Member Reviews

Sweet romance and good read. Wyatt is such a sweet guy and you find yourself rooting for him! Hope to read more from this author.

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So adorable and cute. Wyatt, definitely not your usual hero but I loved it. Endearing. An amazing feel-good story.

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I love characters who are a little different and feel very real. Wyatt’s shyness definitely attracted me to this book but Longley’s writing had me falling in love with him. (I get the idea though if I’d read the first book, I’d probably already been in love ;) )

He’s always been an introvert but his scars has only kept him from breaking out of it over the years. When he’s with someone he’s comfortable with he’s a totally different person. And time spent with Kayla has her seeing the playful, funny, caring man he is under his hoodies. And the way he is with her son has everyone’s heart turning over.

Kayla’s hesitation on getting involved with anyone, even the obviously awesome Wyatt, is very understandable. Married early because of a pregnancy, she doesn’t have a lot of experience with happy relationships and finishing school while being a single mom takes up a lot of her energy.

But of course Wyatt is going to be hard to resist and when he finally finds something he wants this bad, he’s not going to give up easily. Even if it means coming out of his shell :)

(Can stand on its own)

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Thank you to Netgalley and Montlake Romance for making an ARC available to me. I received a free copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

3.5 stars.

I wanted to love this book. Shy, scarred, beta-hero who draws comics?! I'm in 100% Wyatt is my ideal hero. Kayla was a fine heroine too. She has some hangups due to her ex, but she's not super damaged, and she is 100% standing on her own feet and raising her son very well. All things I admire. Bonus points for the kid not being annoying or acting totally age inappropriate. Brady was very much a normal, well adjusted 5 year old and I loved that.

So why only 3.5 stars when I love all the characters?

This book took me FOREVER to read. Nearly a month, not a good sign. It just never kept my interest. I couldn't seem to work up the care to keep reading. I liked Wyatt and Kayla, but the stakes never seemed high enough to really hold my interest. It was too cozy. Too detailed about the things I didn't care about (food preparation and details about his off site job) and not enough about the things I did care about (deeper emotions, reflection about his scars/shyness, sparks between them).

It has a very "day in the life" feeling to it, and that didn't work for me. Also the first chapter over explained Wyatt's shyness. Instead of letting us see it -letting his shyness and the insecurity his scars caused him unfold naturally - it was pretty forced. I think colored my views as I read the rest of the story. I was on guard for "tells" when I was desperate for "shows", because Wyatt is the kind of guy, I wanted to SEE and he remained a pretty blurry nice guy in a hoodie to me through the whole story. But I'm a Show Don't Tell snob :)

If you are in the mood for a cozy story about 2 fairly well adjusted people with some hang ups grow to love each other - then this one is for you.

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Having not read the first book in the series I am quite happy to say that ‘Whatever You Need’ by Barbara Longley can definitely be read as a standalone. This was a first time read from this author for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This was a four star read for me.

The reason i enjoyed this book as much as I did was that it was hard not to fall for Wyatt and allow him into your heart. He is a shy, quiet guy who has a crush on his new neighbour, single mum Kayla. Both for their own reasons these two characters have insecurities and Wyatt has his work cut out trying to convince Kayla to take a chance on him.

At times this book maybe didn't move as fast as I would have liked but I really wanted to know what happened between these two strong and sweet characters. Wyatt is the star if the book but it was good to see the development of the friendship and romance between Wyatt and Kayla. If this book was anything to go by I will be looking for more to read by Barbara Longley.

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This was the first I've read by this author and it was awesome! Wyatt was REAL. There were vulnerabilities and self-consciousness and weird quirks and embarrassment... sweaty hands and second guesses. You never get stories like this. Lately all romances seem to revolve around kinky billionaires and motorcycle clubs. Neither of which the average reader will ever encounter.
Wyatt was sweet, handy, reliable, loyal and deep. He's the guy we're all looking for, the reason why we read romances and hope for happily-ever-afters.
Kayla was great too, the single mom that we all hope we'd be in similar situations. She was a bit waffly on whether or not she wanted to get involved - but I assume you would be too, in her circumstances. So, cool.
I'm probably a bit older than your target market, but Wyatt and that friggin hood drove me a bit batty. Maybe that's a generational thing. Otherwise, I loved it :)

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! As always, the author is just such a pleasure to read!

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Wyatt is a shy quiet hero, Kayla is a widowed single mom trying to get past many BAM moments in her life. When there is a small fire in her apartment while she is out and Wyatt comes to the rescue and lets everyone know to get out. He finally talks to her. He's been into her since she moved in but to shy to talk to her.
Great love story and loved all the characters. His siblings are fun and loving. I now need to go back and read Sam's book (book one in the series) 5 stars on happiness.
I received a advanced copy for a voluntary honest review.

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The second book in the Haney's series brings the reader Wyatt and Kayla's story. Really enjoy this author's characters and settings and look forward to the next tale.
Ebook from Netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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Ever since I read the first book in The Haneys Series, What You Do To Me(Sam's book), and was introduced to Wyatt, the super shy, burn scarred brother of Sam, I have been longing for his story. I have a thing for scarred and damaged heroes. So when I seen Whatever You Need on Netgalley I did a little happy dance. I was already in love with Wyatt from his brother's book and I needed him to get his HEA.
Wyatt was absolutely amazing in this book. I fell in love with him all over again. He was super sweet, shy, playful, supportive, and very very sexy. The things he said and did had me swooning all over my kindle. His struggle with his shyness and his battle to push himself so he could get the woman he has wanted for a long time was adorable. The way he was with Kayla's son Brady was very cute too. At times he was like a big kid playing with Brady aka SuperKid. Kayla was great too. I liked her, and I understood how hurt she was from her past with her dead husband. I really didn't like how long it took for her to come around and make my Wyatt happy. I thought Kayla was smart, a great mom, sweet and very self-sufficient. I loved how supportive of Wyatt she was, how she encouraged him to take his hood down. Building him up. Letting him know that he was a sexy good looking man and that the scars were not that bad.
Now here is the reason I gave this book 4 Stars. Wyatt was this painfully super shy virgin, so I was expecting a realistic slightly awkward first time together, filled with some nervousness. Wrong! Wyatt, shy virgin Wyatt, went all sexpert, caveman beast mode on me and I just wasn't buying it. Here I was reading along happy as a lark then I read their first time making love, Wyatt's first time ever and it totally threw me off how amazing he was. I mean no shaking hands, no nerves, no problems with the condom, no fumbling, and he was an expect at oral and the deep stroke. It wasn't believable and it was kinda disappointing. I was looking forward to his shy self discovering the joys of love making and coming out of his shell not being an insta-beast. Other than that this book was great. What I love about Barbara Longley's books are they are feel good, lower angst, sweet reads. I really liked Sam, and Wyatt's sister and I'm looking forward to her book.

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Wonderful story! This is a new to me author and I am going to go back and read the first story in the series. This story was amazing and just what I needed after a bad day at work. Great characters.

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There is an excellent amount of tension in this book, it keeps the pace running along nice and quickly and keeps the story interesting. The erotic scenes are very well written, which I appreciated.

Sadly both of the main characters were a bit lacking for me. Wyatt, with his relationship/sexual experience consisting of exactly nothing, manages to be a sex god and somehow considers himself ready for a wife and family. Kayla, with her relationship experience of... 1 relationship, with a guy she wasn't that into, but was still somehow humiliated when he wanted out of the marriage...

It just felt a little bit tedious to me, I couldn't relate to anything about either character. They felt more like teenagers playing at being adults.

Still, it was a fun and enjoyable read.

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Whatever You Need is a sweet romance. Wyatt is an electrician by day and an aspiring comic book writer by night. He's been crushing on his neighbor, Kayla, since she moved in. She even figures heavily in his comic as the heroine, the Mysterious Ms. M. But, he's so shy that he ends up blushing and mumbling whenever he has brief conversations with her. Kayla is a single, widowed mother of an adorable little boy, Brady, whom Wyatt ends up bonding with over their love of superheroes. She's got a lot on her plate what with being a single mother and student of a dental hygienist program. She's also had her heart torn into shreds by her now deceased husband, so she's not in the mindset to be starting a relationship, even with a hot, sweet guy like Wyatt.

However, after a fire in her apartment, Wyatt takes charge and becomes a hero for getting everyone out of the building and directing the fire department to the correct apartment. As his construction company completes the work on her apartment needed after the fire, he and Kayla become close, especially once she notices how he and her son have bonded. And the fact that he's seriously sexy hasn't escaped her notice either. Still, the damage done to her by dead husband have really done a number on her, and Wyatt has a lot of work to do to convince her that they belong together.

If you like your romances with lots of heat and really alpha heroes, then Whatever You Need is not for you. However, if you like slow burn (really slow burn) romances with sweet, swoony guys who know how to treat women (and kids) then I suggest you read Whatever You Need. It's got a cast of great characters, the writing is spot on, and it's sweet and loving.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆☆☆
M/F Romance
Triggers: Click HERE to see Avid Reader’s review on Goodreads for trigger warnings.

This is a super sweet story. Wyatt is painfully shy, but he's also a funny, talented, and creative guy. He writes comic stories and when he first sees his beautiful neighbor, he writes her into the comic immediately.

Kayla is a single mom who's raising an amazing kiddo. When she's out at the laundry one weekend, there is a fire and her apartment is kind of ruined by smoke and some fire damage.

Wyatt is the hero as he gets everyone out of the building AND puts his family on the job to fix her apartment. While Kayla isn't sure if she's ready for a relationship, Wyatt knows that in order to win her over, he has to take things at her pace – show her that he's there for her without pushing her into something she might not want.

This developed slowly, with care and I love that the entire family is involved.

While it's a shorter story and I do wish that they had developed the relationship sooner, I did love all of the things that Wyatt and Kayla did for each other.

Ruthie – ☆☆☆☆
This is the second in the series, but the first that I have read. It stood up well to being a standalone, but I plan on reading the first when I get a minute. Ms. Longley is a new author to me, but no longer.

The story is very sweet and was the perfect read for a quiet evening. I loved that Wyatt was such a sensitive man, but absolutely stepped up to the task. He proved himself to be honest, faithful, and so good. His interactions with Brady are supper cute, and Kayla never stood a chance. Being a party to their growing friendship and blossoming romance is a treat. And once Wyatt overcomes his shyness, he proves that all his learning works very well in practice too!

The Haney family features large in the story, and they are a good bunch, so I am looking forward to future installments of their stories.

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Wyatt and Kayla drew me into this book, but Brady stole my heart and the story. Wyatt is a handyman/comic book writer who is very shy thanks to an accident as a child. He has had a crush on the girl upstairs since she moved into the building. But being Wyatt, he doesn't get the courage to talk to her. Until one day there is a fire in her apartment. Luckily no one is injured, but he finally starts to get to know her and her son. Kayla likes Wyatt but isn't sure she is ready to date thanks to her past. But Wyatt will do his best to convince her.
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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4.5 stars

I really enjoyed Whatever You Need.

From the first page I was hooked, I loved how both characters were with each other and how their relationship developed.
Wyatt was such a sweetheart, he made this book for me.

This was a heartwarming and very romantic read.

Whatever You Need by Barbara Longley is the second book in The Haneys series, each book can be read as a standalone and I highly recommend them.

Get your copy here...

*Thank you to Montlake Romance via NetGalley for the advance copy*

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Whatever you need is a sweet and enjoyable light story. Between shy Wyatt and his neighbor Kayla. After the fire Wyatt gets the chance to finally make a contact with his hot neighbor Kayla. There is some misunderstanding on the Kayla side but although they share a passionate kiss Kayla is not ready to have a relationship. So Wyatt with the help of his family comes with the plan to win her over. Lovely sweet story with interesting characters. Both Kayla and Wyatt are great developed and I think that nobody would run from such great guy like Wyatt is.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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I read the first book, and I enjoyed it, even though I did find it a little slow, however I still wanted to know what happens with Wyatt, so I decided to read this one. Again, I find this one slow, I like my romance books, to get to the point a little quicker, others may not agree with me, but to each his own. Anyway, I still like Wyatt, he was a little awkward but enjoyable. Kayla was ok, and you had to love the little boy, However, I dont think I will continue the series.

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Whatever You Need was a cute story and very sweet--the heroine's little boy especially was a show stealer. (He's almost too good, but manages to have a few mini-meltdowns that make him a tad bit more real.) This was the second in the series, but I didn't have any problem at all not having read the first yet.

There were a few aspects that stretched credibility a bit thin--the amount of time the heroine's misconception about the hero's relationship status went on for, the virgin who has amazing sex and gives incredible Os the very first time (even with "research" I found it highly unlikely), the rather quick and painless way some pretty big issues were resolved toward the end--but for some light, easy reading with likable characters, you could do a lot worse. Having Wyatt draw comics in his free time was a nice touch, and Kayla putting herself through school with VA benefits made the horrible first husband storyline easier to take.

Though this won't make it on to any of my favorite lists, there was enough that was enjoyable here; I'd probably give another book from this author a try.

Rating: 3 stars / C+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Although a bit sugary-sweet at times, this book had all the feels. With likable characters and an easy momentum, I found it hard to put down.

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