Member Reviews

My favorite thing about this book, was how different it was to what I expected as a “royal” romance. Badd family may be royal by blood, but they are true opposites. They’re like the black sheep of that royal line and have some really questionable ties to the underground world. They exude plenty of power, but there isn’t much grace when it comes to the Badd clan.

Kain Badd was sexy as all get out. A tattooed bad boy through and through. He was arrogant, cocky but underneath it all he was sweet and secretly romantic. He’s lived life under his father’s rule, along with his siblings - but he does what he can to live on his own terms and uses the “royal” card as often as he can when it comes to women. But Sammy isn’t like those women and the more time he spends with her the more evident that rings true...not just to him but his family as well.

Sammy Sage is a dreamer, but doesn’t have her head in the clouds. She’s real in more ways than one and so true to herself, she’s even shocks the Badds. Their money and royal blood line hold no appeal to her. Sure, she’s like any girl with a Prince Charming fantasy, but she doesn’t let that overshadow what she sees and learns about this new family she meets. She’s so kind hearted, she’ll go out of her way to even help strangers and that kindness gets her all caught up in the bad that surrounds the Badd family.

I loved that this didn’t take me on a fairy tale roller coaster. It was down to earth, unexpected and even had me laughing at times. For my first Nora Flite novel, this was a great story that has me ready for more. I look forward to getting to know more of her characters.

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Sammy is trying to make a go of her business as a fashion designer for wedding gowns. When she meets Francesca Badd who buys a dress and her brother Kain pays a huge amount of money to make sure gown is done in time. One good deed leads Sammy inserted into the Badd family and straight in the line of Kain who has made his interest clear, he wants Sammy. Sammy knows he is a bad boy with a silver tongue and Sammy is having a hard time resisting. However, things get shooken up and Sammy wonders when she can get her life back and not under the careful watch of the Badd's.

This was fun and thought it was filled with intriguing characters. I liked Kain and Sammy but had a couple of times where I scratched my head on things like her business. I would check out more in this series to see what happens with the rest of the characters.

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Royally Bad was pretty darn good. Crime, cops, crazy gang members, secret lives and all makes for some crazy fun.

Kain is the epitome of danger and sin all wrapped in one. He was charming, aggressive in the right ways, protective and sometimes downright crude. However, he had moments where he was tender, loving and sweet. I enjoyed seeing him grow and learn to love a female. He was funny as well with all his sexual innuendos.

Sammy was sweet, hardworking and driven. She had a hard life with her father being dead and he mother being sick. She runs a dress shop, but finds it hard to make ends meet with so many debts to pay. Sammy was a bold woman and I loved it! She stood up to the men in the Badd family. She spoke her mind. I also liked how she didn't deny herself to feel anything for Kain. She was all in despite her mind telling her no. Got to love Sammy!

The romance was freaking adorable. You have sweet little clueless Sammy paired with badass, dangerous Kain. I mean the combination of course had sparks flying between them. I loved seeing Kain try to protect Sammy. The love he had for her was amazing.

I loves the Badd family a lot. Hawthrone and Francesca were cool. Lula was interesting as was Costello. Mr and Mrs Badd were insane. The drama with the Badds and the Deep Shots was insane. Learning the back history of everything at the end blew my mind. Everything worked out and was pretty much a happy ending.

I'm definitely planning to read the next book because Costello is so intriguing!

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I love Nora Flite's books but unfortunately this one was missing something for me. I enjoyed the characters and the story line but at times I just felt confused. I felt that certain moments of the story were not explained enough. for instance at the end I still had a hard time understanding what exactly Kain's family did. I thought by the end of the book it would understand and be less confused. But unfortunately that did not happen

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The synopsis for this was really good.

However the story wasn't.

The characters were unlikable and I felt the story was too choppy one minute it looked as if it was going to get good then the next it just died. I even rolled my eyes a couple of times at the utter cheesiness. The twist although good was predictable at best.

If you a looking for a story that is just ok then this is for you if like me you need more then this is not for you.

All up I didnt enjoy it, I will not be continuing on with the series.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆
M/F Romance
Triggers: Click HERE to see Avid Reader’s review on Goodreads for trigger warnings.

Hmmm, where to start with this review. This had a great premise, but I just don't think that it delivered what it had potential to.

Kain is from a powerful family and when he is helping his sister find the perfect wedding dress, he meets Sammy, the dress creator.

Sammy is witty, funny, brave, and somewhat naive. While helping Kain's sister by being a bridesmaid, she inadvertently pulls Kain in further.

Without giving too much away, there are gangsters who are out for blood, someone who comes back into the story in a most unusual way, and a romance that develops. I think I have more of an issue with Kain than anyone in the story – even the gangsters. He seems to genuinely care for Sammy, but his actions don't necessarily reflect that.

Overall, this was a sweet story about love that had great potential, but was only slightly satisfactory.

Lee’Anne – ☆☆☆
This was an awkwardly funny read – in some places it was great, in others not so much… and it was definitely far-fetched in more than one place, which is why I’m only giving three stars. The premise was there but there were parts that were just too far out there to be believable.

Kain Badd’s family is mafia-like and consider themselves royalty. Sammy is a wedding dressmaker just trying to survive and keep her mother healthy. When Kain’s sister whirls into Sammy’s wedding dress shop, demands a wedding dress (for an exuberant amount of money), and makes a insta-friend out of Sammy – Sammy’s life changes forever. She’s now been dragged into the Badd family drama and to “keep her safe,” Mr. Badd (Kain’s father) himself elects to literally lock Sammy away in his house for her own safety. Kain and Sammy’s attraction is immediate and though Sammy sometimes hates Kain’s attitude, she’s quickly falling for him… then things turn really weird when Kain’s other siblings start showing up.

This story was a little confusing with all the names being thrown around. The writing style was okay and the storyline wasn’t terrible, it just lacked realism. The Badd family literally locks Sammy up in a room for months and won’t let her out for anything “for her own safety” and the entire book there are hints about Kain’s older sister being a bigger part of the story, but we’re really left hanging without a clue as to what is actually going on there. I didn’t like that the book left off with so many unanswered questions. On the bright side – I not only really liked both Sammy and Kain’s characters, I’m intrigued enough about Kain’s sister’s story that I’ll definitely be keeping my eyes peeled for the next book in the series. Hopefully it’ll answer the burning questions!

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I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!

What I say: The premise of Royally Bad is fun and entertaining. I liked the idea of the gangster prince and the wedding dress maker.

I laughed more than expected, although I have to admit, not all of my laughter was necessarily in places where it was supposed to be. Certain elements were particularly far fetched - BUT this was also what I really enjoyed about Sammy and Kain's romance. The drama and escapism.

Sammy is awkward and funny. I honestly wasn't sure what she was going to do or say next. She finds herself going from dress maker extraordinaire/unwilling wedding guest, to basically being deeply involved with the Band family and all aspects of Kain's life.

I expected to love Kain but he didn't manage to totally win me over. I wasn't sure about how he treats Sammy at times or allows others to treat her whilst claiming to want the best for her. Don't get me wrong, he does bring on the swoon and I did like him, but just didn't love him.

The story involves twists galore and although I did find some events hugely unlikely, I enjoyed the story and really wanted Sammy and Kain to find their unique HEA together...

3.5 Stars in my Sky!

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Royally Bad is a fun ride where the bad boy gangster prince meets the sweet but sassy wedding dress maker. They're from two different world but soon find themselves banding together and falling in love. This is a fun story with plenty or laughs and lots of heat. I absolutely loved Kain’s family. They are sort of a caricature of a mafia family, and I can’t wait to read his brother’s stories.

The mystery and action subplot was a bit far-fetched, but it also made this feel like decadent escapism. Kain falls for Sammy pretty hard, and I love a hero who finds himself a bit head over heels. Sammy is very girl-next-door and awkward but she also isn’t afraid to stand up for herself or fight when necessary. She’s the perfect compliment to Kain and fit for his crazy family.

I highly recommend Royally Bad if you’re in the mood for a fun love story.

ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley, but this review was voluntarily and honestly written.

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Confession time, I almost nearly didn’t read this book and after devouring and loving it, I would have kicked my own ass over what I would have missed.

I was totally hooked from the first chapter to the very last page that had me goofy grinning on a crowded bus and admittedly garnering a few strange looks. But I didn’t care, I loved this book and nobody was going to stop me savouring it for an extra few moments with it.

This story was absolutely not what I expected and so freaking good I was surprised. It never quite went where I was expecting and threw some major WTF curveballs at me, but I could not get enough. How have I not read this author before!!!! I feel like a bad reader for missing some awesome writing.

Are you ready to meet the Badd’s? Yes that’s really their name and let me tell you this is a family you won’t soon forget.

I just about melted into a pile of goo when Kain Badd popped up on the page and immediately stole the chapter. There are almost no words for how hot he is. From his blue eyes to the tats he sports, he is alpha to the bone and so hot it burns. And when he turns on the charm and dirty mouth, say goodbye panties.

He unexpectedly meets his match in Sammy. Bridal dress maker, up to her eyes in debt and with no idea her life is about to irrevocably change, for the good of course but it takes a while to get there. Lucky cow.

Together they are combustible. Together they are stronger. Which they will both need to get through the obstacles standing in the way of their HEA. The biggest I totally did not see coming. Cue mouth hanging open like a fish at what happens. Whoa.

I have been remiss in mentioning that the Badd family are so very bad they’re great. From Dad Maverick, sister Fran (who I absolutely adore) to the uber hot brothers (seriously these genes!) Hawthorne and Costello, each one of the will leave you under the Badd influence and happy about it. I know I am.

This is the first book in the Bad Boy Royals series and going by this book, I can’t wait for more. I’m officially hooked. Nora Flite say hello to my keeper shelf.

I received a copy of this book for review from the publisher via Netgalley for review.

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