Member Reviews

A Trip Down Memory Lane As a young lad, I remember listening in amazement to the stories my father and his game warden friends would tell while sitting around a table playing cards. Their exploits and adventures made me think they were like gods. Now, 50 some odd years later, Worcester has reminded me of those times. His chronicle of conservation wardens in Maine tell so many wonderful stories. The short but well written chapters tell of events that were frightening, funny and sad. Each one can be read at leisure, in any order the reader wants. The book serves as a great reminder of the men who dedicate their lives in a daily struggle to protect the fish and game of our country. A wonderful read!

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I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I was expecting a book similar to one I read about backcountry rescues in the ADK. However, it turns out the Maine warden service are more similar to cops, which makes sense since they are the law enforcement arm of the department. I was just surprised at the scope of their ability to investigate crimes.

If you have a hankering to read a lot of stories about poachers, this book might just be for you. There are obviously some other stories, dangerous rescues, and murder, and all that, but poachers. A lot of poachers.

The stories themselves are written decently enough. Sometimes there was a lack of backstory to get you truly interested in what was happening.

The book isn't for everyone. You have to really want to read warden stories (a lot about poachers) to enjoy it.

3.5/5 stars rounds to 4.

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Worcester puts together a series of stories about the heyday of the Maine Warden Service, told by the officers who answered the calls about poaching, snowmobile and boating accidents and more. As a Maine resident, I have nothing but respect for the men and women of the Warden Service, they are understaffed and overburdened and still manage to do their jobs with a level of professionalism that is unparalleled.

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