Member Reviews

Love can be found in the most unexpected places.


Brad Sinclair Celebrity actor near King of Hollywood. Originally from Redfield, Arkansas he is going places. A notorious playboy and the life of any party. His partying days are over when an adorable six-year-old left on his doorstep. What can I say about Brad? I loved him and hated him at the same time. He is selfish yet caring. An idiot who screws up. Old habits are hard to break but tries to make amends. With his charisma, he has no problem wooing and making you forgive him without realizing you and even if you don’t want to.

Cara DuMont is the best in the industry let me clarify that the best in the nanny industry. While helping a friend with a small blonde sweetheart with a toilet incident. She doesn’t want to be in the limelight and has tried to keep herself on the sidelines as much as possible. She doesn’t want the job but becomes the reluctant nanny. Her past has led her to believe that she doesn’t deserve certain things. She wants stability but Brad isn’t stable.

Cara is the help in Hollywood you don’t start anything with the help. Brad wants to be better for Cara and for his daughter. It is a balance of what people think to not caring what people think.

You can’t help but not fall in love with Cara and Brad. They are steaming together. They test the boundaries know that it is a good idea but weaken and break them to only go back to being what they were before. There was so much buildup with what was between them and that added more to the book. They really get to know one another and they start to change. They become an us and a family without realizing.

There are so many moments that I highlighted between the two that I have only picked two which really struck with me.

He was beautiful as ever, but starkly human. Flawed beyond belief. Emotional and broken. He needed me to fill his empty places and in letting me do that, he filled mine. – Cara –

“You’re my glue. You’ve made me bigger. Better. And you hold it all together. All my life. I’m nothing without you.” I squeezed his hand. “You were a good man before you met me.” “I was worthless.” – Brad –

Nicole Garcia is there are no words really to describe Nicole. She is bright, and meddling for her age. She knows what she wants and well she had all the important people wrapped around her little finger. Hell, I would have given her everything she would have asked for. At the beginning, I felt so sorry for her and her situation. But Cara sure did work her magic.

“Nice to meet you, Nicole. Wanna help clean this up? “Can we do my butt first?” “Great idea.” I liked this little one. Good thing I already had a job lined up or I could have fallen for her and her dad in a heartbeat.

If this is what goes on in Hollywood then I am happy that I live a normal life because it is just cray cray crazy. Bonkers, nuts.

This is one of the best books that I have read in a long time. It sucked me in. It made me want to drop everything and read it in one sitting alas RL got in the way. I had so many feels. I laughed, I smiled, I wanted more. The story is flawless and flowed so well. It is real and raw in places and I love that. I never knew what was going to happen which is an added bonus for me. Like Cara I went back and forth to liking him and the cussing him for being an arse.

A delightful read with an angst level I can deal with. There is an epilogue to the epilogue and it is freaking A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E.

I am so going to read Shuttergirl I want to know Michael’s story as well.

On a side note I personally consider Ms. Reiss to be an inspiration. After 24 years, yes you read right 24 years she got signed with Publisher. Now that is what I call dedication peeps and many of us can take a page out of that.

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Brad Sinclair is the typical Hollywood bad boy actor. He's earned his money and has no intention of settling down. So, when he finds out he has a 5-year old daughter, and her mother just died, his life becomes a whole new world. Of course, what does any rich actor do but hire a nanny. Enter Cara. She was strictly professional and would not become a headline in some gossip rag (or would she?). Brad needs to step up his game and decide what is really important in his life.

This was a cute, sweet story..... something we don't usually get from this author.....and I found myself smiling and laughing, but that could also be due to little 5-year old, Nicole. Loved her and I always like when there are kids involved in a storyline. The Epilogue to the Epilogue was adorable!

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A lovely, light, easy romance. No angst, no intentional lies or deceit (ok, a little deceit, but all with good intentions). The story follows nanny/consultant to LA's rich and famous, Cara DuMont, who never ever, gets involved with her charges' fathers, no matter how good looking, suave or persistent they are. She's all about the children. Of course that all changes when she consults with Hollywood Bad Boy, Brad Sinclair, he's just too delicious for words. To be fair to Cara, I would have caved way before she did, she put up a good fight. The secrets and lies that come out are not malicious, but they are surprising, some I saw coming, others threw me for a curve ball. Although I knew how this book would end (at least I hoped I did), I did however spend a good majority of the book trying to work out how it would happen without Cara losing her integrity and not breaking her 'golden rule'. I don't mean to be vague, but I also don't want to give away any spoilers. I'll just say, I loved the writing, the characters and the story. Excellent bedtime reading. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a book that I was compelled to read by it's blurb and it's amazing cover and as I've never read anything by this author before I went into this book open minded and not knowing what to expect.
I was hooked and reeled in as soon as I started reading it and you will be too by the amazing character of a 5 year old child called Nicole Garcia, she absolutely stole my heart and she totally owned this story. Nicole is so adorable and cute as a button but she is the Bombshell that comes bursting into the life of Hollywood film star Brad Sinclair. Cara Dumont is hired as her nanny for only 30 days as she never wants to get involved with celebrities and so only takes on the job to help her friend get settled into the role of Nicole's permanent nanny but things never go to plan and Cara ends up staying longer than she intended too.
I loved Cara's no nonsense approach with Brad trying to take the upperhand with him even though he is her employer and could fire her at anytime and how Brad fights hard to change his ways and his lifestyle to fit into what Cara expects how he should behave now that he has a child to look after. They have a great chemistry going on between them and the banter that goes back and forth gives you many funny moments that had me laughing out loud. Cara's connection to Nicole is very strong and you get all the feels as she comes to care for her even though she knows that she should never let herself get attached.
The story has a well thought out plotline and everything is written in such a way that you feel like you are there for the ride with the characters and you cant help yourself from falling a little in love with each and every one of them. This was an amazing first read for me by C.D.Reiss I really liked her writing style as it was very easy to follow and the story was always interesting and full of excitement
A brilliant 5 Stars!.

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This book was adorable! About two chapters in I went to see what other books the author had written. The characters were well developed. I cared about these two people getting together. I did not want it to end! Even had a tear in my eye at the end. Thank you!

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"Hollywood bad boy Brad Sinclair always gets his way, whether it’s the role he wants or the bikini-clad model he has to have. But when a bombshell gets dropped in his lap in the form of a dimpled five-year-old from a forgotten relationship, he knows his life is about to change forever.

Cara DuMont isn’t exactly thrilled when she gets assigned to be the nanny for the latest box-office king. She has one rule: no celebrity fathers, especially single ones with devilish good looks and rock-hard abs.

But as soon as Cara meets Brad and his adorable little girl, she knows she’s in for a world of trouble. Because there’s something about the way Brad looks at her that makes her believe that some rules are meant to be broken…"

Ahh OMG. I loved this book. devoured it in one day. Brad Sinclair is the ultimate playboy, party boy lives up to the title for sure and Cara Dumont is the sweet but has a dirty side nanny. These two had chemistry like no other and were such fun to read.

Brad Sinclair did not know he had a daughter until she was placed in his care after her mom died. This playboy has no clue what to do other than party ad be a playboy especially a father to a 5 year old little girl who is to smart for her own good. He finally has to look into hiring a nanny but that is not easy for him. Until she walks out of the bathroom stall and has some words with his security. That smart mouth attached to that gorgeous body has this boy wanting to do anything he can to keep her.

Cara Dumont is a professional nanny with several rules. She does not work for the Hollywood celebrities and don't fall in love with the children and especially don't fall in love with the dad. Especially after watching her best friend get heartbroken over another a list actor. But when she meets Nicole and the father something inside her melts and she finds herself working for the little girls father as his daughters nanny.

Sparks fly words are said but can these two keep it professional....I think not! You have got to read this story. You will swoon and feel. Amazing! I want more!!!!!!

5 Stars all the way!!!!
This Arc was kindly given in exchange for an honest review!!!

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I love this author and I really wanted this to be a 5 star read but it just felt like maybe she was rushed writing it.
There were some points in the book where timing got a little confusing and I wasn't sure if it was an editing mistake or if it was supposed to be a flash back.

The plot was great and most of the writing was excellent (except those weird timing things) but I just didn't connect with the characters. Except for the daughter Nicole she was adorable and a spot on representation of a 5 year old.

So cute story line but personally I didn't like the H or the h so I found it hard to connect with them

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Brad gets a major bombshell in the form of a five year old daughter, Nicole. He is not prepared for the whirlwind that will create in his hectic life making movies. Insert Cara, the nanny, who is calm under pressure and doesn't want anything to do with celebrity dad's. She doesn't pull her punches and tells Brad exactly how she sees things. And boy does it open up the floodgates of heat! This was well written and the characters pull at you for the fast paced book. Some unexpected twists along the way will keep you entertained​ until the end.

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This was my first read of CD Reiss. I have several books of her's waiting to be read on my kindle but something about this book called to me. I am not sure why I waited to read anything by this author. She did such an amazing job of bonding the reader to the characters. Realistic moments thrown into our escape from reality.

Cara never wants to be in the limelight, she doesn't want the Hollywood glitz and glamour. She just wants to do what she enjoys most and that is being a caretaker to children. Cara is the best of the best when it comes to nannies. Her only fault is that she falls in love with the kids.

From our first encounter with Nicole and Cara, you know that they form an instant bond. But add the Hollywood Bad Boy of a father and you get a three ringed circus that needs a little control to the chaos.
Your heart will melt for Nicole, you will be torn between pulling your hair out and drooling over Brad. You want to shake Cara at times, and then want her to be your nanny at other times. The supporting characters don't get off easy either. They evoke emotions, reactions in the reader, that aren't always expected.

While I know this book is fiction it does have several large doses of reality mixed in. You will be taken on an emotional journey that will tear your heart, make it beat faster, scream at the pages, and swoon.

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CD Reiss has done it once again!! Bombshell is a captivating read that EVERY romance novel fan should put on TBR list!!

Brad Sinclair is not only a handsome Oscar nominated actor, but he is also the dad to a sweet 5 year old daughter, Nicole. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Brad was recently thrust into fatherhood at mock speed! Having to juggle work and being a dad is proving to be quite the task. Knowing he needs help, Brad hires a nanny agency to find Nicole the perfect nanny.

That's when Cara DuMont enters Brad's life. Cara is an amazing nanny!! She has one rule- -she never, ever wants to nanny for a celebrity. But when Cara unexpectedly meets Nicole, she knows that she could really make a difference in this little girl's life and agrees to bend her own rules and be her nanny. Brad and Cara have instant chemistry, but Cara is certain she can avoid getting too personal with Brad...until she can't!! Ohhhhh wow!!!!

I completely enjoyed this entire book!! I loved seeing Brad and Cara develop a relationship and I also loved seeing Brad embrace fatherhood--adorable!! Cara was such an awesome person, but I appreciated the fact that she wasn't a push-over!! The storyline was well paced I thought the twists and turns were well timed! Bombshell is a 4.5 star read and being that this is the first book in the Hollywood A-List series, I am so excited to get my hands on the next installment --cannot wait!!

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Someone needs to buy the movie rights to this book and hire Ryan Reynolds, like, yesterday. Maybe Ryan is a bit too old now, but that’s just minor details. Funny, sexy, snarky: all the words ending in “Y” to describe a good book. It was fast paced and kept me reading 'til the wee hours.
Honestly speaking, I don’t think CD Reiss can do any wrong at this point in her writing career. Every new book is better, smarter, and more in-depth than the one before it. Never losing the raw, yet endearing sexual magnetism that is her signature.

Reiss’s ability to pull out the most critical aspects of her characters and yet still make the reader feel something for them is a super power all her own. What more can I say?

Get it. Read it. Love it.

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C.D. Reiss provides another engagingly warm and lovely story with Bombshell. It sounds cliche the A-list bad boy, reckless man thrust into a situation he didn't know was coming couples with the nanny he never knew he'd need however Reiss made it perfectly unique pulling out all stops in this slow burning, angsty, sexy, and sweet book. As always her unique and fresh writing kept me glued to the pages and cultivated a story I found refreshing in the ways it defined family within the manic world of Hollywood.

"You know no woman can resist you."

Brad Sinclair, Hollywood heartthrob, gets the surprise of his life. His little bombshell uproots his party boy ways and poor Brad hasn't a clue what to do about it. He's sweet underneath the layers of carelessness he shields himself with and has a big heart he himself doesn't even understand. Brad's sense of loyalty and depth of love is an untapped keg. I thought he was smoking hot in body and sexy action but there were times I wanted to throttle him too. Holding himself back and casting himself in the limelight of uncaring party boy feels easier for him then expanding his core. His roots are solid but when he found his wings in the spotlight they flew him a little off course.

Enter Nicole Garcia - one of the sweetest child characters I've had the pleasure of reading. Nicole steals the show in Bombshell totally with her sweet little lines and unfailing adoration for her Daddy and her nanny. I loved how Nicole humanized two people who so heavily guarded their feelings. I loved her wants and needs and I love watching Brad fall in love with her.

"Let me take you for a ride."

And since every single Hollywood parent can't function without a nanny, we meet Cara Dumont and falling doesn't stop. Cara lives in a tightly wound ball of rules and capped feelings while doing her job as a nanny to the wealthy. Happenstance pulls her into Nicole's realm and then Brad's. With Cara's steadfast ability to leave her feelings at the door for Brad's charms we still see her flourish in a relationship with Nicole. The two understand each other on a primal level and as that relationship develops between nanny and child, a steel backbone against Brad starts loosening Cara's rules. Cara is a formidable opponent against Brad. She challenges him with her beliefs in how to raise a child and she challenges him to show everyone he's the better man she's come to know all the while keeping the scarred circumstances of her past sealed around her heart.

The romance is a slow burn, angsty style development. The two become friends of a sort. But the attraction and chemistry between the two is electric. As a reader you'll feel it simmering from the moment they first meet and forward. The beauty of this relationship for me was how they manage it and then feed it through the love of this unexpected little gift, Nicole. With much turmoil in their pasts their presents start merging into something that needs nurtured and understood for a beautiful future. There were a few times when I wished Brad had done some things differently, his thoughts didn't always match up to his actions, in my opinion. Cara and Nicole were shining stars.

C.D. Reiss has a very distinct style of writing that I can't ever get enough of. Her clipped sentences are layered with intelligence and sass. She's able to pack so much punch and flair in her writing without weighing you down with superfluous details. The way she presents ideas and thoughts build a structure of depth, understanding, poignancy, and romance. There's passion in her writing that's undeniable and allows you to fall for her characters easily.

"You're never going to forget me."

Bombshell proved to be quite different, catching, and full of love. It's an atypical romance in that there's way more at stake then just the two main characters thanks a very special little girl in Nicole. I enjoyed reading this story and seeing how these three people take on the world together even if together means something different for a while than what you're expecting. It redefines falling in love in front of the whole world not only with an interesting partner but with an exuberant, thoughtful child. And that epilogue - one of the best ever - so satisfying in wrapping up the story. I'm a sucker for an epilogue and this one was just perfect.

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hristine Reiss could write the alphabet on a napkin and I'd read it. I love her books and this one was no exception. A little different, maybe so. But maybe not. Clearly it has her mark all over it.
This story is Brad Sinclair who's just had a 5 year old dropped in his lap after her mother dies, a child he didn't know he had. He's looking for a nanny for little Nicole. Cara Dumont works for an agency that provides nannie's. Cara has a rule, no celebrities. Cara has an image to uphold, one she holds dearly and closely. She isn't going to be on the cover of some gossip rag. When her friend Blakelee is interviewing for the job, she beckons Cara for help. Nicole is wailing and nothing seems to stop her, except Cara. Cara has a gift. Brad is determined to have her, when a new job Cara was headed to falls through, she negotiates with Brad, he hires both Blakelee and her. Cara is there as a consultant and makes it known it's short term, one month.
Brad has a PA Paula, who does everything for him. Every. Single. Thing. Including studying his new script for a movie he's set to start filming in Thailand. Paula and Brad have been friends since they were young both from the same small town in Arkansas. Paula isn't very nice. She calls Nicole "bombshell" and shoos her away when she and Brad are "working." I didn't like Paula, clearly she has her own agenda. Try as he might, Brad is still in party mode which Cara comes down on him heavy for. Cara points out to Brad that he needs to bond with his child and can't do it when he's drunk or shuttling her off into nanny land or letting Paula run things. Brad slowly comes around.
Slowly. He takes Nicole and Cara back to Arkansas to meet his parents and family. It's a first for many things. Brad has to make some life changing decisions, and he wants it all. He doesn't want to decide. Cara also needs to make some decisions. Nicole is such a sweetheart you can't help but love her. Wise beyond her years and witty as hell. This child has better come backs than most adults.

You have to read this book. It's a must read from Christine. It's got it all. It's a rollercoaster ride, I won't lie there, and you won't want to put it down. I didn't. I love her writing, she brings her characters, flaws and all front and center and strips them naked. Then takes her time redressing them. It's what makes her such a great author.
The book is an absolute winner.

**arc from NetGalley and Montlake Publishers in exchange for a fair review**

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I love the cover for this book and I have to say I wasn't disappointed by this story. It was sweet, sexy and wonderfully romantic. This story really grabbed me from page one and held my attention throughout; this is a real page turner.

The characters are well written and multi dimensional and there was great chemistry between everyone. If I had any grumbles at all, it is simply that I needed a scene early on where we saw Brad and Nicole have an emotional breakthrough and similarly, I needed a scene early on between Brad and Cara that portrayed something more than the sexual chemistry that oozed from the pages.

I most definitely enjoyed this book and would be happy to recommend i

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LOVED this book. CD Reiss has a way with words that draw you in and don't let you go. Cara DuMont is a strong and independent woman who is a nanny because she loves it, not because she is a want to be actress. All she asks is no movie stars! Well hello, when you meet a movie star in the agency bathroom because you are so graciously taking care of his child that he didn't know was his "surprise" child until recently and the poor little thing is traumatized over her recent life events and she connects with you, well how can you say no to that child. Easy, you say it's temporary. Cara decides to consult with Brad Sinclair in transitioning Nicole into his home.

Problem with that is Nicole and Brad are both irresistible. Brad first comes off as a playboy jerk on the surface level, only caring about himself. Wrapped up in his acting career and having hooks in him from his lifelong friend Paula, who he thinks is being nothing but helpful, Brad isn't allowing Nicole into his life.

Cara and Brad have some hot and steamy chemistry that Cara fights tooth and nail not wanting to be the cliche nanny sleeping with the boss.

This story had lots of interesting elements aside from the sexual tension and child adapting to her new family. I really enjoyed the read. Brad's family were awesome and he was a true southern gentlemen. When secrets come out we fear for this trio, but the heart wants what it wants!

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4 1/2 Stars ... so just "zip it, lock it, and put it in your pocket"

Brad is an A-list movie star and has the lifestyle to prove it ... money, booze and of course women - lots of them! His world is turned upside down when a 5 year old little "Bombshell" explodes into his life from a past one night stand that he doesn't even remember, just before he became a star. Cara is a nanny who doesn't look after the kids of single dads ... that is until she helps Brad's Bombshell in the washroom and became the only person Nicole stopped crying for. Cara agrees to help for 1 month alongside her friend (who is also a nanny) and will become the regular nanny. But Cara can't get erotic thoughts about Brad out of her head, and apparently he can't get thoughts of her out of his head. So the inevitable happens and they start a secret affair as Cara does not want to become the nanny that no one will hire because she slept with the dad. There are twists and turns in their story that will have you laughing, crying and everything in between. This is a great story that makes you believe that there is good in everyone, no matter lifestyle. I love how Cara got her nickname Teacup ... I laughed so hard. And Nicole "Bombshell" is just priceless!

I received an ARC Copy from Montlake Romance through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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CD Reiss writes like no other...and she can do anything. This was on the lighter side and it was perfect. I fell in love with Brad and Cara and sweet Nicole. None of them were perfect, but they were for one another. The chemistry between Brad and Cara was hot. The push and pull, the fighting of worked. And I loved Brad's family.
The way current events was presented, I saw it from a different side. That nanny's to celebrities don't have it easy. I felt like I went into a world I knew existed, but couldn't really imagine. Such a fun trip.
I couldn't put the book down, stayed up half the night reading. And I can't wait for whatever is next by CD Reiss.

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Even so I have read other nanny-employer books - Bombshell (Hollywood A-List #1) by C.D. Reiss tackled the trope in a very refreshing way.

L.A., celebrities, nannies - the topic is as real as the book depicts it. Trust me I speak from experience. It's as over the top, as extravagant and as ludicrous as described. I think that's why I had SO MUCH FUN reading this book. Because it was so entirely true.

Bombshell had me cracking up!!!

I loved the unique approach, and the slow burn that slowly turned into an inferno. Cara DuMont took her job seriously but she also realized the attraction that she felt towards her employer wouldn't just dissipate. And Brad Sinclair acknowledged that he liked the looks of his nanny but he didn't intent to do anything about it. They both had genuinely good intention of not letting it grow into something complicated. And kept it professional until one fateful night.

I really liked that they fought their attraction and tried to keep it professional - until they buckled under the weight of their lust for each other and sexual frustration.

Brad Sinclair was wonderfully delicious, straight forward, a bit overwhelmed with his newest responsibility but also genuine in his feelings toward fatherhood.

Cara DuMont, a wonderful nanny and a level-headed, down to earth kind of women, told it how she saw it. She's seen and heard everything by then, experienced all kinds of arrangements and situations that were a norm in celebrity families - nothing could faze her anymore.

I loved Brad and Cara's genuine connection, it wasn't all physical. They bonded over Brad's daughter, presented an united front, and weathered ups and downs like grownups - ok plus a little drama. :D

Bombshell was absolutely a ‘my kind’ of story.

I was grinning, chuckling and laughing out loud. I was shaking my head and grinning from ear to ear - all in all I had a fabulous time.

This novel was everything I could have hoped for in a book — a TOP FAVORITE and an immediate recommendation!!

Even so this book is the first book in a new series called Hollywood A-List - the characters from ShutterGirl (The Hollywood Project, #1) made an appearance - and if you liked ShutterGirl as much as I did you will love Bombshell without a doubt.

I'm coming straight out and say I LOVE this series. And I can't wait to read more about Hollywood A-List!! Bring it ON!!

This review is going to go live on April 19th on all platforms


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5 The Gift That Keeps On Giving Stars
* * * * * Spoiler Free
Over the past years, I have read many gifted authors. We all have...and we all think we have a handle on exactly what we will get when we purchase their works. There is a comfort and excitement in a new work...Comfort because we are back in the hands of someone we know who will give us a story which will take us places we either wish to return if it is a series...or a new undiscovered arena which causes all sorts of anticipation. We know we can trust these authors and give them the time they and their works deserve.

We also have authors who astound us. They have the ability to push boundaries... to make us confront situations on paper we would not be inclined to in real life. They take us not by the hand but sometimes by the throat and force us to see things and experience them so deeply...we must catch our breath as we read.

And then there are the very few...the ones who can do it all....Give you whatever you are looking for in their vast array of works....the Dark/The Romantic/The Erotic .... the combination of all... and then the more Contemporary Romantic...but still with the authentic, consistent style of the author...

Which leads me to C.D. Reiss....

I know I have touched on this before... but with this new book Bombshell, I really wanted to focus on what I found so truly amazing about it.

This could easily have been classified any number of ways... "The Forbidden Father/ Nanny Scenario"or the "He is a Star and I am Just Me Deal"...or the "Throw it All Together with a Cute Kid just for the Awe Factor..."

But Don't Do That...
Because you will have missed everything that this was all about and how artfully it was done.

Very few authors work other characters from past works in as well as Reiss. Reiss takes the location she lives and breaths...the life and times she knows completely from her own life and ones she has created...and weaves them in so subtly, if you are not an avid reader, you will miss the nods. She has been doing this from the first books I have read of hers... and continues to work this magic into almost everything she writes.

Bombshell's blurb gives a very accurate, simple description... and basically that is the story...
But the way C.D. Reiss takes what could have been run of the mill and makes it so much of an Insider's Truth to this Lifestyle of the Hollywood takes the premise to a whole other level.

She takes everything you have been reading/watching over the years... all the Grocery Rags; The Enquirer, Star, TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, etc...and breaks it open...She gives you a man who is complicated but also so human...A man who had been manipulated and also allowed it because of his driving ambition...

This man has his life change overnight. The only person he can see who is able to make his heart stop having panic attacks and feel as if he could do this monumental task is this woman who wants nothing to do with him.

And this "Wonder Woman"...she is immediately lovable to the reader...We adore her right away. She is smart, so witty.

(The only thing I will share specifically about this book is my delight in the opening scenes...Never have I read anything that felt so real, hysterical and perfect...It brought back to so many personal memories of my Motherhood years, tears were running down my face from laughter)

She is also a good friend to another woman who has made the Ultimate Nanny Mistake.

Oh, what mistake is that you ask....Well, it is when the "AssHat High Profile Father of the Kids the Nanny is in charge of...makes the play and pretends he loves her, Beds her, Tells Her he is leaving the wife and they GET CAUGHT Mistake. "

Yeah... That One.

So we have our Amazing Gal...the Hollywood Super Star Talent and then to make things too good to be true...

The Daughter....

This Kid Is EVERYTHING....Not Too Sweet, Not a Brat, She is Human and Real... and Brilliant.
I want her. No, I Cannot Have her and Neither Can You... Because she is C.D.'s.
But We Can All Love Her.

So, this book has it all but more... it has an edge the Forbidden Readers will gobble up...
It has the Romance and Erotic Chemistry which will set the Kindles on fire....
Balanced with all of the additional plot points which will make you want to read this till the very end. The Heart Factor is through the roof because when you experience the kind of moments that are part of this book, I dare you to not feel anything.


OK I'm done. That is my 2 cents...

This is totally a stand alone... But if you would like to know a little bit more about some of the other characters in this story... then read Shuttergirl. I have a sneaky suspicion this is not going stay a stand alone for long....In my head I hear Hollywood A-List #2 calling....

ShutterGirl (The Hollywood Project, #1) by C.D. Reiss ShutterGirl The Hollywood Project, #1)

Coming May 1st 2017

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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