Member Reviews

4.5 "love for author" stars.
First time with this author even though she already has many bestselling books out there and I wasn't really sure what to expect from her. I really loved her writing style it is quite unique .
She is a huge standout to me in a genre that can sometimes yield very similar and often unmemorable stories.
The storyline here for instance wasn't very complex but the depth and complexity comes with the multi-layered approach C.D. Reiss gives to her characters and this book definitely reflects the very real world that we all live in today.
I loved reading it. This book rocked! and I will absolutely be reading a lot more of this author in the future.

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I liked Cara and the premise of the story, but unfortunately I could not connect with Brad at all.

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In Bombshell.. Cara DuMont is the A-List Nanny.... The one they all want. She doesn't do Celebrities, but a cross encounter with Brad Sinclair's five year old daughter and her life is spinning down a road she doesn't want. She agrees to consult for one month... but that is all it takes.
Brad and Cara are the definition of will they or won't they and wicked hot lust!
I'm just gonna say.. THAT SHOWER SCENE!! #Voyager #tentinpants

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I didn't dislike this book, but I didn't really like it either.
The thing is, I felt no conection to the two main characters. I especially didn't like Brad. He pissed me off most of the time, I would have gladly smacked him. Cara was ok, I guess, but it angered me how everytime she made up her mind, she changed it the second he smiled at her or something...
So, they mostly annoyed me and that kept me from being invested in their relationship.
Basically, I didn't care.

The story wasn't too bad though, I actually really liked the kid and I'm planning to read Shuttergirl and Blakely's book, if she gets one.

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I am relatively new to C.D Reiss, I’ve only read two other books by her. Bombshell is by far my favorite book of hers. I had a constant smile on my face. If you’ve read the blurb you know this is a story about a Nanny trying not to fall in love with her famous Hollywood boss.

Brad is relatively new to Hollywood; he hasn’t fully secured his spot as a Hollywood A Lister. What he has secured is his attitude of I don’t care what people think and how many woman can he bed. Which is a little at odds for how he was raised has a southern Baptist. Hollywood isn’t always as it seems. Brad has his share of struggles and plenty of secrets. He’s as cocky as they come but he has a heart of gold once you get past the playboy facade.

Cara is a well know Hollywood Nanny. She always puts the children first and herself second. She is well known for being one of the best, avoiding scandals and never falling in love with her single father bosses. That is until she meets Brad Sinclair and his adorable daughter Nicole, that he just found out about. She agrees to help Brad transition into fatherhood for 30 days.

The show stopper in this book is Nicole Garcia-Sinclair, the daughter that Brad never knew he had. She is smart as a whip, cute as a button and sassy as they come. She knows what she wants, and she’s not going to let anyone get in her way. She’s a master manipulator with dimples.

This book talks about a subject that is near and dear to my heart Dyslexia. The perception that people have about this learning disability, an what limitations are cast upon the people who have this learning difference.

This is a solid 4.5 stars for me. I you want a book that will draw you in, keep you laughing this is it!

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I've heard a lot of good things about Ms. Reiss's books, and so I just had to read one for myself, and I've got to say that I really enjoyed this first book of her Hollywood A-List series. The way this story started had me empathizing with the hero's little girl, as she's been placed with a father she's never even met after having just recently lost her mother. How is a girl so young supposed to deal with such lose? Will anyone be able to help Brad's daughter? However, it was from the moment that the hero and heroine came face-to-face for the first time in this story that I loved, as Brad is used to getting everything his own way and he wants Cara as his daughter's nanny.

Both the main characters kept me entertained from start to finish due to their back stories, their growing relationship, all they go through within this story and how they interact with the hero's little girl. She's adorable and so easy to love that I could understand why Cara finds it hard to walk away from her, even though she knows it's in her best interest to do so, because celebrity fathers as gorgeous as Brad Sinclair are trouble with a capital T. Moreover, I could sympathize with all Cara's been through in her past and could understand her reasons for becoming a nanny. It gives her the chance to share her big heart and kind nature with children, even though it's hard for her not to get attached and hard not to be reminded of all that she's lost. But what I liked most of all about the heroine is that she wasn't afraid to challenge Brad by saying whatever was on her mind when it came to his parenting and how he should handle things differently now that he has a child in his life. No way can he continue the celebrity life -- the parties and his womanizing ways. He needs to set a good example for his daughter and be able to put her first.

While Brad, he's cocky and confident; typical Hollywood type with his attitude and behavior. Not that all celebrities are as much of a womanizer as Brad is or into the parties like he is. Still, I must admit I liked how much the hero grows throughout this story, and how he proves he can be a good father by the tough decisions he has to make for his career. I also liked that he didn't give up on his pursuit of Cara, because they had something special. Of which, their sizzling chemistry shows that, especially once it spills over onto the pages in very steamy sex scenes that do justice to their chemistry.

Overall, Ms. Reiss has penned a really good read in this book where the dirty talk ups the sexual tension and didn't bother me like it sometimes does. The way this story ended had me concerned for Brad's daughter, but I liked how things worked out for all in the end. The hero needed to put his daughter first and he certainly does that with the decision he makes concerning his career. However, it was the epilogue that wrapped things up perfectly, because of the double surprise Brad had for Cara. I would recommend Bombshell by CD Reiss, if you enjoy Hollywood Romances or books by authors Alessandra Torre, JT Geissinger, Karina Halle or Katy Evans.

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Sweet, Funny, Sexy, Romance.......this book had it all. It was a perfect love story that made me smile, laugh, sigh and gave me a wonderful HEA!! (The epilogue was absolutely perfect)

Brad Sinclair, Hollywood Bad Boy, gets a shock when he finds out he's a father to a 5 yr old. He can barely take care of himself so he needs to get himself a nanny. Enter Cara DuMont, nanny extraordinaire, but who doesn't nanny to celebrity single dads. But when Cara meets Brad and his Bombshell, Nicole, she knows that her life may never ever be the same.

I would like to say that Nicole stole the story for me. She was adorable, spunky, sweet, and sassy extraordinaire. Her interactions between Brad and Cara were endearing. And most importantly, Cara was a lifesaver in poor little Nicole's world that was thrown completely upside down. Cara was also the tether between Brad and Nicole that created calm and safely. But Brad and Nicole were also lifesaving for Cara. The three of them connected in the most touching of ways.

Brad and Cara started their relationship platonically. While they each felt a spark, boundaries were set and it created a friendship first. They respected one another and saw the realness in one another. It was a sweet courtship in a sea of "Celebrity Dad" and "Beautiful Nanny" craziness. Brad also returned to his home with Nicole and Cara in Arkansas and let life play out there for awhile. His family, his friends all enhanced the story. Everybody's past shapes them and sometimes going home, to a place of safety helps to clear the mind and figure out what's important in your life.

This book was an adorable love story with a perfect side of sexy. I would recommend for anyone who loves romance, humor and a sweet sassy 5 yr old. A story that will leaving you smiling for days because -Dreams Do Come True Teacup ❤️❤️

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CD-freaking-Reiss. Gah...I have read single dad stories, but this takes the cake. Cake, and ponies, and donuts. She is one of my go-to authors, and writes these stories that contain so much depth and wit, without being pretentious or emotional for its own sake. And sexy, so sexy. The amount of chemistry is positively electric.'s just that. Explosive and so unexpected. Hollywood bad boy Brad Sinclair is likely the hardest working man in show biz, but is so full of secrets. Things start unraveling when an adorable 5-year-old girl is dropped on his door step. When you've always lived your life in the moment, wondering about the future does not come so easy. Becoming a father forces Brad to face the music and get his shit together, and that includes hiring help to navigate the world fatherhood. What I love about how his character was written was that underneath all of that party boy image, Brad just really wanted to do right by himself, his family and those around him. When you peel back that shallow, Hollywood layer, you have that man raised by well-mannered southern parents who ingrained their values upon him.

"Us southern boys eat pussy like pie. And I like pie." Best. Brad. Line. Ever. *fans face*

Enter, the nannies, specifically Cara DuMont. I loved her character. She is smart, knows what she wants out of life and refuses to let anything, not even a hot single dad, get in the way of her dreams. One of my weaknesses: strong lead women. But what she also shows us is that love does not make us weak; it adds character, which she has in spades. Allowing herself to fall for Nicole (who is this amazing spitfire of a little girl who is wonderfully endearing and bright) as well as Brad, opens a whole new world of possibilities for her and her life.

I can't complete this review without talking about Nicole, Brad's daughter. She nearly stole the spotlight. The whole time she is vying for our attention, and absolutely gets it. The way this fiery personality was written just stole my heart. I don't personally have kids, but in my experience with others, Nicole's character and mannerisms, down to her fiercely honest nature, were written without fault.

CD Reiss never fails to deliver undying love underneath the smut. It's uncanny how she weaves these stories that keep you wanting more. There were even a few poignant moments that brought tears to my eyes, which occurs in nearly every piece of work she releases. She fills each one with this myriad of emotions that take you on only the best of rollercoaster rides.

I'm giving this one 5 southern stars.

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I have read almost every book CD Reiss has written—the bulk of which is BDSM centered. While Bombshell is not her first venture from the dark side to the land of vanilla, it is my favorite lighthearted journey of hers so far.

I love how realistic Brad’s transformation is. He isn’t unlikable, but he is a very selfish Hollywood bad boy. It would have been so easy for CD to suddenly turn him into a responsible, devoted dad once his surprise daughter lands on his doorstep and he finds a competent nanny. Easy, yes, but it would make for a boring story.

Cara is the gold standard of nannies, but she’s only willing to commit to a 30-day “consultant” arrangement with Brad. She’s not afraid of bluntly schooling him in how to be a good single father. Cara has good reasons for wanting to avoid working for celebrity fathers. Unfortunately for her, she has a tendency to become attached to the children under her care, and it’s difficult to guard her heart against Brad’s daughter, Nicole. In addition, her attraction to Brad is both surprising and unwelcome.

Nicole is a sensitive five-year-old with good manners and a maturity that’s unexpected given her age. She really is adorable, but she also has a spoiled side. The fact that Brad and Cara have such trouble saying, “No,” to her becomes rather irritating, and yet I enjoyed the progression of Nicole’s relationship with them.

The slow burn of Brad and Cara’s romantic connection is oh so good. Cara puts up a good fight, but living under the same roof with such hotness is a futile effort. The story is charming and funny, but it also packs a ton of heat. Brad and Cara almost set my Kindle on fire with some seriously scorching sex scenes. There are other side stories and conflicts that add even more interest to the story.

A little bit sweet and a whole lot sexy, Bombshell delivers both with style.

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I really love CD Reiss. She can switch between dark and light seamlessly. I really enjoyed this one. For a "Hollywood story" it was very relatable. Cara and Brad were adults facing adult situations with maturity. What a refreshing change. Nicole was adorable as well.

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Bombshell is a tale about the seedier side of Hollywood A-listers and their families. How children are really raised. Brad is a movie star that finds out he has a five year old daughter Nicole. Cara is a professional nanny who maintains a professional distance to the parents. Brad hires a reluctant Cara on a temporary basis. Lies are discovered. Nicole steals the book. I was laughing so hard at some of her scenes. Brad made me feel sorry for him and want to hit him in equal parts. I enjoyed this book a great deal. The writing is superb. CD Reiss is brilliant in her writing.

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I received this book for free from Netgalley. It was amazing!! I read it in less than 24 hours. I immediately went looking for more books by this author when I finished it. I was sad when it was over. This is a great story and also steamy. The characters are very likable, even when they aren't doing likable things.

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3.5 Stars

Bombshell by C.D. Reiss

Review 3.5 Stars

When I read the blurb for Bombshell, I knew I had to read it. Who doesn’t love reading about the glamourous life of movie stars especially a hot commodity like Brad Sinclair. Before I get ahead of myself, if you read Shuttergirl, you already met Brad, if you didn’t, that’s ok. An adorable precocious 5-year-old was dropped onto his lap, one he didn’t know he fathered. After losing her mother in a car accident, Nicole was taken to Los Angeles after it was found out that her dad is none other than Brad Sinclair. Brad needs a nanny like now, and the only one he wants is the one that’s has calmed his sweet daughter down and that would be Cara Dumont.

Cara is nanny extraordinaire to the rich elite. She loves her job and taking care of children but after having been let go from her previous employer, she had asked her agency for a normal couple without the hangups of a wife being intimidated by her good looks. She DOES NOT want to care for another actor or actresses’ kids, but what Brad wants, Brad gets. After a game of nine ball, she said she would help him out for 30 days only if he took on her best friend Blakely since she’s has been basically blacklisted in getting any nanny gigs and also any acting gigs (think Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck situation).

As you may already know just by the blurb so this isn’t much of a spoiler, the mutual attraction between Brad and Cara was pretty intense, but Cara just wanted to stay under the radar from anyone alluding to any inappropriateness between her and her employer. Cara also wanted for Brad to grow up, stop his partying ways, especially with his 5-year-old around. Ah Ms. Nicole, I loved her, but like most kids around her age, she manipulated these two to her advantage. Kids are anything but relentless in their pursuits of getting what they want, that’s for sure.

So why my low rating? I adore Ms. Reiss and her writing, that’s never going to change, but I wasn’t a fan of Brad, shocker. Although his southern good boy charm was nice at times, I felt he felt a sense of entitlement and sometimes lies can lead to a big bite you in the ass, whether unintentional. Also, I really liked Cara and especially loved how she would get up on Brad’s face regarding his parenting skills, and I’m not even upset she fell for Brad because the heart wants what the heart wants. Her upbringing, although adventurous since her family moved around a lot, she was still so lonely. She had a great relationship with Nicole, although as I mentioned, I did feel Nicole would manipulate the situation. I cannot complain about the sexy times, tamer for what we all expect from Ms. Reiss, yet this is a more contemporary type read, so that was fine for this book. I guess I was expecting more angst in the plot of the story. It got good towards the end especially the epilogues. Another case of “it’s not you, it’s probably me” scenario for this book for me.

*An ARC was provided via Net Galley for an honest review.

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Bombshell is a story about a shocking surprise that turns a man’s life upside down and how he chooses to react and handle this “Bombshell”

This is the second book by CD Reiss that I have read and I am so thankful I gave this author another chance and chose to read this book. I truly enjoyed this book!! I have always enjoyed a story about a single father and also about a Hollywood A Lister. This story didn’t disappoint me at all!!

I found the characters to be interesting and relatable. I also found the storyline engaging, fun, sexy and even a little bit sweet. (thanks to Nicole) I couldn’t help getting lost in this book and these characters lives. There is something to CD Reiss’s writing that just sucks you into the story. I honestly felt like I was in Hollywood living these characters lives. Her words were descriptive and to the point. I thought the pace and flow of this story was spot on. I never felt that this story dragged but also don’t think anything was rushed either. Overall this was just a really well written book.

Bombshell is a standalone novel told in Dual POV. You could classify this book as a companion novel because we do meet Brad Sinclair in Shuttergirl (also a standalone novel). But you in no way need to read Shuttergirl before reading Bombshell. I didn’t even know Brad was a character that we met in another story until after I had read the book. We do also see the characters in Shuttergirl in this book, but as supporting characters. What that did was make me want to go out and read Shuttergirl now!!!

In this book we follow the life altering event that changes Brad Sinclair’s life and how he handles the changes he has to face. Brad is an A-List Hollywood Star who’s life is turned upside down when a 5 year old little girl named Nicole is dropped into his lap. He is determined to not have this change his life or his career. This is where Cara DuMont comes into the picture. Cara works for a nanny agency, but she is set against working with the Hollywood celebrity parents. So when she is helping her friend Blakely with an upset 5 year old in the bathroom, she is thrust into Brad’s life also. Nicole is an adorable 5 years old who has lost her mother and thrust into her father’s unknown life and has some trouble acclimating. She forms an instant bond to bathroom girl (Cara) Knowing this Brad is determined to have Cara as his nanny and won’t take NO for an answer. What we get after that meeting was an interesting and entertaining journey for three characters, all trying to figure out how to make this new situation work.

Will Brad win over Cara in the end?? Can Cara keep her feelings in check when it comes to Brad and Nicole?? What happens when secrets are revealed….will Brad and Cara come out together in the end??

Make sure you read this fun, and sexy single father romance story to get those answers!!!

If you are a fan of the A-List Hollywood celebrity love story or like a single father romance novel, then you need to read this one. I think it is one of my favorites in this style book.

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I am sorry but I am DNF this book and cannot post a favorable review. I just did not like either of the main characters or the writing style so it made it hard to connect to the book.

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CD Reiss weaves a beautiful story about Brad Sinclair, a Hollywood actor who discovers he has a five year old daughter. Cara is a nanny who works for the rich and famous. She is good at what she does and Brad insists she work for him and Cara reluctantly agrees.

I love the way C. D. Reiss portrays Brad. He is a gorgeous, talented, fun loving party boy but still has his small town values. He pretends he doesn't care what people think but deep down he does. He is a mess, but he is a lovable mess. His family is not impressed with his movie star status and treat him the same as they always have and that keeps him grounded. Brad isn't sure what to do with the little girl who has just lost her mom. He wants his wild bachelor days back and keeps fighting his new restricted life. Cara has to keep reminding Brad and yes, sometimes yelling at him to try to keep him in line. Brad is afraid of messing up and he finds himself drawn to the fearless nanny. Brad struggles with being a father and admires Cara’s intuitive way with kids.

Cara had an unstable childhood living as a military brat. She loves children and loves being a nanny and she knows better than to get involved with a dad of one of her charges. She knows it will only ruin her reputation and no one will want to hire her. She doesn't want to get involved with Brad but yet she finds it impossible to resist him. I admire how strong Cara is and how hard she works to be the best at what she does.

Brad and Cara are good together and help each other with their issues and they learn they trust each other. Brad's daughter is delightful. She is cute and sweet and adds another dimension to the story and I also enjoyed all the secondary characters. This is the first book in the Hollywood A-list series and I can't wait to read more. It is a charming, feel good story with an interesting plot and I never wanted it to end.

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3-3.5 stars!
I loved Brad in Shuttergirl and was so excited to see him get his story. I don't read a ton of single dad books as Denise usually reads them for the blog but I had to pick this one up because I love C.D. Reiss, her writing style and her stories.
I LOVE stories in Hollywood - all the glamour, the lights, the famous people. Brad Sinclair is on his way up in the world of acting when he finds out he has a 5 year old daughter. Her mother has died and she has come to live with him. And with being so busy and clueless in the dad department comes the hiring of not one but two nannies to add to his already big crew of people who keep his life running.
Cara DeMont is the epitome of a good nanny - she loves children, is actually good with them and knows to be professional and hands off with her employers. So it comes as a shock to her to not only get hired by Brad (if only for a month) but to feel such a physical connection to him and to like him as a person and for him to star in some of her nightly dreams (omg HOT!)
This story is a journey for Brad to learn the importance of family above his career - to realize what's really important in his life - to have all that comes with stardom or to get to know and learn who his daughter is, to make himself a better man for her, and to find the one person to make his life right and whole.
I absolutely LOVE C.D. Reiss's writing, her stories always so enjoyable and the sexy times are seriously the hottest I have read—EVER! Brad and Cara's story is funny at times, heated at times and together with his daughter Nicole - it was simply irresistible. I couldn't put it down!
The reason for my rating—I guess I wished that despite Cara saying she would never have a "thing" for her boss, I felt that she gave in almost too soon and didn't make Brad work for it. Another thing that bothered me was that I felt that Brad needed her too much to be his glue, to help to take care of him and his daughter and it almost felt like there was no real love there for who she was as a person vs. what he needed from her both physically and emotionally. It made it feel like later that his love wasn't really genuine and was more out of necessity vs. than the actual love and romance part. I wished for more romance when it comes down to it - the pretty words that I was so sure would fall from his mouth didn't affect me as I had hoped.
Overall though I enjoyed this book and would definitely read more in this series...maybe Blakely will have a story next??!?!!?

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Yea! I loved it! I've been in a bit of a slump, and this totally broke me out of it. I was actually a little hesitant at first, because I had read a previous book by this author and I didn't love it. I am so glad I gave this one a chance. This book had all the elements I enjoy, from a famous actor with a surprise child, to a slow burn romance. There was plenty of tension, and a lot of stumbling blocks along the way, but watching them become a family was all I hoped for. It was neither too easy nor overly fraught with useless angst. It was sweet and sexy and and a totally satisfying read.

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DNF at 47%

I tried. Even after realizing as early as the 5% mark that this was so far from what I had loved about Reiss from MARRIAGE GAMES, I continued on. Yes, it's a different genre (sorta, erotica vs BDSM), different set-up, completely different circumstances, but surely that same emotional intensity would be present even if the players were not remotely similar?


The characters were not likeable. From the flawed party boy celebrity A-lister, to the too perfect for words nanny, to terrible side characters and, I hate to say it, a super annoying five year old who fluctuated between someone who did act her age.. and then also acted twenty five. We had no real flow for the some of the scenes and any emotional or high intensity moments completely lacked resonance. And as for the nightly fantasies Cara was having about her boss after first meeting him? No. Just no.

Also, I realize this is an ARC so maybe it's just been overlooked, but how am I supposed to take a character seriously when her exposition-style backstory starts off on one page saying she fell in love in one of the many places she lived in (army brat), gave up her virginity to said person, and then the next page says all that moving around resulted in her never having the chance to fall in love.


Had I not already experienced how amazing this author can be, I'm not sure I would bother picking up another book by her. But despite this disappointment I have every intention on finishing her <i>Games Duet</i> and would strongly suggest that other readers give that series a try if this one doesn't work for them. Because it sure didn't work for me.

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C.D. Reiss is an author where I never know what kind of story I'm going to get. Bombshell was my favorite thing I've read by her and I hope we get more books along the same line as this. I loved reading about a nanny for a high profile client and I thought the author wrote it extremely well.

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