Member Reviews

While reading this story, I thought back to my high school experience and the unexpected curve balls I chose to navigate alone or with the assistance of others. What I recall as most important was the value and importance of having others around you that cared about you in more than words but with their action. Margaret (Maggie) Beringer, in general, had others but struggled with uncertainty and confidence. Courtney Carrington, in general, lacked others but appeared to overflow with confidence. It reminds me of a line from the movie, Jerry Maguire, "you complete me".

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Melissa Brayden is one of my favorite authors! She is so talented so I was excited to read this book.

So I was surprised that this book is mostly flashbacks. Several times I had to go back and make sure I didn't miss "PRESENT DAY". At the same time it is a hybrid of an adult book mixed with a YA story theme.

I like the story, but not the way it was laid out. In the flashback YA scenes the author's talent for witty, funny, sweet, engaging characters that make her a fantastic writer evaporates. Yet the adult scenes find that engaging tone returns and that is what makes Brayden such a popular author.

So it took me a while to digest who I wanted to review this book. The style threw me off between the flashbacks and mixing ya/adult.

I can share that if you are OK with the style then it's a good story. Personally I feel that the author's strengthen is in adult story telling. She is just magnificent in sharing the lives of adult characters. She is one of the few authors where you can 'feel' the genuineness and vibrancy of the characters.

I liked that the author took a risk with this book. That takes courage, but hopefully the next book will be more in the style of her other books.

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When I read the blurb I thought this was going to be a story of the good old second chance for a first love where we get occasional flash backs into their past but mainly sit in the now. Ok so I was wrong with that assumption. The best way I can describe this book is a first love’s journey from start to finish that covers over a 15 year period (I think about that, maybe a bit shorter).

So I found this to be a bit different to your classic Brayden book, which I am always a fan of! Yes I was laughing out loud at times but also found it a little darker than I’m used to with Brayden. Don’t get me wrong nothing too dark but normally when something serious is happening in a Brayden book there is still a sense of joking around to ease the tension, not the case in some aspects of this book. I also think it was harder because I didn’t realised the first part of the story where we learn about the initial relationship went on much longer than I expected. Which meant I felt like the car crash was just around the corner so I would hold my breath waiting and then realise no it’s not happening yet. So I did this for about 68% of the book. I know it’s my own fault for assuming I know what’s happening but I can’t help it. This did make me frustrated at times with the book and I do think maybe a re-read is in order so I might enjoy it more.

Loved, loved all the characters as usually with a Brayden book. Maggie and Courtney were perfect and I may have loved Courtney a little more. I actually think that the change in tone was really well done because it was different from what I’m used to with Brayden but also because it made me enjoy the now and happy ending even more so.

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*The copy provided by NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books Inc. in exchange for an honest review*

I read all if Melissa Brayden's book and this one is just as good as all of her other books! She has a way of building characters and make the reader feel with them. With her books I always go through rollercoaster rides emotionally and this one was no exceptions. I loved the two main characters and also the side characters, who mostly played an important role as well. It was one of those books I could't put down but at the same time didn't want to read too fast so I would stay longer in the world of strawberries, Tanner Peak, Maggie and Courtney.
I would definitely recommend this book!!

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I’m not sure there isn’t a book that Melissa Brayden could write that wouldn’t be 5 stars, or at least close to it. There probably isn’t a better author than her at writing two characters who feel like they were just made for each other. I can happily say this book remains true to her talent.

I love how she always writes from one characters perspective. It makes me feel so much closer to the characters, and this book isn’t different. I loved Maggie, our POV character, and her like many others she writes is just a joy to hang out with. She’s witty and adorable, and her chemistry with Courtney is spot on. The secondary characters, especially Maggie’s parents, are a joy. I laughed out loud whenever her mother was writing. Little things like that make a book so enjoyable to read.

I’m guessing/hoping that the second in this brand new series will have Melanie. I’m looking forward to it as I am all her books. I’d ask her to write faster, but I’m more inclined to just say keep doing what you’re doing!

Recommendation: Buy this and everything else she’s written.

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I have always considered Melissa Brayden books very interesting. Her protagonists are nice, likeable, smart, funny, both individually and as a couple. Their stories are sweet and romantic, with all the ingredients for an entertaining and easy read. And this one has not disappointed me at all.
More than half the book is mostly YA themed, the narration is in first person from Margaret point of view, with a first chapter of the present and then starts the story of a high school first love in a rural ambience.
I can't really decide between Margaret and Courtney as my favorite one. Both must go through a few difficult paths along the story. But both have a spirit so happy and joyful that, except in the saddest parts, led you through the book leaving you with a very pleasing feeling.
So for me this is a sweet heartwarming romance and I have liked very much

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This book was a slight departure from the rest of Brayden's books but I found it refreshing. I love her writing style and she certainly knows how to draw you in with sweet and funny romance, and this story was no different. The characters were all likable, even when you wanted to give one of them a shake and tell her to snap out of it! I thought the story was realistic, not sappy, and I enjoyed the small town setting. My only wish is that everyone had been a bit more fleshed out (that could just be me wanting more of a Brayden book because I so enjoy them!), or maybe that we had been able to hear from Courtney's point of view too, although she was fairly easy to read even with a first person narrative from another character. Overall a sweet tale of first love. I read it in one day and had a smile on my face when I finished!

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<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Strawberry Summer" src="" /></a><a href="">Strawberry Summer</a> by <a href="">Melissa Brayden</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Stroke Books in exchange for an honest review. No synopsis necessary. This romance encompasses a large chunk of the past for Maggie and Courtney the lead characters, then progresses to the present. Their journey is not uneventful. To flesh out the story, there is a nice cast of supporting individuals. While I found it a bit slow at the start, the conclusion was extremely satisfying. Once again Ms. Brayden doesn't disappoint!! 4.5 stars.
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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Don't let the soft and airy title of Strawberry Summer lull you into believing this is a light Lesfic romance read. This is quite possibly one of the best books written in this genre, ever. This author has always shown talent with her polished writing and the ability to draw characters that sparkle to life with vibrant color. Strawberry Summer is all that and so much more. What I mean is that this story is a living chronicle of the human condition from just about every angle. Told through Margaret's POV, we follow her and Courtney's relationship over an 8 year period. As you can expect, they deal with relationship ups and downs, but definitely not in a monochromatic way. Craftily woven into the story are the people and their influence on these young women that shape their decisions, good and bad, which ultimately alter and change their present and future. Their internal and external dialogueis were deep, soulful and three-dimensional which sparked a gamut of emotions from frustration, to sorrow, to utter joy. I've honestly never cared so much about an entire cast of characters in any Lesfic book as this crew because Tanner Peak is just that kind of special place. I don't know how else to explain it but with most other books in this genre I would describe as fiddles that make sweet sound, but Strawberry Summer is the finest Stradivarius ever crafted that will transport you to Nirvana.

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This is another winner by Melissa. With her trademark wit, interesting story and well-rounded characters, Strawberry Summer hits the right spot of a summer romance.

---Minor spoilers ahead---
The story is well done and takes us on a journey over 5 summers /10 years. While I am not a fan of such long journeys, this is one of the best I've read in regular (straight) and lesbian romances. I enjoyed how the two leads recognised their attraction to one another (instead of wasting everyone's time for half a book) and managed to keep a relationship for as long as they could then before splitting up.

The friends and family are great as always. A Minor surprise were the towns' people, there are some great scenes on how local gossip spreads in the small town. This is one of those books that I will be rereading very soon again.

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Wow, I loved the story and the main characters and the people that surround them (except Courtney's father, he's a prick ;) This story had everything from more than kitchy love to heartbreak to life happens and everything all over again until ... well no spoilers here. Melissa Brayden did a great job again!

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That was a deeply satisfying read.

The first few pages had a decidedly Poppy Jenkins feel, then for a few pages I channeled Carol (probably just a sign that I consume too much queer lady media), but it really wasn't either of that. It does a few things I don't like. It relies very heavily on flashback, in fact, more than half of this book is flashback, I would say. Also, the dialog at times seems like Brayden is trying to outdo Brayden and it just grated on me at times for a few milliseconds.

But, but, but.... I'm willing to overlook the second because I loved the story so much. And I think the flashback section may have contributed to me being this 'involved' in the story (code for cried my eyes out).

Flashback in this genre is tricky, because we know going in what the outcome is. So the journey has to be worth it. I felt that it was here. It wasn't straight forward, and I didn't anticipate the twists and turns that came. Brayden doesn't shy away from tackling hard issues and tackles them well.

So, not perfect, but I loved this.

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Maggie and Courtney met in their Junior year of high school and neither can deny their ultimate fascination or their intense attraction for the other girl. Between college and working, somehow, summer after summer they’re reunited and make things work between them, showering each other with love and making them happier than they could ever imagine. But life happens and their future is torn from them, leaving the two women broken and hurting. What happens when five years later they’re back in each others lives? Will it be the end of their relationship forever this time, or will they have a future together?

This book was perfect. Exactly the most perfect romance you could dream of. I read it in one evening, ignoring all my adult responsibilities and forgoing sleep, because I cold NOT put it down.

I love that the characters were constantly surprising both Maggie but also the reader. That beyond a superficial first impression, everyone has a story beneath the mask they wear and it might just surprise you in many wonderful ways. There were many surprising moments as well that made the idyllic romance and small town life into something very real and very raw and something all of us can relate to. The dialogue is witty, light and fast paced in true Melissa Brayden fashion. Mmmmm and the strawberries, practically a character of their own, were a delicious addition to the novel.

Joyful dialogue, the sweetest most romantic moments, and a beautiful setting, makes for an irresistible novel that makes you smile and makes you cry and fills your heart with such happiness that you’re walking on a cloud for days after you finish the book.

I highly recommend this book and if you haven’t read Melissa Brayden's other novels I highly suggest a book marathon because they are are perfectly sweet and equally wonderful.

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I love Melissa. I've read every single one of her books more than once on a weekly basis and this book did not disappoint. The families were amazing. The love was pure. I was in love with the characters, the scenery, the relationships and this book.

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5, Fan-freakn-tastic, big fat stars!!

This is the first book I've read by Melissa Brayden so I had no idea what to expect. With that said, I didn't expect it to blow me out of the ballpark.

The story starts in present day and then back tracks to the time the two heroines were in school. Some might say that means this story fits into the YA category. However, I'm loathe to say such as I am not a fan of YA stories, yet I reveled in every little glimpse I got into the lives of these characters.

I don't want to give a single thing away about the plot, because I want other readers to experience things firsthand.

What I will say is - it made me smile, it made me cry, it made me angry, it made me happy, and finally it left me emotionally fulfilled.

Copy provided by the publisher, Bold Strokes Books, via NetGalley

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I love Melissa Brayden but when I read the synopsis I was afraid this would be just another second chance plot. I am so glad I was wrong. Well this is about second chances but it was so so much more. I was honestly hooked from page one when you delve right into Margaret's sarcastic psyche. I couldn't put this book down. The main characters met and connected during their junior year of high school and their connection was instantaneous. Their relationship develops over time. The supporting characters and subplots were great. I just can't say enough about how wonderful I think this book is. It is by far my favorite Melissa Brayden book to date. Thank you Melissa for this amazing read which has a prime spot on my re-read shelf!!

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Trust me when I say that it pains me to give this the lowest rating of all the other Melissa Brayden books I've read. This isn't bad, but Brayen isn't the most popular writers amongst lesbian romance readers for writing "decent" books. She writes the kind of book that you never want to put down and they leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy afterwards. So this was a little disappointing, especially coming after a killer like First Position.

Brayden tends to follow a similar formula in all of her books. Because of the whole flashback thing, this one deviates a little from that formula, but that made it more similar to Brayden's debut novel, Waiting in the Wings. That was unfortunate, because I happen to love Waiting In The Wings a little too much, flaws and all, and I just didn't love this one.

In WITW, the time jump is unexpected. They have a short-term relationship and then suddenly it's over and a lot of time passed and the book focuses on them meeting again and rebuilding that relationship after so long. Here, from the first chapter we already know things ended badly between Maggie and Courtney, but then the book spends a whole lot of time telling us their story from the beginning. This format is tricky because it's hard to get too invested in that story when we're always waiting for the tragic breakup to happen, and this is what really ruined the book for me.

This was also told in first-person, which I didn't mind at all in WITW, and that brings me to my biggest problem with this book: I found Maggie boring. Not because she's a small town farm girl or whatever. I think the worst was her narration. The girls were in high school when they met, which means Brayden ventured into YA territory here, and... it could've been better. Maggie kept saying (and/or thinking) over and over again that she's "so boring", that she'd rather stay on her own than hang out with the popular kids (whom she blatantly misjudged without even giving them the benefit of the doubt), that her life is "pathetic". I'm admittedly not a fan of small town romances in general but Brayden did that too in How Sweet It Is and Molly wasn't like this.

The similarities between this and WITW don't end there. Courtney, like Adrienne, had family issues and therefore expected her love interest to prioritize her and show her that she mattered. The major breakup reason in both books was pretty much the same. I didn't mean to keep comparing this to WITW as I read it, but it was hard not to notice.

There were still some really great scenes, but overall, the truth is I was unimpressed. I hate to sound so harsh, but as someone who loves Brayden's work, I just expected better.

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4.5 stars

Margaret Beringer is a farm kid going to school in the local town. Her world consists of her loving parents and big brother on the farm, and the freedom to run around in safety. This comfortable existence is completely shaken by the arrival of Courtney in her class at school. Courtney is smart, beautiful and outspoken, and altogether more sophisticated than anyone Margaret has ever seen.

Courtney is the daughter of a local merchant who has made it big. Returning to the town of his birth to open a large department store, Courtney’s dad isn’t very popular, and the fact that Courtney and Margaret are inseparable has not gone unnoticed. When Courtney is suddenly moved interstate by her parents, Margaret’s world loses its flavor.

Several years later, Courtney comes back to town as an intern at the Carrington’s department store. Courtney and Margaret cannot help but be pulled back together by the sheer power of their connection. But how will that help when one of them wants to remain in the small town, and the other needs to explore bigger options?

The trope of characters returning to a first love is not new, but Brayden has pushed this further and created a different sort of book to the one I was initially expecting. Her control of character and plot in the romance genre is excellent, and it is always a joy to read her books. This is not an exception.

Margaret and Courtney are revealed to the reader fairly young in their lives, but instead of being written as precocious brats, they have been written as intelligent, kind, young women trying to the world as they see it. Margaret is the main character, and she shines as someone buffeted by life and working out how to make the best of it.

The connection the two main characters have seems palpable in most of the scenes they are in together, and how this develops works with the characters and their stages of life. The romantic scenes were steamy and appropriate, and were in keeping with the plot and characters at each point along the story.

Like most of Brayden’s books, this was a delight to read. I highly recommend this very entertaining romance.

Advanced reading copy provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

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