Member Reviews

I've been in a reading slump recently, and I'm trilled that this book pulled me,out of it. I haven't read any of the previous books in this series, and while I didn't feel lost, I would have liked to have known the characters better. I may go back and start at the beginning.
I loved Davis. She was funny and snarky and real. She was the character you wish was your bestie. And the,supporting cast was great too. The mystery was clever, if a bit far reaching. And it was funny. For me a lot of the cozy mystery genre tends to be, I don't know, maybe too cozy for me? You know, books your grandma would like. They all bake and have cats and gardens. This was perfect for me, new mom protagonist, set in a casino, modern references, and a lot of snark.
A fun read, and I will definitely be looking for more by this author.

A rare 5 star review from me. When I saw the latest Davis Way book available at Netgalley (in exchange for my honest review0, I didn't even take the time to read the blurb because I am a fan of the series. So, since I didn't read the blurb, I was blown out of the water. The book starts with a big jump in time and situation which surprised the heck out of me. Archer completely disrupts her series and throws everything long time readers know out the window.
I loved it. It was so interesting to see what and how characters had changed and what was going to happen next, it's completely unpredictable. I actually felt for David (it's Davis) and her situation and it's rare for me to really care about a fictional character.
I originally thought the ending was a bit abrupt and cliff hangerish (it isn't really, but had that OUCH feeling), but upon reflection, it ended perfectly setting up the next book.

Another Davis Way novel where Davis needs to find a way to save the casino from its competitor that seems to know exactly how to lure away the patrons and staff from the casino. A funny and compelling read.

I laughed so hard I had tears. Davis Way Cole is amazing!
With the birth of her twins, Davis takes the role of stay-at-home mom literally - she never leaves her apartment except to walk the twins in their stroller around the penthouse abandoned by Bellissimo owners Richard & Bianca Sanders.
It's been 8 months since Davis gave birth and a competitor casino & resort has opened outside her very window. The Blitz has everything the Bellissimo has and a whole lot more. Staff have jumped to the competition including her security team member and BFF Fantasy. Now lay-offs are scheduled and Baylor is next. With the help of July, Davis sets out to save her home, her family and everyone's job.
So well written I wanted to read it all again in case I missed something the first time. Look out Evanovich, Gretchen Archer has arrived!

I've read several of Archer's books in this series, and the books just keep getting better! She is so funny and cool and like a friend you'd like to have. I love the mystery and humor in these books. And this book in particular was awesome! I hope to see many more.
P.S. Much funnier than Evanovich.

I absolutely love Davis Way. This is my absolute favorite series from Henery Press. I had been thinking that I hadn't had my David (Davis) fix in a while and I was excited to see this one come up in Net Galley. Yay!!
I do have to say though, I thought the baby thing at the beginning was getting a little too much, but just as I thought that Davis came out of the baby cloud and back to the Bellissimo!
As usual, the antics are crazy. The speaker system totally had me cracking up. And in this book, Bea, the ex-mother-in-law, comes to visit her grandbabies. Never mind that they aren't her grandbabies. Since the casino is empty anyway, Davis sets her up in one of the empty condos on the 25th floor. She then uses her as a spy at the new competition casino, the reason the Bellissimo is empty. Fantasy and No Hair have jumped ship and she can't do it herself.
Of course, Bea is the world's worst spy. I'll stop there and not spoil the surprise for you. However, her antics are laugh out loud funny which brings up more laugh out loud funny antics including some smelly shrimp. Okay that was just a little tease.
I will say though, I did go to Waffle House shortly after finishing reading this. For some reason, I was craving one of their waffles and I have never had one before.
I can honestly say that I was glad I was home when I was reading this because of the number of times that I actually laughed out loud. One could even say I was rolling on the floor even. That way the men in the white suits with their stretchers did not hear me and had no reason to take me away. I think this was one of the funniest books yet. I do have to wonder though, Eddie made an alleged cameo. However, in my reading, it was just hearsay. What does that mean for Davis?
Well, this one's not even out yet and I can't wait for Davis #7. Start writing faster Gretchen! Ha!
Thanks Henery Press for approving my request and to Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

Buckle up, it's gonna be a wild ride. After the delivery of her twins, Davis has become a hermit. She feels like she destroyed everyone's lives, and has push everyone close to her away. This leads her to do the unimaginable,and team up with her ex-ex mother in law, to take down the competition that is threatening to ruin what's left of her life. I loved this book. Was non stop fun.

If Gretchen Archer was not already a very good author, someone should have invented her. She knows what we readers need! We need an engaging main character, surrounded by more interesting characters and we need an interesting plot. It sounds all so simple… but it isn’t.
Gretchen Archer comes up with new and funny ways to describe a mother-in-law that isn’t even a real mother-in-law. She comes up with new and funny ways to describe 8-month old baby twins (although I will never, ever get used to the strange ways American people have with naming their children. I simply cannot understand why you would give a cute little girl the name of her great-grandfather. His surname! It’s horrible.) She will come up with a story with more twists and turns than the longest rollercoaster and after reading this book, I felt like I’ve been in one.
I must say that sometimes the story is a little bit over the top, but on the other hand I sometimes laughed to loud even my husband wanted to know what was going on in my book. He actually liked the idea of House (who doesn’t) except for the fact that 70 loudspeakers would be a bit much for our small home.
I loved the way Gretchen Archer let Bea come alive, to have her change from a very dislikable figure in an interesting and funny woman. I liked the way Gretchen gave away all these little clues that in the end make up for one quite unexpected ending.
Spoiler alert
I only hope that can ever eat shrimp again without ROFL…

Gretchen Archer has done it again. She has delivered another dynamite mystery where nothing is left to the imagination when shrimp is involved. Davis has to work her way through a caper and it’s with her tenacity and determination that sets the stage for this deliriously amusing tale that only Davis Way Cole can be featured.
The strength of the narrative embraced me as the tempo of this page turning drama reached its crescendo knocking me off my feet with the non-stop action that kept me immersed in all that was happening in this fast-moving drama. The author did a brilliant job in capturing the essence of all the players and the roles they played in this wild ride that soared as the stakes got higher and higher. Expertly written with engaging dialogue and a great cast of characters, this is the best and now my favorite book in this terrific series and I can't wait to see where Davis and the gang take me next.

I received an e-ARC of this novel through NetGalley and Henery Press. Thank you.
I've read all the books in the Davis Way series and liked some, loved others. This one I liked, but it would be the one I would be most unlikely to ever read again. It just went a little too far in the frantic mode for me even though I will repeat, I liked it. Mostly I liked it because of finding out about the new babies for Davis and Bradley and because Bea Crawford, Davis' ex-ex-mother-in-law, was such a hoot.
This book is definitely not crafted along the lines of a regular mystery novel, be that cozy, semi-cozy, or deadly serious. This one takes on a whole set of new problems by dealing with Davis and her inability to leave her home for the eight months since the babies were born. Yes, Davis lives in complete luxury on the 28th floor of the Bellissimo Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi which has now been turned into a smart house. I would be more likely to call it a horror house. This kind of smart is where a computer can't differentiate between a word in a normal conversation and a command to phone the fire department anytime a word even vaguely related to fire is spoken. Or smart as in it brews a fresh pot of coffee if that word is mentioned. Don't say it's chilly outside and please don't let a pigeon land on the balcony railing! All of this was cute at first and it was leading up to something important, but it began to get old and tiresome pretty quickly.
It's pretty hard to write a crime novel when there are multiple protagonists but you only ever meet one for about a paragraph's worth of words. Still, author Gretchen Archer pulled off a novel which had lots of very unusual elements in it and I did enjoy it. I just wish some of those loose ends left flapping in the breeze had been tied up in cute little bows to match the bows on the tiny, blond heads.

Love, love. love this book and series!!! This may be the best one yet! Gretchen Archer has outdone herself this time!! The mystery in Double Up kept me guessing until the very end. Davis is my Jam!!! She is awesome, as are the rest of her entourage. The twins are fabulous too! This is a wonderful series. Can't wait until the next installment of Davis and the gang!!

Davis Way Cole is one of my favorite characters- OF ALL TIME! She's smart, sexy, intuitive, wise beyond her years, and an incredible Secret Security Agent for the Bellissimo. Double Up (A Davis Way Crime Caper Book 6) finds our girl Davis in a bad way. She has given birth to her precious, beautiful darling twins Bex and Quinn. The Bellissimo has taken a major hit from the Blitz Casino that has built a huge complex right outside Davis' window and her world seems to be crumbling all around her. She has sequestered herself in their Private Suite on the 29th Floor of the Bellissimo and hasn't left for eight months! No Hair has gone to Tunica and Fantasy - yes, FANTASY has left for the Blitz!! Davis' heart is nearly torn in two as losing Fantasy is like losing a sister and actually like losing a part of herself! When Davis thinks things cannot get worse, Bea Crawford, her ex-ex mother-in-law shows up ready to move in and help take care of "her" twin granddaughters. Thankfully, Davis had hired the best Nanny in the world (July from the Bellissimo that happens to have a degree in Early Childhood Ed) and seeing Bea inspired Davis to reclaim her life and find a way to help Bradley and save the Bellissimo. What follows is the most entertaining storyline of all the Davis Way Crime Capers thus far! Davis manages to turn Bea into a Power Walking Spy (complete with Spy Tools), develop a casino video game to be used while flying on the fleet of Falcon airplanes and then introduced inside the Bellissimo, and discover illegal activities by Blitz. When Davis and Fantasy finally are forced to reunite and set out to save the Bellissimo and later on Bradley, Gretchen Archer is at her all time best as an author! NO ONE can touch her in terms of writing the most descriptive scenes that have you literally experiencing everything with the characters! Archer has you smelling rotting shrimp as a car is hot wired and stolen, hearing the metal of clunker cars grating in concrete as cars slide around corner of a parking garage, feeling the nastiness of digging through a dumpster looking for a cellphone, changing clothes going down the road with food flying off of you from said dumpster diving and being stopped by the police. You will laugh to you cry! The best part of Double Up: It's all about Friendships. Old, New and Repurposed. I was provided an ARC by NetGalley and Henery Press but the opinion expressed here is my own.

Absolute genius!!! I resented work, stopping to eat and (pfft!) sleeping. All I wanted to do was read Double Up, and I didn't want it to end. But end it did, dramatically and satisfyingly. I literally laughed out loud during my reading time and enjoyed getting reacquainted with all of the Davis Way Crime Caper Series characters. This was chockfull of humor, suspense and lessons on the importance of relationships. I have come to expect nothing less from Gretchen Archer, and she completely succeeded. I would give it 10 stars if I could, it is just that good.

Once again Ms Archer has delivered absolute writing genius in her latest Davis Cole, née Way, story. The reader is taken for a roller coaster ride from the opening paragraph as Davis battles her own demons of the eminent demise of the life she, her husband and twin baby girls have known. Blaming herself for all that has befallen the Bellissimo casino, she sets out to right the perceived wrongs, using what has driven all her previous capers, her intelligence, gut and pure tenacity.
Davis takes us on her journey from the near shut in she had become, in part due to the birth of her daughters, and in part to her own self reflections. In typical Davis (and Ms Archer) fashion, Davis' inner monologue is snarky and sharp, the dialog moving at warp speed (hang on so you don't miss any of the snappy Davis nuances), with completely laugh out loud hilarity ensuing as it starts with House and evolves into side splitting laughter when ex, ex mother-law Bea (who brings with her some surprisingly heartwarming moments...anyone having followed the series thus far knows what a major coup this is) lands on Davis' door step...literally. All the previous characters I have grown emotionally attached to return, with their interactions bringing some of the most memorable moments.
What has been trademark in the Davis series, what you think you know is not necessarily correct, and usually off base, is present once again. There are twists and turns that'll keep you not only riveted, but guessing what Davis has in store next...I can pretty much guarantee that laughter be evolved. I thoroughly enjoy that while the story is neatly resolved, the ending is left open for more in the series, but left in such a way that you never know what caper my befall Davis next.
This book was provided by the Publisher and Netgalley, I am voluntarily providing my honest review.