Member Reviews

I actually rate this more like 3.5 stars but lowered it to 3 because I just couldn't do 4 stars.
This is the first book that I've read written by Tonya Kappes and it was recommended to me because I enjoy a slight paranormal twist to my books. This story wasn't bad by any stretch of the means but I just didn't love the plot. While unique (which I enjoyed) it just didn't keep me turning the pages. It was just a decent and solid story.
Kenni Lowry is the newly elected sheriff in Cottonwood, Kentucky who also happens to have the spirit of her grandfather (the previous sheriff) tagging along with her to look out for her while she's on duty. She's been recently investigating the death of one of the townspeople when all of a sudden things are popping for such a small town. The characters were likable and I enjoyed them, though this "romance" or whatever it is between Kenni and Finn, at least in this book, was more aggravating than anything else.
Overall, the characters were quaint and realistically southern, but there was little character development, and the plot didn't keep my interested. That being said, I enjoyed the authors style of writing, and feel like this could be the type of series that develops over time and would be really enjoyable.
Special thanks to Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Southern Fried is the second installment in the Kenni Lowry Mystery series set in Cottonwood, KY featuring Sheriff "Kendrick" Kenni Lowry and ghostly sidekick, her grandfather "Poppa". Having recently solved two murders in the sleepy town, Kenni is delighted to be investigating her new relationship with hunky State Reserve Officer, Finn Vincent.
Their date at the county fair is interrupted by the report of a body found at Petal Pushers, the local landscape and florist business owned by Myrna Savage. Myrna is more upset that Owen Godbey had the nerve to die in her prize winning tomatoes than she is at finding the body of her former employee. One look at Owen's body and Kenni knows that his death was not an accident, the wounds from an electric barbed wire fence around his ankles gives it away.
The police duo, along with Poppa and Kenni's dog Duke, set out to find the real killer and soon uncover that tensions between the Godbey family members runs deep. Owen is recently divorced from wife Sandy and is fighting with his brother and sister in law, Stanley and Inez over the cookbook left by family matriarch Rae Lynn.
A fast paced plotline with quirky characters, the second book in the series will often have you laughing aloud. Looking forward to more adventures with the Cottonwood gang.
I received an advanced copy of Southern Fried from NetGalley via Henery Press. While not required to write a review I am more than happy to offer my honest opinion.

Tonya Kappes Southern Fried was a great escape book. I had read the first in the Kenni Lowry Mystery series so I was familiar with the main characters. Sheriff Lowry once again has a murder to solve and it seems to be tied in to a cook book and recipes. People murder for recipes? Go figure. There are several twists and turns and suspects but the end is a surprise. Lots of fun to read.

I am a big Tonya Kappes fan, so I was thrilled to receive an ARC of Southern Fried from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Southern Fried is the second Kenni Lowry mystery. Kenni is the Sheriff of Cottonwood, Kentucky. Along with her dashingly handsome deputy, Finn, she works hard to keep the residents of her beloved small town safe. Being a lifelong resident of Cottonwood and granddaughter of the beloved former Sheriff (who happens to have come back as a ghost whom only Kenni can see) is both a blessing and a curse for Kenni. In Southern Fried she is faced with a tricky murder to solve, the coming election for Sheriff, and her growing attraction to Finn.
Tonya Kappes has created a wonderful world in the town of Cottonwood. The residents seem like people you could run into in the real world. Kenni's friends and family are quirky and loveable and remind me of people in my own life. And, of course, there is Duke! Duke is Kenni's dog who goes everywhere with her.
I highly recommend the Kenni Lowry mysteries. While Southern Fried could stand on its own, it is much more enjoyable if you read Fixin' to Die first.

I believe Kennie is my new favorite sheriff. Team Kinn is back in action as soon as the jail closes on their last case. How does a quiet man, end up dead in this little town. Through greed, lust, lying, and growing. I was captivated from beginning to end. While I had my suspicion s on who dun it, I still got thrown for a loop as to why, and who all was involved. Great read, for book 2 in the Lowery series. This can also be a stand alone book considering it explains what's gone on this far, and keeps you up to speed. I received this book in exchange for an honest review from Netgally.

I liked Southern Fried more than the first book in the series. There's less mention of marriage and more work support by Kenni's mother and things seem a bit more 2017 and not 1950's though the small town backwardness is still there and Kenni fails to recognize something any law profession should in 2017.
I found the mystery more developed and the role Poppa plays more meaningful. It would still be more "realistic" if Kenni directed him a bit more to get more details from places/people she can't see. When you've gotta access to someone with Poppa's abilities, use it.
3.5 stars for a satisfying, light (but not particularly humorous to me) cozy read.
I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Southern Fried takes place in Cottonwood where sheriff Kenni and her Poppa work to solve crimes. Poppa in previous years was the Sheriff of Cottonwood. He comes back to Kenni to help her solve a murder mystery. I enjoyed that there is also a small love story that develops between Kenni and her new deputy throughout the story. The book kept me guessing the whole time who committed the murder and also kept me interested to continue reading to find out. This is a great mystery that anyone who loves mysteries would definitely enjoy reading!!!!

I've never actually been to Kentucky, but with Tonya Kappes' latest Kenni Lowri Mystery I feel as if I have. The town is charming and real to me, along with all the quirky characters. There is laugh out loud humor juxtaposed to a taut mystery and all mixed in with romance and the ghost of a beloved Grandpa. It just doesn't get any better! I went and read the first in the series again, and highly recommend them both.

This is a fun cozy mystery that fans of the genre will love. Kenni is the local sheriff in a small town with the ghost of her deceased poppa riding shotgun. Despite being dead, he does his part to help her solve cases.
As in most small towns, everyone seems to be in everyone elses business, but with a side of southernisms and charm. Who knew that Kentucky round steak was fried baloney?
I particularly enjoyed the banter between the characters and the tension between Kinni and Finn and all the fun antics that followed. Cozy fans will want to put this one at the top of their list.

The town of Cottonwood is usually a pretty quiet place, but sheriff Kenni Lowry has to investigate the mystery of a body of one of the towns residents that’s been caught up in an electric fence. Was this just a tragic accident or something more sinister? Kenny has her hands full with the annual town cook off competition, the election season looming and her growing attraction to her new deputy. When it appears the suspicious death by the electric fence is anything but an accident Kenni is warned off when the killer starts attacking the people she loves. This is a fun series complete with a resident ghost