Member Reviews

This book was a disappointment for me after the first book. First, there s no murder involving marshmallows, not a big deal, but I think titles should reflect the story some what. Also, Taffy, in this case the name of the main character, is hardly sweet. That was the big problem.
I was pleasantly surprised in the first book that Taffy wasn't a horrible diva, she did try to make the best of her situation. In this one she goes off the rails and repeatedly treats another character horribly. We are finally supposed to like her with <spoiler> the explanation that she was subconsciously affected by something that happened when she was a teen. What a load of BS. What further displeased me is the ending when we learn something about the tortured character which gives taffy an "out" to be nice instead of Taffy actually learning something about herself. In addition, it was totally unrealistic given the descriptions we are given of said character. <spoiler/>. Taffy uses a similar excuse for falling down on the job at the factory.
There was a pretty good mystery that kept one guessing. Beyond the copious time spent on Taffy's relationship issues, the story touches on some very dark topics <spoiler> sexual abuse of a minor and drug abuse <spoiler/> which is unusual in a cozy, especially one with such a fluffy title.
The story was good enough to finish, but, hopefully, in book 3 the author stops using events in Taffy's life as an excuse to act poorly. It was done in both books 1 and 2 and to poor effect here.
I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

It had it's moments and the mystery was solid one the characters could and would get on my nerves and figuring out who did it wasn't the complicated but it was still a quick and enjoyable read

Taffy Belair is not your run of the mill gal. Nope, she is high class all the way, this "Wilhemina Wonka" dresses to the 9's and has a heart of gold. When she is not running her candy business/factory she is spending time with her forest ranger boyfriend Ethan. Not that Taffy is an outdoors sort of a girl unlike Ethan's new assistant Melanie who is naturally good at everything. To make matters worse, while bird watching (the things she does for her guy) she not only spots a jay but also a vulture and a body in a boat. Now most people would leave well enough alone but not Taffy. she is determined to help the lead detective on the job, her best friend Maria, much to Ethan's chagrin. Not sure how far she will get talking with the teens but that won't deter her. She is more likely to have issues with trying to keep up with and/or sabotaging Mel than with getting info out of 17 year-olds. It's almost comically how someone as sophisticated and sweet and drop dead gorgeous can feel insecure. It makes Taffy a more relatable character which makes this book that more enjoyable. A great read full of surly characters, seductive secrets, and the great outdoors (what is a girl to do).

Taffy Belair is giving the sweet seaside town of Abandon a chance to win her loyalty, and her outdoorsy hunk of a boyfriend, Ethan, a chance to win her heart. But can this park ranger and urban princess find lasting love?
While enduring a bird watching session with Ethan, Taffy discovers a body floating in a canoe on a lake. Everyone thinks it’s a teen suicide, but Taffy has her doubts. Soon she is meddling in her best friend, Inspector Maria Salinas’, investigation.
When Taffy starts to question the tight-lipped teens at the local high school, they tell her to take a long walk off a short pier. And as she uncovers the mourning family’s secrets, the untimely death appears even more confounding.
Meanwhile, Ethan has hired a perky new park assistant who’s getting under Taffy’s skin and turning it green with jealousy. Will she find the killer before she kills off her new relationship?
Families, lies and secrets. This is a well written enjoyable book. It's the 2nd in a series but most definitely can be read as a standalone. 4*

I loved the mystery aspect in this book, while I did guess "whodunnit" before the protagonist did it was still entertaining. Since it's the second book in the series I cannot discuss much because some plot points do seem to continue through the books. However, I haven't read the first book in the series and didn't have an issue keeping up with the backstory. I did have an issue with the romance aspect in the book. The main character is dating someone who is a complete opposite to her in the book, he likes the outdoors, she's someone who wouldn't even consider "glamping". She's a very urban girly girl. The two of them together seemed forced and that she was only with him because she needed to have a man in her life. I'll definitely read the first book in the series, I'm not sure about the rest.

Another entertaining read by Dana Moss. Taffy finds a body while bird-watching with her boyfriend Ethan. The story unfolds as Taffy once again tries to help her best friend Maria investigate the murder whether Maria wants to help or not.
I love the trouble Taffy finds herself in time & time again as the former city girl figures out life in a small town.
This is the second book in the Sweet Taffy Cozy Mysteries series & while it can be read as a stand alone I would recommend reading the first one to have a better understanding of Taffy.
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This is a great book; this is the second book in the Sweet Taffy Mystery series written by Dana Moss. While enduring a bird watching session with Ethan, Taffy discovers a body floating in a canoe on a lake. Everyone thinks it’s a teen suicide, but Taffy has her doubts. Soon she is meddling in her best friend, Inspector Maria Salinas’, investigation. When Taffy starts to question the tight-lipped teens at the local high school, they tell her to take a long walk off a short pier. And as she uncovers the mourning family’s secrets, the untimely death appears even more confounding. This is a great book with a wonderful story and well developed characters. This book will keep you reading long into the night. If you are looking for a great book, then you need to read this book. I am looking forward to reading the next book by this great author. I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader’s copy of this book. The free book held no determination on my personal review.

I was so excited by the opportunity to return to the town of Abandon to catch up with the lovely Taffy. Thank you NetGalley and RedAdept.
This is the second novel in the ‘Sweet Taffy’ series. Taffy If you have not read part one) was sent to live in Abandon by her mega rich Grandmother, when her life seemed to be going in the wrong direction. It is lovely to see her relationship with park ranger Etan is still going well, until she is introduced to Mel and Taffy sees her as a threat to her budding romance (but thanks to a twist I did not see coming Taffy has nothing to worry about).
Once again as the title surest, Taffy stumbles upon a possible murder and once again sets about aiding the police and solving the ‘crime’.
This is another fun (is that a fair assumption about such a serious matter). Easy going page turner. I finished it in just two days and look forward to visiting these lovely characters again soon,
Review shared on Facebook, twitter, good reads, word of mouth and Amazon.

This is book #2 in the sweet taffy mystery series, for me, it's the first. Taffy& her hunky boyfriend Ethan seem an oddly paired couple, ho I found simply adorable.
This is a cozy mystery & like all cozies I read, it's very easy to understand the maincharacters & backgrounds, without having read the first book
Taffy is helping to investigate the murder of a body found in a canoe floating in the water while Ethan & she are out bird watching.
It's a typical cozy with humor, some romance ( and some jealousy), and of course......a murder!!
The author takes the reader on a journey of " who dunnit" in typical,cozy mystery fashion A nice quick fun mystery read for those who may not have a lot of time for an in depth, sometimes confusing, and/or many characters to remember, type mystery
I'd recommend this to all the cozy genre community out there & anyone who might like to read a mystery, but might not have as much time to read a full length,intricate murder mystery.
I received a initial copy of this book from Net Galley and Mossy Stone Books. In return I've written an honest review

What a fun mystery this was! I loved it. I have not read the first one in the series yet, but plan to, now. Taffy, the main character, runs a candy company and her best friend, Maria, is a cop. Taffy helps her with a murder mystery that has come up involving a high school student. It is a fun, well-written mystery that kept my interest from the first page.

This is the second book in the series. I didn’t read the first one, but it didn’t feel like I was missing a lot of information. This time Taffy discovers a body while with her park ranger boyfriend. Her best friend is the detective on the case and allows Taffy to go along to a lot of the interviews. Taffy is trying to solve the murder in her spare time while still running the candy factory, and figure out the secret behind the beautiful new park ranger that she swears is out to take her boyfriend from her.
Good writing and character development. Definitely can’t wait to read the next book in the series. I will be going back and reading the first book.

Sweet Taffy and the Marshmallow Murder is another fun romp with Taffy, Ethan, Maria and the small town of Abandon. When Taffy spots a boat on the lake with birds circling overhead, she’ll once again find herself smack in the middle of a murder investigation. Although this time around, she’s also fighting off a rather personal green-eyed monster of her own as a new park assistant for Ethan shows up and seems to be just too good to be true, and too interested in Taffy’s man and town.
The mystery of a teenager’s death takes front position in Taffy’s life as she does what she seems to do best – ask questions and stick her nose in where it shouldn’t be. Suspects seem numerous and secrets are waiting around just about every corner.
I enjoyed this one, there are some interesting twists and turns – some I suspected and others that surprised me. But that’s what a cozy mystery is all about. As the second story in the series, this story is one where it helps if you’ve read the first one because otherwise you may not “get” why Taffy is so… unique in her approach. She’s a former brat socialite who is still learning how to find herself, and if you weren’t there from the start, I think you’d miss part of the fun of seeing how she grows and changes with each mystery. Is it absolutely necessary to enjoy this one – nah, but it’s an interesting cozy mystery in itself, so I’d recommend reading Sweet Taffy and Murder when you get the chance.
If you like cozy mysteries then this story and series is well worth your time. A mystery with fun aspects, interesting characters and a secondary crew that you’ll find endearing. Chick it out, I believe you’d find a new set of books to get lost in.
*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

**** ARC kindly provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ****
Warning: This review/rating is based on my feelings, thoughts, likes and dislikes. You should read the book to form your own opinion/thoughts. Read on!
Rating: 3.5 Stars
Cover: I like it
Cliffhanger: Nope
Triangle: Nah
I was given the opportunity to read this book before publishing. This is my first book from this author. This is the second book in the series, but it can be read as a standalone, I didn’t feel like I missed much.
The writing, it took me a while to finish it, the author described a lot of details and it became tiresome. There was also a lot of, “he said”, “she said”.
The story, Taffy is a candy maker, but works as a “freelance” detective, to solve murders. She finds a body and has the urge to see the victim getting justice. I had a lot of problems with this, she is not a licensed investigator, or a cop, or a bounty hunter, or anything of the sort and if I’m not mistaken any investigation she would have done would have been inadmissible, right? Or am I wrong? Even the Chief of Police was ok with it. She questioned people without the presence of a detective or a cop and she blurted out details of the crime scene or the victim to potential suspects. It just seemed really weird. Maybe it was because it was a small town.
The guilty, it was pretty easy for me to figure out what happened and who did it.
Taffy, she had the personality of a 17 year old, with tendencies of a 6 year old. She might have come out as somewhat funny, but she annoyed me most of the time.
Ethan, I liked him, really liked him…give him to me.
One thing I did laughed out loud was the locker room scene, which was really funny.
Overall, I liked what the author had in mind, it just didn’t work so much for me.

This is the second book of the series but you do not need to read the first book to enjoy this one. I thought the characters were great. There was a lot of funny stuff that happened and some serious. On a side note, when the character mentions taking another character to Mayo Clinic it was weird for me since I was reading that part at Mayo Clinic! They really are the best. There is romance and drama, both the adult and highschool kinds. I want to visit the Abandon candy factory and the town itself! Good reading.

SECOND BOOK IN A NEW SERIES: Taffy Belair is giving the sweet seaside town of Abandon a chance to win her loyalty, and her outdoorsy hunk of a boyfriend, Ethan, a chance to win her heart. But can this park ranger and urban princess find lasting love?
While enduring a bird watching session with Ethan, Taffy discovers a body floating in a canoe on a lake. Everyone thinks it’s a teen suicide, but Taffy has her doubts. Soon she is meddling in her best friend, Inspector Maria Salinas’, investigation.
When Taffy starts to question the tight-lipped teens at the local high school, they tell her to take a long walk off a short pier. And as she uncovers the mourning family’s secrets, the untimely death appears even more confounding.
Meanwhile, Ethan has hired a perky new park assistant who’s getting under Taffy’s skin and turning it green with jealousy. Will she find the killer before she kills off her new relationship?
Do you ever ready a book and it just ISN'T page turner for you and it takes three times as long to read the book compared to normal? And it makes you terrified to pick up the next book because you're scared you're entering one of those reader's block phases where all the books are torture until you snap out of it?
Thank the good lord that this book isn't that! The last book I read was good but just DRAGGED on and on and on and on for me and I was worried sick that I was entering a funk. But Taffy Belair saved me! She is as sweet as, well, candy and sassy to boot! This is the second in a series (but can easily be read standing on its own - I haven't read book 1 but I will be!) It was the cover that caught my eye when it kept popping up as an ad on my Kindle, then I saw it on Netgalley and figured it was a sign that I needed to read it. (Thank you Netgalley and Mossy Stone Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review)
I wasn't disappointed in the slightest! Sweet sweet book and Dana Moss is actually really talented. While primarily a fluffy beach read, there was an underlying mystery that kept me turning pages. I've read a lot of books that are meant to be beachy reads while murder and mayhem happen in the background and this one is different in that you can actually get caught up in the whodunnit aspect of things.
I can't wait to see what happens to Taffy and her crew!

Light, entertaining, and engaging reading. I have the first in the series, but haven't read it yet. . I did not realize there was a previous book while reading this one. I will go back to read the first one and look forward to the further adventures of Taffy. Some of the book is rather silly, but that is what makes it entertaining, as murder is not funny. The family, friends, and romantic relationships are realistic and interesting.

This book is more enjoyable than I expected. Although it's the second in a series, I didn't feel I had missed out by not having read the first book.
The main plot is pacy if a little predictable and the subplots are fun. The characters are likeable - I was prepared to dislike the main character based on the blurb - and realistic.
I will definitely continue with the series.

Taffy again finds herself embroiled in a mystery.
Her boyfriend, park ranger Ethan wants her to enjoy the outdoors with him.....as if.
Her attempt at camping with him, has her finding a young man's body in a canoe. As Taffy, Ethan, and her friend Maria, a police officer try to find answers ....the boy's friends and family lie. Who tells the truth?
And Ethan gets a new assistant....Melanie. Taffy is so insecure and jealous of Melanie, she is having trouble concentrating on her job at her candy factory and the investigation.
Told with plenty of twists, bits of humor and romance, this is a fun read.
I received an ARC copy to peruse from Netgalley...luckily, because I was already watching for this second book in the series