Member Reviews

This book was just not for me. I couldn't get into the writing style, dialogues or connect with the characters. Perhaps, my biggest issue with the book was just the unnecessary dramatic plotlines that didn't change or do anything to the bigger plot e.g. the heroine almost drowning. Overall, not for me mostly because of the uninteresting plot and a disconnect with the characters.

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The story of Carter and Molly had a typical New Adult trope, but one that I was all-too-happy to read. I do get annoyed at stories where the heroine returns home to the place she always wanted to get away from only to return years later and settle down there. That said, the book's description did warn me ahead of time that that's what was happening.

Overall, Carter and Molly's push and pull kept me interested and I enjoyed that this was a stand alone.

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Right in Front of You was a heart-wrenching story between Clark and Molly. If you are in the mood to read a story that will break your heart and piece it back together, then this is the perfect one for you.

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Lacey Silks is wonderfully talented. No one tells a story in her way, and that says a lot. Absolutely loved Right in front of you.

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I was looking forward to reading this book. I love the childhood friends becoming soulmates story line. Looks like I am in the minority here but this book just didn't do it for me. First off, the timeline was so confusing. A couple of times I had to go back and check to see how much time went by because it just didn't seem right.

Carter Clark and Molly Fowler grew up together in a small town and become childhood friends. At age 10, you can already see Carter's attraction to Molly but she puts him in the "friend" zone and makes him pinkie swear that they will always be friends and to never ask her out. At age 16, you still feel the attraction between Carter and Molly but as soon as Daisy steps out with daisy dukes (no pun intended), Daisy becomes the love of Carter's life?

It's hard to give details on why I didn't like this book without spoiling anything. But I didn't feel the connections in all the relationships especially between Carter and Daisy. Why would it take him all those years to get over her? And don't get me started on the whole Daisy nonsense in the story. And what took so long for Nick and Jo to get together?

At times I thought this story was juvenile and unbelievable and I actually want to put it down. But I managed to finish it so that I can write an honest review.

Thank you Netgalley and MyLit Publishing for supplying a copy of Lacey Silks' "Right in Front of You" in exchange for a honest review.

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This novel is beyond a doubt, a very very pleasing novel to read. I must say, I found it truly fascinating and captivating and let's not forget the erotic aspect of it. I love a great sensual creative and erotic novel. Tickles my senses. I definitely 100% recommend reading this novel, you will not be disappointed that's for sure.

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Carter and Molly have been best friends since they were children. While Carter's family was loving and supportive, Molly was sexually abused by her father and couldn't wait to get away from her family. When they were finished high school, Molly went away to college to become a doctor and Carter married Daisy and was soon to be a father. But Daisy and his unborn child were killed in a tornado. Molly helps Carter through his grief and he begins to fall in love with her. But after the years of abuse, Molly is not ready for a relationship. After 5 years have passed, Carter is hurt in a fire and Molly looks after him during is recovery. Their story goes on from there.

Although the premise of the book is good, I found a lot of the book very unbelievable and I found the writing very cheesy at times. There were times when I said to myself "there is no way someone would say that!"

I received an ARC copy courtesy of MyLit Publications through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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Clark and Molly. Puddle jumping, rainy day friends since grade school. This book chronicles their growing up years. This book tandems Nick and Joelle's story. I felt like this can stand alone. Mainly because it does stand alone.

You read the blurb, you get the gist of where the story is and headed is essence. Early in the book we get dual POV's by age. I enjoyed that aspect of the book. I enjoyed Molly's way of looking at things especially the rain while hiding her abusive hellish life at home. Molly was a quirky kid, dancing feet and hiding under tables. Love it. As they get older we see them Clark and Molly still close, a few hop and skips and he's kissing Jo... trying to get Nick to make a move. Then Molly sees him kissing Daisy.
Clark and Molly are best friends and are there for each other. I blinked and Molly is off to school, Clark ends up in a relationship I didn't see coming with a tragic outcome. Off course, Molly rescues Clark. Until Clark shows his a**. And Molly can no longer come home. Too dangerous for both she and her mother and little brother.
The book fast forwarded a lot. Now we have Clark living with Jo and baby Mac after Nick dies while in the Navy. Yup. Confused yet? Good, it's gets even better. All the while he's still professing his need for Molly and won't she give him a chance. Molly can't speak the unspeakable and she's in med school. After a big blow out because apparently Clark's bb's were a tad too tight, they don't see each other for 5 years. Just as well. Clark may want Molly, but Clark is about Clark. He drives 100 miles to see her arriving at 2 am while he's been drinking? And he's a firefighter? Nah.
Clark is often selfish and clueless. He makes an early statement in the book around age 15 I think, if he knew then what he knows now about pedophiles.... hindsight? There were things in the story that didn't make sense, which I won't point out because of spoilers. But you'll catch them maybe when you read them. It's revolves around Nick and Jo. Let me leave poor Clark alone, and move onto Molly the definite heroine in this story. Loved her. Even though her early inner dialogue was a bit tangential, she is the height of overcoming the past and trying to carve out a future. I lobe how she dug her heels in about not returning home, without having to explain herself. Clearly this girl now young woman has endured much more than any child/ adult should. I was truly hoping someone would remove her father from this time and space continuum. The man didn't deserve to breath.
The bones of this story was good. I think there was a lot going on and perhaps could have been pared down some. Clark-meh. Molly- 10 stars. And Daisy post mort was great.
I love Lacey's books but this one just fell a tad flat for me. I understand I'm in a minority here clearly and it's a great book for YA readers.

3.5 stars

**arc from NetGalley and publisher in exchange for a fair review**

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excellent read.

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LOVED this tearjerker story of Molly and Carter.

First of all, we meet Molly and Carter in Yours and Mine which is Nick and Jo's story. I loved them in that book, but whatever more than love is- that's what I think of Molly and Carter in Right in Front of You.

You have no idea what Molly is going through in her home life and, honestly, you probably don't want to know. Molly wants out of Hope Bay quicker than quick. She hates her life there and mostly hates her drunk father. Knowing she is going to leave and probably never come back, Molly blocks Carter's attempts to take their relationship past friendship saying she can't now but years down the road maybe.

So what does Carter do- dates, falls in love and gets engaged to Daisy who is carrying his child. A tragic accident takes them from Carter and he is on a fast downward spiral. Molly always feels the pull to Carter and goes back several times to his aid.

For years Molly is drawn back to Hope Bay with different events and always to the pull of Carter Clark- but one event changes things and Molly refuses to see Carter for years. Fate steps in and Molly again comes in to Carter's life after a tragic event. When he needs her help, Molly can't refuse but then again she can't let him know her secrets.

Trying to maintain the dark spot that follows her around is becoming much more difficult with Carter ever present and determined to take a friendship to something more. Molly can't resist Carter but her fears have a stronghold on her emotions that she is in agony. Does she allow the monsters of her past to break free in a confession to Carter? Gosh- Molly was just determined to not let anyone in- anyone know the past- know her darkest secret- but what she didn't realize was that right in front of her was the man that would listen, understand, help her heal as much as she was helping him heal. Letting down that wall was the most difficult yet the most liberating thing for Molly.

Such an emotional and heart wrenching story of trauma, loss and healing, as well as self-discovery that leads to much joy on many fronts for Molly, Carter and her family.

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