Member Reviews

a love story, I liked.

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Whatever You Need was an excellent continuation of The Haneys series and I really enjoyed it!

Wyatt Haney is an electrician at Haney and Sons and creates comic books in his spare time. Wyatt is incredibly shy and thus has a difficult time talking to women, including his pretty neighbor Kayla. Kayla Malone is a single mother who has had life throw a number of challenging situations her way. After a fire breaks out in her apartment and Wyatt comes to the rescue, the two a drawn together and the attraction between them becomes too much to ignore.

Wyatt and Kayla are adorable together and I enjoyed them right from the start. Kayla is far more hesitant about starting a relationship than Wyatt is, but Wyatt's crush on Kayla was delightful and I loved watching him work up his courage with her. Wyatt has what is referred to as a shy brain which causes a number of issues, such as incessant blushing, when meeting new people and when dealing with anyone he finds attractive. I like that Kayla found his blushing endearing and that she didn't fault him for something he couldn't control.

I loved the friendship that developed between these two over the course of the book. There was excellent banter and a huge level of mutual respect and admiration. The author did a wonderful job building their relationship slowly and not rushing anything. When things do finally get going, their chemistry is simply off the charts.

One of the strongest aspects of this book is the relationship of the Haney family. This family cares so deeply about each other; it's amazing seeing them interact with one another. While I think this book does stand well on its own, I definitely recommend reading What You Do to Me first as you get more background on the family and become more invested in all of the characters. I am holding out hope that there will be a third book focusing on Josey's character.

Overall, Whatever You Need was very enjoyable and I definitely recommend checking out the series if you're looking for some good romance books.

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I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

Wyatt is beyond shy to the point he has a hard time talking to anyone and he blushes nearly constantly. This is not helped by the fact that his face is scarred from burns received as a child. He's been watching his upstairs neighbor Kayla and her son for a while, but is unable to do more than write her into his comic books until her apartment catches fire. Kayla is an extremely young widow and is not ready for any type of dating, no matter how much she likes Wyatt and is attracted to him. Wyatt will be whatever she needs to be close to her and hopefully she'll fall for him.

This is a really great story. It is a friendship to slowly progresses to more.

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Whatever You Need is the second book in the Haneys series but it completely stands alone and it *does not* end on a cliffhanger. While you don't have to read "What You Do To Me" (the first book of the series) to appreciate and enjoy this book, I highly recommend it. Not only because it is a great read, but because it gives insight into the Haney family's beautiful relationship and makes their interactions that much more special.

I loved this book. When I was reading this book and had to stop reading it to deal with real life, I found myself thinking about the characters and what was happening when I put the book down. To me, that's the sign of a great book. From the first time that he appeared in Whatever You Want, I knew that Wyatt would wind up being my favorite Haney sibling. Don't get me wrong, Sam and Jo are fabulous and I adore them, but Wyatt...I just knew that he was someone special, and this book was everything that I had wanted for him and more.

Something that Ms. Longley does so incredibly well is write characters who you just like from the start; characters that that are extremely Iikable, hard working, and very realistic, and Kayla Malone was no exception. I loved the fact that Kayla was a single mother (to a great kid) who was just trying to make her way in the world on her own. She wasn't a supermodel or debutante, she was working her way through school and struggling to balance everything. She's the kind of character that could be anybody – the kind of character that a reader could see themselves being friends with. She was also the perfect match for Wyatt. The way that she unashamedly loved her son Brady, and handled Wyatt's shyness with grace and kindness was so beautiful. I also loved the resolution with her former in-laws. I was a little wary about where the “overbearing religious parents” story line was going, but it was handled perfectly and left me with a smile on my face.

And then there's Wyatt. Even just typing his name makes me sigh happily, I like him that much. Wyatt is a blue collar, hard-working, artistic, sensitive, genuinely good guy who unconditionally loves his family (his “pack” - a term that made me smile when he used it) and he absolutely deserved every moment of his happily ever after. Wyatt's shyness is something that I could completely understand and that I identified with – as he became more self-confident, pushing himself out of his comfort zone, I found myself feeling a sense of pride for him. I also loved that he let Kayla see his vulnerability after their night together. I don't want to say any more than that, but that moment was so special that I couldn't help but want to hug him. Every time he took Kayla and Brady out to bond with them, I fell a little harder. I didn't even stand a chance.

The drama in this book is understated and extremely realistic - the kind of drama that could definitely happen in real life. While Kayla struggled with her admitting feelings for Wyatt and pushed him away at times and that was frustrating to me, there was never any breakage of trust (real or assumed) or anything over-the-top that made a reader question whether the main couple really should be together and I very much appreciated that.

I loved this book. I loved Wyatt and Kayla and Brady, the fact that Wyatt never gave up on his dream of expanding his pack, even when Kayla wasn't so sure. I loved the way that the 'drama' was handled, and the solution that was reached (and I'm wondering if there was some Jo foreshadowing in that).

If you enjoy books about two seriously good people who you will want to shove together with your hands from the first moment they speak, and about a beautiful family that you'll flat out fall in love with, you should read this book. This is a five star read.

I was lucky enough to receive and advanced copy of this book via the author and NetGalley and was under absolutely no obligation to write this review, I did so because it is a fabulous book.

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I was thoroughly charmed by this one from the start. I loved shy Wyatt and his crush on his neighbor, loved how smitten he was. Kayla was great too, a harried single mother just living her life, one that has been full of hard knocks. Once the two of them actually started to talk I found myself laughing. Both were attracted, both a bit shy, and then there was Kayla not quite understanding a key fact. I loved how she found out and how that she talked about it to Wyatt right away. A great thing as it allowed Wyatt to make his move.

While I hated that Kayla was skittish and pushed Wyatt away, he managed to find a way stay in her life and keep her guessing, the perfect move to make. Yet it wasn't one that was contrived as Wyatt wasn't that kind of person. I loved seeing the two of them spend time together, along with Brady, getting closer and closer.

I even didn't mind the drama with the building as it caused Wyatt to be bold and do something. Just seeing Wyatt step out of his comfort zone was great, better was how receptive everyone was. The ending was perfect, so many happy things happening all at once.

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I loved this book! It is a very sweet romance between an extremely shy young man, Wyatt Haney, and widow Kayla Malone, who has a lovely young son, Brady. Kayla had been pregnant, and both sets of parents had pushed her and her boyfriend into a marriage that neither wanted. Her husband ignored his son, and joined the army soon after their wedding, refused to allow Kayla to live on the base, and was killed in Afghanistan. Her war-widow's pension had given her the opportunity to go back to school, where she was training to be a dental hygienist, a job where she would be able to earn a decent living to support her and Brady.
I enjoyed the way the book gets inside the heads of Kayla and Wyatt, you know what they are thinking, and it is delightful how Wyatt works out things to say to Kayla, and is so happy and relieved when he manages to complete the conversations. Because of a fire in her apartment he is able to overcome his shyness, and alert everyone and get them out of the building, and later he manages to organise and plan a meeting between all the tenants and talk them through all the options available to them to keep living there when the owners decide to sell the building. It is most enjoyable watching him shedding the shyness that has bedevilled his life.
The romance between them develops very slowly, they are both very cautious, and you cheer for them as they gradually get over the hurdles they have made for themselves. All of the characters are well-written and believable. I particularly enjoyed reading about Brady, such a lovely little boy, and easily visualised as his age, an art that some writers find difficult.
All in all a very sweet story, which very much has the aah! factor. It makes you grin, and feel happy.

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What a cute story. I like the mix of shy hottie with the wounded widow. The child is just a delight. I like that the hottie has a few flaws. The comics added a nice theme running throughout the story. I thought the story was great!

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