in Bombshell is a movie star. Very much single. The bombshell: he has a 5 year old daughter.
He suddenly becomes sole parent when his daughter Nicole's mother passes away.
Very near the beginning of the story, the h, Cara is introduced to father and daughter when he's interviewing nannies. Cara's bff, Blakley is actually up for the position. Cara seems to hit off
The POV alternates Brad/Cara.
The chapters are very short-even within a scene. I got to read what each person thought. I usually like short chapters. It keeps my attention while moving the story along. The opposite seemed to happen. The middle really slowed down for me. As I mentioned the writing is terrific. The plot just did move enough for me. On the other hand, it did leave a lot of time for Brad and Cara's relationship. Cara resists admitting that she's involved beyond her nanny duties.
I really liked both characters .Cara is a very strong woman. She's a highly respected nanny. She's conscious of the role she plays in a family she works for. She's had to change jobs to avoid conflicts when a spouse becomes jealous of her role.
Nicole is 5 y/o. She's suddenly had to get to know the dad she' never known. Brad seems lost. He is. He relies on Cara. She comes through. She is rock solid in her care of Nicole.
Nicole is adorable and clings to her new parent AND her nanny.
The build up to Cara and Brad's relationship isn't rushed. Each are afraid of crossing the professional line. Cara much more than Brad. Of course!
I enjoyed their trip to Brad's parents in Arkansas. I loved how his mom and dad seemed just like regular parents. The main title of the series is about Hollywood. I'm so glad that Brad's hometown and his parents weren't stereotyped. That would have bugged me.
After the slow middle, the plot progressed some more & Brad has some secrets that come to light. The reactions seemed realistic and IMO, weren't dragged out.
The ending was very sweet as was the epilogue.
3.75-4 stars.
I'll be reading more from this author.

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An emotional rollercoaster ride with a five year old as the prize…

This is the first book in the Hollywood A-List series that can be read as a stand-alone. Some of the characters here were previously introduced in the book Shuttergirl which is a great story.

Life as a Hollywood star is Brad Sinclair’s for the taking, the money, the parties, and the women. Then life throws him a curve in the form of a surprise that lands on his doorstep, five years ago he had a child and her mother has recently died leaving the child in his care. Fatherhood wasn’t in his plans and he has no idea how to be a good father yet this adorable little person needs him now. Will he make mistakes? Absolutely, and that’s how all first parents learn but it’s an overwhelming prospect for this man. Help is found in the form of a gorgeous down to earth nanny whose take charge presence soothes him, makes him feel that he can handle things but she doesn’t want the job permanently.

A nurturer by nature the profession of a nanny really suits Cara DuMont. She takes her responsibilities seriously and abides by the rules, keeping things professional, keeping an emotional distance from her charges, dressing down so as to not attract attention. She avoids celebrity families but after meeting a child desperately in need and after helping the child deal with an embarrassing situation she agrees to consult for the father for a month with her best friend as a second nanny. She doesn’t want to see herself in the tabloids, her friend’s reputation was ruined after getting involved with an employer.

The chemistry between Cara and Brad is highly palpable and undeniable. They admit its existence but wisely decide to do nothing about it while they are in the roles of employer and employee, but good intentions don’t always last. How will they handle what will inevitably come to pass?

This is the second book I’ve read by this author, I really like the character growth of the protagonists that I have seen in her stories. Sometimes we’re forced to grow because of the bumps in the road, it’s how we navigate those things that define who we are. The hero’s antics at the beginning didn’t make him endearing but he grows on you since much of it was a façade, it’s easier to show the world what they want to see but it’s not real. Celebrities appear larger than life but they are just people with the same pains and emotions as the rest of us. We have a man who finally grows up and takes responsibility for past decisions and the consequences that followed in more than one area of life. The likable heroine had the most at risk, she had to decide if following her emotions was worth losing it all. It was definitely an emotional rollercoaster ride for these two and nothing was a given. This was an enjoyable read with an adorable child helping two people strongly attracted to each other make a real deep connection, there were dual points of view and a lovely double epilogue.

An advanced reading copy was obtained from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Pokes head out from under rock *whispers this is my first time read by this author* slinks back under rock..

A standalone romance about a Nanny, a Hollywood star, and a love they never expected.
Bombshell by CD Reiss is the first instalment in the Hollywood A-List series and is spoken in ‘Dual Perspectives. In this instalment we meet Hollywood elite bad boy Brad Sinclair, his nanny Cara DuMont, her best friend Blakely and the most adorable five year old you could ever wish to read about. You zip it..Lock it..Put it in your pocket..

Hollywood bad boy Brad Sinclair unbeknown to him six years before he became famous had a brief fling which resulted in a child which he didn't know about. Brad had been contacted as next of kin as his name was on the deceased mother's birth certificate as being the father of her child, the mother had died suddenly in a freeway accident. Life as the party goer was going to change in the blink of an eye.

Cara unexpectedly became this little girl Nicole's nanny by default for a month until a more suitable child minder could be found. She was used to working alongside celebrities and actors.

A slow burn is lit under Brad and Cara which slowly ignites into a roaring out of control fire, even though they both tried to fight their attraction as much as they could once lit it wouldn’t go out.

I wanted a real home. A stable person to spend my life with, and they were in short supply. I
hadn't given up; I'd just stopped looking for a man.
This guy could ruin me. He had all the tools to do it. He was gor-geous and laid-back. He listened when I spoke and had a daughter who was just about perfect.

What I enjoyed about this was the lack of angst, drama, it was just a straightforward romance which made it so much more believable, there was no sugar coating of the story which for me was like a breath of fresh air. I loved the whole glitz and glamour of this story, the unique first meet between them had me loving this story from the get go..

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