Member Reviews

This book was a sheer delight! Wyatt Hanney is this beautifully written uber-shy and sexy hero and Kayla Malone is the single mom he has a crush on. This story tugged at my heart and I utterly fell in love with these characters, because they’re just great people, lovable and kind, strong yet insecure and imperfect. And when it comes to children’s characters, Brady, Kayla’s son, is in a class of its own.
I loved, loved the hero! He’s an electrician (besides having a creative hobby). His shyness gets better but never goes away and I was really impressed with the character development, showcasing that it was thoughtfully crafted by Barbara Longley. Of course, besides being shy, he’s also tender, solid, dependable, intelligent, witty and so on.
Kayla is also a great character, struggling to be independent, making a life for herself and her son, trying to fight her attraction to Wyatt… and lusting after him all the same. BAM!
I also liked that, since the moment they acknowledge their feelings, their fears and problems are only related to themselves and their own emotional baggages and not to external factors.
The plotline, dialogue, setting and the secondary characters are also great.

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I loved the first book in this series and was happy to read this one which follows the younger Haney brother.This time we meet shy Wyatt and gun-shy Kayla who is recovering from the after- effects of a shot-gun wedding.Kayla now just wants to live happily with her only responsibility being her son while she tries to recoup some of the earlier years she lost trying to be a good wife.Wyatt has been harboring feelings for her ever since the first day he met her, and has channeled these feelings into his comic books.I found Wyatt to be so very adorable and lovable, even while I alternately thought his character was just a tad emasculating and his surmises juvenile.Understandably, circumstances in his past dictated his actions, and I was happy to see him gradually overcome the restrictions he had placed on himself, and learned to love who he was.The dialogue was weak at times, but the story kept flowing and the plot had depth and realism.The other secondary characters were interesting, especially Dennis and Josie,Although the story felt a bit rushed towards the last couple of chapters,I loved the way it all got tied up.Enjoyable free read from Netgalley

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4 - "It took a fire to make it happen." Stars!

Whatever you Need, is the second book in The Haney’s series. This is the first book I have read by the author and it can absolutely be read as a standalone.

He was six foot two and twenty-five years old, yet he blushed like a little girl over just about everything. Worse, he mostly clammed up or mumbled when anyone he didn’t know spoke to him… It sucked to be him.

The blurb was 100% the reason I chose to read this book, I am always looking for a character to be a little different from the standard ones you generally get in your contemporary romances nowadays and Wyatt Haney ticked that box perfectly. Shy Hoodie Guy was adorable from the start to the end of this book, and was the main attraction for me, because I struggled to warm to Kayla and her ‘lead him along until I’m ready’ behavior for most of the book.

His mission – and he had chosen to accept it was to wear down her resistance.

Don’t get me wrong, I understood her issues, in fact the author went ot great lengths and on many occasions to ensure the reasons for her being gun-shy about relationships were fully covered, so much so that it got a little repetitive in the latter stages, especially when it was all then resolved by one specific outburst. This for part of the story, was a woman raising a child, whilst acting like on herself.

"No more avoiding."

But for all of the above gripes, I still really liked this book, the Haney family as a whole is a solid unit, Wyatt’s brother Sam has already had his story told in What You Do To Me; the first book (which I have already one-clicked from Amazon too read as soon as I can). Wyatt himself stole this story and made it what it was though, and I thank the author for giving us a dual POV so we were able to get in his head, and see exactly how certain things affected him as the story progressed.

"You’re like chocolate which happens to be my kryptonite…"

If you are looking for an easy going, predictable, sweet and PG-13 low-drama story then I think Whatever You Need sits proudly in that bracket, yes I had a few issues with Kayla’s characterization, but her son Brady made up for it, and Wyatt stole my heart and the show in general.

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This is the second book in the series but can definitely be read as a standalone. I haven't read book one but it has been added to my TBR after reading this one. Wyatt was such an amazing character. He's so unique and relatable. He's shy but steps out of his comfort zone when needed and was so sweet and generous. Kayla has been through a ton and came out of that standing on her own two feet and is raising an amazing son. I am really looking forward to the next book in this series and can't wait to go back and read book one!

*This is my voluntary review of an advanced reader copy*

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Bam, a must read. Electrician, Superhero comic writer, Wyatt is very shy but when he meets Kayla, a widow with a small boy he know what he wants. Now, he only needs to talk Kayla into more than a friend relationship. Kayla was burned by her first husband and feels like she missed out on life and is afraid of opening her heart again.

Loved these characters, very genuine and likeable. Wyatt will accept any relationship but wants more than friends. Kayla wants more but is just afraid. She has a lot on her plate, going to school and raising her son, Brady. Now Wyatt just needs Kayla to open her heart one more time.

I read this book through my kindle unlimited. Highly recommend.

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A good well-written romance. I enjoyed it. I liked it so much that I have to find book 1.

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BAM! My brain is a complete blank, I enjoyed that so much. I don't know what I think I'm doing trying to write a review while still in the midst of a book hangover, but here it goes... This is so precious and sweet, my teeth ache just a little. But that sweetness makes the story so beautiful. I want to take Wyatt and Kayla and hug them both tight, and tell them that they are beautiful and special, and that the world is filled with idiots, and that the opinions of idiots don't count. Both of them had soul-crushing obstacles to overcome to be able to welcome love into their lives and I am in awe of the personal strength in each of them. I think Wyatt is just the most adorable thing ever. His quiet geekiness and his almost debilitating shyness drew me in. Kayla's fierce protectiveness of her son earned my respect and her adamant refusal to be a victim of her circumstances won my admiration. It broke my heart watching everything they had to endure to get their happily-ever-after. I think I might have wanted them to get it more than they did. This is the first of the Haney's I've read and I will definitely be back-tracking for Sam's book.
I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book.

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What a great book. I so enjoyed Wyatt & Kayla story.

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This is the second book in the series but my first. I definitely feel like I’m missing some pieces of Wyatt’s background without reading them in order.

Wyatt is a painfully shy (almost to the point of being a recluse), fire scarred, sweet, kind and caring 24 year old electrician in his family’s construction and handyman business. His character came across as very immature. On the side, he creates comic books, where he can get lost in his fantasy world.

Kayla Malone is a 24 year old widow with a 5 year old son. She got pregnant at 18 and both parents forced them to marry. Her husband immediately enlisted and left them both. He was unfaithful and emotionally abusive. After his death, she moves away from her hometown to start over. Because of her past, she doesn’t want to date, wants to try to get back lost time and start a career.

Wyatt has been watching Kayla and her son, Brady, from his window for quite some time. A fire in her apartment gives him the opportunity to actually meet her in person.

This story was just too sugary for me and in spots unrealistic. He was just too perfect. He seemed to overcome many years of insecurities in a very short period of time. There is no way the sex was incredible the first time if he truly was a virgin. I don’t care how much research you’ve done or how great your imagination. And that whole “pack” thing he kept calling his family and then he, Kayla and Brady? Rolling my eyes. Saw the whole Denny thing coming.

I won’t be looking for any others in this series.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC provided NetGalley.

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Seriously, is there any guy sweeter than Wyatt? He is so caring and sweet and this shyness? Well, I loved it see him overcome it and see him connect with other people - and his hood? That had to go and I loved to see it happen.

When Wyatt hears the fire alarm go off in Kayla's kitchen, he doesn't know that this fire will change his life for ever. Getting to know Kayla and falling in love with her, well, that was something he had hoped for but due to his extreme shyness it wasn't something he would have thought possible. But - things change and so do people. And when the reward is worth it, well, sometimes people can surpass themselves and Kayla definitely is worth it.

Kayla's life hasn't been easy up to now, not everyone is a widow and single mum at the ripe old age of 24, right? And that her husband wasn't too pleased to have been forced to marry her because of their son Brady, well, let's just say that her marriage wasn't one of the best. So one could say that she is a bit gun-shy when it comes to men and love. But Wyatt's caring and friendly way, his love for her son and last but not least, his talent when it comes to drawing marvelous comics - it's not easy to stay hard, when someone like him comes along.

When everything threatens to fall apart, it's Wyatt again who fights to keep everything together. Will it be enough? And will it be enough to convince a certain young lady that she should trust him with her heart as well?

I loved Wyatt and Kayla and their families and I loved all those lovingly painted minor characters. The story is really nice and well plotted, it captivated me from the start. A very enjoyable read and a book that I can definitely recommend.

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***5 ‘Superhero’ Stars***

The opening sentence was the hook, well, not even the full sentence just “Painfully shy electrician Wyatt Haney” was the hook. Why? I honestly don’t know, but I had the need to find out why he was shy and the journey he had to take to overcome his shyness and win the heart of the girl and I wasn’t disappointed. Whatever You Need was such a sweet swoon worthy story filled with heart, humor and good dose of that I didn’t want it end.

Wyatt. OMG. Talk about a sweet, swoony and just a little bit awkward (but not as much as you may think) man! Although he is shy he isn’t totally socially awkward, it’s more of a situational thing, and dear lord does it make him all kinds of adorable and smexy. He has a huge heart and a truly enjoys the simple things in life.

Kayla. This woman has been through the wringer and yet she perseveres. Her son, Brady, gives her the motivation to be more and give him the life he deserves, but she also has her own brand of determination to make life better for the both of them. She is compassionate and has a good heart, but the emotional scars she bears makes her draw lines in the sand that even she may not truly want to draw.

I couldn’t keep the smile off my face with these two. Ok, there were a few growly moments, but overall, I was absolutely smitten with Wyatt and Kayla. I loved how their friendship started and grew to being more, even when one side of the equation fought against it, because each step made them both stronger. Their interactions were fun and sweet and everything about their relationship felt natural and I loved where they ended up once they pushed past their own issues. And then there is Brady, who really was the linchpin in all of this. Had it not been for that sweet little boy neither of them would have truly seen who the other was beneath their walls.

Whatever You Need is my first read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The writing was engaging, the pacing good and the dual 3rd person POV done very well and though I didn’t read the first book in the series, I didn’t feel lost at all. All of the twist and turns were well done and I never felt as if anything was rushed, everything happened as it was supposed to happen. All of the characters were very well written and I adored Brady to death and I am looking forward to seeing what will happen next with Haney family!

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WHATEVER YOU NEED is book two in Barbara Longley's Haneys contemporary romance series. I love this book and simply adored this shy nice-guy hero. Although it takes a little bit before things get truly hot and heavy between Wyatt and Kayla, Barbara Longley does a superb job of building their relationship and the sense of erotic anticipation. Wyatt is an electrician-by-day and aspiring comic book writer craving the love and stability his brother has recently found. Kayla is a single mom who has been burned in the past and is reluctant to give up her freedom and try to trust again. I would recommend WHATEVER YOU NEED to any romance fan in search of a story that's both tender and magical.

Having this story told from alternating perspectives is extremely helpful for the reader because Kayla and Wyatt initially keep their true feelings under wraps. Wyatt hits it out of the ballpark as a hero. While Wyatt might not be a superhero like the one he writes about, the way he looks out for Kayla and cares for her five-year-old son Brady make him swoon-worthy. I love how Kayla is so easy to relate to -- a busy mom, trying to continue her education, occasionally stopping for fast food, and doing the best she can. Wyatt and Kayla each have their issues to overcome -- his insecurities about his physical scars, and her emotional scars left by her late husband and his family. WHATEVER YOU NEED is a deeply moving story about two people serendipitously finding each other and forming a family.

WHATEVER YOU NEED is a charming must-read with an unforgettable hero. In WHATEVER YOU NEED, Wyatt is a hero who is willing to be whatever the heroine needs. Barbara Longley tells a warm and uplifting story with flashes of humor, while writing about flawed, realistic characters. The ending to WHATEVER YOU NEED is so satisfying that I wanted to stand up and cheer. Although is my first Barbara Longley book, it will definitely not be my last!

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Love the Haney gang. Wyatt is a shy man living in an apartment building where he secretly crushes on his neighbor who happens to be a single mom. Unfortunately, a mishap in the Kayla's apartment causes Wyatt to have to break out of his shy shell and face each resident of the complex.

Kayla Malone has fled to the Twin Cities leaving her hometown and the forceful people there who changed her life. Being a single mom due to losing her husband in war is sad, but when Wyatt hears the entire story it's downright heartbreaking.

While Wyatt is smitten with Kayla and Brady, Kayla is gun shy and feels it necessary to live a life she feels she was robbed of when she was younger. Kayla tells Wyatt she can only be his friend. Crushing blow!

Wyatt is a marvelous (he he) comic writer/illustrator and shares that passion with Kayla and Brady settling in to a sweet routine of reading Brady stories. Brady was an absolute doll. Loved him. When Kayla stumbles upon the latest edition of Wyatt's comic series she soon realizes the power she has over him to hurt his feelings. Could Wyatt mean more to her than she wants to allow? Would it be settling or would it be giving herself everything?

Sweet story!

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I give this three stars, but I have to say this book is a non-starter. It started so-so, the middle was so-so, and the end was so-so. It's not horrible but it isn't one I recommend, either.

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This book was really sweet. The hero, Wyatt, has scars from a fire when he was a little boy. He's really shy and an introvert, he blushes a lot and doesn't know how to talk to women. <spoiler> and he's a virgin!! </spoiler> Wyatt notices his new neighbor, Kayla, but is too shy to speak to her. Kayla is a 24 year old widowed single mom who is putting herself through school. Wyatt gets a chance to meet Kayla when her apartment catches on fire and he rescues everyone in the building. This book was a little slow at times but really sweet and it was nice to read about a unique, sweet and non-womanizing hero for a change.

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The beta hero gets the girl! I admit it; I prefer alphas. Wyatt is no alpha, but he is sweet and kind and persistent. Shy as can be, and scarred from a fire (Seriously, do not pour lighter fluid onto an existing fire!), Wyatt is smart, sexy, and sweeter than spun sugar.

This is the second book in a series so I missed out on the first book and it shows. I feel like my understanding of Wyatt is incomplete. But the shy electrician who has his own "pack" still makes a great impression. As he overcomes his issues - both the scars and the debilitating shyness - to woo his lady and her son, he comes across as just a bit too perfect.

Kayla has a lot of baggage to unpack - her first marriage, her unexpected pregnancy, her fear of missing out - but Wyatt is right there to help her. She's tougher than she looks and more scared than she thinks and the combination is heartbreak for poor Wyatt.

I liked the story well enough, and both Wyatt and Kayla are well drawn characters. Unfortunately the story comes across as too saccharine. It all gets packaged up in too neat a bow.

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Why does he still live there?

Gosh, no wonder he's so sensitive to fire.

I'm guessing he's a virgin.

Haha, his dream wedding sounds fun!

Huh, I never thought about it being as painful for the person doing the cleaning. I hate going to the dentist.

Did her soldier husband cheat on her?

Haha, these kids are cute.

Oh no, poor guy! That must have been torture for him.

That teacher should have been reported.

Aw, he has a little fan.

I love Broadway. I'm lucky to live here.

He doesn't know Fred and Ginger? Millenials.

Being a man means you don't get butt-hurt.

She is a really good mom.

Yeah, I wouldn't hold your breath, buddy.

I bet Dennis has unsuspected depth, as Jimmy Stewart would say.

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Loved this!! Wyatt Haney is not your typical romance hero but he is just so lovable you can't help but fall for him. He's wickedly shy, compassionate, and kind. The characters in this entire series are down to earth and feel so very real. I really liked Kayla too. Life has been rough for her but she never gives up. She's a great mom to Brady and has given up everything for him. Now Wyatt just needs to get up the nerve to convince Kayla to take a chance on love with him.

Definitely a recommended read.

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This was fantastic read!! Wyatt is one of the best book boyfriends around. Even more so the best book person around. He is sweet, funny, caring, shy, and oh so thoughtful. From his help with getting the building evacuated, to the way he just loves Brady. He is all around THE best!

Kayla on the other hand is a fantastic mother, who had a rough go at the whole motherhood business. But she pushed through and Brady is a perfect example of how much she loves him.

This story was amazing. I want more. That is always a good sign for me liking a book that the worst thing to say about it is that there wasn't MORE.

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Wyatt Haney - what a wonderful man!! He's so painfully shy, hiding behind a hoodie and blushes when he becomes flustered. He's an electrician who has a passion for drawing/writing comics and has fallen for his neighbor, Kayla and her son Brady. He wants so badly to ask her out but is so shy, he doesn't have the nerve to just ask her.

When a fire breaks out in her apartment, Wyatt finally has a reason to talk to her. Turns out, he's been concerned about the wiring in the old building, trying to get the owners to update it, and then the worst happens - a fire!

Both Wyatt and Kayla are attracted to each another but Kayla, a young widow and mother, has a lot of emotional baggage she's dealing with - issues surrounding her past - and is not really to start a relationship that is more than a friendship. Wyatt is devastated by her declaration but is not ready to give up.

Wyatt is truly a special man. He's shy, gentle, funny, creative, and considerate. Watching the way he treats her son, Brady, is so touching. Will he overcome his shyness to make a grand gesture to show Kayla how he feels? Will Kayla face the issues from her past to move beyond them? This is a well written, heartwarming, romantic story that you won't be able to put down!

Thank you NetGalley and Montlake Romance for providing me with an advanced reader's copy for an honest review.

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