Member Reviews

Momo Freaks Out was a blog that made into a book. For those of us in America, think something along the lines of Let's Pretend This Never Happened A Mostly True Memoir by Jenny Lawson
There is plenty of humor and real life, which makes the book something everyone can relate to at some point in their life.
This is a good book to read when you feel like your world is going crazy, it can help put things into perspective. Having not read the blog before reading this book, I feel like I had a harder time getting into it than I would have otherwise. On the flip side, I now want to take a vacation with the author and her family.
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Author: Samone Bos
Publisher: Bonnier Publishing Australia
Publication Date: 2017

Unfortunately I had to stop reading this book, but I'm sure lots of other people would like it

If you're looking for a relatable giggle pick up this book. An easy enjoyable read for all modern women.

It's true that the early days of the internet feel like they were a long time ago now. Before Instagram and Facebook, before likes and tweets, there were blogs. These were windows into someone else's world and I don't think any of us who wrote blogs at that time, in the early to mid-noughties, had any idea how many people might be reading these little corners of the web where we poured our hearts out and shared the (sometimes daily) goings-on of our lives.
Samone, or Momo, was one of these bloggers and for those of us who read and enjoyed her blog of the same name, Momo Freaks Out, at the time, this is a great trip down memory lane. Melbourne-based readers will particularly enjoy it, I think, as it captures that beloved city very well, paying homage to many institutions that are still standing or long gone.
Momo Freaks Out is a fun and colourful romp through one young woman's coming of age as the digital era began - following her journey from young publishing professional in Melbourne to travelling to Japan to become an English teacher, and all the highs and heartaches that happen along the way, even a few (absolutely hysterical) brushes with the law.
I love Samone Bos's writing, it has so much energy, character and genuine comedy about it. Momo as a narrator is very self-deprecating and while she is ambitious and makes things happen, she is also quirky and kind, trying to get along in a big city and finding herself in crazy situations, wherever she goes! As in any memoir, the challenge to the writer is how much to reveal and how much to let people work out for themselves - which is always tricky when many of the story's 'characters' are real people walking around with lives of their own (even though in MFO pretty much everyone gets a hilarious nickname!), and when the events were not, in the grand scheme of things, that long ago. Bos navigates this fine line with grace though I thought she possibly could have delved a little deeper at times. But that could just be a symptom of me simply wanting more :)
All in all, Momo Freaks Out is a lively, honest and very, very funny book - and a must-read for anyone who misses the 'good old days' of blogging.

I'm sorry, but what is this book about? This morning, I wanted something silly, but... not THIS silly.
Recipe for this book? Insert some scandalous body part (teehee) several times into every page (titty, boobie, penis, whatever you have it... Literally, in nearly every page, regardless of whether it's relevant or not), talk about basically anything and nothing, really, and use a lot of onomatopoeia. And you've got it.
I grabbed this on NetGalley (got a free copy in exchange for my honest review yada yada yada), but this is seriously a waste of my time.

Momo Freaks Out is a fun and entertaining book. I liked that this book was a compiliation of blog posts.

I wanted to love this, it sounded fun. And maybe it is. But not for me. It just felt too calculated to be another light hearted haha tale and it just was one too many for me. It passed me right by when I tried to pick it up. I couldn't make it very far at all.

Not my cup of tea at all.... my full review is up on Amazon under my name Kimberly-Aisha Hashmi

I'm sorry that I just didn't like this book. It's the diary of "Momo", her daily life, for a few years. It dragged on & on for me, to the point where I was skipping reading & hoping I was near the end. I have read other reviews that others loved it, & I do with the author all the best. Thank you~