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Escape in TimeEscape in Time by Robyn Nyx is the first in the The Extractor Trilogy #1 published by Bold Stroke Books.

It is basically a romance novel wrapped around a science fiction tale.

This book follows two main characters Landry (an extractor) and Delaney (an operative). They work for an organization known as Pulsus, a privately operated agency that travels through time making the future better by fixing problems in the past one person at a time. All that is wrapped around Landry and Delaney’s relationships with each other and other minor characters throughout the story. As agents they will be tasked with going back to Nazi Germany to save Dr. Chernick. The doctor died in a concentration camp while working on a promising cure for cancer. Upon saving the doctor the timeline should change, a cure for cancer is found, and billions of people are saved in both the past and the future.

(More about the premise of the book can be found in the official publisher’s description.)

Overall, I am going to give this book a 3.5 star rating which I will round up for the likes of Goodreads and Amazon where I cannot give a true rating. Rounding up because I mostly liked the book.

Time travel gives me a headache with too much to ponder and contemplate and this book is no exception.

My biggest question was how in the world do they live for years in the past and come back to their future being the same age. This is wasn’t made clear until near the end of the book when the regenerative tech is better explained. Up until that point one is left thinking it is simply a medical tool that helps heal wounds not revert aging cells. Although immortality is mentioned a few times before that.

The characters not all that likable throughout the book. With the exception of Landry and perhaps the focus of her attention Jade (at least for me).

There is plenty of explicit lesbian sex (not really needed, but as I said this is above everything else a romance novel) and a lot of explicit violence. Both of which may make some readers cringe.


I was reading an ARC of the book and hope this issue is fixed in the published edition, but once the mission is completed the author seems to lose track of her own characters calling the now rescued Dr Chernick by the name Blumstein, which is the name of the German security guard they were to make contact with and became the lover interest for Delaney while in Nazi Germany. We see little of Blumstein in the book and since the entire story revolves around Chernick I cannot quite fathom how the author could seemingly forget the name. Has this been fixed Bold Stroke Books? Anyone?

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I like time travel a lot, as in when I have to chose a superpower I will chose time travel. As a substitute until that time, I like to read about others travelling through time and space.

Escape in Time follows Delaney and Landry who work for an organisation that rescues objects and persons from times past. In this, they completely forget the first rule of time travel: don't mess with the past (it will come back at you). So, do not expect a book which focuses on the rules of time travel or a book that's SCIENCE fiction. Either way, they are sent to Nazi Germany to save a Jewish doctor on the brink of finding the cure for cancer (on a purely scientific note: the chances of there being one single cure for all cancers is probably slimmer than me having to chose a superpower).

This rescue mission encompasses multiple years of an undercover operation, in which they have to withstand a lot (I won't go into the details because of possible spoiling, but still). It's OK but predictable that the big bosses at the organization are complete jerks and don't give a shit about their employers, but it seems rather harsh either way. The rest of the book is made up with several (lesbian) romances. I normally don't like to read romances, and there was quite some angst, it didn't bother me as it sometimes bothers me.

It left me with some questions and a huge cliff hanger, so I would be curious to read the sequel.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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The guts of this book was definitely intriguing. Escape in Time is ambitious in what it sets out to achieve and I think it really gets there.

Top marks for creating a world that really sticks in the science fiction genre and had me questioning so many things. The characters were both loveable and horrible. I wanted to connect a bit more with the characters but I didn't always know what they were up to. Landry was a mixture of steel and compassion and her best friend and sometimes playmate Delaney was a challenged soul.

Honestly I was probably shipping this book a little differently because the side characters weren't as strongly developed as the main ones but overall I really enjoyed this book.

Maybe lost a tiny slither of a star because of the rougher elements to the book which I didn't enjoy but each to their own.

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Wow, this is a really good book. It has everything. Romance, adventure and plenty of action. It is my first book by this author and I am looking forward to more especially the sequel to this one. I'm guessing there is going to be a follow up because there are a lot of unanswered questions and the epilogue was too enticing to leave it there.

The book is set in the future where a company called Pulsus has mastered time travel. They send operatives back in time to retrieve people who could have done good for the world but had died. This book is about retrieving the person most likely to create a cure for cancer. So they are sent back to Nazi Germany to retrieve her.

The book has two main characters Delaney and Landry. Delaney is an operative who often spends many months sometimes years in the past getting ready to extract the person of interest. She is becoming discontent and is totally in love with Landry. Landry is what they call an extractor who travels back in time only a short while often days or weeks before the extraction. She has no idea about Delaney. she thinks they are best friends.

During their off hours Landry go's to the mainland where she has a building which she rents out but nobody knows, its her way of reconnecting with the present. Never looking for or having fallen in love before she meets and falls for Jade a basketball player. Delaney also has fallen in love but with someone in the past on her last assignment.

My only complaint is the epilogue. Where you thought you were going to see Landry and Jade walk off into the sunset, you got two brand new characters participating in what I can only assume as torture as a machine starts to drink the captive. So, therefor I'm assuming this will be expanded upon in book 2.

Yes I enjoyed it. And yes I would recommend it. Enjoy!

*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

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Landry is part of an organisation that goes back in time and extracts people from situations for the good of the future . Sometimes she and her colleagues have to endure appalling things and do things they later regret. Going to a concentration camp to extract a Dr on the brink of a cure for cancer is an especially difficult mission for them. I thought this part of the story was so well told. Robyn Nyx managed to make is so real and didn't hold back on the horrors involved. The time travel aspect was fascinating and I hope the author writes a follow-up. I liked Landry and enjoyed seeing how she changed. Those around her helped show different aspects of her character. How she acted around each of them was very telling. A really good read that incorporated sci-fi, romance, adventure and a whole lot more.

I was given this ARC by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books in return for an honest review.

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Landry and Donovan work for Pulsus, a company that can go back in time and save a person. They don't just save anyone, the higher ups carefully calculate the ramifications of changing the past, and the positive outcomes must far outweigh the negative. This time they are sent back to WWII to save a doctor who is on the brink of curing cancer. But Delany is plagued by demons and struggles to come to terms with her purpose. Why save one when you can save millions? Landry and Delany must overcome personal distractions, relationships past and present, and their own tortured minds to complete the mission.

I found the past more interesting than the present which dragged a little for me in the beginning. That would be my only complaint - but this being the first book I think it just took a little time to get the reader situated in the world the author has created.

I absolutely love the way the author writes - its some of the most beautiful writing I've ever encountered. I was absolutely captivated by the way she described Landry's tattoo at the beginning of the novel and every single page after that just reinforced my first impression. Wow. For this alone I cannot give this book anything less than five stars.

The sex is rough and the descriptions crass but it definitely works for this book. Romance has no place in this book filled with personal demons.

This was a fascinating book that explores family, love, desire and tests the limits of the humanity. The characters were wonderfully complex - their drive and their demons unique and thought provoking.

I am so glad that there is a second book because I love the way the author writes and I'm intrigued to see where the story goes.

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A deeply absorbing novel that I returned to at several points to reflect upon. The commingled horror of the historic setting with the science fiction/time traveling aspects of the plot as well as the distinct stories which were presented kept me immersed throughout. I hope that sequels will follow in a very brief span of time, as the potential more than exists for an enduring series.

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Great concept, well executed, and I have stated to the publisher that I am heterosexual, and the choice of partner neither bothered me nor added to the story. I am a liberal Muslim and I am only one of few. I personally know a lot of people who will not purchase this book because of the angle you have chosen to take, and my word of mouth in this instance will fall on deaf ears in my Muslim set of friends and family members, but I will definitely pass the word about your book to all my ote her friends and my non Muslim family members! You have an amazing talent, I truly wish you the best!

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